Avatar of Rothurage


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
"Wassup baby, take me out to dinner."
6 yrs ago
The Status Bar is the new Persistent World RP
6 yrs ago
Welcome to the club
7 yrs ago
I have officially given up my life for video games.


They gave me a box to write in, so I did just that.

Most Recent Posts

I assume we post our characters in the character tab?
Yeah but you did it in two different posts. You only need to do one post and it will have a IC, OOC and Characters tab.
Which one are we using?
Leaving this RP. Sorry guys.


Adam was waiting by the teacher while everyone else was getting changed into their costumes. Once everyone was ready, he followed the teacher to the combat zone. He looked around and observed the place. He would be standing next to Sora. He wasn't paying attention and still looking around at everything. He would listen to what Celia was saying and was kind of surprised he and all the other students would be doing something like this so soon.

"Hostage rescue with a Hero and Villain team. So, this is where we will be fighting? This is awesome! Let's get going! Wait, what are the teams again?"

He would be slightly confused as he looked around at everyone else, wondering who he wanted on his team.

Edith? No, too crazy... Oh, how about Kiyoshi? He'd be good. Yeah, or maybe the guy who could copy quirks. What his his name again? Oh, nevermind, he'll be an awesome team mate. I wonder who I'll get? Hmmm...

He would be thinking to himself, trying to come up with the best team. To anyone else, he would just be staring off into space.


Adam would be sound asleep, having been really tired from the heart attack he had sustained yesterday and he ended up sleeping in. As the alarm sounded he practically jumped and fell out of his bed with a thump.

"Ow! Did they have to make it that loud? Man, I was having such a good dream too..."

He would get dressed in his school uniform before exiting his room, noticing Sora, Kiyoshi, Mycel and Koharu all walking into the school so he lazily followed. During breakfast he sat away from everyone else. He didn't feel like talking right now, especially after his heart attack yesterday, he was still a little distraught about that. After breakfast, he went to the homeroom with everyone else. He wasn't surprised that Celia was there again but that was just because he was too tired to care.

He followed Celia and everyone else as they made it to the locker rooms again but was confused when some of the other opened their lockers and were surprised. He didn't see what they were excited about, so he just shrugged and went to open his. What he saw in his locker when he opened it knocked the sleepiness right out of him and he grabbed the clothes and mask in his hands.

"Hell yeah! We got costumes! This is so epic!"

After the wave of excitement had faded he went into the change rooms to change to his new attire and waited by Celia.
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