This region is an archipelago, an island arc specifically! More locations will be revealed as the RP goes on, but all pokemon from gens 1-8 are going to be found here; team builds can include dynamax/gigantamax pokemon, mega evolutions, and z-moves.
Like all regions in pokemon, Marvalo is unique and it earns this trait by having nearly unlimited amounts of Infinity Energy. Though the land is rich with this glorious resource, it doesn't quite physically manifest. If it could be likened to a substance, it would be plasma though, and is typically imagined to circulate throughout the land in a state not quite liquid, nor gas. Infinity Energy has enabled the people here to innovate their infrastructure in a way no other pokemon region has before. For one, the archipelago has an incredible aerotrain that zips throughout Marvalo; supplemented by bridges and underwater tunnels that connect the different islands of the region, the aerotrain povides a way for anyone to get anywhere.
But it doesn't quite stop there, for the region's overflowing prosperity with this resource lends it to have unique phenomena occurring all over. Megastones, z-crystals, Power Spots, Wishing Stars, and more can be found all over the region, while numerous legendaries slumber in the vast depths...
The concept of infinity energy as an energy resource is known here, and there are texts on it, though the tip of the iceberg on the matter has barely been scratched. Still, new discoveries, theories, and postulations are being made every day.

Like all regions in pokemon, Marvalo is unique and it earns this trait by having nearly unlimited amounts of Infinity Energy. Though the land is rich with this glorious resource, it doesn't quite physically manifest. If it could be likened to a substance, it would be plasma though, and is typically imagined to circulate throughout the land in a state not quite liquid, nor gas. Infinity Energy has enabled the people here to innovate their infrastructure in a way no other pokemon region has before. For one, the archipelago has an incredible aerotrain that zips throughout Marvalo; supplemented by bridges and underwater tunnels that connect the different islands of the region, the aerotrain povides a way for anyone to get anywhere.
But it doesn't quite stop there, for the region's overflowing prosperity with this resource lends it to have unique phenomena occurring all over. Megastones, z-crystals, Power Spots, Wishing Stars, and more can be found all over the region, while numerous legendaries slumber in the vast depths...
The concept of infinity energy as an energy resource is known here, and there are texts on it, though the tip of the iceberg on the matter has barely been scratched. Still, new discoveries, theories, and postulations are being made every day.

Situated on the crags of Mt Elder, Pagosa is a small and quiet yet welcoming town, spanning 37 km2. The view of Balamla spread out below is splendid, but Pagosa is an ideal retreat for those who want to escape the city's hustle and bustle. Cabins and cottages dot the banks of the river that trickles over rocks in little cascades, as bird Pokemon soar overhead through the cool mountain air. Occasionally, even a Drampa can be spotted.
Those who prefer excitement and activity needn't fret, as many leisure forms are available, such as boating and climbing. Skiing is a popular sport in the higher, colder reaches, especially in the winter when the snow is thickest. There are many cafes and lodges for those who need to kick back afterwards, with a mug of hot cocoa and the warmth of a fireplace. Trainers can also shop at small huts in the town centre for various helpful items; a selection of TMs, and incense with a variety of effects, such as boosting the power of certain move types or making the holder more difficult to hit.
Further along the main path, built next to a waterfall and flanked by pine trees, is a dojo. People visit not just to learn various martial arts, but to train their Pokemon and participate in an important challenge - the sensei is the Marvalo region's Fighting type gym leader, Kenshin Sang. Diligent and disciplined, he honours the traditions and beliefs of Pagosa's ancient residents, honing a rare, near-forgotten skill. Or so it's said, anyway. Some may roll their eyes and dismiss this talk of "aura" as a crackpot theory, but could there be something to it?
Venturing outside the town will lead to vast evergreen forests, snow-capped peaks, and caves. Sometimes, in these caves, an odd shadow is glimpsed, usually by martial artists honing their moves. Before anyone can get a good look, it inevitably disappears. More commonly seen Pokemon on Mt Elder are various Rock, Ground and Fighting types in the tunnels, Snovers in the uppermost woodlands, Lotads floating across ponds, and Sudowoodos pretending to be trees all around the area.
Uphill treks aside, Pagosa is a worthwhile stop for travellers, whether to research, relax or train.
