Detailed description of the warrior.
Benji has a tan complexion, marked with several tribal recognizers. These tribal marks owe to several life events and also the universal Mandalorian ink.
Benji is a standard human height, 1.8 meters. He weighs a little over 90 kg. His height and weight are well reflected because of past and current exercising. He's almost 100% lean muscle, and his low metabolism doesn't impede him. Benji is always on the move.
He has blue eyes, and there are two marks beneath his right eye. One is a yellow tear drop that he wears to honor his mother and show that he remembers her. The second mark is brown, and it's shaped like a skull. Its purpose is to communicate that he is fearless, called "valor" in the way of the military and mercenaries he follows.
His hair is down to his shoulder. He carries a utility case of parts that condition his hair, shave or trim his beard, clean his funkiest parts like his butt and under his arms, and lotion; along with, small portions to eat and juice and water.
Other basic colored ink imprints on him include an erect, balled up fist that is large on his right bicep. Besides his showboating, he carries several different bones on his skin to represent that he is true combatant, a fighter, a warrior.
Now, there is his armor. His all-terrain operating boots and iron suit is colored gold. Anatomically, it features shin guards, a chest plate, flexible melded gloves, back plate, and a helmet. It is nigh indestructible and features vibro blades, wrist-mounted rocket weaponry, and flame projectors.
This is a photo of Benji's armor:…Report on all relevant skills and talents, including level of skill.
He is trained in operating
heavy repeating blasters emplaced or carrying a power pack while on the move. His
beskar, or knife training, is standard, which means it is sensational. Light repeating blaster use includes primary skilled use of
T-21 light repeating blaster, and also his selected main weapon. His second choice for a weapon is called the
AD-14 pistol.
Report on known combat experience, training and weapons training.
Weapons training and medical technology utilization, also use of security tactics.
Opinion on the Neo Crusader movement vs traditional Crusader?
The founding Mandalorians were rich in honor, and materials. They metalsmithed the armor that became the most sought out and replicated armor across the galaxy. They were affluent in capturing the worlds that started the Mandalore system. And, they dealt war with honor and glory. But, the Sith War brought them to their knees. That was when a slow, but working regeneration of new Mandalorians who called themselves New Crusaders got its start. It was rough in the beginning. Their outcry was not heard by the dark side force users overrunning them with empty promises. But, there was a resistance that while not physical, counted many of men who were veterans from war return to Mandalore and incept a new way, a new type of Mandalorian system. This included a chain of command and paid labor. The culture, and its traditionalism, were kept mostly intact. And, like their predecessors, they explored the outer rim and conquered many different territories. This led to them eventually amassing a force ten times of what originally was theirs. They would go on to battle Sith and Republic forces alike.
OPINIONThe Neo-Crusaders were not as instrumental as their olden counterparts, but their take on the big picture, exactly the chain of command and laboring and conquering, was more than the old. Comparably, the old were the better disciplined, even without a command. If I had to choose, I would go with the old. The Neo-Crusaders picky idealisms created a big gap in their organization, meaning many left their worlds to survive killing for hire and bounty hunting.
Detailed notes on common/favored employers and any noteworthy contacts.
Benji works for the Sith that are currently strategically waiting to violate the treaty that was composed after Force superpowers met at Coruscant and soundly vowed to end the Galactic War once and for all. He attended laughing to himself while the sanctions were checked. He can be a hired killer, or bounty hunter. And, the Sith that employ him allow him to acquire notes from outside hirers.
There is a man and his son who have a bizarre fascination with Mandalorians. The two met Benji several years ago, before he took up contracts for the Sith. They said that they would like to see him in a mercenary role. So, they offered him good pay to assassinate someone. He told them to select a patron inside of the cantina, and they picked out an old male Calamari. Because of where he was he knew not to cause a scene so he entered the spine with a beskar weapon, and then he cut open his thigh and was five or ten paces away before the fish-like man hit the ground. He returned to the old man and his son and informed them the corpse was inside of the cantina. They thought it was attractive.
