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Evander Fino Synesti

High Stakes:
Ending In Secrets

Location: Proving Grounds, Erasand’Enise

He felt helpless…


Evander then blasted his name,“I AM EVANDER FINO SYNESTI, I WILL NOT FORGET WHO I AM!” A swelling of anger and heat, a surge of fire grew in him like a raging furnace about to explode. His eyes flinched at first, then widened as time nearly stopped from his perspective.

Evander released a heat wave combined with concussive force. The massive blast smashed Abdel, who stood in point-blank range of Evander’s fury. The boots of the Virangish paladin lifted off their heels as his body propelled back, hitting a stone wall.

Evander’s other ally, which he had climbed the wall, nearly took a hit too. Her quick reactions carried her behind the cover. Only her arm took a few ashes to the flesh. The menace who had appeared next to her was another story, unscathed and unbudged.

“You are mad!”

Shouted Abdel,

“The beast is tampering with your mind!”

Evander could not hear Abdel as himself. Instead, the illusion persisted. Abdel was a hissing Sanguinaire in Evander’s mind. He still stood in a dimly lit den in a Perrench architected manor, wait…

He scanned the room, noticing similarities to a story he had heard repeatedly. Her voice slipped across his back neck, filling his ear once more, Sebastian. Evander could feel the only heat in this room was coming from him, this isn’t real! It smacked him, the realization that he had been tricked into believing he was in the story of Aelis Clairmont.

Evander’s chin lowered. His forehead cast a shadow over his eyes. Then, he began to chuckle. The more he saw how ridiculous this scene was, the more he laughed. Evander saw everything around him for what it was, an illusion. The manor, the Sanguinaire that was Abdel, the fireplace, the den, his father, and his sister all faded as swiftly as they had all appeared. Evander raised his chin, opened his eyes, and darted his gaze like a laser directly at the fiend’s location, fully engaged in sensing the pathetic trickster.

“You are pathetic! You mock the name you carry; I thought Sanguinaires are supposed to be terrifying!” Evander spotted the Lxiang from earlier, “Instead, you are nothing but a coward hiding behind parlor tricks!” He extended his arm, grabbing the Lxiang with his magnetic gift and thrusting it above as a missile toward the Sanguinaire’s heart.

“Hey kid,” the Sanguinaire said, laughing.“Nice dragon pendant.” Avoiding the Lxiang cleanly, the Sanguinaire appeared in Evander’s face, “one problem….” He grabbed Evander by the collar, “I don’t like dragons,” he whispered.

With a burning spirit, Evander spits in the Sanguinaire’s face, “cry to someone who cares.” The Sanguinaire hurled the youth like scrap out of the arena. Smashing through a block’s worth of houses, Evander finally crash-landed on a sidewalk after passing through the last house. Dust filled his lungs, and pain shot up his nervous system, yet, his heart’s flame only burned stronger. Rising from the rubble, he raised his forearm to his cheeks to wipe across his blood-stained lips, followed by Evander’s grin. Taking a step forward, another surge of pain cut from toe to crown. Wincing, he would not show this fiend that it was winning.

Evander scanned the sky, “it’s about time you became something worthy to fight me.” He began to draw in energy from his environment as the creature taunted from a distance, “come out, come out wherever you aaarrre!” Throwing its arms open.

Evander walked into the open street around the bend of the last house he had crashed through. Standing at the end of the street in direct sight of the Sanguiniare, Evander shouted defiantly, “I’m not hiding; you are moving too slow! Come at me!”

Evander caught the glare of the creature. Suddenly, a flash of his dead sister and father crossed his eyes. The Sanguiniare tried to pull more tricks, but Evander wouldn’t have any. Shaking his head, it’s only an illusion. He dropped into a defensive posture. The Sanguinaire attacked by burning Evander.

The heat was felt as some of Evander’s hair began to singe, “cute,” Evander teased. He rotated his forearm and nothing else to show how casually he resisted the Sanguinaire’s attack. Evander absorbed all the heat from the Sanguiniare’s attack as an intuitive arcanist and fireblood. “Idiot…try harder!” Before Evander could counter, a bright light forced everyone to recoil from the fight.

There was a blazing touch warming his skin. Naturally, he began to draw from its infinite wellspring of heat. The enormous amount was like that of the sun on a smoldering day. Evander allowed the essence of this new player to replenish his soul’s fire while her showdown with the Sanguinaire began.

“You will depart,” or “you will die.”

The words of Solstice, a sun-blessed Zeno. “I’ll die, you stupid girl?” The sky wavered, and it began to dark, even though Solstice was at full power. From thirteen different directions appeared thirteen demonic figures. They brought their hands together in triangle formations, and from them leaped a storm of darts. Evander tried estimating, Dozens…no hundreds…no way…thousands. It was like watching what true power could achieve in a heartbeat. All of the darts converged on the supernova-like figure.

She was not impressed. Solstice evaporated many of the darts as if they had not even existed. Two made it through. One grazed her cheek. The other, she snatched out of the air. She followed her actions with a conviction to end this fight with the Sanguinaire six feet below.

The sky began to boil with fire, great arms of it shooting toward the Sanguinaire. He was too quick, and the arms were missed. Then she whipped them like snakes around the other way. He dodged. Three more arms of flames sprout from her, writhing and snapping like great tentacles. One washing over him. The Sanguinaire screamed, the other arm impaling his chest.

Solstice floats down, perching on a rooftop, still smoking, her fiery glow flickering and dimming in her eyes, “surrender if you wish to live.” Evander looked at Solstice,“Live?” He questioned, “He deserves no such option!” Evander, empowered by the arcane energies raging around him, took action to scorch the pathetic trickster.

He crisped the stone behind the Sanguinaire instead as the Sanguinaire appeared behind Evander,“Bad move, boy! Last move, boy!” The Sanguinaire swiped his claws to cut Evander’s head clean off his youthful shoulders. What the Sanguinaire did not account for was Evander’s skills in Zebaka.

Evander swiftly dropped his head, avoiding the strike while coiling to the side, bending his knees, and placing his right hand with his palm face down on the ground. He tried to sweep into an upward heel kick to connect with the Sanguinaire’s jaw. Too fast. Evander missed. The Sanguinaire was already attacking another party member, Ymiico. The Sanguinaire was dropped by one of Ymicco’s traps, stalled but not killed. Before the Sanguinaire continued his advance, he turned his gaze to Solstice.

The two fought in close quarters; another Sanguinaire tried joining to fight alongside Solstice. The number of powers on this battlefield was numerous. Evander readied himself to make another attempt at a decisive strike. Before he could, Solstice was ripped by metal threads, and a second powerful person joined the fray, Luna.

She took the fight to his blind spot. Her blade thrust deep into his back, seizing his body up. Finally, the Sanguinaire fell from the sky, crashing into the street below. Luna followed his fall, touching him. Something in that moment shook the Sanguinaire. Evander could see it in his eyes. He disappeared once more as blood gushed from his body.

Luna taunted him as the Sanguinaire had called out to Evander, “Come out come out whereveeeeeer you aaaare!”

The Sanguinaire tried running from her, but she had done something to him that none of the others would have understood. The Sanguinaire seized up, falling to the ground, screaming in pain, and clutching his head. Evander saw his chance. He conjured an arcane lance, heaving it at the down trickster.

Evander missed again as the Sanguinaire disappeared. Evander felt frustrated, but he did not break focus. The Sanguinaire reappeared, attacking Ymiico, but Yuli intervened, cracking him with heavy left and right hooks. A sudden thunderous command came out of nowhere, shocking the fighting to a halt.

Evander fell to one knee. His eyes shut momentarily as he resisted the command. He kept repeating his name, his origin, his story.

“Get out of my head!” He stood up, pushing the command away from him. When he reoriented, Sunny was attacking Luna.“Damn, they got her.” Whoever tried commanding the battlefield seemed to have contested Sunny’s will. Evander saw Sunny's power initially; he knew she needed to be stopped before pursuing the Sanguinaire. Sunny attacked her sister Luna. Evander recalled a tactic he witnessed during the Great Melon Derby. He pulled out the metal wires he had taken control over when Chad arrived at Zemana’s house. Tossing the wires, he extended his arm to control them. Using his magnetic gift, he closed his grip once the wires reached Sunny to wrap them around her. Evander failed to bond Sunny, but he did get her arm. It was enough to halt her assault, for now…

In the end, Sunny found her way free and tried punching Luna in the gut before Luna slipped into the void.

At this moment, Silas tried showing everyone where the Sanguinaire had run off to, but a loud COMMAND banged on everyone’s nervous system again.

Evander was not brought to his knees this time when resisting the mental hammer. He could recognize it, feel it, and let it pass over him…he just…shrugged.

“Stop playing games, show up or step off!” Evander shouted. Something was out there attempting to control the outcome. Were they defending the Sanguinaire? Or were they here to control it with those commands? Evander brought his foot back to prepare his stance defensively. Where are you? He could not sense them. Suddenly, his classmates all rose like puppets on strings rising into formation.

There you are! Evander locked onto a Dread Priest, but it was too late. All his classmates were brought to him, encircling him as meat shields, Damnit! What a coward! Evander grit his teeth, I can’t attack. He’s left no openings. Evander’s mind rolled in a thousand directions, his eyes darting from one side to the other to spot an opening he could slip an attack through, this isn’t over.

“We should talk,” said the Dread Priest.

Even if Evander had no choice, he continued to let on that he was ready to take this challenge head-on if the Dread Priest was pulling a trick. He began to draw in energy, speaking in a frustrated tone, “Then speak.”

Brother Wolf opened up with their plan to use the Sanguinaire to lure out a treacherous Arch-Zeno. Shortly after, three robed figures materialized. Evander asked Brother Wolf, Brother Flint, Sister Lumen, and Sister Cadence questions about the Sanguinaire’s consequences, the traitor among the Arch-Zenos, the Volti assassins, and the Traveler.

Evander Fino Synesti

High Stakes:
What's Reality Without Fictions?

Location: Proving Grounds, Erasand’Enise

Evander connected his eyes with a tall Yasoi female; her long slender legs and modest frame gave the appearance she was taller than whatever was recorded. Chestnut brown hair blended well into the backdrop of the night with feint glimmers of green and gold from ribbons reflecting the torches flickering light. Standing at the ready, her ears faced Evander, and she pointed upward, “I go high yes?”

Evander nodded,“I think it’s best.” Abdel was already on a crazy train to hell, and the others did not want to enter at all, but they came here to find and slay a monster. You cannot slay a beast without sighting it first. The two of them ascended the walls of the Colosseum. Both lurked in the dark, spotting two shadows standing in the battleground. The sound of steel clashed as each applied force and speed on the other to see who would falter first. Between the darkness and distance, the two battling shadows were difficult to focus on. Evander drew in energy to transform his vision into thermoception. A neat trick he learned from his tutor. The shadowy shapes became easier to observe, yet still difficult to keep track of regarding their precise strikes and defenses.

One certainly was identifiable. His broad shoulders arched over large arms while holding up armor that could not be mistaken as anything less than important. He was a physical man, holding rooted stances that defined his posture as defensive more than aggressive. Most likely a Century protecting the Proving Grounds from whatever the shadowy figure was beneath the cloak. The heat signature from the cloaked figure was much harder to read. Its movements were supernatural and disturbing. There was no continuity to the strikes; they appeared to shift in and out of reality. As the two battled, the Century struck true, a visceral stab to the cloaked figure. Evander saw the Century land his attack and another until the cloaked figure was sent a few feet back. The Century roared like a bear about to charge a predator in the wild. The stone beneath Evander’s feet shook, and he placed one hand down to keep his focus on the fight.

He saw the cloaked figure dissipate as if turned to dust from the Century’s roar. What Evander saw next was otherworldly. In the blink of an eye, the shadowy figure emerged out of the aether shrouded in a dark form. Its hand tapped the Century’s shoulder. Evander could nearly feel the bitter chill that Century must be experiencing, what is this-, cut short from finishing his thought, the Sanguinaire’s teeth ripped into the Century’s neck. Before Evander could react, he too felt a tap on his shoulder, no. A pressure burst struck his back as the air smacked his face. He was hurled to the middle of the Colosseum, hitting something. Laying on the ground disoriented, he felt around… loose sand and cold air. His sight faded, and everything else was a high-pitched sound.

Evander went to pick himself up, yet, the ground seemed to shift. No longer sand. He had been facing down, now turning around, the battlefield clean of any bodies. Instead, he lies in a home, recognizing his father lying in a pool of blood with the Century’s weapon wedged in his back. Another body in a wedding dress painted in crimson red with a familiar young female’s face and hollow eyes staring at his. Evander’s emotions boiled red; he began drawing heat from his surrounding as a reaction to his fury. His draw was so intense that even his family ring began to increase in charge. Feelings of anger kept back his tears from shedding, “wait…” Evander noticed something odd.

Why isn’t the fire reacting? Evander thought. The fireplace kept crackling even as he drew in heat from his environment - that’s not right his gut was saying. Before pulling his mind back from being in a colosseum to now a rather large home standing in a den, a hand slid over his shoulder; it was a different touch than the forceful one earlier. This one was a gentle touch with a whisper following instead. The sound of a delicate female tone caressed his earlobe, “Sebastian,” the only word said.

It did not click immediately, who? The woman was now in front of Evander, her gaze seething deep into his. Suddenly, a flash of white fangs and a hot breath came out before Evander could stop her.

He felt helpless…

No! Evander then blasted his name,“I AM EVANDER FINO SYNESTI, I WILL NOT FORGET WHO I AM!” A swelling of anger and heat, a surge of fire grew in him like a raging furnace about to explode. The sight of his dead father and sister could not be real, and if this thing killed them... he'd burn it!

Evander Fino Synesti

Victendes Auction:
Battle between Nations

Location: Auction House, Erasand’Enise

What will they think when I walk in?

Was never a question Evander thought about. Why would he care what commoners, merchants, and lowly nobles thought? He laughed out loud as he walked into the auction house. He was decorated in a clean tailored vest with golden accents and red satin. His white shirt neatly tucked beneath. Evander’s golden hair was tied up in a regal ponytail exposing his youthful broad shoulders. He did not possess the frame of a muscle-bound soldier, but he had a tasteful and elegant lean muscular frame that signaled he could dance and tussle with the best of them. His eyes scored a seat a few rows back from his teammate Jocasta.

Evander sat down, kicked back, and observed the crowd of students bumbling around to find seats. The Victendes auction was about to begin, and Evander was ready to play. The first few items merely ramp up the spectators and give those with less a chance to contribute their small sums to the auction house. It was not Evander’s first auction and most likely will not be his last. He knew the more prized possessions would reveal themselves later in the evening. Then, a surprise. The auctioneer called out an aphrodisiac. Evander had a recollection piercing his prefrontal cortex. He was transported back to Djamant at one of their famous festivals, an island of wild spirits and hearty hands. He remembered the first time he had tried an aphrodisiac at one of their festivals, a memory he did not have to work hard at holding.

Evander raised his hand. The bidding commenced. Throughout the bidding, he made flirtatious remarks to Isabella, and Jocasta, who responded with flush cheeks to Evander’s wit and charm. Both times referencing Djamant, Jocasta having been to one of their festivals could relate to Evander’s interest in taking Aphro at one. Isabella could not relate, but she seemed to imagine it with Evander in mind after his comment. Again, he raised his hand until finally, the aphrodisiac was his…now to convince Jocasta to teleport and join him for a Djamant festival.

The following items were lackluster and unmemorable, as the people who bid for them. Except for the final item, a music box. Evander recognized it. The auctioneer confirmed it—an artifact of Avince… a device that sang to more than just people. Without hesitation, maybe too obvious, Evander raised his hand to bid. The bidding war commenced between himself and the unusual duo Ingrid and Desmond. An odd pairing of two, but when Evander plays, everyone notices and must join together if they want to have a chance at winning. The bidding would continue for quite some time to where the hearts and minds of those who could not comprehend the Magus amounts began to shake in their seats at the absurdity, including Desmond and Ingrid. If it were not for their mysterious patrons, they would have left the weight of this bid on the table turns ago.

Eventually, the interested parties retreated to a private auction where dirty hands and fowl play occurred. Mysterious saboteurs, law enforcement of the highest order, and an auctioneer losing control all acted in a confined space. In the end, Ingrid, Desmond, and their rallying cry for others to help them pay for the music box would receive the ancient Avincian artifact. A battle well won in a war they will lose. Upon leaving the auction house with his patron, they walked together to Zeno Bucks for a cup of coffee. The cloaked man freed his face from beneath the hood. The two acted as if they knew each other intimately. The cloaked man shared a cup of coffee and discussed topics of politics and Ersand’Enise interests. Evander would ask a favor before the two departed their separate ways.

Evander’s confidence continued to ignite regardless of the auction outcome. His team had won the Melon Derby, and his sights were now on The Dragon.

High Stakes:
Hunting Monsters That Go Bump In The Night

Location: Crafters Quarters, Erasand’Enise

4:30 HE

Evander usually found solace on evening walks, his mind easing into each step. Not tonight. Solace and ease are distant as the sun. For tonight, Evander followed a clue. Several moons ago, he was introduced to the rumor of a Sanguinaire. Before such rumors, he had only heard about these shadow-lurking creatures in stories told to him by his tutor in the same tone, always boiling down to two words, devilish fiends. The dimly lit streets of Ersand’Enise had feelings of enchantment and gloom. The night felt extraordinarily darker than ever before.

Nonetheless, Evander hid any doubt or fear, if the monster is here, it can bleed too. He reaffirmed himself. On time, Evander reached the distillery marked Crafters’ Quarters, above the door. The rumor pointed to this meeting spot at 4:30 HE. Evander slowly pressed the palm of his hand on the door as his cloak draped to one side, flowing over his arm. Opening the entrance, he stepped inside. The creaking of the floorboards sounded as they gave to his weight beneath his feet. He approached an eclectic group at a table. As Evander stepped to make an introduction, one of them groaned in Virangish, which Evander could make out as, ”What’s taking them so long?”

Before any members could become acquainted, at least since Evander’s arrival. Two figures entered the Crafters’ Quarters. These figures were noticeably carrying equipment for more than an evening's walk. Their approach was subtle, delicate, and precise. A demeanor befitting of Sanguinare hunters, perhaps?

Immediately the aura surrounding their mystery broke as the jolly Kerremand spoke,”Pardon me, mein Freunde!” Evander felt…disappointed. Quickly his disappointment turned to a sense of seriousness as the second did better justice in introducing the reason they were all gathered, “What you have heard is true: A Sanguinaire is among us. To ensure the safety of every man, woman, and child in the Twin Continents, the Burning Order has, is, and will investigate all information on these creatures and cull them.”

Evander felt renewed in the fact he was not wasting his time,Good, the rumors are true. What better way to demonstrate his skill as a member of the Synesti household than to slay a Sanguinaire. He took this mission to prove himself worthy of his family name. The man who called himself Lissanon asked if there were any questions; Evander had a few. He stepped forward, ”What do you know about this sanguinare we are after?” Lissanon nods, ”We know they have been here around the beginning of the trials. Potentiallly even before.” Evander thought since the beginning of the trial? He turned his feet toward Lissanon in interest, who began to scratch his chin in muse, ”We have had reports of odd encounters and fainting before the event. But your colleague,”, pointing to Abdel, ”has had a confirmed encounter with one. We estimate this sanguinaire to be a relatively inexperienced but quite dangerous specimen.”

”Do you suspect there’s more than one?” Evander inquired further. The tall man shrugged, ”We have evidence of at least one. But with the trials, it is reasonable to assume there could be more. Or that the single one was from foreigners.” As always, to the point, Lissanon paces closer to Evander. Viktor appears more pre-occupied with cleaning his gun. Evander stood confidently as Lissanon closed distance, ”Have you two hunted these sainguinaire before?” He was curious to see if the two in front of him had any experience or if they were errand boys sent by the Order behind this mission. The two confirmed, Fourteen, that was the number of sanguinaire lives collected between them, ”do they usually travel alone or with others?” Lissanon replied, ”Alone.”

Evander followed up, ”How have you killed them in the past?” Lissanon answered, ”The same way you kill a person,” only to be cut off by Viktor, ”A bullet to the head or heart does the trick.” Evander looked at Viktor who seemed to know exactly what was being asked, "And if you don't?" Viktor elaborated, ”Ein Blutsauger is very resilient. Heals fast, is fast, kills fast. Quick killing blows work best.” he tilts his head and chuckles at a stray thought, ”Fire works too. Works very well.” Abdel raises his chin and grins, crossing his arms.

Evander was beginning to sense this was going to be a dangerous hunt. If it was traveling alone, why in Ersand’Enise? A place where plenty of people were strong enough to kill it. Why not somewhere less capable of fighting back? Evander asked, “Why do you two believe this lonely hunter has come to Ersand’Enise of all places?” Lissanon furrows his eyebrows and tilts his head, looking confused, ”Is it not obvious?” Viktor chuckles, ”They don't know. Most don't, Lissanon.” Lissanon purses his lips, ”Maybe it's for the best. But, know that such events are bound to attract stray or ambitious Sanguinaires.” Evander could feel they evaded the question with a vague answer. Abdel crosses his arms, a knowing scowl of disgust upon his face. ”It’s the mana types,” he decides. ”Lots of goodies for them here. They wanna steal your rare blood. One had a go at me,” he sneered. ”Dealt with easily enough, but they bolted before I could finish the job.”

The questions and answers continued briefly. Evander summed up everything in his head.

Sanguinaire heals fast, runs fast, kills fast, but scares easily. Piercing the head or heart and exploding it with fireworks was a sure way to kill one before it could heal. They hunt rare mana types alone, and will flee if they feel overwhelmed. The strategy is to discreetly scout the city, gather intel, and return to the Crafters Quarters to form a plan.

Evander stepped back, “Thank you, Lissanon, Viktor, and Abdel, for answering my questions.” He was ready to prove himself against the sanguinaire stories he grew up listening to as a kid.

High Stakes:
Hunting Monsters That Go Bump In The Night

Location: Outside Proving Grounds, Erasand’Enise

5:30 HE

Evander followed the others out of the Crafter’s Quarters. Viktor led the hunt, and Abdel identified a victim. The group followed the trail of victims to a blood path leading into the Proving Grounds. Without discretion, Abdel took to the skies. The rest needed to decide. Would they go through the open gate where a tunnel full of flickering torches led to the Colosseum? Or would they look for another way in? The sheer obviousness of peril lurked down the corridors of following the trail. Evander could not help but recollect a story about Countess Aelis Clairmont, who lived in a manor beyond Chamonix.

…stupid Perrench, who walks into a stranger's home in the middle of the woods? Evander thought as he remembered the story about a sanguinaire who preyed on the living. She would lure her victims in with a chemical attraction. She’d disarm them by giving them no doubts in their decision to follow her trail. All the while, her victim would descend into confusion. Until finally, she decided to strike from the most advantageous position.

If the story was not true, it was meant to convey a point. Do not follow a sanguinare’s path for it will lead to a death trap. Evander heeded Khaliun’s warning, if they followed, they would be walking into the center of a spider web.

Evander told the group, “we need to find another way in.” He looked to the walls, “we should climb to gain the high ground and see if we can’t spot where the Sanguinaire is.”

Fields of Fire:
You Are Either With Us Or In The Way

Location: Battle at the foot of Mount Errant
Mood: ”Stand Up” by Greg Dombrowski
Interaction: Hildr @jasbraq
Current Event: Fields of Fire

Where would they seek refuge against a beast covering the sky?

“To the north!” Shouted his dear friend Sir Maerec of Solenne, “there are caves at the bottom of the mountains where we can take shelter!” He galloped in on horseback, stalwart as ever to the people of Parrench. There was a depth to his confidence in the orders he gave, a level of confidence that had not yet been witnessed; something within Maerec was changing. Caelum believed it would be for the better of Perrence, “Great plan Maerec!” Caelum shouted acknowledging the caves as a worthy effort to strive for. There was a sliver of hope. The caves were a great idea.

Maerec continued to hasten the people's collective activity to organize, “if we get everyone to mount up, we can ride there quickly. It isn’t far from here.” As Maerec rallied, the beaten Eskandr woman approached him. Caelum nearly stepped in to send Hildr off her feet before she tried anything stupid. She wrapped her dirty little Eskandr paws around Maerec, expressing a point that Arsene heard to be cowardly.

Caelum agreed, “Arsene’s right.” He paused to give his words time to grab Hildr’s attention, “You chose to follow a man into this war, a man who brutally killed hundreds of innocence, a man you chose to champion against our faithful Camille, a man who left you to die with us against the very thing his people helped unleash.” As he spoke, Caelum approached Hildr inch by inch, “The difference between Camille and you, between Maerec and you, between Arsene and you, between you and our Queen and her people, is…” He stood only feet from Hildr, “we do not follow a man, we follow our faith and our faith will not stand by allowing a Dragon to claim innocent lives.”

Caelum gently placed his heavy hand on her shoulder as she did to Maerec to remind her she was not above here or anywhere close. It was a reminder of who she was talking to, “Because even one of those innocent lives is worth a hundred of yours and mine, so before you thoughtlessly talk down to a knight who understands their duty and oath, take a second, and ask yourself, do you even remember why you are fighting?” He stared into Hildr’s eyes with firmness, faith, and a warm sense of compassion, “We do.” Caelum looked at his fellow Parrenchmen and back to Hildr, "it is not too late for you to find your faith". He could feel she was scared; they all were to some degree, but this next fight called on everyone to believe in each other, “You are either with us, Hildr, to protect those who cannot protect themselves, or you are in the way…we cannot have your truth waver here…can we trust you to fight with us, can we place our faith in you to be better?” Caelum just proclaimed to her the value of their faith, and to offer it to her was something he’d hoped she’d see clearly as a meaningful sign to join them in the fight.

The sound of the dragon roared in the distance. It appeared that it found more steam to rear back for another assault of flames. It was a good thing people already began moving. It’d be up to the Parrench knights to keep it at a distance until they reached the caves.

Evander Fino Synesti

Melon Derby:
Ready. Set. Go.
(Zeno Mozaru's House)

Tension set. Teams paired. Gunboat Diplomats are ready to take a “W” with Blazy of Glory. The two teams waited in Mozaru’s home. Each member conversed about plans before the Great Melon Derby officially began. Evander approached a quiet Weggosi woman sitting in a red wing chair; he shoulders spread out, cool as a cucumber. Her eyes played along with the activity in the room before politely being interrupted by Evander’s wave. He leaned in from Moriah’s peripheral vision, “hi!” Moriah casually drifted her eyes to meet Evander; she sighed a little, "wha me?"

Her eyes told Evander she was indifferent to whatever was about to happen. He continued by introducing himself, “My name is Evander,” following up with a question, “are you, Moriah?” He only guessed because he overheard one of her teammates earlier identifying her in a conversation.

Moriah felt it best if this were a member of the team they were to work with that it’d be best to get formalities out of the way, “no, it di oddah gyal inna di chair.” She looked over at Jocasta. A true lesson for Evander in Moriah’s dry sense of humor, a lesson almost over his head. He followed Moriah’s eyes to Jocasta and then cocked it back to Moriah’s eyes, cracking a smile before returning his joke, “funny, and I am the Prince of Revidia.” Moriah’s eyes widened, then burst into laughter. At least he had successfully broken the ice, but he wasn’t sure how he felt about her response. Could she not believe Evander could be such a person? His family certainly wanted to prove otherwise.

The two exchanged witty banter back and forth until Evander proposed they tag up before the melon derby officially started, [color=[color=d4af37]“I think we’d make a good team out there, why don’t we tag up, we will be better at defending the melons we find if we stick together.”[/color] Moriah was not opposed. She leaned more toward a calm nature rather than taking the lead if Evander wanted the responsibility, he could have it.

Moriah nodded,“sure.” As the two decided to team up, the sound of the Great Melon Derby rang. All the teams ignited off the line from their homes, except Jocasta, who stayed to defend all the grubby little robbing cats that might stray too far inside Zeno Mozaru’s den.

Melon Derby:
Missed Opportunity
(Proving Grounds)

Moriah and Evander had checked the Terrace of Grapes when they spotted a beacon in the distance toward The Overlook. Their team decided that when a melon was grabbed, they would beacon it thanks to some of their tethered abilities. It would show everyone that melon was in play. Evander looked to Moriah,“First one there?” Moriah nodded and bolted before Evander recognized she heard him. The two raced toward the Overlook, hoping to take a prized melon from one of the competing teams. When they arrived, they were struck by an illusion of some sort. They could not make heads or tails of who to follow. Instead, they stood there dumbfounded.

Evander posed his thought out loud to Moirah after feeling disheartened to get to the melon fast enough, “Ya know, I think it’d be wiser if we checked out the houses instead of running after melons all day and night.” Moriah did not care what they did so long as they contributed a little to the team’s effort. Her arms were crossed, and even she felt a little frustrated at missing out on a snatch and grab, but her cool, level-headed personality was not far behind in quenching whatever fire may have started to burn within her. She nodded to Evander, and they both made their way to Zeno Zemana’s house first.

Melon Derby:
Stealthy and Styled
(Zeno Zemana's House)

Moriah and Evander had stalked outside of Zeno Zemana’s house. They noted the garden of vines. Moriah senses they were manipulated by magic, “wi need fi be careful eff wi guh inna there” Evander tilted his head at Moriah curiously,“well yeah, but what are you saying?” Moriah pointed at the garden, “It's dangerous.” Evander found a stick and tossed it into the garden. The garden as expected began to respond and coil around the stick until determined it was not a threat and released it. The two heard Ayla and Ashon begin arriving and took cover.

Ayla and Ashon walked right up the door, opening it, and stood at the front entrance. Evander watched as Ayla put the melon down to her side while engaging in an argument.

“Now or never huh?” Evander said rhetorically to Moriah. Moriah supported, “Yuh get dis.” Evander cautiously approached the side of the house. He tipped-toed across the garden with dance-like balance and skill. When one foot pressed down too hard, he shifted his weight to the other. A skillful ballet to see, if anyone did, he was not only moving with grace but silence. All those years of practicing his martial art back home had paid off. Finally, he arrived at the doorway. Peeling his hands inside, he snatched the melon while the whole team was distracted by their bickering. He tried to leave as quietly as he arrived. Once he got far enough away, he bolted, and Moriah followed.

Melon Derby:
House of Chaos (pt. 1)
(Zeno Fades-In-Moonlight's House)

Evander and Moriah had escaped Zeno Zemana’s house with a shiny melon. Moriah realized that the melon was a farce. It was a part of their group’s plan when discovering the supreme. Moriah took the melon from Evander’s hand to give it a good weight, “Yuh stole di wrong one yuh goof.” Evander looked puzzled for a moment,“Is that?” Moriah interrupted, “our fake.”

If this were their first time meeting, Evander would have broken his etiquette, instead, he remained calm, “Don’t interrupt me.” Moriah slightly surprised at her partner's snappy response kept her cool as she always had, her head tilting to one side, bottom lip bunching, and shrugging one shoulder as if to say, meh ok.

The two slipped into the night to go to Zeno Fades-In-Moonlight’s house. Arriving, the two conducted a little reconnaissance before finding a way inside. Evander sensed small energy radiations from within the house but could not determine what they were. When they turned the corner to the front of the house, a Yasoi boy was at the front door.

Evander looked back to Moriah as they inched their way back to the side of the house,“the front’s probably not the best idea.” Moriah looked up, “Wah bout di roof?” She pointed. Evander nodded,“Yeah, the chimney could be our way in.” Evander and Moriah climbed up to the roof to spot whether or not the chimney would be accessible. Reaching the chimney, Evander poked his head down and could see slight dims of light penetrating the chimney shaft at the floor.

