Avatar of Roland
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 37 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Roland 5 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current "STOP. QUOTING. ME." Jb, 2019, quoted in 2022, and again in 2024,
1 like
3 yrs ago
"I hope no one quotes me." Roland, 2022.
1 like
3 yrs ago
"STOP. QUOTING. ME." Jb, 2019, quoted in 2022.
3 yrs ago
Exactly two weeks for law school entrance exam. :O
3 yrs ago
Prepping for the Round Two of applying to law school. Last year, the entrance exam beat me. #TheLawWon


Join the roleplayers, they said. It will be a blast, they said.

Now, I am here. Would you like to know more?

The name's Roland, a recent member of the forum. I've mostly played RPs in video game and tabletop form. As you might have guessed, I am a fan of both the Fantasy and the 40k versions of Warhammer, although if you come to ask did Magnus do something wrong, I please advise you to find new material for memes. I enjoy reading fantasy, history and sci-fi. I also like wandering and trekking in the woods and forests, and learning new things and trivia. I was awarded "Mister Trivial" award by my friends, and rarely do they dare to challenge for a game of Trivial Pursuit. I am also a history nerd, which might have some bearing on why I lack any Trivial Pursuit victims players.

I enjoy an ice cold, tar-like dark Lager, among other beverages. Other tastes (or lack thereof) include dark roasted and black coffee with sugar, German Scho-Ka-Kola chocolate and different pastas, especially without shellfish. I tend to torture my friends, school mates and tabletop roleplayers with lame puns and dadjokes. I write fantasy and sci fi worlds into my hard drive, maybe one day utilizing them in Dungeons & Dragons and/or other roleplays.

I probably go to Hell for those lame jokes, who knows.

Trivial knowledge about me:

a) I cried when I saw Avengers: The Endgame at the cinema. I don't think I will tell you why.
b) I occasionally attend to pub quizzes and do poorly, because I am the only one in my team. Can't blame anyone else, though.
c) One can only wonder what is my favourite Imperial Guard regiment.
d) Avery Johnson Jr. is my spirit animal.

Most Recent Posts

Battle-Sisters of the Fiery Thorn

Ave Imperator, my faith in You is my armour and my sword.

Sister Sabine prayed in her thoughts. She had recited the prayer times beyond counting since her earliest memories, ever since she had entered the Schola Progenium as a scared little girl. The Schola had burned her former life away with endless drills, lessons and sermons and shown her the way of the truly faithful. For the past two decades, she had been serving in the Order of the Fiery Thorn, defending the mankind and her Sisters against the Xeno, the Heretic and the Mutant.

Offer us strength to carry our tasks and duties, no matter how difficult the road is.

Her four Battle-Sisters were also praying. They had their own silent prayers for the Emperor to bless their mission. The Inquisitor had appointed a hive gang as the Sisters’ objective. The Scions Tempestus would attack another bunch of gangers. She had a few times fought alongside squads of Scions before, and so Sabine had no doubt they would not get their mission accomplished. They had arrived at the former planetary governor’s orbital station only recently, and they had been appropriated little space for themselves. They were not going to stay on the station for long. As fast they had finished their prayers and donned their power armour and weapons, they would head after the gang.

May only the few suffer for the benefit of many.

She had been chosen personally by Prioress Constantia to aid the Inquisitor in her purge of the hive city. Her sisterhood had equipped her with the precious powersword named the Furious Rose, which had been passing down from Sister to Sister within the Order for generations. Sabine had often used a powersword before, but none had been as well-crafted as the Furious Rose. It had a crimson tint and roses emblazoned on its hilt and scabbard. The names of the previous wielders were carved into the sword’s blade. Whenever the wielder died, her name and rank would be carved into the blade for remembering their sacrifices for the good of all mankind.

May my hand protect others and Your creation.

Sabine could trust any of them with her life, and their lives on her hands. Her Battle-Sisters were near her age and hailed across the Imperium’s dominion, but all of them had performed in their duties and hardships as expected and without failure. They all bore scars on them from training and battles.

And suffer not one heretic live a moment longer.

There was hardly a distinction between a ganger or a heretic to Sabine. The heretics were consorting with the powers opposing the Emperor of Mankind, the gangers killed, blackmailed, and smuggled people and illegal goods; both thrived in the dark and shadowy corners of the imperial society like weeds, spreading their vile roots and vines.

Ave Imperator, blessed be Your name.

She had conceived a straightforward plan to annihilate the hive gang. Hive gang’s upper leadership should be eliminated with absolute force and intolerance to raise absolute terror and fear on every level of the gang. Sabine had been passed intelligence of the gang’s possible hideouts and locations. They would flock and scatter like a knot of sparrows.

Our enemies are many, but we will prevail.

Gangs were very similar to a human body, she believed; lob off the head of the gang, and the rest should fall on its own weight. Attack their vital organs, and they would bleed to death. If any ganger tried to come between her and her prey, they would be cut down like weeds in a garden. The gangers had to be sent a message, and she had a perfect message ready in her mind.

The only mercy Daughters of the Emperor will deal to whom conspire with heretics is death.

Hello! I'd be interested in this.
Either Warhammer 40k, Halo, Killzone or more generic military science fiction RP.

Do I win referencing today, because I used the caps lock?
James had neared the entrance after the man called Ferd had waved his hand and asked James to follow. James had kept his distance, as Ferd and Val had greeted and welcomed the new man. He was a police officer, apparently. James had never had much interaction with any police, even in the crime infested streets of New York. No one had ever even tried to pickpocket him!

James seemed a bit of an odd duck to the party. The others appeared either thuggish, private eyes or highly gangster-fashioned, and there he was, a college graduate and a journalist. Well, this might prove interesting, but am I out of my depth?

James took his notebook out of his pocket. On the first page he had a photograph of himself and two others in military uniforms. He took the picture into his hand and glanced it quickly. The trio was standing their arms on each others shoulders. No dull moment in Argonne, 1918 read in the back. James put the photograph back and made a note to himself.

Wednesday, 14/4/1925. Arrived at Jeremy's house and joined the other investigors investigators. They are quite the unordinary bunch from all walks of life. If I wrote characters like them into a short story, no one would believe that everyone could be crammed into a single house in a single city in a single country.
"The name is James Anderson of Wake Springs, at your service", he replied to the man. The man seemed like out of a detective story. He took out his ID out of his wallet. The safest action would be to diffuse the tension and suspicion quickly. James took a shy smile. His father had always thought that wide smiles were untrustworthy. "And may you and your comrades tell yours?"
James finally chose to walk to the house. He had examined the cavalcade of people who were entering the house. He had met a lot of people in Wake Springs, at college and in his work, but rarely he had seen such a big man as one of the men. James pondered, if he was a boxer. Perhaps I should write about a boxer. A boxer who fights crime at night with a mask and a disguise, he thought. Vigilante, an antihero, an avenger in the night, ready to defend the weak and innocent, perhaps with an animal motif.

He knew he had awkwardly waited in the street, but he rarely just waltzed into things. He often examined things before going into action, and apparently, the group just had had a short moment of tension. James looked around quickly and walked to the door just behind the group of people. "Hey, wait for me!" he said on the way. He had always been introverted, and never had been extremely easy speaker. He added "I was sent a letter by Jeremy's house sitter, too."
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