Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
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"They only way to get Sora back is to wake him up. So we have to go in after him. But unlike Sora, who's probably lost and confused, I know how to handle this." Mickey said, getting into the Gummi Ship. "Just follow my lead when we get there." Mickey said, setting the course.

"Okay, fine. We'll play by the rules, then." Sora said, sighing and admitting defeat after a moment. "C'mon Kaika, it's obvious that whoever brought us here wants us to wander around these hallways until we get somewhere. So, let's start wandering. But let's mark where we are for later." Sora said, and made a cut on the ground with his Keyblade. He started to walk down the hallway in front of them. "But if we do, I at least want to get somewhere instead of just getting attacked again like last time, it's only fair if we follow the rules." he said.

Thanks, I'm canning these. So just lock them.
"Alright, let see what we have here.." Mickey opened the letter and read it. "Minnie, I'm going away for awhile. Donald and Goofy are in charge while I'm gone." Riku put the letter away into his pocket. "C'mon Riku, we have to make haste. We're gonna go save Sora." Mickey said, and made his way towards the Gummi Ship.

"Gah, really!" Sora stood up, annoyed. "Alright, I'm getting really fed up with this. First I get dragged from dream Traverse Town during my training, then I get sent here with no idea where I am, then we escape some metal spiky thing, and now we're in an exact replica of the floor bellow us!! whoever is doing this, didn't you take us here for a reason? if you have something to say, come and say it! because If I don't get any answers, or some type of exit, my friends are just going to come and save me, probably under Master Yen Sid's supervision. Wanna know why? because, I failed my Mark of Mastery test! soon, there's gonna be a battle between seven lights, and thirteen darkness's. And I need to train for that. And if you interrupt that...there'll be, serious consequences. So stop it!!" Sora exclaimed threateningly. He wasn't the best at making very big threats but it was important to train for this, he wasn't lying.
Raineh Daze said
Having looked over the setting in more detail, and saying as it's completely divorced from any of the worlds the characters are coming from, I think I'll be withdrawing too.Not helped by the longest description I can come up with for a mecha being two lines long yet summing up all but one feature of it.

Well, you're the one who wants to use something that's making it hard for yourself. I'm not bending the rules for you just so it's convenient to let you pilot Gunbuster, just so you can use ONE character. At first you just wanted this Nono girl to just use her own abilities, without even a mech. I said no characters using ridiculously overpowered powers constantly, that's another rule. If you can't think of anyone else to play as, why did you join? when joining my role play and expressing Interest, you agree to adhere to my rules to there entirety. No exceptions. All you had to do was pick one mecha series you liked, filled out the CS I provided for you, and that's it. That's what SRW is. Thank you for interest, though.
Silverwind Blade said
Great, thank you for the welcome. My next question then, is that I have an idea for a mecha that I'd like to use - It's from the Gundam franchise, but it was only ever a prototype, and was never mass-produced. Also, since we don't seem to be using Canon, that isn't an issue anyway, am I correct? The machine in question is the , which I've long wanted to have a shot at using in something.

Yes, you can use the mecha and it's pilot in question. It's in the rules, you can use any mecha you want. However, no Canon Mecha can be piloted by OC'S in the universe I've created. Gundam doesn't exist in this universe. In the plot point, people from entirely different universes are crossing over into the one I've created. So It'd only be vice-versa, the opposite if the Canon pilot lost his mech or something he could get his repaired or pilot another OC mech, but not the other way around. If what you're asking me is if you can use an OC to pilot a canon, no. If I've mistaken your question for that, yes you can use S Gundam and it's canon pilot.

Rin said
...Yeah, I'm coming up blank for some reason, so I'll just step out for now. Oh well, maybe next time.

Mickey happened to be wandering outside with Minnie when he noticed Riku. He walked up to him. "Oh, Riku! what is it?" he noticed there was a seriousness to him. "Has something happened?" Mickey asked, his face growing serious also.

"Nice to meet you, Kaika! alright, let's see if we can make a quick shortcut! whoever brought us here wants us to play by there rules, so all we have to do is cheat the rules! hang on to me tight Kaika, I've got an idea!" Sora said. He ran towards a wall and bounced off it with flow-motion, the on to another. Now In the air, Sora sliced a circle shape with his Keyblade through the ceiling, and then jumped through the hole.
Aristo said
Is a posting order really necessary? What if someone has things to do and can't make a post right away? I'd imagine the whole RP taking a very slow pace, which is a bit unnerving, since someone may be able to write a post, but can't, since the order dictates he/she posts later on. Any planning would have to be reworked based on the person before you, and waiting for them could take a full day or more.

Yes I do think a posting order I necessary. Why? because then everybody is posting in rapid succession, and the thread is hard to manage. That's how role play's die. While I won't disagree, because some people like Lost Cause procrastinate and some people drop out without telling you like dicks, it's very hard to manage without a system. I guess for now I'll lift it, but if things don't work out, It's gong back up.

Silverwind Blade said
Hey, do you still have any room to accept new players, as this sounds kind of interesting to me, and I'd at least like to give it a try. I have some doubts that I may hold up the posting order, but I'd have to see how it goes, if I'm honest.

And yes, we have plenty of room. That makes nine, including me, to join. Welcome.
Yen Sid appeared down where Lea and Kairi were. "Alright, we shall continue the same training Riku had you doing before. I will be overseeing you until his return. Begin."

"Here I go!" Sora said looking up, he pointed his Keyblade at the metal stake. "Stop!!" the spell activated and the stake stopped in mid-air, frozen in time temporarily. Seeing Kaika, Sora went over and grabbed her hand and started running as fast he could. "C'mon, we don't have much time before it starts again. I'm Sora, by the way, what's your name?" Sora said with a grin on his face like the situation was nothing to worry about.
"Indeed, however something that could cause a rift in the Realm of Dreams itself is certainly nothing to take lightly. If it targeted Sora directly in the Dream Realm instead of the real world, it is likely that perhaps these person's or person, cannot physically mess with his real world self." Yen Sid said, his voice echoing in the room before he reappeared. Yen Sid stood silently, pondering. "Dream Eaters have sentience, but none could be capable to go this far. There are few beings who dwell in the land of illusions, but for a Powerful Sorcerer, or Wizard, if you prefer, it does not sit right with me, what perhaps could have caused this. Yes, I can feel it. It must be them..Riku, you are aware of Maleficent, the evil Sorceress you encounter quite often, yes? you see Riku, think of me, and Maleficent with our magical prowess. There are beings that reside on a higher level then us. Even with all of my power, I am nowhere the peak these beings have achieved. These beings, are divided into benevolent, and malevolent. They call themselves "Witches", these beings are extremely powerful and ancient, they rarely show themselves to human beings or those who dwell in the lower existences. However, for an express purpose, these Witches, maybe have taken Sora for an expressed interest in him, perhaps for a purpose. Because of there sheer power in magic, these beings can not be easily dealt with. So, here is what we shall do. I want you to take this letter to King Mickey, he will understand what to do." Yen Sid, holding out the letter. "Use Sora's Gummi Ship, it is outside so there is no need to worry. Follow his instructions, for he shall know what to do. I will oversee Lea and Kairi's training during your absence."

Sora heard a strange metal bang, he couldn't tell what it was from because of the seemingly endless hallways. "Who's there, what do you want?!" Sora yelled out, drawing his Keyblade. "Who are you, why did you take me to this place?" Sora began to ran to where he thought of where it was coming from, down a hallway with his Keyblade.
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