Avatar of Romanstatesman
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    1. Romanstatesman 10 yrs ago


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@Romanstatesman sheesh, yeah right.
Sure you were wuth telling someone they are indecisive and stuff.
But w/e if you say so

Its a qoute from Hamilton look up Farmer refuted
@Romanstatesman I'd rather you be nicer, instead of being an ass who purposefully says that the other's writing is not as good as his/hers. Be a good sport m8, no one wants argues

Im his freind it was a joke more than anything so calm down.
@The Canadian
Id Rather be decisive instead of indecisive drop the niceties.
Thats not very hard
Bit stood by the dead and did the only thing she knew how to. "Lucky Bastards at least they get a break." she joked figuring she might as well lighten the mood even if it was going to get her killed. Walking around the camp nervously she sat down on a stump of a tree she figured they had cut or burned down at some point. Burned by the charred look. She took out a holocron and read about Operation Knightfall one of her favorites it reminded her why she fought for the empire. Order and Structure she delved into the book for what seemed like the millionth time the blue screen comforting her with familiarity.

Getting up she went over the contents of her pack. She took apart her thermal Detonators and put them back together again over and over and over. She was always anxious when she had nothing to do or say. She figured it wasn't a good time to crack a joke. Standing up she dove into some of the crates of spare parts and set on making a hollow blaster proof cover for scars mounted gun. Lord knows how light metals where these days and while slightly cumbersome it could save scars life in Battle or the Gun whichever matters more at the moment.

I dont think so but what do i know
The bowcaster killed 3 storm troopers with one shot.... that shot was mortal for any person. I think we should pay attention to kylo renn changing side of the force so he isnt used to the dark side(he completely joined after killing Han) and taking a shot that can kill 3 grown men and still almost beating a force user. Its more impressive then Boramir continuing to fight after he took the arrows in the chest

Identification #: 264-812-243

Nickname: Bit

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Homeworld: Corusant

Previous Ranks:
- Sergeant First Class
- First Officer

Current Rank:
- First Officer

Class: Engineer

- DC-15A blaster rifle
- DL-18 Blaster Pistol
- Thermal Detonator x2
- Engineering Kit

Bit grew up in the underworld of Corusant helping her mother and father around their repair shop. Her name used to be Allia. After her mother was killed by one of the underworld gangs she worked full time at the shop dropping her meager education. She was young when her father took her to a trading trip in the outer rim. The Galactic Civil war was nearing its end when she found the stormtroopers.
The Troopers AT-ST had broken down due to damage on the legs. Her father was gone trading and after a brief conversations with the stormtroopers she repaired the leg for them. The Sargent offered her a possible job with the Empire and she took to it. Abandoning her Father she was soon transferred to the New Order.
In the Academy her Technical repair knowledge not only increased but she was taught to pilot vehicles. Starting with Anti Air guns she showed promise in simulations and soon advanced to Assault and transport vehicle training. She however failed in Blaster training. She was preparing for her first deployment when the Galactic Empire fell and soon saw battle at Jakku.
Her Performance on Anti Air guns and when the time came tie fighters earned her the promotion of Officer, During the Start of the New Order her leading of vehicle charges on ground and in air have made her a prominent figure. Her emotions are fickle and oft because of this in battle her tactics seemed confused and senseless but always get the job done.
She is now proficient in repair of any kind of vehicle setting traps repairing weapons and using them. Her wise variety of knowledge has earned her a position in an elite squad despite her lack of skill in blaster use. She now descends to kashyyyk....

Bit is about as sarcastic and weird as one can get and still be accepted into the New Order. Her emotions are all over the place all the time often experiencing mood swings.She talks about her past and history as if it was nothing to her seemingly detached from the emotions and in truth she is by now. Very little gets to her. She enjoys destruction reportedly going out of her way to explode munitions storage or finish off enemy vehicles with an unnecessary explosion.
Bit is a bit of a know it all. She reads holocrons in all her free time. She comes of a bit as show offy making her unpleasant to many people. Her smarts have put her far in life but made a lot of annoyed enemies as well. By the way did you know Wookies can live for hundreds of years.....
I See You
@AbysmalDemon To where? I'm still pretty new to this all.
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