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Ok! Finally! Pushed time to catch up - did not realize how quickly everyone would drop posts as soon as this hit the floor running, sweet job! I will try to figure out where it makes sense to insert my character if it is not too late. My apologies for the delay.

Update: I Saw my character's portrait was taken off, please let me know if this indicates that I am too late to the party, or just my lack of activity and that I am still good to post (I'll accept the consequences if it is the former).

Still here for it!

Expeditionary Group:
A Surprise of Force
(Present Day)

Location: Cape Redame
Mood: Fuel to the Fire
Current Event: Defense of Relouse
Interacting: Asier @Ti

“Show me the way I should go, to you I entrust my Life.”
The Book of Pennes, 57:24

The might of the expeditionary force was not enough. Having placed heavy stock in their attack by fusing kinetic missiles with magic, the size of the Eskandr was far too great to sustain any defensive effort for long. It truly hit the faces of Caelum and Asier as the church came crumbling down from the impact of Eskandr volleys. The enemy appeared hell-bent on ensuring the cliffside was transformed into rubble and continued to pummel it along with the rest of the Cape. No discretion, no mercy, just sheer firepower.

The hooves of Asier’s horse pounded next to Caelum’s as he addressed the situation,“King Arcel needs to know what has happened, do what you can lead these men the best you can.” Caelum turned his head to meet Asier’s, “Pentad speed brother!” Caelum then reigned his horse right to peel off back to the Parrench who was still firing off what they could to meet the Eskandr fleet. As Caelum returned he noticed all of the large slabs of rock, wood, and debris left over from the church and the constant Eskandr barrage. He roared as loud as he could as he rode through the Parrence lines as shots from Eskandr magic continued to impact around the Cape, “RALLY ON ME!” Caelum shouted a few more times before stopping his horse just around the church. The Parrence began forming up as the word spread quickly to reorganize. Caelum could not wait for everyone as the bombardments closed in and he addressed who arrived, “I need all those who can use force to begin focusing all of your efforts on moving all the debris, rock slabs, wood, anything that can fill the gap between the Cape and the Island, and everyone else focus your might on the lead ship until it moves no more, then the next, and wait for the signal to retreat!” Caelum paused,“For Pentad!”

The men roared back, “For Pentad!” Everyone broke free from formation, some spilling off left, and right, and others getting hit by the enemy before their hands could be used to progress the fight. As the ships grew closer, the stack of material on the edge of the cliff between the Cape and Island grew larger. The first Eskandr ship entered between the Cape and the Island triggering the men who could not use Force to begin focusing all of their strength on it. It fired back taking out small chunks, and as it reached close to their position, a final push of force by Caelum was used to toss all of the stacked debris into the water - from church and building leftovers to cliffside rocks, disabled ballista parts, and all. The amount of material cascaded down and shot across which generated some small waves and a small barge. The lead Eskandr ship facing direct fire and now having to react to the barge overcompensated its steering bottoming out on a shallow spot near the island. Between the small barge of debris and beached Eskandr ship, the gap between the island and the Cape became significantly more narrow for the remaining Eskandr to maneuver through but still passable.

There was no room for celebration as more chunks of earth were tossed up by the other Eskandr ships following quickly behind. Caelum roared, “Retreat!” More men and more earth were thrown into the aether as each did their best to fall back to the beach head where they would no doubt arrive after the first few boats of Eskandr landed. The obstacles would slow them down, but their ships were still plentiful and fast.

@Prisk Moved my sheet into the Character section, thanks for the clarification!

I drew an outline of where I thought Telos might be.
Remembering St. Ascelina
(Present Day)

Time: Early Morning, Location: Ruined monastery of St. Ascelina after the defense of Vitroux
Mood: Dust and Light
Current Event: Defense of Relouse

“Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of Oraphe. Consider deeply their fate, their way of life, and imitate their faith.”
The Book of Carnest, 3:11

Six heavy feet silenced by mossy-covered grounds. The monastery of St. Ascelina extended security to all those who’d come to find refuge within its rib cage made of stone. However, the ruins of St. Ascelina only saw wild growth, rain, and the skittering of creatures who chose this place to be their home. A 100-year monastery, torched and marred by the Eskandr savages who believed in lying gods, and fairy tales. Three men stood at the East side of the monastery, each with their eyes on the elevated stone circular platform that once held the book of Oraphe on an altar for all to read the daily prayer. Now, dust where the monuments of St. Ascelina. And, the light was the memories of those beloved souls who once called this monastery home.

Each man took their steps from one another to triangulate the spot where the altar once stood, each man taking their knee to give thanks to Oraphe and open the door to allow Oraphe’s will to show them their path with clear eyes. They bowed their heads, closed their eyes, and knelt in silence as the visions of their history spoke to each man’s purpose. Their reason to fight what comes next.

Chapter I:
Calm Before the Storm

Time: Morning, Location: Monastery of St. Ascelina before the defense of Vitroux
Mood: Be Brave
Current Event: Defense of Relouse

The sun of Vitroux was kidnapped behind the dark heavy band of clouds above. There would be no light for Vitroux on this day, no warmth, no overhead protection. On an open hillside, three miles West of Vitroux, a monastery named after Saint Ascelina managed by the Brothers of the Unconquered Sun, was becoming occupied by peasants, local militia, and city dwellers. The monastery was always open to those who observed and practiced the Quentic faith, but today, today was not a matter of observation or practice, it was a day of asking Oraphe for protection. In and out people paid their respects to the daily prayer, words to help soothe the soul. A hulking-sized man nearly ducking to miss his head from hitting the top frame of the monastery door stepped out of the monastery’s shade. He approached another man who sat on a rock fastening small plates of armor to his body and wrapping the last line of leather around his guard.

The giant spoke, “Are you ready, Caelum?” Intimidating to his enemies, and soft to his friends. His enormous shadow cast over Caelum prompting Caelum to stop. Caelum looked up to his Brother-at-Arms, “Is that really a question, Oleric?” Oleric’s broad shoulders relaxed while supporting his thick neck that appeared to support the weight of a dragon’s head, “Yes.”

Paladins were not known for their light personalities. Most of their training involved a heavy indoctrination against fighting corruption and losing their closest relationships to tragedy and purpose. This did not mean the emotions shared deeply between these two men did not tether their souls from two to one. When one felt pain, the other felt it too, and when one felt unease, the other could sense it.

“Are you sure this question is for me Oleric?” The titan stepped to the side of Caelum and joined him on the large rock, “Something is different about today, I feel it.” Oleric’s admittance took Caelum slightly by surprise, he had never known Oleric to not stand confidently in the face of battle, “What feels different?” Caelum questioned.

Oleric took a deep breath and exhaled, “We are missing something, I do not think this is a typical Eskandr force, but I can’t put my finger on why.” Caelum turned his head to face Oleric, “Is Oraphe speaking to you?” Oleric shrugged, “I do not know.” There was no time to figure it out. Caelum finished fastening his gear to his body.

“Oleric my friend! No matter the boiling in your belly, we will prevail over the southern heathens, and you will without a doubt protect us as Oleric the Titan has succeeded to do since I became a Paladin of the Unconquered Sun!” Caelum praised, it was an attempt to raise the spirit within Oleric through admiration of his ability and previous good works, a reminder of who’s flesh he was wielding. Oleric, a modest titan, brushed off the praise, “No, it is good we have Oraphe’s will to protect us.” Caelum respected the re-direction, “Yes brother, may Oraphe keep you.” Oleric nodded back, “May Oraphe keep you.”

Caelum turned to face the monastery entrance. Forward into the main chamber, he entered. Symbology of Oraphe decorated the walls, while candles burned strong on both ends of the hall filling the room with an aroma befitting of Oraphe’s Kingdom. Caelum continued into the monastery’s embrace until he met an elevated circular stone platform, at the center was a stone altar of Oraphe extending his arms up which held the Book of Oraphe. The St. Ascelina monastery always had the Book of Oraphe opened to the page of the day’s daily prayer.

Caelum - like those before him today - walked up to the altar and read from the book,

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of Oraphe,
will rest in the shadow of Pentad,
I will say of Oraphe, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my god, in whom I trust.”
In your protection, prepare my hands to protect.
In your steward, prepare my feet to follow.
In your name, prepare my mind to see right.
In your love, prepare my heart to rest.”

