》B a s i c s
Full name: Adrian Schulz
Age: 101 years old
Date of Birth: 5/2/1919
Gender: Male
Where are you from?: Europe
》A p p e a r a n c e
Height: 75"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Long, taken care of
Skin Color: White
Eye Color: Green or Blue
Tattoos, Piercings, etc skin markings: Nada
》R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Any pre-determined friends?: No
Siblings' Status: Long gone
Parents' Status: Deceased
Pets: No thank you
How open is your character to friends from 1 to 10?: 5ish
How open is your character to romance from 1 to 10?: 9ish
》I n t e r e s t s
✡ Women
✡ Dime novels
✡ Moonlight
✡ Competition
✡ Humans
✡ Ritualism
✡ Reading
✡ Starting fights
✡ General anarchist
✡ Spoken word poetry
✡ Bilingual
✡ Mutilation
Adrian thinks that he is an invincible citizen. He reserves all rights of ordinary people while maintaining his right to eat people's blood and start trouble are extra rights that he has over mortal beings. He has made the simple and precise argument that they would do the same thing. To prove his point he conducted an interview with a heterosexual couple and asked them some questions and then killed them. His vile, petty humored person says their answers was as he thought. They would eat people, too.
Despite being invincible, he feels insecure about some things. He is young for starters. He is young and strong, but does not always fit in with his "peers." Ritualism isn't something he gets very into. During the night time he doesn't always stalk as much as he grabs a victim and takes their blood. And, he will go into a fight with an able-bodied competitor (usually an undead enemy).
Sin is what he lives on. He is an invincible and wearily insecure sinner. His way of life is deemed sin. He loves sex, killing, blaspheming, not sharing what is his, and etc. It wouldn't be normal if sometimes he didn't make love to a woman before he killed her, or popped a holy man in the jaw. He is also into destruction of others by doing it physically or mentally.
The world was fighting World War II in 1943. Adrian Schulz had enlisted eight years before the day he became a vampire. He was in the ground military forces inside of the German Army and survived several heavy ground battles and many skirmishes, but his fight group suffered irrevocable casualties that left him alone among scattered and war hit Leningrad. Then, one day after a month of living in fear and feeling confused he was approached by three Soviet misfits inside of the city. They were not soldiers, they were the undead.
The misfits did not take long with him. He gave them a fight and managed to incise one of them in its mouth, which resulted in the bite mixing his blood with its blood. He would go on to turn into a vampire shortly after the fight, ending up convulsing and coming around. When he regrouped himself, he felt stronger than ever and began his journey as an immortal creature worthy of a seat in Hell.
After several years he found himself unable to be happy anymore. His face was marked on WANTED posters and it was the same thing every day. It always was. But, he asked himself questions about the future: What if he could learn a new language? What if he did not live in public infamy? What was the wine like? He asked himself questions all of the time, and one day he decided he was going to leave. He was going to America. He organized a plane ticket for Delaware and boarded the flight in the week.
When he arrived in North America he moved from town to town fast. He went from Delaware to New York and all over the East Coast. Finally, he found himself taken in by the temperature and attitude of the South. It was the 80's in South Carolina and he was under his own mirth. Nothing had made him happier, and he pushed life forward fast and furiously. But before he could find what would be his home semi-eternally he headed to Florida.
At some point when he was living inside of some old cobwebby haunt he was discovered and had to deal with hunters. It was something he thought he had escaped, and did so for a while, but they come to kill him at dusk. There was a mob of them, so Adrian decided he should not fight by himself and eluded the hunter gang and set out on the move. He made it back to South Carolina over a short period of time and remembered the crazy stories of creatures controlling the island. And tourists, too.
It was 2016 when he arrived to Ember Grove. He would find everything he needed, including brethren. He is a vampire not out of control but hungry and an opportunistic attitude. He's got a seventy year old record.
His clan is the Sanguine Moon mafia and he was bitten when he died and resurrected as a vampire.
NOTES: The PERSONALITY is a fast look at my character. He can be simple or complex or both. I am going to explore every possible, and relevant horizon for him. Please don't think of him as a sex object. I'm not particularly for or against, but don't let the fact that mention him forcing sex unto an NPC woman is what I jump on. Besides that, Happy RPing.
Character Profile: