Avatar of Ringrose
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  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
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Post is out. Although it took a while to polish it up. And some procrastination.

"Never heard of Baron? how vexing. And a King of his own Kingdom, no less." Kain noted. "This doesn't bode well." Kain took notice that Galuf made known he had died. Pausing a second, he was curious if it was rational to trust in this old man. An aged man with outlandish garments who alleges to have moved on, didn't recognize what Baron was, and declared to be a King.

It was a remarkable series of events. But, no more unusual than Kain wakening in Mist Cave without cause, he reckoned. "Well, seeing as you are royalty set asunder from his Throne, as a Knight I must put forth a proposition. I am setting out to the Kingdom of Baron myself, to track my companion, Cecil. Baron and I are not on ideal terms but as I am cut off from Cecil, I am confident this will be the most advisable course of action to adopt." Kain pointed out. "If you please, you could go on with me. Wherever you come from, it's likely faraway from hither." Kain offered.

"I am Kain, commander of the Dragoons of Baron." Kain said, introducing himself. "My associate, Cecil, is the former Captain of the Red Wings, Baron's airship fleet." Just then, after Kain introduced himself to Galuf, he saw Firion, hearing of his plight. "You find yourself in good company, friend. This is Mist Cave, and the path you find yourself on right now will lead you to the wilderness. Nearby is the Kingdom of Baron." Kain explained.

"On the opposite end, if you had proceeded the way you came from,  you'd be in the town of Mist after proceeding through the wild. I was inviting this fellow right here to join me on my way to Baron, to search for my Companion, Cecil. Will you accompany me, good sir? the more the merrier." Kain asked Firion.

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"HELLO!!! I THREW A TREE INTO THE AIR, ISN'T ANYONE PAYING ATTENTION?!" Layle yelled out at the top of his lungs. He remained for at least three or four minutes, and he saw not a single trace of movement towards his way. "This forest is so empty." he remarked to himself. Giving up on his present plan, he settled upon walking and hoping to come across somebody.

As he went on, the young man contemplated the meaning behind his missing memories to himself. When he attempted to think of what occurred before, his brain drew up blanks besides hazy recollections. "Did I have any friends?" he inquired. He acknowledged he was forgetting important people, but he merely recalled that Commander Jegran.

Why did he take Jegran's job offer? try as he might to remember, it did not come to him. Maybe a friend of his connected to the job? nothing came to mind. At the least, Layle remembered himself, which was important.

Layle had the distinct feeling that this land wasn't his own. Although this forest was unremarkable, the landscape itself didn't look to be a place he recognized. It was strange how he appeared with no cause.

As Layle walked, he wondered what towns and Kingdoms he'd find. He imagined new races of people, different cultures, and good food. Who cares what he did beforehand? this could be fun.

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Jegran only listened to Chaos for his own gain. When the opportunity arose, he'd crush everyone here. If Chaos was right, slaying Cosmos' warriors' benefited him.

Jegran wondered if that Crystal Bearer child was among Cosmos' fighters'. If so,  he could slay him without consequence.  His plans were to be much easier to enact with him vanquished.

"I've been too hasty. If I am to carry out my own ends, I suppose you've made a good point. I see no one I recognize here. But I don't doubt this Cosmos' summoned that annoying brat to stand in my way." He spoke with anger, clenching his fist. "I am chosen. Picked by the Crystal Principle to rule over everything and everyone. None shall obstruct me, including that wretched child." Jegran proclaimed.

Jegran addressed Chaos. "Let's begin the hunt. Set us against our foes, and we will eradicate them." He said with a wicked grin on his face.

@Shoryu Magami@Raddum
@Shoryu Magami

Alright, have a good rest.

Considering I've kept you guys waiting for days, don't expect me to rush you, lol.

It's cool, everybody gets busy after all.
@Shoryu Magami

I wasn't aware of that, huh. I was more surprised because the role play had already started and the participants were pretty much set in stone. You had mentioned that she wouldn't have been interested in the role play, so before I saw her post the idea that she had changed her mind or something was a possibility to me.

Then I read her post, and realized she was posting on your behalf, which explained your sudden end of active presence during that period of time.
@Raddum Nice!

Thanks, @Ailyn Evensen. See you later.
@Ailyn Evensen

It's cool. I was a bit surprised, but I'm sure @Raddum appreciates the sentiment. He's been gone for a solid 40 minutes now, so he's probably either doing something else, or something to resolve the issue.
@Ailyn Evensen

Oh, um..hello? aren't you @Shoryu Magami's fiance?
@Raddum Try copying your PM post on a text document on your computer, and then copying that over to the IC text field.
@Shoryu Magami

Jegran's certainly got an inflated ego. It'll be a while before the hostility between the villains settles, it seems.

Yeah I agree, lol. And alright man, have a good rest.
Alright, post out. Also, I like how Kain is in Mist Cave, lol.

@Shoryu Magami@Raddum
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