Caelum finished his reading, exited the monastery, and met Oleric standing outside waiting with two horses in hand.

Chapter II:
Defense of Vitroux

Time: Mid-day, Location: The bridge of Aix-en-Vitroux
Mood: Batten the Hatches
Current Event: Defense of Vitroux

Sharp drops of rain fell from the dark gloom above cutting through any hope of light. Caelum, Oleric, and the defense force of Vitroux stood boldly across the Aix-en-Vitroux bridge where a building power of Eskandr savages gathered. Caelum’s face guard was up revealing clean white eyes behind the lid of his helmet, if one watched Caelum long enough, one might see his cheekbones under the lightning shatters above. Thunderous raptures cracked through the heavy rainfall, and each man who stood on the bridge gripped tightly to their weapon of choice. Hell had arrived, and it came with an army.

Oleric broke the silence between Caelum, jabbing Caelum in the shoulder with his elbow, “Your kind of weather, eh, Brother?” The height of Oleric was two feet above Caelum’s, if Caelum had jabbed back, his elbow would have simply crunched into Oleric’s rib. Oleric referred to Caelum’s natural affinity to thunder. He was a thunder child who had been trained extensively by the Unconquered Sun to harness and forge his natural talent into something devastating. A strategy that was wise, but one Caelum still had not yet reached the limitations of. His abilities continued to grow as he continued to push his ideas of what was possible.

“It certainly appears that Oraphe chose the right element for me but I cannot agree that it is favored by the rest of our men. Fighting on a bridge against Eskandr is difficult enough, to do so with slippery footing and a deafening sound from above only hinders our defense.” Caelum paused and then continued, “Not to mention, these Eskandr will have thunder children of their own.” Oleric laughed, “You may be right, but none of them possess the strength of Oleric the Titan and the might of Caelum the Rambunctious!” Caelum turned his head and laughed with Oleric. The title was a call back to Caelum’s and Oleric’s time together at the monastery in Solenne. A name that followed him in punishment and praise.

The beating of shields broke the moment of camaraderie between Caelum and Oleric as Eskandr began to form and move.

“It looks like they are up to something, what do you think Caelum?” Before Caelum responded, the news broke to the front that Eskandr forces had rallied behind their flank. The countryside was being torn apart as the defense of Vitroux was about to begin.

No. Caelum thought. The odds of Vitroux standing against two fronts greatly reduced his confidence. The defense of Vitroux had to split their forces to meet the other Eskandr group in the rear. The only reason Vitroux stood advantageous was because of the bottleneck that narrowed the size of the Eskandr forces. Caelum and Oleric clinched their blades as the Eskandr formation broke into a sprint toward their position, these bastards were waiting for the flank hit us first.

“Prepare our defenses!” Shouted the commanding officer of Parrence. The men of Parrence lined up on the bridge as the Eskandr crossed it, “Wait until you see the white in their eyes!” A command was given by the commanding officer as spears lay down in front of each soldier readied at the front. The Eskandr about to smash into the first line were instead abruptly and surprisingly met by those spears, “Lift!” The commanding officer yelled, each soldier in the front dropped their bodies to pick up the spears creating a spear wall that Eskandrs had no choice but to run through as momentum carried their invading force forward. The commanding officer yelled again, “Hold!” The defense of Vitroux started.

Shortly after the first half-hour of engagement, Eskandr began breaking through the second line. The first line fought with shields and swords but reduced in number quickly, the second line using axes and whatever they could get their hands on were still holding strong with some Eskandr trickling through, and the third line, or rather, the third group was there to immediately swallow up any that passed through. Caelum and Oleric were fighting at the second line with their swords in hand.

The sounds of searing flesh and bones breaking echoed on the bridge as did the clash of steel against steel. Armor took dents, swords chipped, and helmets broke. Jaws dislodged, ribs pierced, and men cried for the comfort of their homes. Hell gnashed and heaven roared.

Oleric cut down an Eskandr with a great lofty swing of his sword, “Caelum!” Oleric’s attention was caught by a massing group of ridiculous-looking pagan priests directly across the river, adjacent to his location on the bridge. Oleric yelled again, “Look!” He pointed to the group for Caelum to spot. Caelum's offensive front kicked an Eskandr in the gut which forced the Eskandr to bend forward after impact. Caelum with one fluid motion cut upward which broke the jaw and orbital bones of the Eskandr’s face like an uppercut of a boxer, except his blade took a chunk out of the Eskandr’s head.

