
Sol 'Malumvir'
Mid 20s
A man of imposing figure, Sol stands at a towering 6'4 and carries himself with a powerful build. Often he is covered in a thick helmet and plate armor that protects his upper arms, torso, and legs. Yet more notable is his black leather with red insignias across it. With all of these coverings, the only thing that is not covered is his hands which are dark black. Not dissimilar to steel when pulled from an oil quench.
Sol carries himself nonchalantly, walking with little care and almost always in a dazed-like state as he seems to be daydreaming. This is contrasted when he is focused, his movements are deliberate, fast, and in combat, almost inhuman.
Sol carries himself nonchalantly, walking with little care and almost always in a dazed-like state as he seems to be daydreaming. This is contrasted when he is focused, his movements are deliberate, fast, and in combat, almost inhuman.
Sol is many things, he is hot-tempered, stubborn, and brash by nature. He is known for charging head-on at anything without second thought. Sol displays both a strong will and an absence of fear in any situation and will do whatever needs to be done. Due to his stubborn nature, Sol rarely accepts the aid of others and prefers to get out of messes on his own.
Even at this, he is more often seen as a good if not great man. Compassionate and willing to push himself into another's life if he can help. Paying debts and clearing names for nothing. Saving towns and helping people for only a meal and a night's stay. He is more often seen as a tall tale rather than a real man. Yet few forget him and his larger-than-life personality. Laughing, cheering, celebrating everything. He makes doing even the most mundane things seem like a celebration.
Even at this, he is more often seen as a good if not great man. Compassionate and willing to push himself into another's life if he can help. Paying debts and clearing names for nothing. Saving towns and helping people for only a meal and a night's stay. He is more often seen as a tall tale rather than a real man. Yet few forget him and his larger-than-life personality. Laughing, cheering, celebrating everything. He makes doing even the most mundane things seem like a celebration.
The story of Sol does not start from his birth, not of how he joined the Horde of Eisereg, and not of how he got to where he was but from the moment he awoke. The moment he awoke with no memories of who he was. Only the thoughts of doing what he believed was right.
It was a dark night, he could feel his body was cold yet his skin was hot. He could hear his own breath as his eyes finally allowed him to see the light in front of him. Through the slits of his helm he could see many men. Each one carrying blades and guns, aiming at something, no, someone in front of him. He could feel his body waning, he could feel his mind swimming, and he was about to pass out again. He wanted to throw up, yet as he felt his eyes closing, he heard the cry of a woman, yelling something. Something he could not hear, yet it was that yell that made something boil in him. He was tired, tired of something, yet tired nonetheless. His eyes flew open as he rushed headlong into combat as it was that moment when he lost consciousness and memory of anything.
He awoke under the blazing sun, the sun was heating up the metal that was surrounding his body and shining 2 rays of light through his eye slits. It felt as if he was being shot right in the eyes as he sat up and saw next to him was a woman coming out of an oasis. She looked at him and covered herself in fear, taking a helm and putting on herself. Yet his first action was the throw himself into the water as he yelled out in a hoarse voice, "Water!".
He went crashing into the water as there he began to try and gulp up the water through the helm. It took Sol a moment before he began to hear laughter from the woman. He turned his head up and looked back to see she had dressed herself in clothing and began to speak to him. She spoke to him, about what had happened, how they lost many men, and how they needed to prepare, yet Sol knew nothing of this. He didn't know who she was, who he was, as all he did was ask, "What's with the helmet?"
Her head tilted as she began to explain the reason why they wore the helmet, they were warriors, it was their laws, for their religion. She realized as Sol's head tilted that something was wrong. She then asked what his name was, as he had no clue what it was, it took multiple moments as she realized that he may have taken head damage. Even without seeing her face, she had worry, more importantly, she reached for her weapons at her side. He could have been cursed, corrupted by the plague given by the Ashen, yet as she held her weapons and looked to him, she could not do a thing except say, "Come". As they watched many men upon horseback coming over the horizon.
Their travels took them across the land, fighting countless people that they referred to as Sinners. A crusade of some kind was being held, yet Sol could not understand what it was about. All he knew was that he had to, for it was the only way to stay with Maya. They had fought countless people, Soldiers and warriors of different lands trying to look for honor and glory. Bandits and Ashen referred to as heathens. They fought for a few years, taking on countless enemies, some for the good of their land, some that Sol always had some difficulty trying to fight. Yet it was these times he was assisted by Maya, she struck down those he could not with her own weapons with a swiftness and mercy Sol only saw in few. She fought valiantly, every piece of loot or reward Sol took, he gave to Maya. She spoke of a home with gorgeous views. Peaceful mountains, a wonderous breeze that would always pass through, and Sol wanted nothing more than to help her see 'home'.
