"Can you all shut the fuck up?!" Captain Angela Abetchi yelled from the top of her lungs. The group of twenty seven stowaways collectively fell silent. It had only been thirty minutes since the Delilah blasted off from Belltown and already there was chaos. Questions about room and board, toiletries, bathroom usages, and food - most especially food, came at her from all angles. The feeling of instant regret for tackling such an ambitious venture was finally settling in. All three of Angela's dark ember eyes glared into the sea of alien faces. She cleared her throat and stepped forward.
"The exact logistics for your stay on board my ship are currently being thawed out." The Captain said in a calmer tone. She raised her hand and pointed at the aisles that were once rows of cargo compartments, now retrofitted into bunk beds. "It ain't much, but it's better than sleeping on the floor. Or in one of those Toolie torture dungeons." She watched as the stowaways surveyed their designated living quarters. She clenched her teeth at their dissatisfied murmurs.
"What about the volunteers?" A little Obek male with a tricorn hat inquired. "Do we have separate living quarters?"
"Yes. Sir Jukton, right? Good question." Angela said. The Obek smiled, flattered that the captain even remembered his name. "Everyone that volunteered as a crew hand, or wants to volunteer as one, will meet at the lounge on the second floor in one hour. Until then, make yourselves comfortable."
"Where is the changing rooms? The restrooms? Are there separate wash rooms for different genders?" An Eyjian woman named Ukima stepped forward. Everything but her fiery hazel brown eyes were kept swathed in lavish silks. "I will not bathe, nor expose, any inch of my royal skin to ungraced eyes." The Captain sensed the tension thickening. Already there was a division among the group. She could see cliques forming. Alliances and old prejudices brewing.
"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear before we left Belltown." Angela marched up to the robed Eyjian until they were face-to-face. "This isn't some fucking luxury cruise." The Captain stared long and hard at her, then at everyone else.
"We're on the run, folks. You left for the same exact reasons I left, and the moment those Toolie assholes catch wind of that, and they will - believe me they will, this adventure is going to get a whole lot more shittier. So I suggest you tighten up your attitudes and get with the program. Fast. I don't need to state the obvious if you're not willing to comply." The Eyjian woman wanted to roll her eyes, but decided not to test the Captain further. Ukima walked away with her hands on her hips.
"Volunteers. One hour. Lounge." And with that, Captain Abetchi bolted out of the hangar in a storm of curse words.
In that moment a holographic projection of a dark-skinned, Afrocentric man appeared out from thin air. He wore sunglasses and appeared to be cradling a baby chimpanzee in his arms.
"And on that note: Welcome to the Delilah!" His warm smile and enthusiasm shifted the mood in the room at an instant. "My name is Axon. No, I'm not an A.I., but as a full time Cybermancer, I am required to stay within my sensory deprivation pod. You are more than welcome to scope out the ship on your own or get settled in. If at any moment you have any questions, please call my name out and I'll magically appear to answer them." And with that, the stowaways dispersed. Some went to go claim their beds, while others went to unpack their belongings. The Eyjian sprang back to where she kept her pile of travel bags and told anyone that stepped within five feet of them to back away.
"Uh, Axon?" The little green alien, Sir Jukton, waved his hand to get the Cybermancer's attention.
"What's up, Sir Jukton?" Axon looked down and nodded with a smile. "Nice hat by the way. That suede?"
"Is Captain Abetchi single?" Sir Jukton blurted out. Axon, and even the baby chimpanzee he was holding, both started laughing.
"Boy, that's the last fish you wanna catch."
The Obek picked his little nose, shrugged, then waltzed off to take a look around.