Caelum heard Oleric call and he looked to see where he was pointing to after finishing his counter against the berserk. Caelum saw across the water a formation of shamans gathering energy, we are going to be overrun, Caelum said to himself.

There was only one other time he had ever seen a group of shamans ritualistically “getting off” on each other’s worship, it was when he saw a large transmutation of blood into physical objects.

Caelum shouted to Oleric, “They are going to build something to cross!” Oleric twisted the neck of another unfortunate Eskandr savage and then marched his way toward Caelum. Another Eskandr fell in between his line of sight and with one swoop of his guard, the iron that protected his hand was now used as a pick that bashed the skull of Eskandr to bits. Reaching Caelum’s position he asked Caelum, “What do we do?” Caelum drew his blade from the guts of an Eskandr and replied, “We need to stop them with casters.” Caelum and Oleric fought their way through as more Eskandr broke through the first and now the second line. The third began to harden up as the last line before the city would become the next stage of the battlefield.

The two reached the commanding officer who was managing both the bridge, reports from Eskandr in the city, and reports from the other division engaging the Eskandr in the East. Caelum addressed the officer, “Sir! We need more Gifted to focus their attacks on those shamans across the river!” The commanding officer paused his delegation to a messenger, “Why?” The officer asked. Caelum responded, “Because if we don’t, they are going to build something that allows more Eskandr to cross.” The officer thought back, “Like a bridge?” Caelum nodded, “Yes.” The two of them stared at each other for a moment as the sound of rain beating off their armor filled in the silence.

“I have no one to spare, the Eskandr tricked us into believing this was their only attack, they let off some other forces down the river to flank us. We divided our casters to meet them in the East, and we are up against Eskandrs who are getting through the bridge and into the city. I am sorry.” The officer stated frustratingly.

Caelum’s heart sank, the situation was worse than he thought, “May Oraphe keep you!” Caelum said as an acknowledgment of the officer’s will to keep trying. The officer replied, “And you Paladin!” Caelum walked back to Oleric, “Well?” Oleric asked. Caelum shook his head, “It’s up to us brother, there is no one to spare.” Oleric nodded, “What is the plan?” Thunder cracked overhead, deafening the clashing of steel for seconds. Caelum looked up and answered, “That.” Oleric confused looked up and only saw rain and clouds, “What?” Caelum looked at Oleric, “I need you to protect me, I won’t be able to do this without you keeping me from getting my concentration broken.” Oleric laughed, “Brother, you have always needed my protection.” Caelum smirked, “And here I believed that I was the one protecting you.” Oleric shook his head, “You never were one to put aside your dreams and I was never one to ruin them for you.” Both broke out into laughter.

The bond between them was stronger than the losses in this fight, and without their bond, the two would have gone mad ages ago.

Caelum accepted Oleric’s stance as the protector, “Well, big brother show me the truth because where I am about to position myself is going to make you Vitroux’s legend if we survive.” Oleric grinned, “Let’s go.” Caelum took off toward the bridge, he was positioned on the edge of the river 30 yards from the mouth of the bridge, directly across the blood shaman summoning. Oleric set up a defensive stance to take out Eskandr that broke through the third line and tried to attack Caelum.

“Remind me of the plan?” Oleric asked. Caelum looked up into the thundering sky, “That is the plan.” Once again leaving Oleric with no definitive idea of what Caelum’s intentions were. He assumed thunder would play a role since that was Caelum’s school.

The rain continued to beat on the armor, loosen the dirt, and raise the river by inches. Oleric watched as thunder snapped across the dark heavy clouds, “What do you intend to do with it?” Caelum pointed at the shaman again, “I intend to give the shaman a bridge, but not the one they are looking for!”

Caelum raised his sword up as more thunder cracked, and then again, and again. The intervals between each thundering crack shortened if one paid close enough attention. Caelum could see through the heavy clouds clearly where the thunder broke sound, and where the branches of lightning shattered across the heavens. A sight he praised Oraphe for as it allowed him to focus intently on the energy he needed to attract.