Those who prefer excitement and activity needn't fret, as many leisure forms are available, such as boating and climbing. Skiing is a popular sport in the higher, colder reaches, especially in the winter when the snow is thickest. There are many cafes and lodges for those who need to kick back afterwards, with a mug of hot cocoa and the warmth of a fireplace. Trainers can also shop at small huts in the town centre for various helpful items; a selection of TMs, and incense with a variety of effects, such as boosting the power of certain move types or making the holder more difficult to hit.
Further along the main path, built next to a waterfall and flanked by pine trees, is a dojo. People visit not just to learn various martial arts, but to train their Pokemon and participate in an important challenge - the sensei is the Marvalo region's Fighting type gym leader, Kenshin Sang. Diligent and disciplined, he honours the traditions and beliefs of Pagosa's ancient residents, honing a rare, near-forgotten skill. Or so it's said, anyway. Some may roll their eyes and dismiss this talk of "aura" as a crackpot theory, but could there be something to it?
Venturing outside the town will lead to vast evergreen forests, snow-capped peaks, and caves. Sometimes, in these caves, an odd shadow is glimpsed, usually by martial artists honing their moves. Before anyone can get a good look, it inevitably disappears. More commonly seen Pokemon on Mt Elder are various Rock, Ground and Fighting types in the tunnels, Snovers in the uppermost woodlands, Lotads floating across ponds, and Sudowoodos pretending to be trees all around the area.
Uphill treks aside, Pagosa is a worthwhile stop for travellers, whether to research, relax or train.
A luxurious spa town, built around its famed mineral springs. Since it historically attracted nobles from all over the world, the architecture is as elegant and elaborate as you'd expect. With its many spa resorts, massage parlours, and Pokemon grooming centres, this is the perfect place to retreat and relax. On the whole, it's more expensive than other wellness spots like Pagosa, but even those strapped for cash can enjoy nature walks through its surrounding forests and countryside.
There's a great deal of emphasis on the care of Pokemon, and as such, the town is popular with breeders. At the heart is a large, family owned daycare centre, and aspiring breeders at PMA, as well as studying at the campus daycare, sometimes visit this one for work experience. Rare eggs are awarded afterwards, such as Togepi and Happiny. A sanctuary for abandoned and mistreated Pokemon can also be found in Saluspring, its different sections modified to match their natural biomes as closely as possible.
Another standout point of this town is the food, for humans and for Pokemon. The wide variety of berries, mushrooms and other edibles provide the base for countless recipes, and there's even a shop selling juice so nutritious it can increase a Pokemon's level. One well known baker is Fairy type gym leader Alfred, who hosts cookery competitions in between challenges. Although he's a friendly, jolly chef, these competitions can and often do become just as intense as any battle.
Speaking of competing, bicycle races are frequently held here. The track consists of various terrain types such as concrete, grass, sand and hills, dotted with obstacles throughout, but the cyclists can send out Pokemon to help them get around these difficulties. Besides trophies, several other prizes are available to winners and runners up, and afterwards people can take a well earned rest at the many pampering facilities.
Many of Marvalo's residents, whether breeders, league trainers, coordinators looking for tasty high-quality poffins, or simply in need of a health and wellbeing weekend, can greatly benefit from a stay in Saluspring.
There's a great deal of emphasis on the care of Pokemon, and as such, the town is popular with breeders. At the heart is a large, family owned daycare centre, and aspiring breeders at PMA, as well as studying at the campus daycare, sometimes visit this one for work experience. Rare eggs are awarded afterwards, such as Togepi and Happiny. A sanctuary for abandoned and mistreated Pokemon can also be found in Saluspring, its different sections modified to match their natural biomes as closely as possible.
Another standout point of this town is the food, for humans and for Pokemon. The wide variety of berries, mushrooms and other edibles provide the base for countless recipes, and there's even a shop selling juice so nutritious it can increase a Pokemon's level. One well known baker is Fairy type gym leader Alfred, who hosts cookery competitions in between challenges. Although he's a friendly, jolly chef, these competitions can and often do become just as intense as any battle.
Speaking of competing, bicycle races are frequently held here. The track consists of various terrain types such as concrete, grass, sand and hills, dotted with obstacles throughout, but the cyclists can send out Pokemon to help them get around these difficulties. Besides trophies, several other prizes are available to winners and runners up, and afterwards people can take a well earned rest at the many pampering facilities.
