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Name: Nemet Arann Galea
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Height: 5ft 10"
Weight: 195lb

Motto: J M M

Just Make Money



Appearance: Standing at 5ft 10 and weighing 190lb Nemet is of stocky build and broad shoulders. Well built but not overly bulky, he carries himself with a certain aura of strength and confidence due to his internalised idea that if he can wrastle with the baddest creatures in the desert, what can man do? With near shoulder length, and often filthy blond hair from the mud, dust and sweat of from his work and with a wry grin and a warm and welcoming demeanour, his piercing blue eyes cut through the grimy exterior to give a friendly window into an otherwise wild unkempt apparel, but show the fiery intellect of a driven man.

A single long and deep scar breaks the otherwise clear (of injury not dirt) face of Nemet starting just below the left jawbone and extending upwards across the cheek towards the left eye, and continuing a few inches up through the eyebrow and onto the forehead. A lasting wound from an old adversary and a timely reminder that the creatures of the wasteland have had to become monsters in our wake.

"Let those curse it who curse the day, whom are ready to rouse Leviathan" Job 3:8

Equipment: He wears assorted hides and chitin taken from fallen creatures over the years to fashion what to most looks like a gross imitation of vault dweller suits crossed with raider armour. Thick braimen leather has been cured amd stitched into a trouser and long jacket and the joints, knees, shoulders and waist have mirelirk and radscorpion chitin sewn, or sometimes, melted onto the clothing to provide some basic ballistic and impact protection, but more so to help absorb radiation from the wasteland, as his occupation leads him to spend extended stays in the wilds and wastelands and as such, rad protection ends up being the most crucial when one's own skill can cover the other risks.

He also carries a pocket switchblade, a larger Bowie style hunting knife, a small single breach loaded dart pistol with 3 tranq rounds, and his pride and joy, his modified (and sort of pipe) ssk "deliverance" 950 jdj rifle. This monster of a weapon can only load 1 round at a time with a similar to a Henri Martini loading mechanism, though improvised and tinkered over the years she still needs constant care, and chambered in .95 calibre using custom hand cast bullets, each round is capable of penetrative even the most armoured creatures easily and if well placed can fel even a death claw in a small handful of shots; it can even pose a danger to people in power armour, though more modern and heavier weaighted and modified designs will still more than hold up the user will still feel it. As the bullets are all hand made and cast he only ever has 7-12 on him at any given time and will not often expend them in one encounter. A small radscorpion dagger made from the stinger is his final item of note as it acts as a Melee option for tranquilization, or to deliver fatal and dangerous chemical mixes into assailants.

Past/Current Affiliations: Has lived his life primarily as a freelancer, but due to the nature of his work he has decent relations with the NCR rangers and is known positively by many other factions peacekeeping forces. He has been known to previously rub the Brotherhood of Steel and Casers Legion the wrong way as they have vyed for dominance and the building of a new world in which Nemets action and conservation works have directly clashed. Currently acting as an honorary ncr ranger as the recent conflicts and Yes Mans influence spreading, much if the wildlife has fled the local area and before moving on, Nemet needs to acquire the resources to survive the trip and as such is taking jobs as he can get them.

Likes: Any time he gets to spend in the least irradiated areas of nature is precious beyond compare. His final dream is to be able to relocate so far from mainland America he might find a small patch of the world unburdened by humanity's greatest and most terrible war. He enjoys routine and rigorous workloads.

He also likes to gamble, finds thrill in the heat of a standoff, and often pushes his charisma too far on purpose to get to the real grit of a man/woman when they act out or against his influence. Also enjoys learning about people and their histories, especially those that work with him (even if it's motivated by nefarious intent) as it has both the desired effects of helping to endear him to his peers and the wider world, and giving him information he can use if necessary to secure his wants or safety.

Dislikes: Despises heavily industrialised factions/settlements for both their additional pollution, and their ability/tendency to annihilate any wildlife nearby.
Refuses to use laser weapons and disapproves of their use for anything other than anti human self defence. They inflict horrific injury to targets before being lethal and unnecessary suffering to wildlife even if theyre known aggressive species is abhorrent to Nemet. He dislikes people who are extremely intelligent for fear of his truer nature being revealed publically. Not fond of cramped indoor spaces. Not claustrophobia necessarily but the idea of being stuck or trapped in built up spaces where all his experience is useless generally speaking makes him uneasy. People who strive for the revival of nuclear technology as the path for human growth. Its what caused the catastrophe we live in now, and what's caused all the horrific changes to the ecosystem that means his services are so necessary. And he blames he industries of the old and new world causing inflicting these changes onto the world

Key Character Traits: 2-faced; Anxious, exploitative, mistrustful, pragmatic. OR Extroverted, quirky, compassionate, resourceful. *explained in background.