The line broke, and Eskandr poured as Parrence soldiers holding the back tried stepping up to close the gaps. There were too many. Oleric yelled, “Caelum! Whatever you are going to do, do it now!” The shamans began transmuting the beginnings of a bridge across the river from where Caelum and Oleric were positioned.

Caelum was halfway to his benchmark based on how much energy he wanted to transfer across this river. The cracking and shattering of thunder and lightning became so loud that the battlefield had a hard time exchanging steel. Fighters on both sides were losing their balance, some falling into the river, and others unable to move at all. Caelum was drawing in all of the thunder and lightning he could to the bridge, before…he let it all go.

Caelum’s eyes rolled back as his vision became almost ethereal in essence. He could see light without texture, a direct link to the energy he drew in. As soon as he felt the immeasurable intensity of what started from outside of him was now within him. It demanded a target, and Caelum asked, a little longer…

More thunder and force drew into Caelum’s body. Oleric took a cut to the thigh as he cleaved his great sword across three Eskandrs trying to take their position. He decapitated another and stabbed through a fifth. As Oleric pulled his blade out, a sixth Eskandr thrust their blade into Oleric’s shoulder rendering his right arm to drop. His two-handed great sword became useless, “Caelum!” He roared.


The most chaotic lightning bolt struck Caelum’s blade and charged his entire being. A feeling Caelum would never find words to describe. Upon impact, a shock wave emerged around Caelum’s center line to about 15 meters in diameter. Oleric and Eskandr were all tossed into the air. The water line to the river where Caelum stood evaporated, and Caelum pushed all of this energy toward the shaman across the river. A chaotic, yet the consistent stream of lightning arched across the water as smaller branches of electricity dispersed connecting along the surface of the river. The end of the lightning strike hit the center of the ground breaking into several charges that exploded the earth below. The lightning struck the shaman, tossed debris up, and some currents chained across the ranks because of the water falling everywhere from the rain. Eskandr shaman and warriors were either badly burnt, seizing up, or their very hearts stopped beating.

The enormous gravity of the lightning beam from the heavens, the deafening sound, and the seismic shock wave had stopped the battlefield in its tracks for minutes. There was no eye in sight that was not affected by the intensity of visual effects that Caelum induced onto the battlefield. This pause however only lasted briefly as the orientation of everyone’s minds was recaptured.

Caelum dropped to one knee as his blade became a crutch to hold his body up, “Did we get them Oleric?” Caelum asked as he tried catching his breath, but Oleric did not respond, “Oleric?” A sudden shot of adrenaline perked Caelum up as dark thoughts of his friend dying entered his head. He looked up to see Oleric had been launched 20 feet from where he was supposed to be standing.

Caelum picked himself up and walked to Oleric, “Brother! Are you ok?” He peeled Oleric over to his side, Oleric coughed up air, and tried to catch his breath. Caelum had only knocked the wind out of him, “Hey, Brother are you with me?” Oleric shook his head a little while laying on his side, “Y- Ye- Yeah, what happened?” Oleric asked. Caelum answered, “I am sorry, I must have caused some sort of blast around me, I guess I did not realize how much I drew in.” Oleric was now on all fours still coughing, but finding his sight to be right side up, “Next time, just give me a heads up.” Caelum agreed, “Will do.” Oleric then asked, “Did we get them?”

Caelum looked across the river, the group of shamans was decimated, but a new group was already filling their place. Then, the order was given immediately as Caelum realized what he did was no match for what had already happened.

“Retreat! Fall back!” The commanding officer yelled after spotting several blood bridges forming on the other side of the bridge. The group Caelum had struck was one of many, there were too many to defend Vitroux.

Caelum and Oleric dashed into the city of Vitroux, and small fights broke out at different intersections as Parrence forces navigated to get out, and Eskandr forces navigated to get in. The two would find a few skirmishes between Eskandr and their Parrench countrymen before reaching the gate that led West to safety. Approaching the door, the rain began to stop.

“Damn,” Caelum said as Oleric and he made it to the gate. Without rain, the city will burn.

“Do we stand here Caelum?” Oleric asked. “Until the last man is out,” Caelum answered.