Many of Marvalo's residents, whether breeders, league trainers, coordinators looking for tasty high-quality poffins, or simply in need of a health and wellbeing weekend, can greatly benefit from a stay in Saluspring.
"Cold is the night when the stars shine bright", as the saying goes. The atmosphere may be chilly, but the crisp, clear air of this small town makes it an ideal place for stargazing. Its standout feature is its observatory, the research hub for the Marvalo Astronomical Society, made up of professional and amateur astronomers.
One member is Rock type gym leader Chandra, whose gym is an extension of the observatory, designed to contain sound so as not to disturb workers. As well as studying celestial bodies and phenomena via telescope, she forays into researching the meteorite impact site in the mountains, the other reason for local scientists' keen interest in outer space. Since the meteor crashed long ago, numerous extraterrestrial Pokemon such as Lunatone, Solrock and Minior have made their homes in the area.
The town's peace and quiet helps with such studies; it mostly consists of Wooloo farms, since wool clothing is in high demand in the cold Baetyl range. After stargazing or spelunking, tourists can spend the night in cosy bed and breakfasts or guest houses. Occasionally, however, odd events disturb this peace. Such incidents include sudden electrical blackouts, stone block structures coming to life, and people displaying violent behaviour before falling sick. The strange sightings accompanying these events have given rise to two theories - either the meteor's energy opened up wormholes, allowing creatures from another world to get through, or there's a Pokemon around here capable of creating such portals.
These beasts are not the only unusual beings here. As with in the northern and southern parts of the Baetyl Mountains, legend tells of another rare and remarkable Pokemon near Celescade; Regirock, sealed away in a cave in ancient times. For myth enthusiasts and the scientifically minded alike, Celescade Town has a great deal to look into.
One member is Rock type gym leader Chandra, whose gym is an extension of the observatory, designed to contain sound so as not to disturb workers. As well as studying celestial bodies and phenomena via telescope, she forays into researching the meteorite impact site in the mountains, the other reason for local scientists' keen interest in outer space. Since the meteor crashed long ago, numerous extraterrestrial Pokemon such as Lunatone, Solrock and Minior have made their homes in the area.
The town's peace and quiet helps with such studies; it mostly consists of Wooloo farms, since wool clothing is in high demand in the cold Baetyl range. After stargazing or spelunking, tourists can spend the night in cosy bed and breakfasts or guest houses. Occasionally, however, odd events disturb this peace. Such incidents include sudden electrical blackouts, stone block structures coming to life, and people displaying violent behaviour before falling sick. The strange sightings accompanying these events have given rise to two theories - either the meteor's energy opened up wormholes, allowing creatures from another world to get through, or there's a Pokemon around here capable of creating such portals.
These beasts are not the only unusual beings here. As with in the northern and southern parts of the Baetyl Mountains, legend tells of another rare and remarkable Pokemon near Celescade; Regirock, sealed away in a cave in ancient times. For myth enthusiasts and the scientifically minded alike, Celescade Town has a great deal to look into.
This island stretches for 240.36 km2, with Wingull and Cramorant cries drifting on the sea breeze wherever people go. And the city, located west, does feature quite a few places to visit. A water park enjoyed by humans and Pokemon alike, cosy family-owned hotels, and a relic museum displaying man-made and fossil findings, to name a few. On the museum's upper floor, if you present the scientists working there with a fossil, for a fee they can clone a living, breathing Pokemon from it.
Other attractions include the frequent markets around the coast. Local crafters, artists, farmers and cooks sell their wares from under parasols, as shoppers browse while drinking berry soda, and children play in the sand. Tables are inexpensive, so any artisan looking to earn money can set up a stall.
Overall it's a bright, cheery place - as long as you don't stay on the beach past nightfall. Are those sandcastles really just sandcastles?
Some people who wander along the seafront at night report a ghostly ship on the horizon. There's debate about whether or not it's real, but many theories surround it. One is that the captain of a wrecked ship, regretting his failure to save his crew, now helps the souls of the island's deceased humans and Pokemon by ferrying them to the afterlife. More sinister tales claim that would-be mutineers thrown overboard a pirate ship returned as Jellicents and sank the vessel, or that a crew of sailors disturbed a Gyarados lair and provoked their wrath. If you want all versions of the story, of which there are at least six, the Water type gym leader is the person to ask.
