Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
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"Well, I couldn't really tell you anything about that. Don't really know anything about her motives, sir. I know you talked to him first, so, he knows more about that then I do. I dunno, maybe she had a crush on him or...shoot, Inspector I can't tell you what goes on in the mind of a criminal, the only thing I can do is speculate and deduce. If you want intent, motives, I couldn't get anything out of her. You'd have to ask a psychologist if you really want an analysis, no offense intended." Light said with a chuckle. "Is that all? because that's basically the rundown of the situation." Light asked.
"Well, it was only matter of confirming that, as I had happened to catch that schools were being attacked recently. I happened to have joined the staff at the time of Takao-san's disappearance, so it sort of just clicked that she would've tried to sneak in, in order to get a good look at the school. So, I found out that in my class, that she was the newest student that joined. She had pretty much nothing on her record, nothing even that would be average or unremarkable. So, I listed her as a prime suspect. It all fit together, but it would've been just conjecture if it wasn't for what she did this morning. She claimed she was sick, but she didn't look like she was pale, or really had anything wrong with her, never any specified any ailment either. She took awhile in the bathroom, which made me even more suspicious. Then, after awhile when my class was done, she pretty much confirmed my suspicions, and that's when the situation began." Light said.
"Right, sir. Coming," Light nodded to Yuki, and stood up from his seat. He kept his Death Note with him. Luckily the fake cover had still been working so nobody would take notice. Hopefully, no one would ask WHY he had carried it with him all this way. But, he didn't think Yuki or Yuno noticed, or even anyone for that matter, so it wasn't that big of a deal for now. Light walked inside and Keigo shut the door beside him as he did. Light sat down. It would pretty much be a standard "what exactly happened, what did you see" sort of deal, so there wouldn't be any hard hitting questions he'd have to lie about. What really was on his mind was Minene's phone. He decided he would indirectly ask about her, so he could know the situation. Light waited patiently, having his plan all laid out for him.
"Hey, don't worry about it. You're just a kid, If I know something like this there's no way I would let you guys go it alone. Even if it means putting myself in harms way, as your teacher, I will make sure you guys are safe without fail. Don't put yourself on the spot like that always." Light said, reassuring Yuki that it wasn't his concern. "If someone puts there life on the line to help you, it means they know what they are getting into. And, whether we like it or not I think in some strange and bizarre way, I think Yuno is in that same camp with us." Light said, sitting back, satisfied with his explanation.
"If they haven't taken it from her already, that means it's still on her person at the hospital they took her too. Her diary wouldn't be displaying any new entries, so even if they did they'll think it's just an ordinary cellphone she had with her. I've heard pretty much everyone in this city has a cellphone so it's not uncommon or anything. But, what I should be really focusing on is what I should tell Keigo when it's my turn. Do I tell him I know, or do I not? after all he is a cop, so he's the most law-abiding diary holder I think we've met yet. I'm not sure if this is the right time to tell him I know." Light said, unsure.
"Yes, it's really quite troubling. It's kind of like a "Big Brother is watching you" type of deal, if you know what I mean." Light whispered to Yuki, getting the fact that a certain someone could be listening in on the conversation. "You know, we could do something. Remember Minene's diary? well, I never saw it get damaged, did you? and she's only in a coma right now, probably. If we can figure out where it is and get her diary, I could have your back if something goes wrong. It'd be worth a shot, at least. And if she doesn't recover, I could take her place." Light suggested, still whispering.
Okay, I will get directions from my phone and be over as soon as I possibly can. Expect knocking, and be ready. Dante typed, and then hit enter. After that he exited out of Gmail and shut and closed his laptop, taking out his smartphone. He went to his GPS app, and entered in the directions she gave him. Then, he had directions. He put his phone in his pocket, and then stood up. He looked over at Gohan, there would be no need to wake him up right now, but he left a note on his computer desk explaining everything to him. Leaving out the door, Dante got on his bike and rode down the street.
"About as much as you do, Yuki." Light said casually. "I'm glad we finally have time to talk like this, just you and me." Light said, and then shut his Death Note. "You know, I don't know if you feel the same way, but I notice how strange Yuno is. Her stalker tendencies, and strange affection to you. I happened to be around the same area, when you were running away from her, or something. I followed Yuno because I thought something bad had happened. I watched the whole thing between you guys and Takao." Light said. "I saw the whole thing, sorry I didn't help but I really couldn't do much when I knew nothing about what was going on. I heard Yuno's speech about it, so I don't know anymore then you do. Only she knows the whole story if she talked about it with that..Deus God or whatever. Then, I happened to run into her again when i was looking for a place to stay, and I picked a house off a newspaper. I found Yuno's house. It's rundown, the power has clearly been shut off or lights have all been turned off, and not kept up on. She was alone, by herself. I told her to reference her parents to me, but she hasn't brought it up to me since yesterday evening. When I was reading about Takao and his homeroom, I learned that her parents never showed up to a parent teacher conference, ever. And then, there is the fact that she told me if I had some sort of secret agenda with a diary holder, she would kill me. That's really all I know about the whole Diary Holder survival game thing. I'm not a player, but I sure as hell am not letting Yuno run around and kill people just because she wants to protect you. She'll hurt anyone if they present the slightest threat to you in any way, Yuki. If I were you, I'd keep her away from anyone you consider a friend or very close. But that's just all my person thoughts and advice, of course." Light said, and kept his voice low through the whole thing.
After they had all settled in, Light was silently writing down names in his Death Note, trying not to draw unwanted attention to himself. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Yuno cast a gaze towards him, just for a moment. She had her phone out, so it was obvious she was looking at her Diary. He never really knew what type of futures you could get from them, so he could only guess. Why did she look at me like that? I wonder if she saw something.. Light thought to himself. "So, Yuno. Have you ever thought what type of job you want?" Light asked suddenly, not looking up.
"Well, that went by quite quick," Light noted as he stepped out of the vehicle and shut the door. Light quietly stretched. Going on ahead, Light went inside the police station and sat down at a chair. It was quite busy, as he could hear in the background. It reminded him of when he was just starting out as Kira. Back then, he was still gaining L's trust. It was strange, how similar this world was to his, with the whole Future Diary's. Was this world supposed to be a similar parallel to his, or was it simply a coincidence? that was probably it. Light sat back, patiently waiting. Yuki and Yuno would probably go first, or maybe they would each go separately, one at a time. He wasn't sure.
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