The roaring Eskandr brutes grew louder as their distance closed. Clashing of steel began to die down, and all that remained were seven Parrence soldiers running around the corner of a building directly across from Caelum and Oleric. One of the soldiers yelled, “RUN! THEY ARE HERE!” The soldiers moved as fast as their will could carry them.

Caelum and Oleric dropped into their fighting stance. But, Oleric looked awkward as his one hand tried holding his two-handed great sword. His injured shoulder would not allow him to raise his own blade, but he had a plan. The first visible arm and head of an Eskandr savage rounded the corner of the same building following the soldiers. Where one Eskandr appeared, a wave appeared thereafter. The last Parrench soldier escaped, Oleric looked at Caelum asking, “Ready?”

Caelum nodded, “blind them all!” Oleric stepped out from his position and twisted his body, pivoting his feet to create a centrifugal force with his greatsword. He charged the greatsword with Arcane magic and made several turns with his body like a shot-putter. Releasing the great sword up into the sky, the charge blew the sword up into a blinding light that stopped any Eskandrs from advancing. Oleric and Caelum took this opportunity to slip out of the gate, snatch their two horses waiting outside, and make their escape to St. Ascelina.

Chapter III:
Fall of St. Ascelina


Time: Late Afternoon, Location: Monastery of St. Ascelina
Mood: It's Happening Again
Current Event: Defense of Vitroux

Arriving at St. Ascelina the scene was grimacing. People from all walks of Parrence who acted in defense of Vitroux or lived there were faced with the harsh reality of losing husbands, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters. The monastery was overcrowded and the wounded were triaged on whatever ground they could find outside. The monks and nuns of St. Ascelina did their best to mend the wounds using Blood and Arcane arts to either coagulate the blood, move it to keep it pumping, or cauterize wounds.

Caelum dismounted at the entrance of St. Ascelina where the Prior stood, “Prior De Paun, we need to get you and the others to safety.” The Prior finished mending a poor young girl with her mother next to her. He stood up motioning for Caelum to follow him slightly further away from the family, “I cannot go, but take those who are able to walk under their own weight, the rest I will comfort until Oraphe comes to meet us.” Caelum was not about to listen to the Prior surrender, “What are you saying, we can get everyone to safety if we get them up now.” The Prior without missing a beat in his temperance, “Nervous child of Solenne, Paladin of the Unconquered Sun, Son of Oraphe, Caelum, there is no time…Oraphe has chosen those of us to stay and meet him, and he has chosen those who will continue our memories through their words.” The Prior placed his hand on Caelum’s shoulder, “You must protect those who can be protected, leave the rest to me, please.”

Caelum swallowed his pride. He wanted to save them all. He believed he was capable of it, but he also knew the likely hood of succeeding was greatly reduced if he were to try to take the people who could not walk on their own. Caelum nodded to the Prior, “As you wish.” Deep down Caelum felt the truth if he had denied the wishes of the Prior. At least this path gave those able a chance.

Caelum mounted his horse and rode back to Oleric, who asked, “What did he the Prior say?”

Caelum replied, “The Prior is not leaving, there are too many who are badly injured that cannot be saved. He has ordered us to protect those who are able, and he will comfort those who are not until Oraphe comes to meet them.” Oleric bit his lips, “Damn. It was not supposed to be like this!” Oleric’s fist pounded his armor plate protecting his good thigh.

“I am sorry Oleric, we need to go round up the able men, women, and children. We need to get them moving now.” The two fell silent.

Moments later after rallying the able bodies, Oleric and Caelum tallied them up. Oleric gave the command for them to begin their march, and the Prior came out of St. Ascelnia to bless the two before their journey.

“Thank Oraphe for both of you, please, get them to Relouse safely. I have sent word to the monastery of Solenne, which will effectively begin the organization of our entire order. When you arrive in Relouse, find Prior Maris -” Caelum interrupted, “Maris of Viennes?” Prior De Paun answered, “Yes, he is Prior Maris of Relouse, tell him what has happened, let us pray.” The three bowed their heads, as the Prior began a sharp sound bit through the silence. Caelum and Oleric opened their eyes to see the Prior drop to the floor by an arrow.