“Okay I will go down to check it out, if I run into any trouble pull me out.” Evander picked himself up over the wall of the chimney, before he shimmied down, Moriah graced his forearm with hers. There was a moment of connection, Evander looked into Moriah’s eyes, then she broke it by replying, “Yuh kno mi a guh haffi pull yuh out right?” Evander snarled under his breath, “We will see.” He proceeded to head down the chimney.

Melon Derby:
House of Chaos
(Zeno Fades-In-Moonlight's House)

Evander shot down the chimney with his arms crossed. He was lean enough to fit and applied enough of his Force gift to soften his landing. Both feet touched softly at the same time. It was a 10/10 if this were judged to his benefit; no one saw him or heard him. He slipped out of the fireplace tip-toeing across the wall, only a few steps in, and he was noticed. How? He thought he had been quiet. Evander looked down, noticing black soot following him. He felt like an idiot, duh…what chimney wouldn’t have soot. A girl now stood with a darting glare at Evander. The darkness of the room slightly obscured her face. The features he noticed were long dark hair, bright eyes reflecting from the light penetrating the windows, fair skin, and a feminine jawline.

Without thinking, Evander thought to blind her to make a quick escape into one of the rooms. He knew someone else was behind the front door, and if he bought himself some time, maybe that person would become her focus by default of losing Evander in sight. Evander attempted to spark his Arcane gift, but his fingers to draw and channel slipped from the soot. Instead of bright light, it was a dim fizzle with soot particles pushed into the air. The girl threw a bottle at him with what appeared to be her best effort, but the bottle ended up at his foot, crashing on the ground in front of him. Quickly, she transformed the broken glass into a liquid that dissolved into knock-out gas. Evander felt some of the knock-out gases effects, and yet he still had the wits about him to gain space from it before it completely shut him down. Evander winked at her to let her know this wouldn’t be easy for her, and he welcomed the challenge.

He raised and extended his hand to draw on his Magnetic ability. Evander wanted to pull on her belt buckle at the waist to drag her into the gas she had created. He was unsuccessful at his aim and instead caught her bracelet. The girl felt a tug on her wrist and reacted by releasing the bracelet from her hand, stopping any influence Evander was tugging at. The door then opened, and the Yasoi spotted earlier was now on the other side of this girl. Without hesitating, the girl’s instincts kicked in, and she reacted to the new intruder by tossing another knock-out bottle. The Yasoi defended well enough against it, and in return, fire tossed a wire he manipulated magnetically to wrap up the girl partially. Evander saw this as an opportunity to de-escalate the fight because some of him rebelled against this new unfolding of events. He did not like the idea of fighting a girl at an advantage. Two against one is not the chivalrous way. Evander thought if he could tighten the wire, he could de-escalate the fight and put an end to it. He reached out using his magnetic ability to take control of the wire, and as he gained control and tightened, the wire broke. She was free.

The fight descended into chaos from there. All sorts of people came storming into the home to defend and fight. Evander felt, at this point, the raid was in vain. He needed to get out and out fast. His first attempt was unsuccessful as he slipped on a brick as he tried to escape, then a newcomer Ingrid used her Force to pick him up and slam him as he attempted the second escape. Evander was laid out, slowly losing consciousness. His grit to stay up prevailed, and he was able to get up, back up to the fireplace as everyone began fighting one another and forgetting about him. Evander felt the grip of Moriah, who pulled him up into the fireplace, and the two shimmied out, escaping back to Zeno Mozaru’s house.

Melon Derby:
(Zeno Mozaru's House)

Evander and Moriah were back in the living room of Zeno Mozaru’s home. Evander was slumped in a seat, legs spread, his right arm relaxed, and his face bruised. Moriah made an ice pack bag using her binding and chemical gift. She tossed it to Evander, who had no will to catch it. Hitting his thigh, he grabbed it with his left hand and raised it to his face.

“The nerve of that woman,” Evander stated with condemnation in his voice. Moriah cocked her head to the side, “Wah nerve?” Evander elaborated,“I tried getting out of there, clearly no longer acting as a threat compared to the other hundred people flooding the place, and instead of letting me leave and making it easier on their defense, I get tossed by that Eskand bitch.” Evander lowered his hand, “Eskand…what a bunch of savages, I don't know why they are even allowed here, if they can't get their country right...what makes anyone think they'll get games right.” Moriah broke Evander’s rant with some truth, “Did wi nuh there tuh steal dem melons?” His eyes widened, and he slumped a little. She continued, “It nuh fair tuh tap a thief?” Her last question dripped with rhetorical sentiments. Evander sighed,“I guess it’s fair.” Moriah smiled, “Yuh always act yuh age?” Evander chuckled. Her sarcasm was welcomed. If it were someone else, he’d have challenged them there, but Moriah had more than shown her worth to be an ally on campus…something Evander was beginning to realize he’d need more of. Plus, he knew she was right; he overreacted, which is not good for a noble like himself. Deep inside, there was truth in the words he spoke out loud. There was a disdain for Eskandish blood.

He raised the ice pack once more, beware low-blood, next time, you will burn…when you least expect it.

Fields of Fire:
Heat of the Moment

Location: Battle at the foot of Mount Errant
Mood: ”Black Dragon” by Peter Roe
Current Event: Fields of Fire

Was it too late? Caelum asked himself as 300 Parrench engulfed in flames before him. Burning flesh wafted into his nostrils almost bringing him to his knees. He watched as their leverage over the Eskandr fled behind the scorched earth left in the wake of the Dragon’s flame throwing breathes. The Dragon had swept in one pass and began to come in for a second. Caelum clenched his fists feeling helpless to protect those who were already torched. It may have been too late to save them, but there were all the others who needed their knights more than ever. The Dragon charged for the second pass of fire.

Fields of Fire:
Thunder over Fire

Location: Outside of the Village, close to Mount Errant
Current Event: Fields of Fire

Caelum’s foot slid back as he defended against the strength of his sparring partner, Jacques de Flamere. Jacques was a fireblood which increased his arcanist gift beyond his wheel test of 3. The 5’11” fair skinned Parrenchman was eloquent in his technique, and had no issues expressing his confidence. A man Caelum respected and quite often battled against when sparring days of training were in session. Jacques pulled his blade back and gained distance from Caelum’s position. He had been slowly drawing in air and converting it to arcane energy. Jacques had decided he had enough to put Caelum down after stalling with steel-to-steel combat.

“Are you ready…friend.” Jacques’ head was tilted down as to conceal his eyes, his voice flexed with a condescending tone, and a smirk grew to the corner of his left cheek. Jacques certainly revealed a devilish appeal to intimidate the young Caelum, the most recent Paladin graduate of the Unconquered Sun.

Caelum could feel the heat in the air begin to rise. Small droplets of sweat began to form around his brow and cheeks beading down the side of his jawline. What is he doing? Jacques lifted his head revealing fiery eyes, “May Oraphe keep you,” Jacques announced before clapping his hands together which forced a blaze of raging fire toward Caelum propelled to move quickly by Jacques’ Force. Caelum’s perception tricked him as the barreling flames appeared slow in approach at first, and then it was right in his face. He could feel the intensity of the heat almost sear his flesh of his cheek bones.

Before the flames could entirely wrap around Caelum’s body, a loud thunderous crack snapped both Caelum and Jacques out of their moments.

“Enough!” Commander Aldrith shouted as lightning broke Jacques’ flames apart and nullified the heated atoms. Caelum could not believe it, Lightning can stop fire? Commander Aldrith was a titan of men, some believed the armor he wore was impossible to wear without his tremendous gift in Force. But, it was his knowledge of lightning that always seemed to capture the inspiration of his men.

Commander Aldrith stood over Caelum asking, “You are talented in lightning, correct?” Caelum responded as he slowly pulled himself up, “Yes sir.” As he reached to the height of attention across from Aldrith, a swift blow to his cranium shattered any coherent return to stability. Aldrith had smacked him back to the ground,“Then use it.”

Fields of Fire:
Heat of the Moment

Location: Battle at the foot of Mount Errant
Mood: ”Black Dragon” by Peter Roe
Current Event: Fields of Fire

Caelum looked at the Dragon as it was about to rain hell’s fury from above a second time. Another 300 Parrench could not be another outcome. Caelum’s question became inconsequential, Of course it was not too late! His emotions began to well up inside him; he began drawing enormous amounts of energy from his environment and looked at the Dragon’s head to see where the flames would expel down from. He had to time his strike to nullify the heated atoms produced by the dragon’s breath as Aldrith did before Jacques nearly roasted him.

The Dragon began to open its mouth, and the moment was now. Caelum released an enormous amount of lightning as the flames came toward the retreating Parrench, attempting to reorganize under the instruction of the Queen. Caelum's electrical counter-attack left most of the Dragon’s fire to dissolve into the air before reaching the ground. Caelum feeling more energized than drained thanks to Oraphe, looked back down at the ground. This effort only bought the Parrench time to retreat, but where would they seek refuge against a beast that covered the sky?

Fields of Fire:
Deal or no Deal

Location: Outside of the Village, close to Mount Errant
Mood: ”So Say We All” by Audiomachine
Current Event: Fields of Fire
Interactions: Queen Eleanor, Sweyn Thunderspear, Nashorn@Force and Fury, Maerec @Dao Ma, and Camille @Pirouette, Arsene @Th3King0fChaos, Hildr @Jasbraq

“Stand ready!” A commander of the Queen’s army shouted. The echoes of a thousand bloodlines stood roared back as if there stood on the field of battle, a legion of lions. Shield walls for both sides were anchored into tight to each line of brother and sister holding firm to their handles. Blades at the ready, sweat dripping from the unruly brows of determined faces, on the Parrench side, they were ready to die today. Two forces of enormous weight pinned against one another before the throes of Mount Errant, under the pressure to decide if they would unite against the threat that lurks in the lake, or cut each other down before the Dragon could intervene.

Caelum stood firm with his sword still sheathed but a hand wrapped around the hilt ready for the Eskandr savages to declare an act of aggression. He did not have faith in their ability to speak to others without spilling bloodshed first. It appeared…he’d be right. A large Eskandr brute towering over most who dashed to his side to get out of the way emerged from the Eskandr frontline. Carrying a hammer and set of shoulders the size of Caelum’s upper body, the brute raised his hammer and pointed it at Sweyn who remained tucked away next to the Queen. The brutes speed began to increase as did his position between the Eskandr and Parrench lines. If someone did not step up to declare a negotiation, then the battle would begin now.

Caelum saw what was about to happen, he is not going to stop. Caelum took a step forward, now or never . He drew his sword and shouted at the hulking mass attempting to instigate a fight before reason could intervene, “Stand down and let’s negotiate or Sweyn’s neck is the first to drop on the battlefield.” Caelum needed to see if there was leverage or if Eskandr cared little of their own. Fortunately for Parrench, the Eskandr did care about Sweyn and the brute stopped, but not without laughing and shrugging as if to say, then let’s go!