Levi, the head instructor of a diving institute that doubles as a gym, loves to tell and look into stories of what may lurk in the depths. These tend to creep out his fellow deep sea divers, but he doesn't mean any harm by it. After all, they're just stories... right?
Rumours aren't the only things to investigate. Larimar Cave extends along the east side of the island, its clear blue pools shimmering under skylights and drawing many a sightseer. Some even believe these pools to be infused with infinity energy, claiming that bathing in them eases fatigue. Unless you're an experienced trainer, though, don't venture too far into the cavern.
Other attractions include the frequent markets around the coast. Local crafters, artists, farmers and cooks sell their wares from under parasols, as shoppers browse while drinking berry soda, and children play in the sand. Tables are inexpensive, so any artisan looking to earn money can set up a stall.
Overall it's a bright, cheery place - as long as you don't stay on the beach past nightfall. Are those sandcastles really just sandcastles?
Some people who wander along the seafront at night report a ghostly ship on the horizon. There's debate about whether or not it's real, but many theories surround it. One is that the captain of a wrecked ship, regretting his failure to save his crew, now helps the souls of the island's deceased humans and Pokemon by ferrying them to the afterlife. More sinister tales claim that would-be mutineers thrown overboard a pirate ship returned as Jellicents and sank the vessel, or that a crew of sailors disturbed a Gyarados lair and provoked their wrath. If you want all versions of the story, of which there are at least six, the Water type gym leader is the person to ask.
Levi, the head instructor of a diving institute that doubles as a gym, loves to tell and look into stories of what may lurk in the depths. These tend to creep out his fellow deep sea divers, but he doesn't mean any harm by it. After all, they're just stories... right?
Rumours aren't the only things to investigate. Larimar Cave extends along the east side of the island, its clear blue pools shimmering under skylights and drawing many a sightseer. Some even believe these pools to be infused with infinity energy, claiming that bathing in them eases fatigue. Unless you're an experienced trainer, though, don't venture too far into the cavern.
The capital of the Marvalo Archipelago, this city is the largest in the region at 2266.24 km2. Skyscrapers race each other to reach the sky, and in the horizon behind PMA, grand mountains dot the horizon. There's always something to do here, whether you want to go to the mall, visit a museum, or maybe find a secret hideout. Wait, what?
The city itself is bustling with activity, with its shopping districts, high end restaurants, movie theatres, and sports stadiums. Its many luxury hotels make it a popular tourist spot, as does the vast contest hall at the centre, the spectacular performances bringing people flocking all year round. Those who prefer a quieter time can visit the many parks and gardens, or the famed history and art museums. Being largely known for PMA, Balamla is a hub of learning, featuring relics of the past and technological innovations alike.
Much of the region's battle simulation technology stems from Balamla, or to be more precise, from a team of engineers led by renowned inventor Tessa Nichols. Don't underestimate her because of her constantly sleep-deprived state or love of wacky gadgets, as this caffeine-fuelled tech whiz is the Electric type gym leader. Her holographic and robotic simulations help her train her Pokemon, whom she selects for official battles based on the challenger's experience level.
On the subject of Pokemon, it isn't uncommon to see wild Meowths searching for dropped change at night, Trubbishes cleaning up the streets, and other urban Pokemon out and about. The green spaces host a myriad of Grass, Bug and Flying types, as well as Flabebes who make their homes in flower beds of every colour. In the city's historical areas, Psychic and Fighting types choose the temples and shrines as meditation spots.
With its mix of old and new, education and leisure, excitement and relaxation, Balamla City has something for everyone.
The city itself is bustling with activity, with its shopping districts, high end restaurants, movie theatres, and sports stadiums. Its many luxury hotels make it a popular tourist spot, as does the vast contest hall at the centre, the spectacular performances bringing people flocking all year round. Those who prefer a quieter time can visit the many parks and gardens, or the famed history and art museums. Being largely known for PMA, Balamla is a hub of learning, featuring relics of the past and technological innovations alike.
Much of the region's battle simulation technology stems from Balamla, or to be more precise, from a team of engineers led by renowned inventor Tessa Nichols. Don't underestimate her because of her constantly sleep-deprived state or love of wacky gadgets, as this caffeine-fuelled tech whiz is the Electric type gym leader. Her holographic and robotic simulations help her train her Pokemon, whom she selects for official battles based on the challenger's experience level.
