Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 595 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
    3. █████ 11 yrs ago
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Light only turned around and walked the opposite direction down the sidewalk. He waited a bit before speaking up. "What a day, huh Ryuk?" Light stretched. "Flawlessly executed, I would say. No one will ever expect a thing. In a week, Minene will die of her injury's due to the blunt trauma without even knowing why. "It'll all fall into place soon. Still, even so I have no place to stay. Someone like myself will not stoop to living in a homeless shelter. I have to keep up my masquerade of being on a "experimental vacation", so I need to place to live." Light said, still not being able to find a place to stay.
His Sonic Blade was blocked by her shield, meeting it with a thud and his Thundaga was blocked too. He couldn't Rave because his Sonic Blade hadn't connected, so he took a step back. "Vanish!" Sora casted his Vanish spell and turned almost invisible. Using this cover to his advantage, he tried to find an opening. Then, he thought of some thing. "Bind!" Sora came up from behind her, casting the spell. "Now you can't move from this spot for a little bit!" Sora exclaimed, uncloaking from his Vanish spell. "I'm not gonna hold back, so I'll wail on you! get ready, ARS ARCANUM!" Sora exclaimed, unleashing the attack from behind her, starting with a few quick mid-air slashes

"Darn it, so did she know where she was after all?! how much of that was the truth, exactly? snap, this doesn't look good at all.." Mickey slowly backed up near Riku, and took his hand. "We won't be going out of this, unfortunately. So whatever happens we don't want to get separated." Mickey said, looking around the world as it crumbled warily.
"Alright then!" Sora summoned the Kingdom Key to his hands, he got into his stance and held it like a club like he usually did. "Here I go!" Sora used his Sliding Dash to get a quick boost in speed and then ran at her. He first casted a Thundaga spell at her, then used his Sonic Blade, his speed increased extremely and he went for a thrusting attack with his Keyblade right at her.

"I am aware of the loose connection between this place and reality. I am a magic user myself, so is Riku, but we would never identify with you, especially with your type of ideals and reasoning. Our magic is for the use of light and good, while you use magic purely for a selfish benefit such as entertaining yourself and causing chaos and sadness. Your magic is evil. So no, I do not find it strange that some one would deny someone like you. And, you show no capacity to change either. You claim what you do is in the name of boredom. Yet one could say the only thing you interest yourself in is violence and suffering. Millions of other dimensions, why not involve yourself in the history of such worlds?" Mickey questioned.
(Almost done, just been trying to incorporate what we talked about into word form. Been occupied with that whole, "life" thing too.)

"Alright we're finally here, it's such a big place," Sora stepped outside into the open rose garden. "what do you want me to show you first? should I just come at you?" Sora asked Virgilia, wanting to begin right away.

"Certain people, huh?" Mickey said, having that thing she said about people coming after her give him an idea. "So, based on what you've done to our friend so far, do you think that any of these "certain people" you're talking about will come around or something like that? I'm just curious of course." Mickey asked, wondering if these "people" she was talking about could be of any use and help them out of this situation.
Gummi Bunnies said
Not too long from now hopefully. Just waiting patiently for the sample post of Syblyx's CS and the CS of a friend of mine who's interested to join.

Yeah, I'm almost done. I have to write his Future Diary, A sample post, and his background. It'll be done soon, I just wake up a lot around 12/1 in the afternoon, and half the day's over already. Plus writer's block. It's nearly done, it just takes awhile to think out.
"Yes, unfortunately a Witches worse enemy is boredom. A Witch needs to be constantly entertained, and when they are bored, it spells quite a lot of trouble for us normal folk in the lower dimensions, or whatever you would call them. Master Yen Sid has told me stories of Witches causing chaos, or just doing anything they could to entertain themselves. Most do not discriminate. When she said she would've wiped us out of existence, she was not kidding. When you get that age, you become very smart, which is why the famous logic battles they have is the only thing that gives people a chance." Mickey said, using his knowledge on Witches to explain. "But, let me ask this. Why just hang around here? if there are different Kakera you can go to, surely there is a billion things more interesting that you can go watch and interfere with?" Mickey asked.

"Right, take care of her, Sota." Sora nodded, then grinned and ran off to catch up. "Hey, wait up!" he ran for a few seconds, then caught up. "It's good I'll be getting some proper training. Hopefully, this will help a lot in getting my Mark of Mastery, since I failed last time." Sora said. "That Master Xehanort, he and his other selves led me right into his trap, and I fell for it." Sora clenched his fist. "Can't let that happen again..I'll be ready for him, when the time comes." Sora said with a determined look on his face.
"That's right! I just realized, you didn't even mention the ceiling!" Mickey chuckled. "He's right, you must have a few screws loose. It's not a perfect, sealed room if there's still some way to get out. In this higher plain of existence of yours, do you not even think about ceiling construction? in the building of a large castle or mansion, the ceiling is quite important, keeping a place up and safe from rain or the elements. Too bad, so sad, you, a supposed ancient being, with limitless power lost to a kid. Riku's always been quite observant. So, since you lost, you're going to start by telling us everything we want to know, and then you'll take us to Sora. To refuse would mark you as a coward in the eyes of other witches and deity's, am I wrong?" Mickey said with a sly grin on his face.

"Awesome!!" Sora exclaimed, hopping into the air with glee. He then remembered Kaika was resting, and toned it down a bit. "Okay, so I guess we should go outside, and I should show you what I got, right? or, I dunno. Lead the way, teacher." Sora said, and scratched his head.
"Okay, I think I understand. Some worlds are just different, and aren't affected by the same things ours are. I get it. And, I think I know a way to get to my friends. But first, I need to be prepared both physically and mentally if I am going to get anywhere. Lady Virgilia, I need a few favors from you. So..please, be my teacher, Lady Virgilia! I promise I'll do whatever you tell me to do, and I won't turn out like Beatrice. So, please take me as your "Witch Apprentice"!" Sora asked, and bowed his head as he did so.

"Darn, she doesn't hold back at all. Alright, Riku, remember that Witches are really good at things like this. So what do you think? how did Person B leave the room? You have anything?" Mickey asked Riku, getting his opinion first.
Dante drove on his bike down the road, checking his phone every couple of miles to make sure he was going the right way. It wasn't exactly safe to ride on his bicycle out at night like this, but he didn't really have a choice at this point. After awhile of riding, Dante finally arrived at his destination. He laid his bike down gently on the front lawn. He slowly walked up to the door, and knocked on it. Dante took out the phone and checked just to make sure. "Yeah, this is the place alright.." Dante muttered to himself, putting his phone away. Though, deep down he knew this was the place and he was simply nervous. He waited for someone to answer the door, standing out in the dark.
Light gave a nod to Keigo, then gathered his things and left outside with the two of them. "Well, that pretty much means school is done for awhile. I'm gonna take off back there, and see if this means my job is finished, or the school is repairable. In any case, since I "know", if you catch my drift, I won't be letting you two so far out of my sight." Light explained. "Hey kid, remember what we talked about, keep your head on straight, for me." Light said to Yuki, then nodded and walked off towards the school. I wonder if Yuno read anything about our conversation from earlier..she's helpful, but if I can just slowly ease Yuno off from him, I'll have a good asset on my hands.. Light thought to himself as he walked.
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