He breathed in and out. The horns on the top of his milky colored head retracted an inch, then returned back fully erect. Every muscle in his body remained strong and breathing. His abs strecthed inside and out because of his deep breathing, and his back stayed flat. And, while he looked into the Force he levitated a foot from the very hot ground he was on.
Mustafar was a dark side spot. Today like everyday it was flowing lava and most of the life belonging to the planet was unheard of, beasts and bug creatures. Darth Simula did not know its particular history, he only heard of civil wars and old Sith Lords executing Jedi after the Republic captured them in a big insurrection. The Sith apprentice found a large rock to put under him while he absorbed the dark energies around him.
It completed him. In his mind he saw a man that was on fire, and he felt an immense grief. He saw his brother Phinix strapped to an operating table, then there was himself, which he felt more than he seen. He saw himself, but only for a moment because he felt more than he could see: he carried a lot of fear with him, hosted rage that was instilled in him, and felt power that made him tremble, at least on his scale.
He stepped out of his meditation, away from the big rock, and away from his introspection. His heavy boots crushed the mountain of tiny smoldering rocks when he walked. He wore a black cloak that reached up to the top of his head from the bottom of his body. Inside of his cape he donned a long brown tunic with a yellow cumberbund wrapped around the brown tunic. Inside of his tunic there was a pouch holding his metallic lightsaber hilt where rested a red kyber crystal. He also kept a DC-17 blaster tucked inside of his belt. These are his clothes, which are strong indicators that he is a Sith apprentice, and he feels pity for whoever tests his skills with the lightsaber.
He walked slowly. There was a small bank in front of him. Darth Simula leaped with his right foot and started climbing the little slope. He walked fast and hard and continued looking at his LH-class freighter. It was bulky and ring shaped, and it was one of several starships Darth Diabulos stocked in his inventory. He liked it, and jumped to the cliff.
He sped up and climbed some more before he jumped across a clearing that separated the coal hill from a big random cliff where the Red Assault had been parked. He breathed to himself and pulled out a controller tablet. The shuttle's ramp demagnitized and opened up. He walked up the ramp, then it closed shut behind him. The young Sith sat down in the cockpit while he held onto the tablet, which was the ignition. The engine accelerated until it requested the number codes to prepare for travel. He entered the codes into the tablet, linked it up to a data transer cable, and started to lift. The alternate piloting specifications were manned by a self aware operating system.
He entered 0-17 on the navigation pad. He did so in a cloud of smoke and debris trailing behind him. The freighter started to rock, there was a beeping alert, then it started to suspend into space. The U-shaped starship looked like a mythological banner in the polluted skies of Mustafar as he ascended through the atmosphere. Soon, he departed from the burning planet and headed northeast to Naboo. The two smugglers he contracted told him they were familiar with it, and that all it had was hills and ponds, and an underwater population that wouldn't bother them.
Several days elapsed. Darth Simula would grow frustarted, or think about things in a negative way. Pointedly, he thought of his master and his unknown plans. Why was it so secret? There was very few people Diabolus, Tarak, or Simula trusted. Darth Diabolus picked him for a reason that day, and he had been rewarded for the duties that he preformed, but the loom of secrecy around whatever object the dark master was designing and manipulating was extreme. He wanted to challenge Tarak to a fight to show Darth Diabolus who was mightier and fast and a true Force using killer.
He was napping in the pilot chair when he awoke to the onboard perimeter scanner. Darth Simula cracked his neck and stretched his arms. Naboo was ten minutes away and closing distance. First he checked on a few things like the landing gears and the population of some computers to make sure none were overclocked, there was no service line failures, and a fast sweep on the entire vessel's strucrure. Everything looked clear and the ship said two minutes until landing. Naboo's atmosphere engulfed the Red Assault, and he was pulled in.
He slowly landed inside of some trees. The land was great looking. There was lush greenery, waterfalls, great birds flying over head, and a great many rolling hills. The smell of the wind, and the force of how gentle the wind blew over him encited a moment to appreciate the Naboo. Then, he saw a human-looking person running away from him. His eyes grew big, and he let out a snarl.
He reached into one of his pouches inside of his black cloak and transmitted a messasge to the smugglers that he was on time, and waited. They rerouted a message to him telling him they were in a yellow cargo ship and they said they could see him from where they were. He looked, but he could not sight the contractors. Then, he picked them up with his feelings. They felt uneasy. And, he located them with his eyes. He used binoculars.
He started his march across the planes. The wind felt good. The odors in the grasslands were fresh. Even the sky looked brighter than most he had seen. He walked through it, which would normally put a person in a good mood. But, he wasn't a Sith apprentice for nothing. He continued walking up a hill while the contractors were in sight. One of them was called Saya, and the other one he could forget, like the first one.
Dath Simula reached them. They exchanged salutations and then discussed the stolen goods. The Sith apprentice was not familiar with their species. He apologized but they all could speak in Basic Standard language. Darth Simula enforced his superiority by telling them what he would do if there was broken merchandise, or phony microchips. After only a few rude pleasantries he loosened up and so did they. Inside of their ship was two speeders equipped with several rods on the tail ends of them.
"What is your name?" Simula asked. He was looking at the humanoid who wasn't an alien like Saya.
"I am Aznion. I'm from Corellia, and I can patch up an inch sized hole in a cable," introduced Aznion.
"That will do, Aznion. Let me inform you that you will be riding in the back of the speeder. I have your money. I will trade it for the merchandise once everything is clear, and definite."
"This is one of the biggest loads I've ever run," Saya said. "Huge!"
So, all three of the bad guys entered the ship and started disconnecting the speeders. They removed the in-placed electronic anchors on the opposite sides of the speeders and ran some calculations to make sure both units could tow the goods. Simula mounted on top of one of the bikes, then Aznion jumped over on top of the back of the seat. Saya took a step on a footboard and jumped over the machine to engage his bike as well. Darth Simula said it was effecient, and instructed the smugglers to attach the overloaded capacity capable trailer and load the goods onto them.
Simula's new cargo incuded several power system elements, bacta tanks, and microchips that Saya and Aznion stated was one of the most difficult items they had ever pirated. The bacta tanks were easy enough to come by, and they admitted that some of the parts were excavated from reliable junkyards. The alien man who Simula didnt like for some reason edged in that it was a part of the trade, and assured the Sith apprentice that eveything was as functional as it could be.
The three of them attached three repulsorlift cargo haulers and made it from the hill down to the "Red Assault" LH freighter. There wasn't much conversation. Saya and Aznion were jovial about the huge credit pay they were receiving, but Simula didn't want to make friends. When at Simula's vessel they stalled everything and loaded the goods inside of two cargo bays. After they loaded the items, the two smugglers were distributed 60,000 credits. Then, when the two petty criminals sped away, Simula boarded his ship and checked everything, and prepared to go to Tatooine.
Simula arrived on Tatooine. He landed near a Hutt plaza where all kinds of things were traded and sold. What he witnessed was smut and lies, and he decided to stay onboard in case of trouble like being found out. He sat down in his chair for a moment, allowing a breathe to escape. Next, he checked out his systems and declared that things were looking good for him and his cargo. If Diabolus wanted the smuggled items transferred to his ship they would pay some jugheads to haul it to the other ship. If it were to stay in his ship, he required fuel. Regardless of fuel, cargo, hutts, or the construction of a super star desoyer, Simula felt his master would be satisified.
He had been told to remain quiet until he reached Tatooine. Now he was there, so he retrieved his holocomm and signaled the input frequency setting and spoke into it. "Lord, I am on Tatooine. I am outside of a Hutt factory."