On the subject of Pokemon, it isn't uncommon to see wild Meowths searching for dropped change at night, Trubbishes cleaning up the streets, and other urban Pokemon out and about. The green spaces host a myriad of Grass, Bug and Flying types, as well as Flabebes who make their homes in flower beds of every colour. In the city's historical areas, Psychic and Fighting types choose the temples and shrines as meditation spots.
With its mix of old and new, education and leisure, excitement and relaxation, Balamla City has something for everyone.
Ontakane, and the volcano towering over it, have long been considered sacred places. Sages from all over the Marvalo region, particularly Pagosa, take pilgrimages here, while many others visit in the hope of glimpsing the Pokemon this mountain is sacred to. Ho-oh, believed to perch here in between its flights around the world, and to grant happiness to anyone who sees it.
Fittingly, the city is an overall joyous one, with frequent festivals taking place throughout the year. These events, complete with floats, street food and dances, attract many a tourist. The dances include ritual ones by the shrine maiden, Akari. A quiet and timid girl, she dislikes being in the spotlight this way, but complies out of duty. Usually, she can be found tending the shrine, or in her Fire type gym. Despite her shyness, she's the one to intervene when wayward Ghost types, such as tricksy Litwicks and Lampents, cause trouble. With Cleanse Tags, bells, and her loyal Ninetales and Arcanine, she quickly exorcises such entities.
Old abandoned buildings here have their fair share of odd occurrences, but one of the strangest phenomena is what happens when a Cubone evolves in or near the city; the resulting Marowak will be exactly like its Alolan counterpart. Nobody knows for sure why this is, but a popular theory chalks it up to Ho-oh's residual influence combining with the abundant infinity energy, allowing it to overcome its sorrow, and giving the soul of its departed loved one a new form as a protective flame.
The mountain itself hosts a plethora of Rock, Ground and Flying types, and of course Fire types within volcanic caves. With Magbys, Cyndaquils, and even elusive Larvestas and Volcaronas here, braving the heat may well be worth it.
Fittingly, the city is an overall joyous one, with frequent festivals taking place throughout the year. These events, complete with floats, street food and dances, attract many a tourist. The dances include ritual ones by the shrine maiden, Akari. A quiet and timid girl, she dislikes being in the spotlight this way, but complies out of duty. Usually, she can be found tending the shrine, or in her Fire type gym. Despite her shyness, she's the one to intervene when wayward Ghost types, such as tricksy Litwicks and Lampents, cause trouble. With Cleanse Tags, bells, and her loyal Ninetales and Arcanine, she quickly exorcises such entities.
Old abandoned buildings here have their fair share of odd occurrences, but one of the strangest phenomena is what happens when a Cubone evolves in or near the city; the resulting Marowak will be exactly like its Alolan counterpart. Nobody knows for sure why this is, but a popular theory chalks it up to Ho-oh's residual influence combining with the abundant infinity energy, allowing it to overcome its sorrow, and giving the soul of its departed loved one a new form as a protective flame.
The mountain itself hosts a plethora of Rock, Ground and Flying types, and of course Fire types within volcanic caves. With Magbys, Cyndaquils, and even elusive Larvestas and Volcaronas here, braving the heat may well be worth it.
Isla de Lune is a mysterious and wonderful place. During late winter, nearly 3/4ths of the island is forested with bountiful peach blossoms that become heavy, ripe Juicy Peaches fall into early fall, which means Isla de Lune is a glorious bloom of golden pink on the horizon for most of the year. The climate is hot and humid at times, but that’s to be expected of a tropical island climate.
Juicy Peaches are the main export of the island, boasting beautiful sunset coloring and a honey-sweet flavor that drive profits in. Famous as treats for people and pokemon alike, there’s of course countless local peach specialties that are must tries. The Power Spot on the island that overflows with Infinity Energy might be the reason why the Juicy Peaches are so delicious, or perhaps it’s the region in general. Either way, they’re the pride and joy of the people.
Speaking of, the 4,000 residents or so on the island are the heart of Momobell Town: A hard working town of heart. Though the people and their town are humble in size at an area of 55 km sq, the entire population works hard to keep the island healthy, farming and cultivating the fruit that they’re so proud of.