And one day, she did, they returned to the plains of Eisereg. Here she was greeted with honors, with a duty well done, as she could take off her helm, and it was here they were separated. For he could not enter the homeland, for he was not born Eisereg. Yet that did not matter to Sol, as he was told by Maya, live well, and do his best, and they will see each other again. No matter how much that may have been a lie or not, for Sol, it did not matter. He believed her words.
It was here Sol left, not to return to the Crusade, but on his own. To do his best, to do what he believed was best. He left to wander, to fully understand what was best. What was his best. He travelled to many places, finding rides on ships to different lands. Finding odd work by doing menial labor, fighting off bandits and monsters in some areas, and many different things. A constant vagabond, he often found himself in strange places, and other times, dangerous. As after working for some time with some Charlayan merchants who were heading to the lawless continent, he continued his wandering. Here his life was threatened multiple times by monsters and mercenaries who seemed all too eager to take his strange armor for themselves. Yet he always made it out. He travelled the land, doing what he believed was right. Was it always glamorous? No. Often times the best thing he could do to help was to knock a few heads around, sometimes it was to hunt down monsters to clear a path, other times it was to do the work of many, and others it was to just give whatever he could.
However, after enough time of travel, helping, and then eventually finding the Charlayan merchants who had helped him enter the continent the first time. Here he helped them out as well, they had found themselves in a rough spot as multiple Ashen mercenaries had taken over their Airship, and the only way to get it back was to pay them an untold fortune, or kick them off. Sol was a fighter so he made a choice, he challenged the leader to a duel. After multiple days of quite literally life-threatening action and insults being thrown, it ended with mutual respect for each other, and Sol quite being on death's door. The only reason why Sol and the merchants were able to leave was because the leader liked the fact that Sol would not go down no matter how many times he was attacked.
The man threw a head nod to Sol and tossed something to him. It was a letter as he said, "Here kid, you might find this more useful than me". As Sol left, he read it was a letter to some strange academy. Where will it take him? He had no clue. Yet after fighting Izaro, to be his best, he could not
It was a dark night, he could feel his body was cold yet his skin was hot. He could hear his own breath as his eyes finally allowed him to see the light in front of him. Through the slits of his helm he could see many men. Each one carrying blades and guns, aiming at something, no, someone in front of him. He could feel his body waning, he could feel his mind swimming, and he was about to pass out again. He wanted to throw up, yet as he felt his eyes closing, he heard the cry of a woman, yelling something. Something he could not hear, yet it was that yell that made something boil in him. He was tired, tired of something, yet tired nonetheless. His eyes flew open as he rushed headlong into combat as it was that moment when he lost consciousness and memory of anything.
He awoke under the blazing sun, the sun was heating up the metal that was surrounding his body and shining 2 rays of light through his eye slits. It felt as if he was being shot right in the eyes as he sat up and saw next to him was a woman coming out of an oasis. She looked at him and covered herself in fear, taking a helm and putting on herself. Yet his first action was the throw himself into the water as he yelled out in a hoarse voice, "Water!".
He went crashing into the water as there he began to try and gulp up the water through the helm. It took Sol a moment before he began to hear laughter from the woman. He turned his head up and looked back to see she had dressed herself in clothing and began to speak to him. She spoke to him, about what had happened, how they lost many men, and how they needed to prepare, yet Sol knew nothing of this. He didn't know who she was, who he was, as all he did was ask, "What's with the helmet?"
Her head tilted as she began to explain the reason why they wore the helmet, they were warriors, it was their laws, for their religion. She realized as Sol's head tilted that something was wrong. She then asked what his name was, as he had no clue what it was, it took multiple moments as she realized that he may have taken head damage. Even without seeing her face, she had worry, more importantly, she reached for her weapons at her side. He could have been cursed, corrupted by the plague given by the Ashen, yet as she held her weapons and looked to him, she could not do a thing except say, "Come". As they watched many men upon horseback coming over the horizon.
Their travels took them across the land, fighting countless people that they referred to as Sinners. A crusade of some kind was being held, yet Sol could not understand what it was about. All he knew was that he had to, for it was the only way to stay with Maya. They had fought countless people, Soldiers and warriors of different lands trying to look for honor and glory. Bandits and Ashen referred to as heathens. They fought for a few years, taking on countless enemies, some for the good of their land, some that Sol always had some difficulty trying to fight. Yet it was these times he was assisted by Maya, she struck down those he could not with her own weapons with a swiftness and mercy Sol only saw in few. She fought valiantly, every piece of loot or reward Sol took, he gave to Maya. She spoke of a home with gorgeous views. Peaceful mountains, a wonderous breeze that would always pass through, and Sol wanted nothing more than to help her see 'home'.
