Avatar of Ringrose
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  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
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Name: David West
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student
Personality: David is a sarcastic, snarky smart-ass that often doesn't respond well to authority. He is rebellious most of the time, believing he has life all figured out as well as any and all authority figures, including his parents. In reality, he acts sarcastic to hide behind his own insecurities, his rebellious nature comes from the fact that he's actually afraid of the unknown, as well as knowing that he won't be young forever. When it comes to friendship, David is actually awkward and shy in making new friends or introducing himself, his friends he had all grown up with, but anyone that's been his friend no matter what happens, has his loyalty and trust, and he will do anything for them.
Background: David lived in Deadwood for as long as he could remember, his parents having moved in when they had him 16 years ago. Growing up, David had read a lot, watched a lot of TV and played a LOT of Video Games, and that was just when he was young. His mother was pretty strict and David had always rebelled against her wishes, his father had always been more laid back. It was in his teenage years that he had developed his sarcastic and snarky attitude, his rebellious nature had never left him, just his view on WHY to rebel against his mother. David's house was always in a state of tension due to his disobedience to his mother, going to the point that he had been kicked out of the house sometimes. He didn't hate his mother, he'd just wish she wasn't so strict for what he understood was for silly reasons. But, he'd always hang around his friends when kicked out of the house, and thus knew the neighborhood pretty well.
Other: N/A (I'll put something here if I think of it)

I haven't played Corpse Party, but from what I've watched and seen it seems pretty dark. Maybe I'll play it.

The town this takes place in is called "Deadwood" and the town sits in the middle of nowhere somewhere in America. It's a foggy town, and was named Deadwood for the rate at which the trees in the nearby forest directly to the south died, instantly making it a creepy place. I made it up so we'd have no problem putting whatever we want in this. It has a "mysterious" aspect to it because of the many legends that surround the town, the abandoned house being a popular modern urban myth. The RP starts immediately with the events in the plot having already happened, the two main protaganists now getting started in the "game".
"Right, but before we get into any of that we need to address a few things. Firstly, we're going to take on aliases. Mr. Yagami is very cautious in these types of situations, and it seems to have rubbed off onto his comrades here, which is why they haven't told you there names yet. I stated my name as a test. There was a possibility of you being Kira, regardless of how young you look. If you were the real Bernkastel, you would know that Kira needs people's names and faces to kill, and by that you would have caused some indirect incident to fool me and or freak me out in some way. Speaking for Mr. Yagami here, you haven't done anything, but since you called us Bernkastel, and gained access to private information about the KTF that was between Light and the Prime Minister so easily without any assistance, I don't have any choice, nor do I really mind marking you as a possible candidate in being Kira while we work together. It's far too suspicious of a situation to knock out the possibility." "Aito" explained, and then moved right along like it was nothing. "Right then, you three do as I ask and name yourselves in full name aliases only."
Light said nothing, and thought about what he was going to do. He could pull it off, he knew he could, he was an old man, he'd lived a full life. Suddenly, something about Light's aura changed that made him seem different to everyone that knew he was Light, this was his superb acting skills. In a surprisingly deep and monotonous voice that sounded very different then his real one, he spoke up. "I am Aito Agari, Light Yagami's acting double and a close friend of his. I believe Mr. Yagami spoke to you on the phone, unfortunately while Mr. Yagami promised he would speak to you in person, he has gone off to locations unknown to me in order to follow leads on Kira, he is quite passionate on the Kira case and I quite admire Mr. Yagami on his drive, with such occurrences going on, you would rarely find someone strong enough to face this." "Aito" said, going to sit down, but as he did, he walked with a bit of an aloof and uncaring hunch. This was to further distance himself as Light. "However, I am not Mr. Yagami, I am merely his conduit, though, if I might brag a little we both have quite the intellect. So, what have you called the KTF here for, Detective? we have just started the case, and just finished negotiating with the Prime minister not too long ago. From what I saw, you seemed to be more of a solo act, so this seems quite surprising actually." "Aito" asked.
The elevator reached the 15th floor, and it opened. Everyone stepped out of it, and they weren't far from Bernkastel's room. Deciding that Bernkastel would be as tricky a Detective as L, Light decided he would fool the Detective. He combed his hair so that one side of it was covering his right eye, and he cleared his throat, he would lower it a bit. He would adopt the role of his own stand-in double, with a monotone, almost emotionless and stoic personality, similar to Madeline, thus the voice change. Bernkastel sounded like he wasn't recognized in his or her mind, so he had the advantage. "Take everything I say as fact and don't say anything unnecessary." Light explained. Walking up to Bernkastel's room, he knocked on the door. This was it.
News sure seems to spread fast in Sakurami..that just makes me even more suspicious on that girl from earlier. Light thought to himself, just momentarily giving two people talking about Kira a passing glance before shutting his phone and putting it away into his pocket. They were finally at the hotel, and Light went inside with everyone. They were a bit early, but it had taken them quite a long walk to get downtown, so a significant amount of time had passed from when they had first left. Light headed towards the nearest elevator.
"And if our suspicions are proven wrong, great. But we can't say you're right, and we can't say I'm right, because there's nothing on her, and honestly it doesn't really matter right now, since we have more pressing matters to attend to." Light pointed out, dropping the discussion. He left the area with the rest of them, and they started to head downtown towards the hotel. His phone still open, Light was searching on any new news about Kira, maybe the media or anyone else had taken notice of the 1000 deaths he had achieved last night alone, or just anything Kira related that was new.
"Hmmm, well she wasn't lying about being a newspaper photographer, but that doesn't mean she isn't just using it as a cover for something else. People can lie to get what they want, that is what makes humanity dangerous," Light said, then continued, "However, there is no way she could have been "caught up in this" like she said, because she's almost twenty and is attending her first year in college, so her being a young girl doesn't check out, she's just very youthful looking." Light explained. "That girl is a legal adult." Light said, emphasizing it for good measure. "I think, we should start heading to the hotel downtown, now. I'm starting to get paranoid, and it's worse when you have a good suspicion." Light said, checking the time on his phone.
"Erika Furudo...she's suspicious enough to warrant some investigation, I'll do a search on her." Light said, and took out his cellphone, he brought up Japanese Google, and then typed her name into the search bar. Surely there would be basic records on her, perhaps medical records or a bank transaction or two. "If she REALLY DOES works for some newspaper company, her name should come up somewhere in an archived article, there are online archives, it's the way of the future anyway. Otherwise there's evidence that points to something else entirely." Light explained.
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