Deeper through the forests and heading towards the Western peninsula of the island, is a separate, quieter forest portion that the locals try not to enter, not even to harvest Juicy Peaches. It’s rumored that there’s a healing hot spring there, and while pokemon naturally frolic and live about in the area, humans try not to disturb Terrachime Forest.
All in all though, Isla de Lune has favorable weather all year round, is perfect for tourists, pokemon and people alike. A truly delicate and delicious place, Isla de Lune is a quiet getaway, with more emphasis on reflection, than battle.
inspiraton: Isla de Lune
Juicy Peaches are the main export of the island, boasting beautiful sunset coloring and a honey-sweet flavor that drive profits in. Famous as treats for people and pokemon alike, there’s of course countless local peach specialties that are must tries. The Power Spot on the island that overflows with Infinity Energy might be the reason why the Juicy Peaches are so delicious, or perhaps it’s the region in general. Either way, they’re the pride and joy of the people.
Speaking of, the 4,000 residents or so on the island are the heart of Momobell Town: A hard working town of heart. Though the people and their town are humble in size at an area of 55 km sq, the entire population works hard to keep the island healthy, farming and cultivating the fruit that they’re so proud of.
Deeper through the forests and heading towards the Western peninsula of the island, is a separate, quieter forest portion that the locals try not to enter, not even to harvest Juicy Peaches. It’s rumored that there’s a healing hot spring there, and while pokemon naturally frolic and live about in the area, humans try not to disturb Terrachime Forest.
All in all though, Isla de Lune has favorable weather all year round, is perfect for tourists, pokemon and people alike. A truly delicate and delicious place, Isla de Lune is a quiet getaway, with more emphasis on reflection, than battle.
inspiraton: Isla de Lune
Momobell Town is a small town of roughly 4000 or so people that dedicate their careers to the agriculture and commercialization of Juicy Peaches. Here it’s a mix of farmers, publicists, researchers, pretty much every resident is employed by the island to cultivate Juicy Peaches or work in benefiting the island tourism. The community is small, tight-knit, and packed with friendly folk that have a real savviness for commerce too. It’s all evident from the numerous cottages, bungalows, and countless small business shops that spring up from the ground. The architecture itself is very distinct as well, consisting of quaint, storybook like cottages with wooden balconies and tall A-lined buildings. Cobblestone streets are swept regularly by the Minccino and Cinccino that frolic around these parts, while there’s typically a Meowth or Eevee scurrying about.
The town may be small, but it’s certainly bustling during the day. The grass gym leader is an active town official, involved in most if not all affairs, and a constant source of tourism to boot. Susan Blakeney or Black-Eyed Susan is known for her archery, her shaman-like wisdom, and her powerful array of grass type pokemon. She rangers around the forest quite regularly, (fitting for one of 50 Top Rangers in the world) also being an avid agriculturalist to boot. Her hazel eyes are sharp and focused, while she boasts high cheekbones and a strong jawline with her bronze skin. Her black hair is normally plaited, and she typically wears a patterned headband.
There’s quite a few outdoor recreational parks and resorts that offer relaxation and enrichment for vacationing trainers and pokemon. It’s a popular spot for conferences and the local cuisine culture here is like none other. Juicy Peaches are a one of a kind crop, and they’re baked or creamed into just about every form of dessert, baked good, or savory entree. Though there’s fresh baked local goods available from the myriad of small business just about every day, shelf stable peach desserts are shipped out globally as well.
The single battle arena of the island is large, resides over the dynamax power spot, and during matches it's packed with people. Susan only does gym battles once a few times a week, as she's busy looking over the entire island. Luckily, ther'se are a myriad of other activities to participate in as well. Festivals happen regularly, about once a month, and there’s weekly scheduled events for the ever present mass influx of tourists year round.
The town may be small, but it’s certainly bustling during the day. The grass gym leader is an active town official, involved in most if not all affairs, and a constant source of tourism to boot. Susan Blakeney or Black-Eyed Susan is known for her archery, her shaman-like wisdom, and her powerful array of grass type pokemon. She rangers around the forest quite regularly, (fitting for one of 50 Top Rangers in the world) also being an avid agriculturalist to boot. Her hazel eyes are sharp and focused, while she boasts high cheekbones and a strong jawline with her bronze skin. Her black hair is normally plaited, and she typically wears a patterned headband.