Caelum looked to his Queen, “What say you?” Arsene added, “Where should we begin?” The two could not make any moves without Eleanor’s consent. She was the authority power, it was for her to decide how things would play out and her response was nothing short of clear, “Sirs Caeum and Arsene will speak as my representatives,” she announced, “Know that we will be retaining custody of Sweyn until we may come to an agreement regarding that beast over there.” She raised her hammer and ambiguously pointed it toward the brute and the dragon.

Caelum and Arsene acknowledged their Queen’s orders, and then each other. The two began to walk into no-man’s land, a space where neither line held advantage. The two approached the brute, a brute known as the ‘Nashorn’. This Nashorn stood firm, raising one fist in the air and clasped his other around it. a sign? or was he mute? did the Eskandr send a mute to negotiate?” There was a female Eskandr who had grabbed the Nashorn’s shoulder earlier Caelum’s and Arsene’s arrival, but she now shrunk away after the Nashorn’s hand was raised. interesting, what are they up too? Caelum noted as he witnessed another female Eskandr make her debut into no-man’s land. She threw herself at the Parrench, dropping her weapons and asking for peace. Arsene acknowledged her difference in relation to the attitudes of her side, Drudgunzean . She was not like the rest, yet she was with them no doubt.

Before Caelum and Arsene could ask terms, the Queen shouted behind them having realized what the Nashorn had done, “Sir Maerec!” she shouted, “Lord Perceval!” Take a detachment and follow those Eskandr! Secure the prisoners!” She turned back to face the brute and Drudgunzean, “This is what you call negotiating in good faith and honour?”

The alarm bells for Caelum went off. His hand clinching his sheathed blade in caution of what was to come next. The Drudgunzean attempted to de-escalate a rising tide of tension by declaring she had no intentions of deceiving them, and her last words that Caelum hung on were, “I wish to end this peacefully.”

Caelum’s bells went off again, peacefully? under what conditions, and who’s definition? Caelum’s gaze focused on the Drudgunzean woman known as Hildr, “How do you plan on ending this peacefully?” He wanted to know what Hildr was willing to exchange in terms of Sweyn’s safety. Instead, Hildr failed to understand Caelum and thus he repeated only for the same question to fall on deaf ears once again, except Hilder snapped at Caelum and Nashorn claiming they were barking like dogs. Arsene attempted to clarify, yet again, Hildr could not seem to grasp what was being asked and her forces began pressuring her to make a decision.

Typical, they cannot even agree on what they want. Eskandr began calling for blood, Hildr cried for peace, and the Nashorn began to reveal his impatience. As tension was about to break…Hildr called for a duel, “I showed you a sign of my trust, my patience, even my honor as a knight. If I need to duel for the senile fool, I will propose that.”

Caelum was confused, Her trust, when was this shown? They sent Eskandr to secure innocent civilians for leverage not even moments ago, did she forget? Her patience, when did she show patience when asked the same question several times only to deflect and insult her own side and the Parrench by comparing them to dogs? Her honor, what honor was there in burning villages and slaughtering innocent women and children? If this is what she truly believed then she was lying to herself. Caelum realized that the Eskandr never wanted to negotiate, if they had, they would not have sent out a mute brute and a bad liar.

To answer Hildr’s request for a duel, Caelum raised his foot to step forward. He would accept her challenge regardless of her excuse to do so. She would be reminded of how she chose the wrong side, to be crushed beneath the boot of an Unconquered Sun would be the greatest honor Caelum could ever give her…maybe…he could restore that last line of her’s…honor.

Suddenly Camille’s voice struck Caelum’s cord, “I will duel!” Caelum dropped his foot back. hmm…maybe it’s for the best. Caelum felt good about Camille taking this challenge. He believed her will and gift was stronger than this Drudgunzean. If he had not, he would have already engaged Hildr. But, Caelum had witnessed Camille’s abilities first hand and so long as the Nashorn stayed out of it, she would be able to handle it. He had faith in the Saint, Dami’s Chosen.

Camille stepped forward, “Let our duel be Dami’s scale and judge the outcome!”

Camille and the Drudgunzean clashed steel to steel. The two seemed to gain little ground on each other until Camille landed some minor blows forcing Hildr into a disadvantage. Alright, Camille, take what she gives you. Caelum said to himself as Camille’s sword penetrated Hildr deeply into the shoulder. Camille then drew her blade back, no, quarter her, do not kill her! Caelum shouted in his mind to the idea that Camille would show no mercy as a lady of faith. The opponent was down, the option to imprison her is supposed to be given before taking the life unless your life is in immediate danger. Camille decided that Dami would be the judge, not conventional rules of engagement for the faithful. Caelum wanted to step in, but it was done…Camille’s blade sundered down.

Caelum expected to witness the death of Hildr, but instead, she rolled out of the way and retaliated stabbing Camille in a similar location as Camille did to her. Both collapsed to the floor, without a conclusive victor, Eskandr and Parrench were held in suspense…who would find the strength to finish? Caelum internally battled between interfering and protecting Camille, he chose to hang in time, as long as the Eskandr continued to do so with him. Camille found her legs, relieving Caelum slightly that she was strong enough to get up on her own. A second time for the final blow, Camille raised, and she missed…not because of her own doing or Hildr’s. The Nashorn intervened.

No longer was this to be decided on a duel. Queen Eleanor rushed off her horse faster than Caelum could get to the brute. She engaged the brute with fierce force while the Parrench charged the lines behind her. The Eskandr pushed forward and the battle before Mount Errant transformed into utter chaos. The Nashorn struck Eleanor down, then Caelum, followed by Arsene, but both times Dieudonne saved his Parrenchmen from being killed by the Nashorn for good. While Dieudonne kept the Nashorn’s attention, Mathieos recovered the Queen using his gift of blood magic and then worked on Caelum while Eleanor aided Camille.

The Nashorn set his sights on Caelum. The two came to blows once again, yet this time Caelum was not overwhelmed by the brute’s strength. The two went steel to steel without either giving up their guard, the brute tried to lean against Caelum, and feeling his weight drop back, he sparked his blade which snapped Nashorn’s weapon back. The spark burned Nashorn’s cheek, but it was not significant enough to derail the fight. The most it would do is maybe leave a burn mark and add an upgraded feature to the ugly face.

When the blades were separated, the Nashorn and Caelum planned to re-engage, but both were cut short by the roar of the Dragon. The ferocious winged tyrant reminded everyone that they had spent too much time fighting each other, and not enough time preparing for the dragon. As soon as the Dragon came onto the scene, Sweyn escaped. Now, Parrench and Eskandr alike were ceasing their clashes and introduced to the new battle space set by larger threat. If they could not band strong together, they would all be sent to Pentad.

Evander Fino Synesti

Societies Faire:
Friend or Foe

Assani 29th

Location: Fauna Society
Day of the week: Lepdes
Characters: Carmilia @Animus and Evander

Erasand’Enise was a place that continued to capture the imagination of Evander Synesti. Every twist and turn around city blocks called to him to explore; one day, he thought, this will all be mine. Evander was several days into the adjustment period. Having recently traveled from his home in the lands of Revidia, he could confidently wake up in his Noble Quarters, look around, and agree it was satisfactory for a prince.

Evander had slipped the last button on his jacket through its respective slit. He looked into the mirror to check his demeanor; you are Evander Fino Synesti, Marquess of the Syensta province, son of Duke Foscari; remember why you are here and who you represent. Evander smiled at himself, his mission was clear, but today, he’d become acquainted with the local stock of the school, what fun. Evander exited his room; the bustling street of the academy grounds overwhelmed his senses at first. There were smells of coffee brewing, food cooking, and the sounds of kids laughing, shouting, walking, and running. Evander saw the entire campus overflowing with all the bright young minds it had collected from everywhere in Constantia for the first time.

There were a few clubs on his list that he wanted to check out. He thought of the list in his head, Firebreathers, Blazing Angels, Draconic Order, and the Fauna society. Evander turned to reach his first destination, the Fauna society.

Carmillia Carbonneau was milling about the arboretum. Truth be told, the fauna society was not among the clubs she had been considering joining when she entered Ersand’Enise. There was no real benefit in forming a relationship with Beryl Mundi, the head of the club. While there were at least some nobles and merchants of note amongst the existing members, the same could be said for most societies.

The only reason she was here was solely due to Rody, her recently hatched schluckodill, one of the rewards from the Lorentine Queen. Though she was hardly an animal lover, she had grown attached to the smokey looking lizard. The fact that it would grow to become a giant reptilian, capable of devouring any annoyances was a big plus. Hidden and curled up in her mantle, Rody poked his head out curiously before returning to his hiding spot.

Good boy.

There were a few other first year Biros about and the one that caught her attention was Evander. The House of Synesti was on the rise and Evander was its heir. She cared not that he was Revidian. Patriotism was hardly in her blood.
Given the current situation, I might as well make full use of it. Forming a relationship with Evander now might prove useful later.
Whilst pretending not to notice him, she intentionally placed herself in his path and waited for him as he approached.

“Oh? Evander Fino Synesti? That’s a surprise. I didn’t think this was the type of club that would appeal to you.”

Evander stopped in place as a well-dressed female student addressed him by his full name. Who was she? If Carmilia had been paying any attention, she would have noticed his confusion in identifying her. Evander did feel as if they had met before, but he could not place his finger on it. In one of their classes, perhaps, then her name struck his brain, Carmilia Carbonneau. They DID have classes together, but their face time was non-existent. What he knew about her was little, but as with everyone he had been meeting on campus, she would be added to a list of people Evander would inquire about to those who had more resources than him, like his father.

Stepping back to gain distance, Evander bowed before her. After all, he was a gentleman, and ladies were to be respected no matter how formal or informal their relationship. Raising his head, he looked into Carmilia’s eyes, unflinching to connect with what was behind them. A smile perched on his face, and he addressed her in return.

“M’lady Carmilia, how nice it is to see you,” Evander spoke with a tone that could only be described as soft and charming. His smooth gentle draw of words continued, “It is not, but seeing as how I am still becoming acquainted with the Academy, I felt it best to check out some of the clubs I would not think to join…to expand my horizon, and you?”

Regardless of how smooth Evander thought his recovery to be, she hadn’t failed to notice his initial hesitance. Unsurprising, given that this was their first conversation.
Truth be told, though Evander had been on her radar for a while now, she had been unable to find an appropriate time to speak to the young man. Things had been busy for her as of late, and maintaining the relationships of her existing connections made it difficult for her to make time for him.

“I’m here due to this guy.

