Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 595 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
    3. █████ 11 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


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I know, I realized it kind of made me sound like a dick when that wasn't my intention, but some times I just type what comes out first from my brain. It was just kind of shocking to me, is all. I apologize. I'll just leave it at that, but I as well am sorry, as is everybody else. It's a shame that this happened, but at least Mahz was able to pull it all back together. And look how dedicated some people are to this place. 1400 members and rising. We have a die-hard community. Better to start from scratch then nothing at all, right? It's not all bad.

Also, I vaguely remember you posting in the same Suggestions/Problems thread as me on the Guild, Rose. I don't think you would remember such a thing, but I think I've seen you post in Spam before, I kind of think you're a pretty nice person. Dunno why I had to get that out, but there ya go.
....The Guild did not go under maintenance. You think for that long, the Guild was under maintenance? you never once looked up on the Internet to see if other people were talking about it? you missed the temporary forum we made here for when the site was still "down": http://www.oldtower.org/index.php and now that the Guild has been reconstructed with a new look from the ground up, and you just think the Guild went down temporarily? everything was wiped man, the old Guild is gone unless you view the old stuff through archiving and web cache's on the Internet. There's no way to get your account back, EVER. This is a new site, and Mahz is redoing all of the features from scratch, we're not using vBulletin anymore. I dunno how you missed all of that, especially the message at the top of the forum from Mahz himself saying he's "developing the site", but alright. It boggles my mind that you missed all of that and never even googled it, but sorry man. You're gonna have to start over, unfortunately.
Name: Sora
Age: 15
Personality: An extremely optimistic and upbeat person, he'll always try to find the good in people if he thinks there is any. He's brave and heroic, and will risk his life for people he doesn't know. He's loyal to his friends and will always protect the people he cares about the most. He's very forgiving, and will even forgive people he thinks as his sworn enemies. Although not stupid he's a bit childish, and can be competitive, as well as oblivious to things that should be obvious.
Abilities: A talented Keyblade wielder, although he failed his Mark of Mastery he should not be taken lightly, being on par with many swordsman such as Sephiroth, Leon, and Cloud, and villains capable of wrecking entire worlds such as Ansem, Xemnas and more. He has many Keyblade abilities as well as keyblades, and can cast a good amount of magic spells as well. In the Dream World, he can use Flow Motion and Dream Eaters as party members.
Weapons: Keyblades
Other: N/A
BUMP. The thread is up: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/1392/posts/ooc just bumping the thread and letting you guys who missed it know.
Wow, you're right. Thanks man it's lookin' fine now.
Thank you, Mahz.
They don't work. I'm starting a roleplay, and it looks pretty unprofessional with the broke tags: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/1392/posts/ooc It might be something I did, but I'm pretty sure I did it right. Correct me if I'm wrong, or lend a hand.
http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/1392/posts/ooc <<<< OOC and everything is there.
Interest check thread is here.

In an alternate universe, two races are at war. The year is 6500, and on the planet Paranova, an Earth colony only established 250 years ago, is at war with an alien race called the Draven, a bloodthirsty and omnicidal race that seeks to destroy any race it encounters completely. In a normal situation, they could just call for help. However, Paranova is what you could call the "barrier world" the main defense, Paranova is the only thing standing between three smaller nearby Earth colonies, and these colonies are the nearest to Paranova, as well as the nearest to call for help from one of the larger worlds nearest to it. So, until help arrives, Paranova is stranded out on it's own, without any idea when help could arrive. So, out of desperation scientists went to work on an idea. They developed a prototype trans-dimensional wormhole generator, to automatically take any amount of unknown human or humanoids, along with there mechs and or ships into there world through a wormhole generated from the machine, a gigantic one. With no time to waste, they set the large machine on a large open Paranovia Military Installation, and activated it. Through the wormhole, a distress signal is brodcasted from the machine so that if people do decide to help out and go through the wormhole, they known the coordinates and have an understanding of the situation. But Paranovian's are uncertain. Who will answer the call, who will come through the wormhole? only time will tell, but hopefully, they will not just bring conflict, to the war-torn world of Paranova.


1. No god modding, the most basic of all rules. No exceptions, auto hits will not be tolerated, EVER.

2. You can have any amount of characters, but keep them organized. You are encouraged to make as many as you like to make up the reasonable difference. You can even have an entire fleet or something tag along as side characters, as long as you can keep track of it.

3. Acceptable spelling and grammar, please. I'm not the best at spelling but at least I understand myself when I write.

4. We will go in a post order, based on who was interested in the Interest Check. But at first, each character/characters will get an introduction post or two to establish themselves with my OC's and all of that. Then we will rotate normally on a post order.

5. Romance is okay I guess, but anything past what would normally be acceptable, goes to PM's. You know what I mean, don't get explicit please.

6. Regarding mechs considered overpowered. I don't care who you pick, the point is to have fun with this. But if your mech is considered crazy strong, don't over do it, please. Like, don't just go into space and single handedly try to pull a Chuck Norris and destroy the entire alien fleet. This goes into no godmodding. Don't do it. This is supposed to be fun.

7. Adding to that, Characters and mech's are on a first come first serve basis. Sorry, no reserving a character, no exceptions.

Character Sheets:

Series Debuting:
Mazinkaiser SKL
Deus Machina Demonbane
Megas XLR

The World:

My characters:

More to come.
Alright, so CS time?
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