There’s quite a few outdoor recreational parks and resorts that offer relaxation and enrichment for vacationing trainers and pokemon. It’s a popular spot for conferences and the local cuisine culture here is like none other. Juicy Peaches are a one of a kind crop, and they’re baked or creamed into just about every form of dessert, baked good, or savory entree. Though there’s fresh baked local goods available from the myriad of small business just about every day, shelf stable peach desserts are shipped out globally as well.
The single battle arena of the island is large, resides over the dynamax power spot, and during matches it's packed with people. Susan only does gym battles once a few times a week, as she's busy looking over the entire island. Luckily, ther'se are a myriad of other activities to participate in as well. Festivals happen regularly, about once a month, and there’s weekly scheduled events for the ever present mass influx of tourists year round.
Terrachime stretches over the majority of Isla de Lune, and while most of the forest is boisterous with activity, and ripe with fruit to be harvested, there is a smaller, quieter, deeper pocket towards the Western peninsula. Here is where a rather large Torterra shell lays, enormous in breadth and ancient in age. A stout oak tree stands tall and healthy, growing steadily from the shell still, even though it’s been hundreds of years.
Legend has it that the Torterra, Daimo, was the protector of Terrachime forest in its older days. His Wood Hammer had the ability to thwart any threat, while his Withdraw was used as a supreme defense, and he had a myriad of other moves like Giga Drain and Earthquake. Though he harshly punished any who threatened the forest, he was also a protector and nurturer to the forest dwellers. He eventually died peacefully, or so the legend goes, and his spirit continues to watch over the island. Of course, nobody knows if any of this is the truth or not, but it’s a fun story for all.
There are a number of marked stone graves here, and several shrines. As Daimo passed away here, it has become a tradition and tribute to let other pokemon accompany him when they pass.
The forest has a multitude of bug, fairy, and flying type pokemon, along with a few psychic, normal, host, and grass types.
Legend has it that the Torterra, Daimo, was the protector of Terrachime forest in its older days. His Wood Hammer had the ability to thwart any threat, while his Withdraw was used as a supreme defense, and he had a myriad of other moves like Giga Drain and Earthquake. Though he harshly punished any who threatened the forest, he was also a protector and nurturer to the forest dwellers. He eventually died peacefully, or so the legend goes, and his spirit continues to watch over the island. Of course, nobody knows if any of this is the truth or not, but it’s a fun story for all.
There are a number of marked stone graves here, and several shrines. As Daimo passed away here, it has become a tradition and tribute to let other pokemon accompany him when they pass.
The forest has a multitude of bug, fairy, and flying type pokemon, along with a few psychic, normal, host, and grass types.
Starkly contrasting to other fun and carefree places in Marvalo, Port La Pike City is a little colder, a little more cutthroat, and a little more business. As the largest port city in the region, it is also an innovation plus llogistical hub that focuses on getting goods in and out, as well as being the most technologically advanced city in the region. Lots of gadget, tech, and e-commerce companies pop up here in Port La Pike; TMs, TRs, and other important battle items or augments being largely developed, sold, and created here too.
There’s several large theme parks here with fantastical rides for both pokemon and humans to enjoy- Adventure Land, Park Paradise, and 151 Flags. From romantic ferris wheels to zooming roller coasters or VR experiences, technological entertainment is at the tip of it’s game here. Of course, that means there’s tons of money to be brought in as well.
The normal type gym leader, Felix Lucky, is a young man of 25 with dark skin, close cropped wiry black hair, and hazel eyes. He stands at about 5’10, and is typically dressed in a dark, classy suit of some kind. His trusted and true partners are his Girafarig and Porygon2, though he has other normal types such as the Whismur Line and the Helioptile line.
There’s several large theme parks here with fantastical rides for both pokemon and humans to enjoy- Adventure Land, Park Paradise, and 151 Flags. From romantic ferris wheels to zooming roller coasters or VR experiences, technological entertainment is at the tip of it’s game here. Of course, that means there’s tons of money to be brought in as well.