And one day, she did, they returned to the plains of Eisereg. Here she was greeted with honors, with a duty well done, as she could take off her helm, and it was here they were separated. For he could not enter the homeland, for he was not born Eisereg. Yet that did not matter to Sol, as he was told by Maya, live well, and do his best, and they will see each other again. No matter how much that may have been a lie or not, for Sol, it did not matter. He believed her words.
It was here Sol left, not to return to the Crusade, but on his own. To do his best, to do what he believed was best. He left to wander, to fully understand what was best. What was his best. He travelled to many places, finding rides on ships to different lands. Finding odd work by doing menial labor, fighting off bandits and monsters in some areas, and many different things. A constant vagabond, he often found himself in strange places, and other times, dangerous. As after working for some time with some Charlayan merchants who were heading to the lawless continent, he continued his wandering. Here his life was threatened multiple times by monsters and mercenaries who seemed all too eager to take his strange armor for themselves. Yet he always made it out. He travelled the land, doing what he believed was right. Was it always glamorous? No. Often times the best thing he could do to help was to knock a few heads around, sometimes it was to hunt down monsters to clear a path, other times it was to do the work of many, and others it was to just give whatever he could.
However, after enough time of travel, helping, and then eventually finding the Charlayan merchants who had helped him enter the continent the first time. Here he helped them out as well, they had found themselves in a rough spot as multiple Ashen mercenaries had taken over their Airship, and the only way to get it back was to pay them an untold fortune, or kick them off. Sol was a fighter so he made a choice, he challenged the leader to a duel. After multiple days of quite literally life-threatening action and insults being thrown, it ended with mutual respect for each other, and Sol quite being on death's door. The only reason why Sol and the merchants were able to leave was because the leader liked the fact that Sol would not go down no matter how many times he was attacked.
The man threw a head nod to Sol and tossed something to him. It was a letter as he said, "Here kid, you might find this more useful than me". As Sol left, he read it was a letter to some strange academy. Where will it take him? He had no clue. Yet after fighting Izaro, to be his best, he could not
Combat Intuition- While he seems like a real martial art genius, it is his instincts that truly show off what kind of skill he has. An intuitive understanding of the body's movements and how to use them to best fight is what makes Sol a formidable combatant, even if he has no formal training or skills to speak of. This intuition is something made from both natural instincts and years of experience, both remembered and not.
Compassionate- Sol is compassionate to everyone he talks to. Often making countless friends and allies from helping and showing concern for others. He is often treated quite well because of his very outwardly kind nature to help.
Confident- Sol is one who will always confidently say what he is thinking. Do what he thinks is right, and is not willing to sit around and watch as things go. This allows him to act in ways others wouldn't, and to 'push' what is perceived as normal aside to do what he believes is good.
Compassionate- Sol is compassionate to everyone he talks to. Often making countless friends and allies from helping and showing concern for others. He is often treated quite well because of his very outwardly kind nature to help.
Confident- Sol is one who will always confidently say what he is thinking. Do what he thinks is right, and is not willing to sit around and watch as things go. This allows him to act in ways others wouldn't, and to 'push' what is perceived as normal aside to do what he believes is good.
Bound by Honor - Sol carries himself with a sense of moral goodness. While a boon in some ways as it gives him a well-perceived goodness and reputation, it can land him in many bad situations. Lairs, cheats, tricksters, and those who are more than aware of Sol's nature and willing to take advantage of it.
Hard-headed - Sol is a man who is strong-willed and believes in what he does or thinks. Yet this same great will comes with the fact that it is impossible to sway. When Sol sets his mind to something, it nearly takes divine intervention to set him off his course. Even if he is right or wrong.
Generous - While seen as a great quality among people, when you are quite literally scraping by, giving your last penny to another person is not quite the greatest trait.
Hard-headed - Sol is a man who is strong-willed and believes in what he does or thinks. Yet this same great will comes with the fact that it is impossible to sway. When Sol sets his mind to something, it nearly takes divine intervention to set him off his course. Even if he is right or wrong.
Generous - While seen as a great quality among people, when you are quite literally scraping by, giving your last penny to another person is not quite the greatest trait.
The GOAT (Fighter)
In combat Sol is much less of what they would expect a knight to be, someone covered in heavy armor, and more like a natural disaster. Often fighting with his fists, Sol is more often than not punching men and sending them flying. Breaking weapons with strikes and performing single-hand parries. The reason why he wields no other weapons is actually the fact that he breaks them. Large clubs of metal can take a beating but even those break after a few hits.