“ESKANDR!” Caelum yelled as he looked at the tree line slightly below the open hillside from where the monastery rested. The caravan of abled bodies had already started to move forward, but the men in the back could see and hear the immediate commotion. They shouted forward, “DEFEND THE REAR! DEFEND THE WOMAN AND CHILDREN!” Caelum helped ease Prior De Paun onto the soft ground. The Prior clasped Caelum’s hands as he choked on blood from internal puncturing, Caelum looking into his eyes, “May Oraphe keep you.” The Prior’s struggle drained quickly as his eyes closed into the afterlife.

The men of the caravan began loosely forming a defensive position as Eskandr started to flood from out of the tree line East of St. Ascelina. Caelum and Oleric turned to their horses, mounting up Oleric unsheathed his falchion while Caelum drew his long sword. The men of the caravan met the steel of the Eskandr in the middle of the hillside, 1/4 distance from the monastery and the tree line. Caelum and Oleric rode forward charging Eskandr savages, using force magic to throw them back. Arrows tried taking down Caelum and Oleric, but to no avail, as both used their magic to glance or deflect.

Then…an explosion came out of nowhere. Caelum watched as Oleric fell from his steed to the ground below. Scanning the area to see where the explosion came from, he saw a woman who looked to be dressed in a different wardrobe than the rest of her Eskandr horde. She seemed to be more, important. Caelum having a snapshot her face in his memory palace, could not afford to charge her. He needed to save Oleric. He reigned his horse toward Oleric’s dropped position, using his force magic he tossed Eskandr out of his way while pulling Oleric’s heavy body up on the back of his steed.

Caelum continued his horse's momentum out of the fight to the furthest end West where another tree line was. Caelum placed Oleric’s body against a tree only to realize his friend was not well.

His left arm was gone and below his rips were signs of burning. The explosion had torn Oleric’s body up to the point where Caelum tried using his clerical healing abilities, but to no avail. Oleric coughing up blood knew this was his time, “Take my sword and my armor, put it to better use than I, and remember . . . Oraphe's will." Oleric reached up with his injured arm and unsnapped the leather to give himself space to breathe. Caelum’s heartbeat stopped, he could not believe what he was witnessing. Oleric was his Brother, his companion, his best friend. They had been together since their first assignments as Paladins of the Brotherhood. They had marched against Eskandr, bandits, and enemies of Oraphe time and time again. They had met in the monasteries of old and new across Parrence, Avince, Drudgun, and the lands of Eskand itself. This was a man who taught him how to wield a heavy blade as if it were a needle, the man who saved his life several times over, a man who could no longer pick up his weight, a man ready to meet Oraphe.

Oleric held out his falchion as best he could in his lump state leaning up against a rock, “Please.” Caelum stretched out his hand to clasp the falchion. Oleric let it go and wrapped his palm around Caelum’s, “You can’t save the monastery, you mu-” cough “go to Relouse, stand there…for all of us who meet Oraphe today…” Caelum looked into Oleric’s eyes. Caelum reached to take Oleric’s helmet, unsnapped various buckles, and stripped him of the heavy armor he had worn. Caelum tossed it on the back of his horse, looked back at Oleric, and then heard the screams from inside the monastery. The defense of Vitroux and St. Ascelina was over. Caelum swallowed his wrath churning like a hot forge inside his belly.

He wanted to charge. He knew he couldn’t, it would be futile. After deciding the best thing to do was to protect those who fled, he went to approach Oleric, “I am not leaving without you.” Oleric mustered just enough strength to retort, “My dead weight will slow your horse, go, do not rob me of this meeting with Oraphe.” Oleric wanted to stay. He could feel this was his time, he would never make it to Relouse alive, he could with his few remaining breaths, buy Caelum and the others time, “Go!” Oleric yelled before coughing up blood.

“Damn Oleric, may Oraphe keep you,” Caelum said acknowledging Oleric’s wishes.

“You too my Brother.” Oleric took every bit of his power to roll to one side, he wanted to face the first Eskandr who’d be trotting to join Oleric in the death.

Caelum turned, mounting his horse, a quick kick to the horse's side and he was off toward Relouse. He would travel on the horse for 3 km before the place where Caelum left Oleric erupted in flames. There was no doubt in Caelum’s mind that Oleric used his Essence and Arcane magic to create an explosion that snatched the life of not only himself but the Eskandr who were sent to finish the job. A clean tear slipped down Caelum’s cheek clearing a path on his dirt-covered face.

