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  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
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nerminator said
This is some messed up shit GumminiAppearance: Name: Light "kira" yagamiAge: 23Gender: MaleCanon: Death notePersonality: He is a very Intelligent guy but also Judgmental in a way. He often Lies and manipulates all of the time and he is Cruel and Merciless. Often claiming that hes trying to make the world a "better place" But usually taken to the extreme. He barely cares for human life too, But most of the time he acts as the Opposite of himself. Which is a Nice, Kind.Do-gooder that won't hurt a fly. Abilities: Nothing really but hes Very IntelligentItem of Importance: (basically a special weapon, outfit, trinket, etc.) a watch that secretly contains a Paper that can kill anyone when there name is written down. It can only be used once though due to how small the paper is Other: He left his death note at homeAlso I like that Corpse party reference in the Premise

I already registered Light Yagami. Please try next time checking the first page for the cast list or checking back a few pages to see if a character wasn't already taken.

Darcs said
Except if everyone's crazy and just as likely to have committed the murder it is a whodunnit?

I was under the impression it would be a whodunnit because you wouldn't know who to suspect. Everyone suspects a killer. It's really just a matter of which killer.

Then it isn't really a mystery. A psychopath wouldn't have any tragic or surprising motives. Besides the deluded ones, killers don't attempt to justify their actions.
Almost nothing happened.
Gummi Bunnies said
Light's accepted, just don't forget about one little thing. *points at the rules section* :3

Ah. I must have skimmed over that rule. Sorry about that.


Also, I'm kind of worried of the fact that there isn't enough..how should I put this..NORMAL people. EVERYBODY registering dangerous people is all well and good and all, but the point (or at least the conclusion I came too) is that there would be at least a good amount of reasonable doubt that the person actually committed the murder. With a bunch of crazies, it's more like the blame would just naturally shift to the psychopaths.

Then it isn't a whodunnit, it becomes "which crazy person among us do you think is most likely to have done it". And that's no fun, regardless of whether or not it's a crossover.

Personally, I would have made a rule like "no character that's insanely powerful, too alien, or too crazy". But it's your RP. Hope you can pull this off ^^

Name: Light Yagami

Age: 17-18

Gender: Male

Canon: Death Note

Personality: Originally a bored and innocent teenager, Light one day found the Death Note on the ground after seeing it fall from the sky during school. Light eventually decided to use the Death Note for good. But over time it corrupted him, and gave him a god complex and an extremely smug attitude.

Light usually puts up a front to keep people from figuring him out. Light is almost a sociopath, and over time cared less and less about what lines he crossed.

Abilities: First, Light is a mega-genius who usually guesses right in most situations. He's good at logic and reasoning and is extremely crafty, often thinking outside the box and doing things people never thought of. Light is also an impeccable actor and can put up a convincing front, and even cry real tears if necessary.

Item(s) of Importance: Death Note, Pocket Watch, Cell Phone

Other: This is some messed up shit, Gummi. Word up homie.
VarionusNW said
Damn, nice. I thought this was going to be ok, and then I read the intro, realizing this was based on umineko no nako koro ni (when the seagulls cry), a terrible spiritual successor to Higurashi no nako koro ni (When the cicadas cry). I don't speak japanese, so if that was wrong, oh well. I finished 2 episodes of Umineko and hated it, but Higurashi is my favorite anime ever, so... I may bring a certain... friend... from Higurashi in here, but I don't often play non-OC characters. Meh. Though, I am confused on why you based an RP on a bad anime. Also, if we have 1 OC and 1 cannon character, do they still have to be from the same universe? I have a ton of good OCs for this, but all are from their own universes. I value originality highly, maybe way too high.

I can't tell if this is an insult or a compliment. First of all, I don't see how it's possible for you to not know this, but Umineko and Higurashi are Visual Novels.

Both Animes are just adaptions of the original Visual Novels. Next time, you should do more research about things before commenting on them.