The normal type gym leader, Felix Lucky, is a young man of 25 with dark skin, close cropped wiry black hair, and hazel eyes. He stands at about 5’10, and is typically dressed in a dark, classy suit of some kind. His trusted and true partners are his Girafarig and Porygon2, though he has other normal types such as the Whismur Line and the Helioptile line.
A series of coral islands that are far out in the Southeastern waters of the region. Though there’s three large islands that people live on and frequent, the Coral Ring is actually comprised of several thousand coral islands, but many are small atolls or have low elevation above sea level. The entire stretch of islands is wonderful for scuba-diving, snorkeling, and exploring complex, beautiful ecosystems; however, there’s only three that are inhabited by humans and pokemon both. Naturally, they’re connected by the Marvalo Bullet, but there’s also the Grand Coral Bridge, which is a walking/biking path that connects the three islands as well. Though an entirely man made structure, the bridge is specially built to look like a coral path, with the railing built to look like coral reefs. Rumors of special shrines hidden within the islands are occasionally whispered, but no one really believes them.
The cultures of these islands are deeply steeped in community, music, art, and food. The small towns of Mabale, Mahala, and Malaji frequently throw all sorts of festivals, celebrations, and events throughout the year, which keeps trainers coming, and the countless small businesses in these communities active. The main things that fuel the economy include tourism, and fine art.
The cultures of these islands are deeply steeped in community, music, art, and food. The small towns of Mabale, Mahala, and Malaji frequently throw all sorts of festivals, celebrations, and events throughout the year, which keeps trainers coming, and the countless small businesses in these communities active. The main things that fuel the economy include tourism, and fine art.
A large coral atoll, Malé an area of 8.30 square kilometres. Mabale Town is a serene island town where many come to relax. There’s plenty of things to do: there’s an underwater-themed contest hall where trainers put on contest performances in front of huge audiences, a national water pokemon rehabilitation facility, and rare items to find within the shimmering lagoon in the center of this atoll. The common species of pokemon from lineages like Carvanha , Corsola, Remoraid, Skrelp, Popplio, and others.
This coral island of the Coral Ring isn’t too different then Mabale, though this tiny island contains the largest open air market in the region. Bartering, trading, or buying with cash-- there’s tons of junk, but also incredible finds here. Area is approximately 15 sq. km.
Malaji is an interesting Coral Ring island with an area of ~13 sq. km. Though it has numerous water pokemon just like the other islands, it also contains a plethora of psychic type and normal type pokemon, interestingly enough. Experts are still unclear as to why this is, but they are quite prevalent regardless. The island is just as sporty and leisure filled as the other two, but also has a power spot and a stadium to surround it. As such, dynamax and gigantamax battles are quite popular here, yet again bringing tourists from all over the globe. Lastly, Eternity Mall has endless shopping and modern amenities to enjoy, for pokemon and people alike.
inspiration for islands
inspiration for islands
A cluster of five volcanic lakes to the south west of Ontakane City. At the centre is a tiny but cosy hiker's rest, Calaguna Village, with hot springs and historical buildings that make it pleasant enough on its own, yet the scenery is what makes the area truly shine.
All five lakes are clear and bright year round, and home to many Pokemon - just because the mountain is rich in Fire types, that doesn't make it lacking in Water ones. However, as picturesque as the pools are, residents and tourists are advised not to wander too far. North of the crater lakes is an area constantly shrouded in fog, so dense that it takes more than a Defog move to blow it away. The mist was once thought to be a cloud of poisonous volcanic fumes, but even now that people know of its non-toxicity, most keep away. Those who do venture in are quickly driven out, as every time, it drastically thickens and reaches unbearably high temperatures.
To this day, besides glimpses of caves, nobody knows what's in there. The only hint is the occasional mechanical sound from within the caverns.
All five lakes are clear and bright year round, and home to many Pokemon - just because the mountain is rich in Fire types, that doesn't make it lacking in Water ones. However, as picturesque as the pools are, residents and tourists are advised not to wander too far. North of the crater lakes is an area constantly shrouded in fog, so dense that it takes more than a Defog move to blow it away. The mist was once thought to be a cloud of poisonous volcanic fumes, but even now that people know of its non-toxicity, most keep away. Those who do venture in are quickly driven out, as every time, it drastically thickens and reaches unbearably high temperatures.
To this day, besides glimpses of caves, nobody knows what's in there. The only hint is the occasional mechanical sound from within the caverns.