Carmillia tapped gently on her mantle and Rody poked his head out once more. After staring at the Revidian, it let out a soft hiss before scrambling up onto Carmillia’s shoulder. The smokey lizard was staring right at Evander.

”Indigenous to Feska, Rody over here is a hazy schluckodil. A gift of sorts as a reward for a recent escapade. But to expand your horizons, you say? The fauna society seems to be peculiar choice for that.”

Ignoring her first question…for now, Evander’s brows closed in on each other. He was curious, a hazy schluckodil? Never would he guess Carmilia to be a lizard owner, but this was why he came to the Fauna Society…people liked pets and pets tend to nestle in their owner’s sweet spots. It was told to Evander once by his tutor, you can learn a lot about a person by what they decide to keep around them. Animals fell into this category. What better place to learn about those he’d be learning with than where they gather to share, talk, and showcase their vulnerabilities?

Evander spoke after a brief moment of analyzing Rody, “A hazy schlucowhat?” He leaned in slightly to look at the lizard in the eyes, his head tilting to the right, “A reward from a recent escapade, you say; what did you have to do, and who gave Rody to you?”

”He’s a schluckodil,” repeated Carmillia, enunciating it slightly slower this time round. “They’re Feskan crocodiles and their most discerning feature, would be their size.”

As usual, she went on autopilot, explaining what exactly a schluckodil was as well as the rarity of Rody’s colorization. Meanwhile, her thoughts were turning about, her mind was concentrating on analyzing Evander. Twice now, he had avoided her question. He was more focused on gleaming information from her as opposed to revealing anything about himself.

A vigilant personality, perhaps?

It had been awhile since she met a noble who had at least some wits about them. Much like Dorothea, Evander was heir to a noble family aiming for their previous prominence. Unlike Dorothea, he behaved accordingly and appropriately. That meant he followed etiquette and was on guard with his words.

Times up.

Without missing a beat, she continued on the moment she was done with explaining schluckodils.

“To answer your second question, as payment for mediating and appeasing some rowdy individuals, I was given a schluckodil egg. It was not exactly the kind of payment I expected, but I’ve grown quite fond of him.”

Evander had closed the distance between himself and Carmilia as she dove deep into her knowledge about schluckodils. There was a slight fondness Evander felt about Carmilia; maybe it was her demeanor or intellect. She carried on like someone who did her homework. She had mentioned this schluckodil was a gift, a pet given to her, not by choice. Yet, no matter if it was her choice, she learned everything she could about this lizard and even grew a likeness to it. Evander could hear his tutor ring true in his ear, pets nestle close to their owner’s heart.

“Wow,” Evander acted intrigued by her knowledge, “aren’t you both lucky to have found each other.” He was within a step of Carmilia’s bubble, he would not invade her space, but the closeness raised a level of trust and intimacy in their interaction. His side kept his hands easily visible; there would be no question even if distance marginalized, his respect for her as a woman did not.

Evander had noted her mention of the schluckodils size and kept it as a follow-up,“How big will Rody grow?”

“I’d wager over ten meters once he’s matured, though that process will take up to a decade. I must say, Evander, you seem awfully interested in him.”

In truth, Carmillia doubted he had much of any real interest in Rody. Seeing how he was trying to get closer to her while maintaining propriety physically, Evander was simply trying to keep the conversation going. Her magic worked best in conjunction with the target’s current emotions.

She drew in chemical energy from her surroundings. Without a proper source, the minuscule amounts of energy would normally be insufficient for conventional spells, but Carmillia was a special case. Tiny tendrils of undetectable magic whisked themselves into Evander, mildly boosting the production of his positive neurotransmitters. The effect would make him ever so slightly amicable and relaxed.

“I didn’t think you were that interested in being friends, seeing as how you took a second to remember my name,” she continued, smiling charmingly.

She was teasing him at this point.

Ten meters! This thing was going to be huge! Surprise aside, Evander laughed when Carmilia pointed out his interest in Rody. He was curious about schluckdoil, but hearing Carmilia’s appeals about it were more interesting. Evander sensed, as the conversation continued, a subtle feeling of relaxation. There was something about Carmilia that was dropping his guard internally. Evander was not one to let his guard down; counterintuitive to his feeling, he resisted. No matter how sweet her smile may have appeared, there was an intrinsic resistance to this feeling of peace in his gut. The struggle within was not revealed as his talent for acting was par excellence. Instead, he redirected Carmilia’s comment back at her and took this opportunity to make a respectful exit.

“If you did not welcome it so easily yourself,” he smiled back, “maybe I wouldn’t be,” he stepped calmly back and bowed forward, raising to meet her gaze one last time before making his leave, “until next time Miss Carmilia.”

While his demeanor betrayed no change, Evander’s decision to cut the conversation short was enough indication. Even a Zeno would have difficulties noticing her magic, so it was unlikely Evander did. It was far more likely he detected his emotional guard dropping and decided to make a retreat. Whether the same would have happened without her magic, she would not know.

Most of the students had already fallen into their comfort zone two months into their enrollment, but it appeared Evander was a different case.

Carmillia had far easier prey to go for.

A pity.

Evander walked away from the Fauna Society with an odd sense left from his conversation with Carmilia. It was unusual for him to feel calm before a stranger; the further he gained distance from her, the clearer his head became. Evander signed up for the Fauna Society, Blazing Angels, and Firebreathers before returning to his dorms.

That evening…

Evander sat down at his desk to apply ink to the paper.

Dear Papa,

The first few weeks in Ersand’Enise have been an adjustment. Nevertheless, I am adapting as expected. Per your request, I have a list of students I have conversed with thus far. One, in particular, has attracted my attention, and I am unsure why; her name is Carmilia Carbonneau. She approached me in a crowd when heading to one of the societies at the faire I wrote to you about in my last letter. The conversation started cordial. However, when I closed the space between us, there was a subtle change in my attitude toward her. I felt like I was relaxing. Was this how you and mother felt when meeting each other? Or is this something different? It does not elude me that I am attending a school of gifted children, but until now, I felt clear. Maybe you could do what you do best and let me know what you come up with.

Your son’s flame,

Societies Faire:
An Ancestral Visit

Assani 30th

Location: Oceanborne Booth and Lake
Characters: Evander

Eresand’Enise never failed to show its vibrancy, nor did the grounds of the Academy. Today was another beautiful day of faire activities. Evander had awoken earlier than he had the previous day. His thoughts set on checking out the Draconic Order and Speed Demons. Instead of taking a more direct route, Evander decided to gather on the scenic route. He had passed the Oceanborne stand as if slightly interested by its moderate gathering, but he could not find any motivation to stop and check it out. Instead, he continued his path, moving around the lake behind a tree; something caught his eye. Evander stopped, turning his entire body toward it to gain more visual clarity on what it might be. He could not tell what he was looking at and began cautiously approaching.

From where he was approaching, he could not see what was floating behind it, but there was something. His hand reached around the tree to step around. What is this? Evander though. His eyes locked onto a bright white aberration. Evander’s eyes widened, his toes curled, and his heart thumped. He was feeling something different as if being pulled. Without thinking, his finger extended, a hand reached, and Evander touched it…immediately…the white aberration reacted, transforming into a white froabass soaring up and diving down at Evander.

Without warning, it was as if Evander was possessed by pure light. His mind became clear, and he could feel the strength of his ancestors stepping up behind him, emboldening him—every fabric of his being charged alive. As soon as his experience came, it was over. Perplexed, Evander scanned to see if anyone else saw what he did…nothing…people were carrying on their business. Instead of heading straight to the societies, he took his time. He rallied before the lake, signed up with the two clubs, and returned to his dorm.

That evening…

Dear Mama,

I am unsure of what happened today. I was headed to one of the clubs and saw a strange white thing hanging around the park. When I approached it, it pulled me in and I could not stop myself from trying to grab it. As soon as I touched it, the white thing turned into a dragon, flew into the sky, and hit me in the face. I saw beautiful visions, felt our ancestors behind me, and my mind has never been more clear and alert, except after drinking one of your cups of Budesrno coffee. Have you ever experienced what I am talking about?

How are you and Celestina?

Your son’s flame,

Returning to Port Morilles with Hope

Interaction: @dao ma, @pirouette
Time: Afternoon, Location: Port Morilles
Current Event: Fields of Fire

The sea fought against each high stone, forming the wall that kept every survivor exiting the caves from being washed away. When Maerec exited the cave, Caelum looked at him and acknowledged the great feat they had accomplished, “We did it!” Thousands of Parrench souls would live to love, laugh, and play another day. The next challenge was organizing the survivors, mostly women, children, the elderly, and the injured. It would take them hours before they could travel the collective mass of Port Morilles citizens to return home.

Caelum walked to Maerec, slapping his hand down on Maerec’s pauldron, “Would you like to take the front guard with me?” Caelum intended for Dieudonne and Mathieos to take the rear guard and form a line to get everyone safely to Port Morilles without losing anyone in the hike.

The fruits of their labor hadn’t settled in Maerec’s mind until Caelum seemed to snap him back. He smiled at his friend, a bit of exhaustion in his demeanor, but he nodded at the other regardless. His limitations with his Gift seemed to reveal themselves while he had aided in filling the caverns with rock. He did, though, exceed his own expectations; in that, he could breathe freely and meet eyes with Caelum.

“You’ve surely tested my capabilities, brother.” He chuckled. “Your plan worked.” He clapped a hand on the back of Caelum’s neck and jostled him teasingly. “I was starting to doubt there would ever be an end to moving those rocks.”

Maerec headed towards the front of the group with Caelum, instructing Parrench soldiers to gather the townspeople and guide them into an orderly line to make their way back to Port Morilles. The slow pace was welcomed, but the knight felt somewhat impatient. He’d never voice it though. He understood the limitations of those they saved.

“It may take us thrice as long to return to Port Morilles.” Maerec mused, looking to the direction that they had once come to get to the caverns. They had been moving at feverish speeds to reach the caves. Returning wouldn’t be nearly the same. “We should prepare for frequent stops along the way.”

“The plan would not have worked had you not been here.” His lips lifted into a smile easily visible to Maerec since Caelum’s helmet hung off the side of his horse. The amount of work they had forced out of themselves was enough to tire a legion, but they managed, and Maerec was right; the road to Port Morilles would take them a while. Over the hills, Maerec and Caelum led by example, stopping when an injured fell or when the elderly needed rest. It was near sun fall before the gates of Port Morilles were in sight of the long line of survivors.

“There!” Caelum pointed as his hips swayed with the horse beneath him, “Port Morilles, we made it.” They would be reuniting families, lovers, and their soldiers back to what appeared to be a place that was no longer under threat. Momentary peace, what a gift from Pentad.