Second of all, this is the OOC of a roleplay. Nobody really cares about your opinion on some Anime. I'm going to join this, so if you aren't, I'd suggest you instead take your opinion to somewhere more appropriate, like an anime discussion forum and not derail someone's game they're starting.
"Indeed, it being a red herring cannot be ignored. However, in that case then, you'd really have to consider the person behind such an action. I know it is a bit awkward to delve into, however.." "Aito" scratched the back of his head. "The occult cannot be denied, considering key circumstances. You know, if you really wanted to argue it, perhaps all 1400 of the people that have been killed so far were somehow planned deaths, regardless of the cause. Even if we take that into account, that leaves the matter of the North Korean Dictator." "Aito" pointed out.

"Argue it all you want, there's no way in hell you can be so precise in proving one specific man's death at the correct time, date..it could not have been a hit. That death was too perfect, too strategically precise to ever happen realistically. Something ghastly lurks in this world, and it lurks within the occult." "Aito" said.

"Therefore, I propose this aspect be investigated in a professional manner. No lunatics, we don't need to entertain the ramblings of mad men." "Aito" concluded.
"Dear Sora, Witches may control a territory, but do not assume that because they have knowledge you do not, that they know all. That title is reserved for the Great Witch of Knowledge, or those of the Grand Library who record tales, such as your own, for nothing more than a read." Sora rose an eyebrow at this.

"I'm being watched, by Witches?" Sora questioned, but kept reading. "There is also the very rare Creator Witch, but they are millenia old and I can only recall one that still keeps regular contact with anything resembling life. Gods lord over Gods, regardless. Those of a regular Witch title laugh at you humans, and Voyagers are proud to be rid of their regular title. Creators, or the idea of them elict fear in the barely sane Voyager." Sora paused, taking all this in.

"There is a Witches council, composed of thousands of great Witches. Respectively, Great Lady F----------, Lady Bernkastel, and Lady Lambdadelta hold high positions. Take note, young Sora. You are nothing but a God's amusement. But, play your cards right and you will have your audience." Sora concluded, and it was unsigned.

"We have no further business here either. We did our best, whatever it did to Kaika..we cannot move any further. This is the extent of her nightmare." Mickey said in a sad tone. He then dived out.
"Mm, interesting. And very good work, by the way. Obviously, a lot of people died in such a short time frame, no? the plot truly thickens..especially after North Korea's latest dictator died, right on the spot like that." "Aito" noted.

"It's interesting though: the way this mass murderer operates. Recall back to the email Kira sent, Bernkastel. I have no interest in the deaths of normal people, is what he said. So, just by that sentence alone we can speculate that this "Kira" is an extraordinary person, obviously not your average citizen of Sakurami." "Aito said.

"So, It's just speculation, but..what if Kira is someone in Law Enforcement? you even said it yourself, this "Kira" has quite a strong sense of justice. Another part of the email; "I have no interest in the deaths of normal people. I am only interested in ridding this world of undesirables. Murderers, Warmongers, Rapists, burglars, anyone who commits any type of crime will be punished swiftly and severely." so, just from this sentence, it only makes sense that this "Kira" could possibly have ended up in Law Enforcement, with that strong sense of justice." "Aito" said, explaining his theory.

"It also explains how this "Kira" did what he did so easily. You haven't mentioned anything about Kira being traced, right? nobody is that good, so this person must have years of experience at this type of stealth hacking. At work, Police touch a computer sometime in their life, so it'd only make sense he or she is using the Police Database as a name and face resource, because it wouldn't be unusual at all, now would it. What do you think, everyone?" "Aito" asked, concluding his speech.

Lucius whistled. "Well, I gotta say. That theory is pretty grounded in reality. Somebody could have been at a station last night, and we never could have known. That's including fired officers, as well, possibly sneaking in, somewhere. Not only that, you've already figured out Kira is in this city. We need to narrow it further. I'd suggest looking for individuals, active in the line of duty and dismissed, from 25 to 35 years old. That's a decent place to start, no?" Lucius suggested.
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