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Wolverine sliced open Quinn's arm barely but enough for him to keep thinking he was winning. Before he could catch him by the neck Wolverine saw something steel and flashy and knew it was a sword. He was in front of Quinn and reached back to thrust his metal claw into the gunman's chest before he realized if the sword hit him or not.

"The government bub!"
Wolverine was ferociously bouncing off his feet and his toes because he heard what Quinn said, that he had one left. He shifted to his left uncharacteristically because he was so excited about going into hand to hand combat with this guy, this Quinn. Cockily, he bounced into the air to his left, thudded the ground, bounced back not aware if he had taken a shot, and started leaping at Quinn barreling howls out when he ran.
Wolverine dodged another bullet.

He got peppered by some old fashioned modernized iron ballistic bullets. He was not damaged totally, but inside of him he was calculating how all of this warped into play. His shoulder had a knot, and now his ear was mangled. He rolled four or five times left and right to get away from Quinn. Once he was in the clear he saw a small tree and he eyed it to see if it would work so he could attack rights and strategically hopped on the tree with animal strength and moving. Once, he got into the top of the tree he hooked the air when he somersaulted and catapulted himself in the middle of the forest ring and landed beside Quinn back to his left side where Wolverine deduced Quinn would be standing alert. From behind Quinn where he landed he lunged forward with his right metal claw hung pointed and indestructible. It took the beast some acrobatic pushes and animal speed so he would regularly win the game, but this Quinn guy made his nose get stuck, and his eyes watered a little because of today's local competitor.

"I'm WOLVERINE" he sprayed out when he lunged from only one meter away.
Wolverine got knocked out when a revolver bullet slugged him. He fell back and acquired the sensation of his own blood from his shoulder. A little bit of it spilled over to his face from his arm, but he had felt his muscle rip apart and he reacted thankfully that it was a small wound. He got up and jumped in a bush and was fast at relocating Funky Hair-Do. He made a course.

"Whataya' call yaself Cowboy?" he said in the middle of it. First, he weaved an enclosing plate shaped trajectory around the gunman before he got ever so close, ending stooped under some bushes next to a watery hole beside a skinny tree next to the bushes where he drove himself out of. He really wanted to stab this guy bad, worse than Magneto.

Wolverine was stationed on top of a high rising wood pole. He wore his pants and his tattoos, and scars from times he ended on the wrong side of the boomstick. He looked down at the man with the funky looking hair and squeezed his eyes toying around in his mind what he would do, should do, will do.

From high atop his perch he brought his arms parallel together and pushed out his indestructible metal claws and lunged down at Funky Hair-Do. He was aiming for the gunslinger's chest. He wanted to drive his steel claws into the gunman. He had his eye open and his ear attuned to gun sounds, and he was ready to dodge Funky Hair-Do's bullet thrower if he botched the stake party.
Yep Sounds good You got the opening IC?
How are we using the dice?
If you're looking for MCU I am trying to develop my Wolverine skills, or Magneto. We can do Juggernaut. Besides that... WELCOME to RPGuild
I don't know much about arena fighting/sparring but if you want to send me a PM
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