Avatar of Gummi Bunnies
  • Last Seen: 9 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: gardevoirgirl76
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3009 (0.74 / day)
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    1. Gummi Bunnies 11 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current can honkai star rail 1.2 come out already? i wanna roll for blade so bad T_T
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trying this again, im alive lol
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im alive again again.
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*dabs* im back???
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excuse me, but i'm now yuri on ice, fate/grand order, and otome game trash. woo
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twitter handle: bucketofdumbass
pfp credit: @/namakoaaa on twitter

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As you can probably tell with my account, I'm not a new user. I just remembered my old login deets after a millennia so here I am. Bonus points if you happen to remember who I was.

I go by either Gummi or Kazu, whichever works. I got nothing else but a gacha game hyperfixation (ie. my current pfp) and cursed to be in retail hell.

Here for a good time not a long time, so what's up?
Haru Imamura

The girl's direct inquiry aimed towards Haru was enough to snap her out of it, bringing herself back to the reality of the situation. This wasn't just a phenomenon that involved the meeting of spirits from the past. It was a phenomenon that Haru found herself weaved right into it, and that her actions held a heavy weight to what could happen. Yeah, this was more nerve-wracking than being a casual practitioner of a specific sport getting thrown straight into the big leagues years after calling it quits beforehand. Even when she wanted to escape from this situation, it wasn't really an option to leave it as it is. She simply had to go along with it as well as she could.

"Well, um... I guess so? That doesn't mean I'm... completely clueless, not really. Just got to get... used to this, yeah." Haru would trip over her words here and there explaining herself. She really needed to get herself together if she was going to survive any of this in the near future.

Then, her attention was brought over to Archer, who determined that the two pairs present would work together. At least from what she could gather here, the other Master and their Rider didn't seem to be an immediate threat, and seeing as Haru was unsure on how to adapt to this new situation by herself...

"Oh! Uh, sure. That's fine with me, it's definitely better that Archer here does take the lead than me personally, but I hope this works out too." She didn't see a problem with it personally as she awkwardly greeted Rider.

@Raineh Daze @Crusader Lord @1Charak2

Berserker - Kiyohime

There were only two kinds of thoughts circulating in Kiyohime's head as they took a walk toward the village's shrine. One, she was constantly thinking about what could spice up their nightly stroll together. Then, she was feverishly planning ahead to take care of their foes should they get spotted and engaged in battle. Either way, both trains of thought revolved around her Master.

Upon approaching the shrine, she instinctively frowned from the aura that their destination gave off. It wasn't a stretch in logic to think that the other Masters and Servants could be here. The shrine's setting was practically asking for that type of attention, and it only put Berserker in more tension than she was before. As she followed Thomas's lead, she obsessively kept her attention out for anything that could ambush them.

@King Cosmos
Haru Imamura

Just like my usual leisurely strolls... nothing out of the ordinary... nothing too different...

Constant banter to herself. Constantly convincing herself that everything will be fine. Going off of what Archer said to her, it was unlikely that something terrible would transpire. So to Haru, this was no different than the times she's walked this path frequently before this very moment.

So far, so good, though. Haru kept herself from saying anything unnecessary the first few times that Archer briefly wandered off the trail. Well, she figured that the Heroic Spirit she happened to summon out of chance knew what to do when it came to recon. That only left Haru to act natural as possible. That shouldn't be so hard, right?

A surprised sound came out from Haru the moment she found herself being approached and greeted by a young girl with a... wait, was that a matchlock?! Okay, that was not an everyday thing to make an observation out of, but surely this was someone not from the village. Maybe a tourist or...

A burning sensation radiated from her left hand. That meant something, didn't it? The fact that it only did so when she got near this new face. Even so, she poorly tried to save face here, not wanting to fall for the trap that is paranoia.

"Oh, um, there's a place I know of... in the center of town. I believe it's... still open, yeah. If not then... um..." A complete mess of words danced out of Haru's mouth, and next thing she knew, she saw that Archer revealed herself in an attention-grabbing notion. If that's anything to go by, that meant that this girl and the man accompanying her were involved with this Grail War. She didn't see much reason to say anything else once this was made clear, and furthermore, something about the two Servants' conversation was... hitting the nail on a single detail.

What... do they know each other? Like... from their past lives... And that mention of Chacha... being called Boss... her choice of weapons... If so... then... Her thoughts raced once she started to piece together something crucial about her Archer. Oh, that said a lot. A whole lot.

Haru awkwardly stood there in silence, this was something she wasn't really prepared for and it was REALLY starting to show.

@Raineh Daze @Crusader Lord @1Charak2

Berserker - Kiyohime

That single affirmation was enough to keep her situated as is. That was nothing more than positive reinforcement that what she was doing was good. If it was good enough to help him survive and win this Grail War, Kiyohime was overjoyed to keep this up. Now came the exact directions on how to go about this. Information gathering. Easy enough. She wasn't the type to specialize stalking for anything else that didn't relate to her beloved, but if it was needed from her, she could do her best. And if they were spotted by the enemy, protect her beloved. Extremely easy. Even if she wasn't told this, Berserker knew exactly what to do. There was no absolute way she was going to let anyone lay a hand on him, harm him.

"Of course!" Kiyohime's eyes sparkled upon hearing Thomas's words, instinctively holding his hand. Being called "my dear," her heart fluttered at the sound of it. "As long as we walk together, I'll make sure that no one hurts you. Now, let's gather this information that you need. I'll keep my eye out for any danger along the way!"