Maerec and Caelum were greeted with vocalizing cheers and heartfelt applause. The people of Port Morilles were both relieved and surprised to see the faces of all those they sent to the caves for safety. The Queen’s forces were already underway in their repairs, and as Maerec and Caelum reached the town square, they dismounted their horses to see that all the people they led were either tended to or reunited with their kin.

The rescue work had been completed about midday, and while they had saved many lives, Camille could only hang her head in defeat for the few others who did not make it. Each body she found under a pile of rubble was another face she’d recognized from her youth. Another neighbor. Another friend.

By the time evening had arrived, Camille had felt the fatigue and guilt weighing down on her. Her eyelids fluttered, and her head drooped while she lounged on a derelict support beam by the seaside entrance. It wasn’t a spot of comfort but one that Camille had stationed by to catch the beach cave refugees. She had hoped to find her parents, who had still not turned up among them.

The commotion had snapped Camille’s attention, her head whipping up to glance around after she had dozed off for another few minutes. The refugees had returned, and she perched herself on top of the beam, looking around for the faces she wanted to see.

So many others, and not one were her parents. The flicker of doubt she had for her parents' wellbeing, fanned into a flame of despair as she sank back down. If not in the caves then where?

A face caught her attention. Not one she had expected but certainly one she had recognized. Sir Caelum, the Paladin of the Pentach, and certainly more meaningful to Camille, her savior. Were it not for him; she would have surely perished by the Eskandr fire witch. A fact that only came to light after she awoke several days later and was told to her by Claude.

She hurried over, armor chiming with her steps as she faced the man who saved her. ”Pardon, Sir Caelum?” She called bashfully, shrinking as she caught his attention. ”I wanted to express my gratitude for saving my life. I didn’t see it but my friend told me.”

Caelum heard the timid voice of a familiar friend approaching him; as she faced him, Caelum could not help but notice her shrink, “Camille De la Saumure, Dami’s Chosen, stand tall for if I remember correctly, it is you who protected me during our battle against Thorunn.” He brought his hands over Camille’s shoulders to prop her up at the full five feet and six inches she was. He then turned to look at Maerec and introduced the two with his left hand open toward Maerec to give them both a clear line of sight on each other, “Maerec, meet Camille De la Saumure, do not be fooled by her size for there is a deep strength in this one, she protected me at Relouse during the burning of the camp. If not for her, Thorunn would have cooked us all.” Caelum paused, “And, Camille, this is Maerec De Solenne, a knight deserving of his station on more than a few accounts, with more courage and tenacity than I might dream of having in this lifetime. He too protected me when I needed it, except he used a stick.” Caelum looked back to Maerec with a smile ready to break into a laugh.

Seeing so many people that he and Caelum had returned to Port Morilles to reunite with their families was a rejuvenating wave of relief. It humbled him and made him just watch in silence for a time. A satisfied smile rested on his lips as he took in the sights. Even with all of the pain and sacrifice of battle, at least moments like these kept him in the light. Even more of a spark of light was to see a familiar face. One that he hadn’t seen since the Defense of Relouse.

Maerec stood there, watching Caelum and Camille interact for a moment. A swirl of emotion crossed paths with Maerec, hearing that both Caelum and Camille had saved each other from the likes of Thorunn. There was brief worry but then overwhelming gratitude. Arnaud had seen something in Camille too. So had Maerec when meeting her at the edge of the beaches.

“Sorry to burst your enthusiasm, Caelum. I’m afraid we’ve already met once before.” He grinned and extended a hand to Camille. “On the beaches at Relouse. Though, I regret to say we didn’t have much time to talk. Good to see you alive. And I hope mostly well.” His eyes returned to Caelum, and he chuckled. “I swear by it; I would be a better knight if I still had that stick.”

Caelum burst into laughter and found space to breathe, “I don’t doubt it,” and he continued to laugh. Gaining some composure, he looked to Camille, “I am too grateful to see you alive, Camille; how have you been managing yourself here?” Caelum asked curiously, their safe return did not mean there was not a lot of work still yet to be done, and he was unsure of the Queen’s status and the morale of the troops who came to Port Morilles before Maerec and Caelum.

They were so jovial. Undeterred from their righteous path.

Camille may have been embraced as an equal, but she felt she couldn’t stack up in her mind. Her mood and motivation had remained grim, hardly worth the praise as she certainly wasn’t inspiring. Not unlike these two. It had been Caelum who had wounded the witch. It had been Caelum who saved her. He was just being noble about it, yet in youthful frustration, Camille could not sense any wavering in his words. The true paladin’s tone was the same in both recounting her acts as Sir Maerec.

She gave a silent bow of her head to the other knight and then quietly took his offered hand. Maerec had probably spoken true, but she did not remember the battle at Relouse well. The whole battle had been a blur, especially following the comatose state she had been following the conclusion. It seemed like a distant memory, made years ago. If only, she lamented.

A forced smile was Camille’s reaction to Caelum’s laugh, her crude attempt at trying to belong. The conversation shifted, thankfully, to the rescue efforts here, at least as she understood him. ”The fires have been put out, and the ruins searched. We believe everyone has been found, and efforts are being put into repairing the city while the Queen’s forces are here to assist.”

Camille quickly realized that while work was being done, she had fallen asleep while waiting to see if her parents would return. ”I… was waiting to see if my parents would return if they were at the caves, but I fear they were not there.” She swiftly put, fearing her efforts at helping her hometown were being put to question but turned regretful, believing she had revealed too much.

Caelum sensed the young girl’s hopelessness drifting over her like the thin cloudy veil of fog over a morning field. He understood Camille’s worry and the demons that clawed at her spirit, “Camille, if you have not found your parents among the dead, then until proven otherwise, they walk among the living.” The uselessness of thinking the worst without evidence to support it helped no one except the enemy and their demons.

Before the three could continue, Dieudonne interrupted with news of the evening sermon to be serviced at the Cathédrale des Cinq Flammes by the bishop of Port Morilles. Caelum turned to Camille and Maerec, “will you two be joining me?”

Camille nodded. She was tired, but if there were one thing that could comfort her, it would be prayer. However, her mind would search the divine for an answer to her parents. If they do indeed, still walk among them.

The sermon brought forth a sliver of hope that one day Port Morilles would become the grand place it once was. All wounds the people have suffered would be mended, healed, and never forgotten. From the ashes, the people were able to rise back up and continue to choose life. Followed up by the Queen’s inspiring call to arms the following morning, the Parrench found a new vigor as they readied to rendezvous with Arsene’s small force.

Eye of the Storm:
A Night Before Flames

Interaction: @dao ma, @pirouette
Time: Evening, Location: Perrench camp outside of Port Morilles, heading to burning villages
Current Event: Fields of Fire

Despite everything, the pace was good, and they made a good time. Nightfall came, though, and they were forced to camp. Quick work was completed to set up and light campfires. Each one had groups of people around them, some resting to prevent further fatigue while others remained up to keep watch.

“Another calm before the storm. The stars always seem to shine brighter, as if knowing the outcomes.” Maerec lamented. He’d been sitting around one of the fires, finally getting a good moment’s rest. “Though what the storm entails has yet to be determined.” Would they meet the Eskandr on the field before reaching Arsene and his men? Maerec couldn’t put his finger on it, but something unsettling rested in the pit of his stomach. He idly brushed his thumb over the pendants he wore around his neck.

Caelum heard his friend, Maerec. He was right. There were these ever-fading moments of brief reprieve before the souls of men and women were tested. A test he and his brethren wished had never happened. Why couldn’t everyone see the same light? Why did it have to end in the loss of lives before common sense broke through the skulls of stubborn men?, “May we see these stars ‘til the end.” Caelum replied to Maerec; the stars always seemed to bring one’s heart and mind back to center, even if only in the calm moments before the storm. The stars remained consistent, bright, and clear.

Caelum felt hopeful; his friend, new companion, the sermon, and Queen’s speech all massaged his soul with purpose. However, he sensed Camille might not be feeling the same. The internal battle between family and duty weighs heavily on those living souls stuck in the middle.

He leaned forward on the edge of a log that was makeshift into a bench upon setting camp, his hands clasped over each other, chin resting on the back of one, staring into the crackling flames. He turned to Camille, “I am curious, Camille, what do you hope to gain at the end of this road?” For Maerec, it was his duty as a knight, and potentially his success would leverage him into a Lord. For Caelum, he was of The Unconquered Sun, his duty to the Brotherhood guided his direction and would until he died. But, for Camille, the question seemed unanswered, at least in Caelum’s mind.

Camille had been private, mulling over the events from the past twenty-four hours in her mind. There was a light, Dami’s Light, but it was so faint that still, she was unsure what her role was. Reading the visions and answers to her prayers was frustrating to no end. Why couldn’t the answers be straight and easy? She never was smart…

”Hm?” Camille had heard Caelum’s question, though her brain had been distracted, so it took her the length of a pause to recall. ”I had a vision over a year ago.” She watched the fire, not turning to the paladin out of a recollection habit of hers. She never looked at someone when reciting memories, like looking away helped her remember better. ”A year ago when the Eskandr first attacked my hometown. It was Dami picking up a hammer in one hand and holding the king's banner with the other. I thought that meant I had to lead, and I did, but…”

She hung on that word letting the comfort of the fire crackling soothe her nerves to reveal her struggle. ”...I didn’t think I would still be leading. I’m not as brave nor as strong as people say.” She wasn’t sure why she felt comfortable enough to share this with Caelum. Maybe it was her respect as an elevated man of faith. He seemed like he was experienced with interpreting the Pentach’s will.

”Often I just think I want to go home. Lay on the beach like I would do almost every morning. Help my father tan the hides.. I always hated the smell.” A faint smile turned on Camille’s lips as memories flushed in. ”Mama would have fresh bread for us after….” She sounded pained on this point, dropping her gaze to her feet. ”... Then the rest of the day was free and every day was different. Helping people and sharing meals. We all knew each other.” Tears welled in the corner of her eyes and she swiftly drew her sleeve across to wipe at them, flustered she was so helpless to her emotion.

She sniffled, managing to compose herself long enough to conclude. ”I never know what Dami wants, but I think he wants me out here. To sacrifice what was my life to save others' lives who should have it just as good as mine was.”

Caelum watched as gems rolled from Camille’s eyes. Her vision of faith and memories of love was apparent to him. He saw what she did not, but maybe he could communicate her strength, something she seemed to feel without. Caelum leaned in ever so slightly, “I do not think I see it the same as you, Ms. Camille De la Saumure; your bravery and strength rest in your love and faith,” Caelum extended his right hand to her to catch her attention, and then forced it back to his chest, pounding at the spot where his heart beat the loudest, “these two forces burn and cool your heart,” he opened his hand to grip his shirt tightly to emphasize his point, “to quench your mind and spirit like hot steel dipped in ice.” Caelum paused, drew out a small blade from his boot, raised it flat side up to his eyes, and scoped down to the end that now pointed at Camille, “a quenched mind and spirit are like this blade drawn out of the forge, you see it’s strength does not depend on in its size or its name, but in its integrity to stay true and straight in one direction.”