Background: Not entirely sure of the exact date of his birth but highly confident his age is 31, Nemet This side of him and ways of expressing these thoughts come from a furiously religious upbringing where, as a child, any time he expressed any kind of desire for anything like a machone or technology to assist in the labour and workload of the town, he and other children were beaten, isolated, starved etc. This small cult like settlement contained a hopelessly misguided revived sect of pseudo amish x evangelical Christian faith. Based from incomplete findings of old books and bibles, as well as a few generations of misunderstanding and altered interpretations; their faith centered on the ideas that we as humans should inheret the earth, but we are being punished with a twisted earth for the creations of the old world and the nuclear movement. Intepreting the mutant and irradiated world they now inhabit as hell brought to earth, and the industrious nuclear movement as the devils work on earth; being that it was the nuclear arsenals that broke the world and tore down the sanctity of our responsibity to nature as its inheritors and rulers. From this dogma, a festering disgust towards any digital and nuclear technology was near bred into every citizen, and the mistrust of outsiders led them to be a cruel and mistrustful people, closeted from much of the Mojave and its goings on. Tucked away in a small valley by the Great salt flats, the only way for it to stay afloat was to live in as close harmony to the wilds as possible, herding what little livestock they could and attempting poorly to farm in yhe arid and salty climate and also to periodically sell of or trade their least productive community members for resources from nearby raider camps.

Over the generations this settlements population declind as raider attacks rose and birth rate fell. As the population dwindled their faith became ever more twisted and savage, eventually leading them to preach the idea that the Lord was punishing us for our hubris bending the world out of shape so and twisting the natural order. It was this doctrine that instilled in nemet as a child, the notion that the industrious man was the devil on earth, amd that the way humanity reclaims its rightful place is to live with not in spite of nature. However at the age of 15 something would happen that would change his life forever. One day on a cold Winter night a radar attack came into the settlement radar attack came into the settlement and not only took the usual type of young people to serve as additional members of the radar population simply steal the last remnants of resources and stores from the settlement and burn it to the ground, murdering much of the population of the process. As the attack hit, nemet and his family ran to a nearby barn with some other to take shelter. Nemet climbed up into the rafters to try and further remove himself from the danger and shelter himself from tje smoke and screams. In the chaos and confusion many of the populace cried out to their God in hopes that though he would deliver them from the death and destruction that was being wrought around them but nothing was heard and no deliverance was given. Dozens were cut down as they knelt in the streets or in their homes. After eventually seeing the raider chief kick the door of the barn down where the last citizens were hiding and unload a laser rifle into the crowd, burning the flesh and searing a smell forever into Nemets memory; The traumatised 15 year old simply hid in the rafters silently and watched as the bodies of his family and his people writhed in the agony of laser burns until eventually passing. By the end of the ordeal, the raiders eventually began piling the bodies into the barn and eventually lit it. The flames nearly engulfing nemet before he eventually Leapt from the barn's rafters and darted through a small opening in the back as the walls collapsed getting charred and singed on his way out he sprinted out into the sprinted out into the darkness away from his driving village, knowing that he could never turn back. No knowing that his only remaining options were to die in the desert autumn make it to the next settlement that wasn't a radio camp and knowing that settlement was an NCR radio radio station at least 2 dozen miles away it was going to be a arduous trip through the desert with no resources and nothing but the clothes on his back and the pocket knife in his trousers, But using his knowledge of livestock and wildlife he tracked some of the remaining herd braimen that had fled their field when the gunfire and fires started, and led them along with him as best he could through the night on the long march to the station. Exhausted from a night march and shivering to his core from the cold, dawn eventually broke to reveal nemet was not where he thought he'd be, he wasn't even within sight of any landmarks he recognised to orient himself to the path he was trying to take.

He was lost.