He is willing to pick up weapons from others and use them, and feels comfortable with all kinds of weapons. He shows a strange affinity with guns and even has a set of body holsters for 2 pistols. Yet they always seem empty.
In combat Sol is much less of what they would expect a knight to be, someone covered in heavy armor, and more like a natural disaster. Often fighting with his fists, Sol is more often than not punching men and sending them flying. Breaking weapons with strikes and performing single-hand parries. The reason why he wields no other weapons is actually the fact that he breaks them. Large clubs of metal can take a beating but even those break after a few hits.
He is willing to pick up weapons from others and use them, and feels comfortable with all kinds of weapons. He shows a strange affinity with guns and even has a set of body holsters for 2 pistols. Yet they always seem empty.
Vagabond, Professional Homeless Man.
Extrodinary Physicality- Sol has strength that rivals that of monsters. With enough strength to bend metal with his bare hands and pulverize stone with a single punch. Yet with that, it is even stranger that his speed is something otherworldly. He can run at such incredible speeds, he is almost impossible to keep up with the untrained eye. Even if one could keep up with his speed and strength, his endurance is something that could only be likened to a train. His skin is like that of steel and his body seems not to even bend when met with a great force. Some believe that Sol is more like a monster than an actual human.
Regeneration- While not true regeneration, Sol does heal from wounds much quicker than most people. Broken bones seem to not slow him down. He seems to forget about wounds within hours, and his body makes them disappear in days. Yet the strangest of all is that a night's rest seems to be the only thing needed to ward off any of the pains from the day before.
Breathing Techniques- While not like the powerful and incredible magics that can be performed by learned mages. Breathing Techniques are something used by many fighters of greater renown. By taking in the energy around the user they can bring the energy within themselves to perform minor control over it and then release it in minor controlled manners. Some use it for external control, like energy slashes, while others use it for internal control, like increasing the power of strikes. Sol is a natural with internal control of energy, so much so he can perform it even in his sleep without conscious thought.
Regeneration- While not true regeneration, Sol does heal from wounds much quicker than most people. Broken bones seem to not slow him down. He seems to forget about wounds within hours, and his body makes them disappear in days. Yet the strangest of all is that a night's rest seems to be the only thing needed to ward off any of the pains from the day before.
Breathing Techniques- While not like the powerful and incredible magics that can be performed by learned mages. Breathing Techniques are something used by many fighters of greater renown. By taking in the energy around the user they can bring the energy within themselves to perform minor control over it and then release it in minor controlled manners. Some use it for external control, like energy slashes, while others use it for internal control, like increasing the power of strikes. Sol is a natural with internal control of energy, so much so he can perform it even in his sleep without conscious thought.
Armor - A set of armor that Sol was given by the Eisereg and has been maintained ever since. While being worn for long periods of time and seen countless fights, often many people would think it would be destroyed, his armor seems to be in pristine condition.
Leather Jacket - A black leather jacket that was given to Sol after he had awoken from his unconsciousness. While he doesn't know why it is important, he knows that it is important.
Gun holsters - A set of dark brown leather holsters that he keeps on himself. He never leaves without them and allows no one to touch them without his knowledge.
Money - He has none.
Leather Jacket - A black leather jacket that was given to Sol after he had awoken from his unconsciousness. While he doesn't know why it is important, he knows that it is important.
Gun holsters - A set of dark brown leather holsters that he keeps on himself. He never leaves without them and allows no one to touch them without his knowledge.
Money - He has none.
I'd honestly really like to play the character and see what other people will be putting up before I decide, but right now I am leaning towards Enhancement because then I can also dip into emission and transmutation to become like my heroes Mr. God Hand Gene, Guts Berserk, and Asura from the hit 2012 release Asura's Wrath.
Izaro Pic - An Experienced and powerful Ashen mercenary who had originally planned to rob a Charlayan merchant group friends with Sol nd kill Sol. After a good long battle, mutual respect was drawn between the two as he was the point of connection for Sol to join the Academy.
Marshal Pic - An Experienced merchant who travels too and from the Lawless Continent and acts as Sol's main benefactor and someone he had received work from before.
Maya pic - A Veteran of the Eisereg she is now resting in their homeland and is Sol's catalyst for wandering.
Marshal Pic - An Experienced merchant who travels too and from the Lawless Continent and acts as Sol's main benefactor and someone he had received work from before.
Maya pic - A Veteran of the Eisereg she is now resting in their homeland and is Sol's catalyst for wandering.
Sol uses Gold.