@King Cosmos
Haru Imamura

Well, that answers that. Haru figured it would be fine as Archer said. If this was only starting up now, there was no reason to go all-out in a sense. At most, it would take a few days for some to start enacting their strategies. That was what she thought on this. So with that, she could rest easy that there really shouldn't be any drastic action taken for the day.

"O-oh, right... then this should be okay. Yeah." She responded before thinking about where to start their scope-out of the town. There wasn't much to help her with where to start, so that became a matter of winging it as they went for now.

"I guess we can start heading out. From here, there's a bit of farmland before we hit a fork in the road that leads either into the main part of town or a forest path... so we could go with this for now and see where that takes us... does that sound good, Archer?" Haru inquired, seeing it as something to start with.

@Raineh Daze
Haru Imamura

Right. Of course. As long as she's been branded as one of the Grail War's Masters, there wasn't an easy way out of this besides death. However, if she wasn't given these Command Spells... who knows what else could happen to this village she's planned to start her new life at? Silently acknowledging Archer's words, Haru wasn't sure what exactly decided the fact that she would get a Servant of this caliber. She wasn't that experienced as a mage, and she couldn't muster it up as pure dumb luck.

No, she couldn't waste time in her thoughts needlessly. It didn't feel right for her to hide away and turn a blind eye to this widespread battle composing of different Masters and their Servants. It wouldn't be long for the sun to set, and the night's shade was practically cover enough for any other mage to set up something...

"... Okay, yeah... let's look around. I'm at least familiar with the area, but under this new circumstance... well, I'll have to get used to it, I guess." Haru agreed with that plan of action. She had her routine of a simple walk around town to unwind from any form of stressors, but now it has an added factor of keeping an eye out for anything remotely off. Though, a random thought poked her at what felt like a last second reminder as she got up to put her coat on.

Oh, she overlooked that, didn't she?

"Wait, wouldn't the other Masters be doing this too? The scouting around part, I mean. Is there a way that you can... erm, hide yourself?"

@Raineh Daze

Berserker - Kiyohime

This was fated to be. Being summoned by someone who had relations to Anchin. Kiyohime was extremely certain on that. There was no convincing her otherwise. Her word was the truth to her, despite how delusional it came off to be. If he were to prosper in this Grail War, she saw no problem with burning away the competition. They were only obstacles, and she was more than ready to be rid of them.

Yet, her Master proposed a different approach, but she saw no problem with it

"If you suggest so, my Master, I shall walk by your side in stride. Always. I won't let anyone ambush you. Ever." The fair maiden smiled happily. Whatever Thomas suggested, she would agree with all her heart. A late evening to night stroll with her beloved. How could she ever deny this? Just about anything, she would find herself doing for his sake, even if it were to mean her end.

As long as he never told a single lie to her.

@King Cosmos
Haru Imamura

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

Haru Imamura needed to breathe. Flashbacks spiraled in her head. An uncomfortable yet familiar feeling pounded in her head, thus coiling around her throat as if it were a threat to choke her out. Even now, she... couldn't escape this life, could she?

It's happening again.

Breathe and recount the steps that led up to this point. She had to accept this as it is now, so knowing what was going on was practically a matter of life or death.

Haru woke up in the morning to go through the usual routine before work at the nearby hospital. Everything was like she expected, tending to patients left and right. Then the first of the many unexpected events happened. A stinging pain stung the back of her left hand, but it was brief. Fellow nurses told her that she was bruised badly from the looks of it, and that resulted with Haru being let off early for the day to rest her bruise. She didn't want to, but she could admit that the bruise was bothersome. She couldn't burden herself while at her job, so she did what she was told.

So right as lunch break would roll over, she returned home, and soon found herself cleaning out her humble house out of the feverish need to do something. Old boxes and such being arranged in the back storage. This house needed a lot of work, it was originally her aunt's before she chose to move here. Some boxes in the storage room contained possessions that were long forgotten about, loosely reminding Haru of her old life. After some time, it was obvious that this room served as a workshop of sorts, which explained such things being left here and this marking on the floor.

She figured to call her aunt to pick up these belongings, since Haru saw no use for them. Then everything changed. She couldn't tell or describe the process, but obviously a person that shouldn't have been in the room with her was there now.

This was only the first step before being fully sucked into the situation called the Holy Grail War. The bruise on her hand was actually a set of Command Spells, which marks me a participating Master of this Grail War. This other person was called a Servant of the Archer class. There were numerous other Masters and Servants involved with this.

So now as the afternoon is inching to the later stages of the day from the looks of it, Haru pulled herself a chair after she took this all in, taking another breath to situate herself. She couldn't just awkwardly stay silent after Archer had told her these things to catch her up...

"So... I-I take it that I can't back out without being targeted regardless, huh? That this entire village is going to get involved no matter what too... because I'm not the only one with these Command Spells... am I right, uh, Archer?"

@Raineh Daze
Oh I'm fine with whoever. But for reference and deciding when I need to, do we have a chart for the proposed pairings and the ones still available?
This took awhile to brainstorm together for a Master character sheet. Please tell me if there's any problems or need for clarifications!

Aight. My Master character sheet will come later. Also Kiyo's NP and this rural village setting is such a recipe for disaster, I love it lol.
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