Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 595 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
    3. █████ 11 yrs ago
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"We met him crying and sobbing. We thought he was just some scared kid who was displaced here somehow, but eventually there was the time rifts, and the bodies of those two kids. We thought maybe he was just being controlled, but I sort of realized he was doing this of his own volition." Mickey explained.

"That's all we really know. Bernkastel seemed to want him for some reason though." Mickey concluded. "Now about Sora..what EXACTLY happened to him and this timeline of yours?"
Mickey, a bit out of it, rubbed his eyes and then stood up. He stared at Crona, wondering who she was and how she got here, but he decided to answer her first. "Sure, why not. Whatever you have to say can't be bad compared to what's happened so far." Mickey said, ready to listen.
"Stopza!" Mickey used the time-stopping magic on the electric shockwave, stopping it in it's tracks. Mickey moved out of the way, and the attack struck the wall in it's immediate way. Mickey ran up, grabbed Riku...and dived out.

Mickey and Riku would leave the realm of dreams and come back into the real world, back into their real bodies. With Sora gone and Riku about to lose his heart, this was the only way he could think to get out intact. And, with little to no one to get info from which left them at a disadvantage, and with Add seemingly being unable to be reasoned with or at least no info on his powers, Mickey was out of options.

He woke up slowly, being out of it for several hours.
"Look, I don't know your situation, but clearly you're in despair. So stop and think for a moment. Is simple curiosity really worth someone else's life? because I don't think so." Mickey said, trying to talk Add down. "Whatever you do now, I promise you it will not solve your problems. So why don't you just release my friend, we'll call it even, and we can talk all about your life story. Okay?" Mickey said gently.
"It does sound like something he'd do though..Donald and Goofy told me he once stabbed himself with his keyblade and used his heart to save Kairi.." Mickey said with a touch of sadness as he saw what Sora had done. He then heard the whirring coming from Add. "Earlier, we saw strange rifts open that Add caused when he freaked out..could it be Add has some sort of uncontrollable ability that messes with time, and ended up here because of it? and when he ended up here, his power bled into the other timeline and tried to eat it up.." Mickey said, theorizing.

He drew his keyblade as he knew those little machines were dangerous. "It's just us then, Riku. It hasn't been like that since the Door to Darkness and Castle Oblivion." Mickey commented.
"Just who're you supposed to be then? we've already met some witches, and never seen you before. Are you Bernkastel, perhaps? here to finally tell us what the point of all this is?" Mickey said, getting kinda fed up by the second. "Look, there's no way we're handing this kid over, so don't bother. If you wanna be of help, tell us where Sora is and what he's doing." Mickey said, trying to cut past whoever this was's crap and get to the point.
"Oh my Kingdom Hearts..." Mickey looked on in despair. He looked on in despair. He couldn't quite remember the girl, but the boy he was sure they had met before.

"When people get old and their bodies can't sustain their hearts..they go-to Kingdom Hearts and eventually live again. When people sustain unlivable injuries, their heart leaves their body and the same thing Happens. But in this world..you get one shot..who would be evil enough to take that away?" Mickey sorrowfully questioned.
"Yeah, you're right about that." Mickey nodded in agreement. He was inwardly relieved the battle was over, as it could've gotten more dangerous. He watched Riku pick up Add, but then noticed the cat and watched it scurry away.

He looked at Riku, worriedly unsure what to do. "It could either us being watched by it, or being led into a trap by following it. Either way, if we don't follow it though, we won't know where it came from." Mickey said, and ran after it.
Mickey sighed in relief, dismissing his keyblade. "Thank goodness..looks like he wore himself out." Mickey looked at Add's unconscious body. "What do you suppose that was about? think we're gonna get dragged into another mess?" Mickey asked, turning to Riku.
"Yeah!" Mickey simply said, turning his attention away from Add and to the invisible weapons still flying around the room. Focusing, Mickey jumped into the air and slashed at another one of the purple flashes. They were fairly fast, but so was he.
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