Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
    3. █████ 11 yrs ago
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"Yes, I agree. And there are less stakes like having my family involved, so there's no need to worry about holding anything back, all I have to worry about is the public eye." Light went and grabbed the Death Note from under the pillow. He ripped out 6 pieces of a blank page from the Death Note, each enough to write two names on the back, and for himself, a seventh that he put in his watch. He handed them to Madeline. "Carry 5 of these with you. Hide the 6th one in the apartment somewhere for emergency purposes. I have a very strong feeling, that we will be needing them. When, and if that time comes you will bring them to me. That's really all I have to say right now. I can't make any plans unless I have an idea of what's going on, so I'm going to go talk to Yukki. Hopefully, he has something." Light said, and then left the room.
Damn it all! he thought, that he had been able to predict this situation this time around. He had already known that Ryujin was from Sakurami. Thus, in theory all he had to do was have an unrelated incident occur, to masterfully bring the situation to a close. Nobody would die, and he wouldn't lose. A tracking device to monitor a heartbeat, not bad. This Bernkastel had also already planned out a few possibilities towards this situation, and now, so would he. Light looked at Ryuk through the corner of his eye. It was just like the original case, all over again. He had found his opponent. He nodded, turning off the TV and then answered Yukki. "Yeah, I'm gonna guess so. Bernkastel...interesting. I have a feeling, that this person will be visiting us quite soon, considering I am the one who launched this investigation. Right now, I think the best bet is to re-contact Inspector Keigo and ask him if he knows of anything that will be going on. So, I leave that up to you, Yukki," Light turned his head to Madeline, "as for me, Madeline and I need to go discuss our living arrangements, in private." Light said, and headed into the bedroom from earlier.
Light gritted his teeth. The man's name was Ryujin Rise, and his son Tenma Rise. He knew next to nothing about the both of them, so while everybody was glued to the TV he slipped off and and looked up Ryujin on the Computer. Ryujin Rise, of the company Ryujin Technologies, based in Sakurami City. A famous innovator, similar to companies such as Apple, who had created revolutionary items to make life easier for people. After his father had died of natural causes a few years ago, he had taken over the company. His son was obviously a great joy in his life, considering public photos. He wasn't married, and...his mother. His mother was dying of a rare disease, that killed slowly. It was time to act on that, then. Being a CEO was busy work, so it was safe to assume he had his cell phone on him. If the man had enough stones to kill his son in the name of justice, how would that make him any better than the way they portrayed Kira? It wouldn't, obviously. His policy was to kill criminals and not kill based on the fact someone MIGHT kill. There would be no good people left, otherwise. So, if his mother died in her sleep, it would weaken his resolve as to the fact that he would have noone left. Not to mention that killing his son would be HIS decision, Kira was only the one who laid down indiscriminate judgement. Ryujin would have to live with two of his closest family members dead in one day, lose his father's company and go to jail, the operation would fail, and he would still be free, barely lifting a finger.

Light took out his old Pocket Watch. He stealthily wrote down Ryujin's mothers name, then flipped it closed. In just 40 seconds his mother would pass away. If his cell phone was on him, it would ring a few seconds later, informing him of the death. If he was able to rightly predict the reaction, the man would break down, unable to do it. If he did still kill the boy, nothing would have changed. Ryujin would be taken to jail, and then die by the Death Note a few weeks later. He'd truly rid him from the world, absolutely having a reason to kill him, just it being less suspicious. In both scenarios, Kira had not done anything, at least not while being put on the spot. He waited silently, walking over to see the results on TV.
Light quickly sat up, opening his eyes. It was only Madeline. He had learned to be a light sleeper, especially when you were Kira. "What's wrong, did the Prime Minister call?" before she could answer, he could tell something was wrong by the look on her face. Light rushed out into the Living room, seeing that Yukki and Yuno were focused on the TV, and caught the last few seconds. "-most of the decisions have been finalized here they are-" Light kept a good poker face, but was angry inside as he could tell the broadcast was being interrupted by something.
(I feel like Light needs more outside intervention to stop him in his tracks. Maybe somebody from another series? (also, time skip)