The knife’s ornamented circular guard and short gold crested arch to protect the hand of the wielder would catch the eyes of most. Black strands of individually woven leather braided up from the Unconquered Sun’s symbol on the butt of the hilt to the gold horizon at the guard. An acute bevel carved down the blade's center to take away weight without compromising its integrity, providing easier thrusts and ejection. Crafted by the Brotherhood's finest, a motto etched on its blade, “May Oraphe Keep You.” A sign of mercy to those lives that might be taken with its edge. Caelum flipped the blade toward him, showing the handle end to Camille, “the way I see it, you are strong because your heart’s integrity is true, and it points in one direction, a strength rarer than a dragon’s head, Dami’s Chosen.” He offers the young saint his knife, a token of a new friendship and a symbol of hope, love, and faith found on the battlefield.

Camille sat, unblinking for a moment. In the young lady’s mind, Caelum's words were worth their weight. He was, after all, a true and inspired hero of the faith. Yet still, she searched, eyes darting around his facial features as if expecting some tell that the man was lying only to make her feel better. None were noticed, not that she had that skill, to begin with.

She reached out and grabbed the knife, gripping it with the softest touch and gently withdrawing it to her person to study. Lord Gabriel had armor her size made, but it was plain, nothing more impressive than the standard knight of Perrance. Her two-handed sword had been a choice by accident, yet the armory’s sword was gifted in light of Camille’s surprising ability to carry it like nothing with Dami’s assistance. Caelum’s knife, however, was uniquely forged. Crafted, might have been a better word as it was made finely.

The most important feature, however, was the Unconquered Sun symbol. It had been a sun that led Camille down her path, sunlight drawing her attention a year ago. Now here, she sat running a caressing thumb over the symbol of Caelum’s order, feeling a strong draw to the iconography.

”Would you teach me, Sir Caelum?” Camille had finally replied, glancing up from the knife to meet the paladin’s gaze. More than a touch of sorrow had left her expression; now, she looked unmoving, at least in the slightest sense. ”Teach me that I might better be what Dami wants me to be?”

Teach her? Caelum was no teacher; at least, he had never fashioned himself as one. It was an unexpected request. The Brotherhood obliged him to take on recent graduates of the Order, hence, Dieudonne and Mathieos. But to be requested outside of the Order was new; he sensed protecting her was important, even if he did not yet understand exactly why.May it be Oraphe’s Will? Caelum thought to himself and then answered, ”If you wish, I will show you what I know; I do not know how helpful it will be, but if you feel this is important, then stay close.”

It was all Caelum could offer, “in the meantime, let’s enjoy our time under the sta-” Caelum was interrupted by a massive eruption off in the distance on top of Mount Errant. Fire burst from the top as if a dragon tried scorching the sky. The three broke all thought and communication as they stood to turn toward Mount Errant, another massive fire spewed up at the stars, and Caelum turned toward Maerec, “Something tells me this was not the calm before the storm, but the eye of it.” Caelum felt something bigger than the events of Vitroux, Relouse, and Port Morilles were about to reveal themselves in their path.

Maerec: ””
Caelum: ””
Camille: ””

Evander Fino Synesti

Road to the Queen’s Gate:
I Will Never Forget Who I Am

Time: Morning, Location: Erasand’Enise
Mood: ”The Beginning of a Story” by Sami Vuorensola
Current Event: Introduction to Erasand’Enise & Societies Faire

“My name is Evander Fino Synesti, son of Duke Foscari Synesti, grandson of Pietro Synesti, and the 9th line of descendants from Avince, I hereby swear on my family’s name, we will rise again by my hands and flame.” Evander recited his identity under his breath. Clutching his mother’s necklace, the gold band on his finger slid against the dragon pendant and began to increase in heat, revealing his family’s motto within the band’s integrity, words Evander repeated with his head bowed forward and eyes closed, “Cor flamma dolor exurit gladii, I will never forget who I am.”

The carriage bounced up slightly, raising Evander off his seat, breaking concentration. He looked outside his carriage window and what was revealed struck him at his core. The sight of Ersand’Enise lay off in the distance from the hillside trail they traveled on. Evander had eight of his father’s men protecting his arrival, one called out to the young prince, “We will be arriving to Ersand’Enise just before sun fall!” Evander could feel a rise of emotion in his gut, am I nervous?, he thought.No, I am excited…I will make you proud Celestina, Mamma, and Papa.

Evander continued to reflect on his mission and why he was sent to Ersand’Enise. In his rumination, time flew like a pigeon lifting off the edge of a building, swiftly. The high gates and walls covered any view of Ersand’Enise’s life and architecture. All that Evander could rely on was the stories his tutor told him before having been sent off. He was excited to see the statues of heroes, monuments of gods, and colorful sights of trees painting the city streets.

“We’re here!” One of Evander’s guards called out as he reigned in the horses to stop them from pulling the carriage further. The lead guard, Monte De l'Oeuvre, a Perrench-born mercenary, and skilled Arcanist, stepped forward to greet the Captain of the gates. The two spoke in Perrench to each other, and the gates slowly opened to the treasures of Ersand’Enise.

Evander’s carriage began again, the horse's hooves beginning to click on the stone streets paved with history and craftsmanship. There they were, statues, minarets, spires, homes, domes, large structures worshiping Pentad, and colorful trees all perfectly tucked together within the walls of Erasand’Enise to provide any tourist and resident a consistent experience of inspiration,breath-taking, was all Evander could think. The carriage stopped in front of a building with symbols etched into it’s street-facing stones forming a word, Registrar.

Monte De l’Oeuvre opened the carriage door greeting Evander, “Your grace, welcome to your new home.” Evander emerged from out of the carriage, his white golden hair falling over his shoulders; he drew his cape over one side and planted his feet on the ground of Erasand’Enise for the first time,“Where are we?” Monte De l’Oeuvre responded, “We are at the office where you will receive your next assignment; you will be on your own from here. Is there anything else we can assist you with before our leave?” Evander shook his head and waved his hand,“No, that will be all.”

His escorts turned around and began their march back to their Duke’s land while Evander took steps forward into the Registrar’s office of the Academy.

The lobby was ornamented with callbacks to all the Zeniths of the Academy’s history, etched in stone, for however long the walls would end up standing. Evander felt as if he found what he was looking for, a place to test his power and Gift, where he could sharpen his skills against the skillful and talented. This was his proving ground, and he would savor every portion he bit out of it. His right cheek raised as his lips curled to reveal his back teeth to his fang, every last bite.

He walked up to the desk where he was greeted by a gentle face, “Welcome to the Academy of Thaumaturgy; you must be the Marquess Synesti, Evander.” Evander nodded,well done lady. He leaned in to meet her eyes, “Yes, I am, and who might you be, a baroness?” Evander asked with a smile on his face. The woman behind the desk, flattered, but aware he was not serious in his question, answered, “Oh, you are too much. I am the Registrar. Here is what you’ll need to get started, class assignment, dormitory, school calendar, club information, your assigned Arch-Zeno, and Zeno; you will be staying in the Noble Dorms, they are North of here, but first, you’ll want to check in with your Arch-Zeno.” Evander watched her slide over parchments that covered everything she noted in brief. He slid his hand over the top of the small pile and pulled it toward him, “Thank you.” He turned around to exit, and she called out as he was about to step outside, “Good luck!”

Evander waved his hand to acknowledge her call, but he never looked back. He walked down steps back to the street where he paused, inhaling; he scanned and captured this moment in his new environment. There were a few tasks he had hanging on clouds floating around in his mind, but first, there was the task of meeting his Arch-Zeno. Lifting one of the papers marked “Apprentice Group”, he found the name under Arch-Zeno, Ardredelle Latvar.

First stop is…Arch-Zeno Ardredelle Latvar.

Where to begin was Evander’s next question, which direction should I take? Before he could decide, the woman from earlier interrupted his thoughts and answered, “Head to that building over there; it’s the school for chemical magic. She will be in the Arch-Zeno office on the first floor.”

A witch! Evander thought humorously, “Was I that obvious?” He said to her. All she did was smile and point until Evander turned to meet Ardredelle Latvar. The building was easy enough to follow, rarely breaking Evander’s line of sight as he walked along the Academy streets. Arriving at the doors, Evander opened both to walk inside. The halls were filled with an interesting stench on which he could not quite place his nostril. Chemicals were like that from time to time.Great, this was where my Arch-Zeno is supposed to be inhabiting? Evander continued down the corridors following signs to the Arch-Zeno’s office; he passed students and teachers without giving them much thought or attention. He focused on finding the one person he needed, Adredelle Latvar.

Evander arrived at the office door; standing outside, he took a deep breath and pushed open the door. Inside was a woman sitting behind her desk, pushing papers and moving them all over the surface. It appeared as if she could not focus on any one particular document. Instead, they all had her attention for minutes on end. Adredelle had sensed Evander enter the room, but she did not acknowledge him, not because she was rude, but because she was thinking about many other things that seemed to her a tad more important. Standing only feet inside the entrance, Evander waited, and waited, until he decided to interrupt, “Excuse me, madam, are you the Arch-Zeno, Adredelle Latvar?”

Adredelle stopped, looked up at Evander, and responded, “Pardon me, yes I am, and you?” Evander was a little annoyed at the fact she did not recognize him as a new student and HER new student to boot, “Evander Fino Synesti.” He answered sternly. Adredelle remained polite but could sense his attitude, “Nice to meet you, Evander. Welcome to Ersand’Enise and the Academy of Thaumaturgy; my name is Adredelle Latvar, and I will be your Arch-Zeno for this school year, do you have any questions for me?”

Evander nodded, “When do I start?” Adredelle replied matter-of-factly, “You begin tomorrow, first you will head to your dormitory, get settled in, review your course schedule, eat dinner, and tomorrow you will head to your first class.”

Evander noted his next step was to find his dormitory, “Ok, where is my-” Adredelle finished, “Dormitory? Check your paper.” Evander’s blood boiled a little; he was not used to someone interrupting him. Who does she think she is? Evander paused his thought, an Arch-Zeno I suppose. He pulled out his paper, “Noble dormitory, A10?” Adredelle answered respectively, “It will be the first row of dorms; you’ll see the marking once you get there, now no need to meander around here anymore, go enjoy your evening.” Evander felt as if he was being shooed away; a second time, his blood boiled in front of this character he was to identify as his Arch-Zeno. Biting his tongue, gripping his fists, he decided to say nothing…for now, “I will be off then, thank you.” Evander replied begrudgingly. Turning around, he exited her office and headed to his dorm.

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