Beginning to panic and looking all around for any signs of life or civilisation as little as a road, he spotted in the distance what looked like a small shack with a tall fence around it. Approaching Cautiously he eventually noticed that some of the fence had been smashed down certainly by some kind of large creature many of the fence links were taunted by some incredibly lodge call he also noticed the one of them he also noticed that 1 of the walls had been smashed in of the shack there's heartbreaking but knowing that he had no choice but to take shelter here or die in the desert, he took each step as though he were on the thinnest ice, and carefully entered the shack. Being about 12ft by 18ft Square, the interior of the shack seemed to be so.e kind of living quarters that had been torn apart by something massive. Huge claw marks were rent all over the walls, tables, floor and appliances, and there was blood and scrap and soot everywhere. Digging further. He overturned a fallen section of wooden wall to uncover a large hole in rhe corner of the floor about 8ft in diameter, with a ladder rusted and bent but just functioning leading down to another chamber. Upon inspection, nemet came to see and understand what had happened here. Whomever this place had belonged to had lived in the path of a migrating death claw matriarch. She'd perhaps smelt him as a food source or perhaps he agitated her in some way, Regardless the death claw had clearly decided that she was going to take this man's life and had smashed through his fence smashed through his walls and attempted to murder him clearly a lot of the blood of her and explosions and bullets and claw holes were from him to attempting to defend himself with whatever arms he had until he retreated into the underground chamber, where the death claw followed him and was subsequently killed by the weapon Nemet is most known for now.

It had turned out that this underground chamber was essentially actingwas essentially acting as the survivalist's paradise it had clearly previously been stopped with lots of tin food and supplies there was a workshop and a workbench there was a propane tank attached to a small forge and all of the capacities and tools necessary to cast and produce bullets and replacement parts as well as a small welding tool at the maintain, produce and look after arms and ammunition. Unfortunately for the poor man who'd lived here, he'd under prepared for such a monstrous beast smashing into his home and had died in the attempt to defend his home. His skeleton laid out with and arm detached and an enormous bite wound in his armour. On his lap lay Nemets famous Ssk 950 jdj. A lidcirous calibre of rifle designed as a potential alternative to anti armoured personel rifle for military purposes, but was considered obsolete by the time of its release due to power armour and the heavy weaponry that allowed the US to bring en masse. As such it was sold as a sort of a joke of a hobby and range rifle. Whilst sold in short supply's and deemed too impractical for the very modernising US military, but pragmatically speaking, the round it fires is so heavy it can still sit down a man in power armour, even if not penetrating. And it's effect was clear to see as the death claw matriarch had in addition to tradition bullet wounds from other weapons, a gaping wound through her upper torso and out her back. The exit wound being wide enough to fit an entire fist into.

After discovering a desperate survivors treasure trove under the now hollow corpse of man and nature's greatest killing machine Nemet hastily used what remaining and unbroken tools were there to rebuild a semblance of a wall on the shack and herded the braimen inside, staying himself in the bunker and searching frantically for clues as to where he was, eventually coming across an overturned Steel cabinet with some maps and diaries in a drawer. Contained within them were the owners own hand written instructions and diagrams on how some of his tools and machines worked for creating the bullets. Clearly the process was fairly precise and having the notes meant they'd not be forgotten. But now they would serve as the basis for Nemets rebirth from a humble mistreated zealot of a lost era, into the pro wasteland wildlife protector he's now known for.

After a solid week of study, self discipline and practice (and more than a few Powder burns) he successfully replicated the process for producing the ammunition and crafted from what remained, a measly 3 rounds. Each powerful enough to end a fight before it truly began; And with the remaining 2 braimen loaded up with all the tools and supplies too Cumbersome to carry, he set back out into the wasteland. Near unrecognisable in temperament and demeanour from the boy who'd stumbled away from his burning village, now marched a man of purpose.

Driven voraciously by a cruel sense of self preservation, and a disdainful disposition towards any overly industrious (in the sense of pollution and nuclear power, not necessarily productive people for the sake of other people) whom may disregard the sanctity (or what little remained) of the natural world that he now felt, as the seemingly last survivor of his settlement, was his sole responsibility to rebuild.

Strength 5
Perception 7
Endurance 4
Charisma 7
Intelligence 5
Agility 8
Luck 6

Barter 15 ,
Energy Weapons 5 ,
Explosive 25 ,
Guns 45 ,
Lockpick 10 ,
Medicine 25 ,
Melee Weapons 15 ,
Repair 17 ,
Science 35 ,
Sneak 30 ,
Speech 30 ,
Survival 35
Unarmed 25,

Theme Song: Fistful of dollars
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