Light, not really sure what to do, sat down on the couch, holding the Death Note. There was nothing to do but just wait, really, and that would take hours. Should he sleep? honestly he hadn't slept one bit since he had got here, and he was feeling a bit tired. Light yawned a bit. "I'm going to go take a long nap, I guess. When that phone rings, come and get me. Do NOT answer it, it's the Prime Minister of Japan. I've been having some insomnia, but I think I can get through it. We've got plenty of daylight still out, so we've got plenty of time until the World Governments make an announcement." Light stood up, and then disappeared into a bedroom, shutting the door. He yawned, sticking the Death Note under a pillow, then shut his eyes and fell asleep.
"That's my roommate. I had no place to stay, remember? I bumped into Madeline here on the street, she was asking for directions. She came all the way from England because she's going to a school here as an exchange student. Since I helped her out, she let me stay here. She doesn't talk much, but she's pretty smart." Light explained, taking the last few bits from the apple before throwing it away."Oh, and by the way, no more unnecessary chatter for now on. If we are going to talk about anything that sounds important, we have to talk in private, like this. I was just on the phone with the Prime Minister a few minutes ago. We're going to be gathering smart minds at a hidden location to speak about this, so getting everything I asked for is gonna' take awhile, especially if some come from other countries, they have to be flown out. So, unpack and make yourselves at home. Consider this the KTF's temporary base." Light said.
Light turned his head towards the door. He turned up the volume on the TV, then stood up with the apple still in his hands. He took a bite while heading towards the door. As a precaution, he looked through the peephole. Everything was normal, so he opened up the door. "Ah, Yukki, and Yuno too. So glad you both showed up," Light said with a smile, then took a bite from his apple. "Please come inside. We can talk more when I close the door." Light said, holding the door open.
"Thank you very much, Mr. Prime Minister. Please call me back when you have made progress." Light said, and on his face was a devious grin that only Ryuk and Madeline could possibly see. He hung up the phone. "Everything has gone as planned," Light said in glee, going to sit down at the table. "now, we just have to wait for Yukki and Yuno to arrive. Madeline, just act like you usually do. Your near-emotionless state actually puts you as the stoic type, so I can just explain you away as a transfer from England who let me stay with you." Light said, flipping through the Death Note. On the table as a centerpiece was a complimentary bowl of fruit, filled with Banana's, Apples and other fruits. Light took an apple and tossed one to Ryuk, then took one for himself, biting into it. "It seems being half Shinigami extends the amount of time I don't need to eat. However, I need to keep up a perfect image, thus comes a maintained diet. Scurvy is not something I desire." He remarked, then taking a bite from the apple and flipping through pages in the Death Note.
I'm declaring this roleplay dead for all intents and purposes. Do not post here from this day onward. I may keep the plot rolling and haven't been too active in my posts, but a lot of people joined here and most of them have stop posting without giving me the respect of telling me WHY, as usual this happened. The guy I was talking too in PMS who is BB, so I guess I will reveal that, it has been an entire week. From what you told me, you finally had free time and YOU explicitly told me you, and two other people were gonna join. YOU STILL HAVE NEVER JOINED AND AFTER I REPLIED TO YOU, AFTER ALL THAT TIME YOU STILL NEVER POSTED YOUR APPLICATION. With no further post of clarification or anything.

What is wrong with you people? is it really that HARD to tell me you're not interested?! if you're gonna drop out of something I slowly put real some thought into over a course of a little while, at least say it to my face!! the only one whoever bothered to do so was Callalily. Who posted once then abruptly left for no reason specified. But, at least that person TOLD ME they were leaving. I'm getting real tired of this trend in RP's. And that's all I have to say. This is now dead, thank you all very much.
BB said
Question before I post muh app, should we add any info about what our peeps have been doing post dimensional merge?

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