“You will be missed, Brother…” Caelum said under his breath as he replayed the face of the berserker who struck him down. The pattering of the horse's hooves was all that was left of the day’s sounds as Caelum rode to meet the refugees heading West to Relouse.

Chapter IV:
Oraphe's Will


Interactions: @Ti, Time: Early Morning, Location: The ruined monastery of St. Ascelina
Mood: United
Current Event: Defense of Relouse

The three men opened their eyes. One stood up, “For all those who found Oraphe here in St. Ascelina’s monastery, given no quarter, no last rites, may we honor their names.” The next man stood up, “For the Prior and the clerics who risked their lives to save all they could, may we honor their names.” The third stood up, “For Oleric.” The other two nodded, “For Oleric!” The third man who stood up reached to pull his hood off his head and reveal his face to the other two, “For Oraphe’s will!” Caelum shouted. Dieudonne and Matheios, recent Paladin graduates of the Unconquered Sun also shouted, “For Oraphe’s will!”

“Alright, let us get back to Relouse,” Caelum commanded. The three turned to face the exit of the ruined monastery. Broken glass, charred seats, and breaking stone with moss-covered grounds. What was left of St. Ascelina was only in the memories of those who saw it before its last days.

The ride to Relouse was not far, the three would arrive at the camp before prayer. Taking their respective places within the camp to hear King Arcel and Lady Eleanor provide their words as comfort to the army gathered here today. The end of their prayer, the sign of the Pentad was made across the spectrum of people who believed in the Pentad. Caelum was one, devoted to faith, he respected the King and Queen for their public show of faith. It was an added bonus to his already passionate fervor to serve his Brothers and Oraphe.

Upon the prayer’s closing, Caelum followed those summoned to meet with King Arcel. The map and minature figurines symbolizing all the players on the field were present. The war council spoke of what was to come and a Tourrare-looking man stood out to give his idea momentum, an idea to push Cape Redame with a small expeditionary force. Caelum contemplated, a pre-emptive strike at the longships. Risky in that if they were spotted before they could set up, it could turn into a blood bath favoring the Eskandr. The Tourrare left with urgency, but not before his respects were paid to King Arcel with a salute.

Caelum pondered, the tradition of his countrymen were odd, yet familiar. A Brother does not salute another Brother, he clasps his hands as if to pray to show his respect to Oraphe’s creation and not the man himself. The way of the political road was different than that within the religious orders. Two worlds are required to dance together, but never truly unionizing as one, only ever in faith, where both can agree to a higher judgment.

When the King dismissed the war council, Caelum made his way to Mathieos and Dieudonne who were tending to the horses before combat.

“What is the plan Brother Caelum?” Mathieos asked earnestly.

“I think we will join in the pre-emptive strike at Cape Redame, I need to speak to the Tourrare, who I believe is one of the King’s commanders.” Caelum paused, then continued, “Are the horses ready?” Dieudonne nodded, “Yes, they are ready to crush Eskandr bone.” Caelum nodded, “Good, then let us meet the Tourrare.” The three crossed camp, with a little direction from other soldiers, Caelum, and his men found the gathering of the expeditionary force.

Caelum walked his horse up to the Tourrare, it was not difficult to spot him with his distinct steppe features. Unfortunately, Caelum could not recall any stories of this man. The Brotherhood kept him limited in the tongues that spread the legends of Parrence, ears for only Oraphe, were preached. He gathered the man's name from the soldiers in camp when he asked who was leading the expeditionary force, Asier, was the name. But having never seen Asier, Caelum guessed, it was the man who laid out the plans in the war council. The Tourrare he now approached who appeared to be preparing the expeditionary force for launch, “Are you called Asier?” Caelum paused. “My name is Caelum of Oraphe, this is Mathieos and Dieudonne of Vitroux, we wish to support the expeditionary force.”


You explained it well! :)

I think lol.

Let me reframe and see if it adds up the same on your end. Aeons are hosts to Spirits. Spirits are controlled by their hosts. Spirits execute moves/attacks/techniques through the host's body via their permission. Therefore, the blood manipulation is being done by the Spirit, not the Aeon. The Aeon is simply directing the Spirit's actions?
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