Avatar of Rothurage


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3 yrs ago
"Wassup baby, take me out to dinner."
6 yrs ago
The Status Bar is the new Persistent World RP
6 yrs ago
Welcome to the club
7 yrs ago
I have officially given up my life for video games.


They gave me a box to write in, so I did just that.

Most Recent Posts

I'll write up a Vader post in a bit and have him notice the flare that Chief sent out in the city
RPing Stormtroopers does seem fun. I am tempted to have Vader do something similar but I don't know if it's that good of an idea.
Bit of a short post but hey, can't be super creative all the time

Skulduggery Pleasant
Valkyrie Cain

Skulduggery and Valkyrie knew that would be found out sooner or later. Especially with the troopers slowly closing in on their position. So instead of sitting around and get captured, they thought to get the jump on these unsuspecting soldiers.

They both swiftly jumped out from behind wherever they were hiding to start their surprise attack. Valkyrie ran up to the trooper that was closest to her and grabbed a hold of his weapon before he could fire it, putting him in some kind of hold and shifted her body in a way so that she could flip him over onto the ground.

Meanwhile, Skulduggery wanted to handle things a little differently. Rather than prolong the confrontation, he wanted to end it as soon as people. They were outnumbered after all and that usually wasn’t good. He used his Elemental magic and sent a gust of wind towards the troopers in an attempt to push them back enough for him and Valkyrie to make an escape. Now with a small opening, Valkyrie and Skulduggery made a break for it in the opposite direction. Hopefully they wouldn’t be pursued any further by these troopers after this or things will really start to not turn out well.
I'll probably have a post up soon-ish
Skulduggery Pleasant
Valkyrie Cain


The Skeleton Detective and his partner continued to examine their surroundings as carefully as they could, looking for any sign of… anything. So far all they could see where the trees and snow covered environment of the forest they were in. Valkyrie decided to bring up the tokens from before to break the silence. ”What do you think those tokens were for? That note said that we could use different amounts of tokens for different things to happen. Getting to one hundred seems to be what we’re after.”

”It seems to be that way. Almost like we are in some kind of game. And where there’s a game, there’s other players.” With that said, their new goal was to find anyone else that might be stuck in this place just like they were. Maybe they could find some answers but an ever growing feeling of unlikelihood for that was present in the back of Valkyrie’s mind.

Skulduggery could see the doubtfulness in Valkyrie about this whole situation. Tapping her playfully on the shoulder, he made sure to inspire her with his charismatic charm. ”Don’t worry about it too much, Valkyrie. We've been through far worse than this. We’ll find a way out. We always do, don’t we?” This had managed to lift Valkyrie’s spirits and now she wasn’t as unsure about their predicament.

Just then, Skulduggery managed to spot what looked like a large tower in the distance through the treeline. It stood out from the rest of the environment and Skulduggery thought that was a good a place as any to head towards. However, they only had the chance to take a few steps in the direction of the tower before they both spotted a group of people clad in white armour. These guys carried weapons with them and did not look all that friendly. Skulduggery and Valkyrie have been through encounters like this before and go to hide rather than draw attention to themselves. With any luck, they weren’t spotted. But they wouldn’t be afraid to fight back if they need to.
@tipssyCalibrator I quite like the idea of Peter awkwardly freaking out about meeting Darth Vader in person but that's just me lol
I'm definitely down for this. Obviously the encounter/fight wouldn't end in death for anyone as that would be really lame.
Just want to say, I'm open to anyone encountering Skulduggery and Valkyrie in the snowy forest.
Forgot the part about Vader discovering the tokens initially but I edited it in.
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