The family told Benji they liked to travel, and gave them a link where they could be reached. The Mandalorian ended up sharing a drink with the man and his child inside of the place he murdered someone less than one or two hours ago. It was a match, and soon he exited Mos Eisley with a crew aboard their 578-R transporter.
Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies.
The Mandalorians allied with the Sith long ago. It was the Jedi that attacked their homeworld and disenfranchised them.
List and description of other known associates outside the Clan.
Captain Begor led Ben's cadet induction into the Special Forces camp. The older Imperial troop leader loved how vicious the cadet could be, and yet he praised him for overcoming what a damned life he led, and also his interests in history and sport-betting; which, was the foundation of the two sharing an awesome relationship where the stakes were high who could get the other one every day.
Ben was once graced by Mandalore the Vindicated. The two did not create a coexistent relationship, but the few times he was present in the same place with the Mandalore he was alert and proud to be a Mandalorian. He always looked up to him. And, the poppycock about him being a Sith puppet pissed off Ben... it would mean all Mandalorians who answered the call of duty were Sith puppets, and it simply wasn't true. He had even gone on a search and rescue expedition to bring back the ruler, a mission that he received commendations for, specifically marksmanship and being a hero.
List of known belongings, including but not limited to planetary surface property, civilian and military vessels, vehicles, weapons, tools.
He owns weapons and various tools, and some medical equipment.
Psychological evaluation of warrior.
He is impulsive, cruel, and caring.
His impulsiveness is understandable. Money has driven his world. He has hunted and killed any target that was marked with a nice price on their head. Then, there is disobedience and possible megalomania. His obedience skills are limitedly, but directly opposing formal behavior in random environments, unless he is included inside of familiar or easily adapted to situations.
He reports, "I don't care about my head's relationships, or, for that matter, I don't care about anybody
if it is for bigger pockets. I will hit them with an axe, I will gun them down, I will cut off their heads." The recorded statement is easily dismissed, but Benji Co'raji tells extreme stories about violence and dark, death ridden betrayal. Between the stories he talks openly about, like severing and removing a man's spine, he may possibly be antisocial to quite a degree, even paranoid at times.
Despite the previous impressions, Ben does speak about his mother and father. It is clear that his affection towards them is genuine. He uses the word "love" talking about his family. He states that gaining his trust and care is like a check list, starting with strength, and then he has to have something in common, and somewhere in there is the fact that he prefers to buddy up to people who are not too violent.
List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.
He suffers some vision loss. He was born with a deal of blurriness that caused him to look like he was not right, or retarded. It wasn't until the age of thirteen that problems started to arise. He ended up getting into many fights, which his instructors said proved he was a legitimate warrior who would fight for his rites. His clan suggested surgery to correct his right eye. He chose not to be operated on. It was his mind, his body, his eye. Later on, his HUD would be tailored to his astigmatism.
Benji suffers from some brain damage, but it does not disable him to any great extent. Someone tried to kill him from another clan, and he was stricken to a infirmary stay for several weeks. His speech was affected very much until he was 16, which is when he begin to be able to comprehend things that his father thought he would never be able to. His speech improved, and so did his body and temperature and temperament. When he was in the infirmary, the surgeon redesigned a small piece of his brain. Benji come out of it with over two hundred stitches.
Known interests of the warrior.
The first thing his clan recognized him for was how happy when he was to recite chants, including a pre-battle cry that mentioned revelation and death. Another example he yelled out was a small chant that exclaimed Mandalorians will have vengeance on those who thought that they were above their code and all that existed in it.
Ben is impulsive. He loves gambling, fighting, womanizing, and has been discovered to be the culprit behind petty thefts. He cannot control himself. It goes against what elsewise would be a sign of loss and unprivileged. But, the rush can be unstoppable. He will gamble on fighting, cards, table games, or where there is fun to be found. And, he wishes he could find a woman to reproduce a child with him, but his selfish ways and army lifestyle hinder the whole thing.
Major achievements on record.
Location and subsequent infiltration of a small Jedi installation.
Dodged a Sith's lightining strike.
Organized the Cor'a clan and slaughtered several other clans.
Major failures on record. Confidential.
Benji entered an inmate block's control room.
He almost got himself killed when he challenged a group of Hutts to a gun fight.