Avatar of Rothurage
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    1. Rothurage 19 days ago
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3 yrs ago
"Wassup baby, take me out to dinner."
6 yrs ago
The Status Bar is the new Persistent World RP
6 yrs ago
Welcome to the club
6 yrs ago
I have officially given up my life for video games.


They gave me a box to write in, so I did just that.

Most Recent Posts

I don't remember but is there anyone that's still in the desert right now?
There is still that Medieval Castle location that nobody has visited yet.

As always, let me know if anything needs to be changed.
Vader’s Fist

Location: City - Office Building

The stormtroopers made their way up the stairs gradually. They made sure to perform a sweep of every floor just in case there were any potential hostiles hiding in the building.

”Are we sure there is even anyone here? It looks pretty empty to me.” One of the troopers asked, a little skeptical of such a large place and not a single person in sight apart from them.

”Of course there are people here, TK-009. Who else do you think set off that flare.” Another trooper retorted to the ridiculous claim made by his comrade, getting a small grumble from the one who was just mentioned.

The troopers continued searching room to room every time they ascended a floor. However, each time they did they never found any sign of anyone that could have potentially been here before aside from the vehicle back at the entrance. Nevertheless, the squad pushed on, making sure to clear the place out. For all they knew, Rebels did in fact occupy this building and they didn’t want to upset Lord Vader if that were to be the case.

It took some time but soon enough, the troopers were approaching the top of the building. The Commander made sure to signal his troopers to prepare for what he thought was likely a surprise attack waiting for them on the roof. Taking positions on either side of the door, they were going to perform a breach in to the roof.

With a nod, the troopers swiftly began the breaching maneuver. One after the other, the troopers moved themselves onto the roof with their blasters aimed and ready to fire at… nothing? The troopers didn’t see any potential targets or anyone at all anywhere on the roof.

”What the- Behind us!” One of the troopers shouted out in surprise after having turned around and seeing the threat.

This alerted the rest of the troopers and they all promptly turned around to see an individual in green armour with a weapon pointed right at them.

”Drop the weapon!” the Commander ordered as his and the rest of his squad’s blasters were all fixated on the armoured man in front of them. They didn’t know who or what this thing might be but they weren’t about to take any chances.

Meanwhile, Vader had remained back down at the entrance of the large office building, completely unaware of the commotion happening on the roof. He wanted to further examine the vehicle that was left behind to see if he could discover anything about where it came from and what was used to create it.

Skulduggery Pleasant
Valkyrie Cain

Location - Snowy Forest

As they ran, Skulduggery and Valkyrie made sure to maneuver in a way that would make them really difficult to hit and they continued until they could no longer hear any shots being blasted in their direction. Once the coast seemed clear, they finally stopped to catch their breath a bit.

”Well, that could have gone better.” Skulduggery jested, brushing some snow off his suit as he did so.

”You’re telling me. I almost got shot back there. Lucky you pushed them back, I have no idea what those guns they had would have done to me.” Valkyrie explained, looking back in the direction of where they had just run from. ”Let’s not go back that way.”

Skulduggery nodded in agreement. He would rather avoid getting shot if he could help it and he was sure Valkyrie did too. So, with nothing else to really do, the two set off through the forest once again in any direction but the one with the armor-clad troopers. Though, this time they made sure to keep their guard up in case they run into any more trouble like that.
Dammit, I was actually thinking of maybe playing Toph lol
I'll get another post up for Vader and his stormtroopers soon.

@Ladypug @LouisTheDummy Would you mind Skulduggery and Valkyrie running into you two?
Darth Vader

As Vader trudged through the desert, only one thing came to mind about his current surroundings. He did not like the sand. It was course, rough and irritating. Even though he wore a suit, he could almost feel the sand beneath his feet and all he wanted to do was get off this desert as soon as he could.

Eventually Vader had reached the city and upon looking around, realized that this place was indeed very different from the environment he was used to being around. Just then, the Sith Lord felt a presence in the Force that he had not felt a moment ago. However, the presence was not here in this city but somewhere else. Somehow another force use had ended up in this strange land as well but Vader couldn’t determine what much besides that.

Vader again brought out the tokens he had received upon arriving here and lifted only three of them into the air.”Give me a squad of stormtroopers on my position.” Vader said and just like that, the three tokens disappeared from his grasp.

”Lord Vader!”

Vader turned to the source of the voice and saw a group of six stormtroopers already standing at attention. Their armour was marked in the familiar style of the 501st. The Sith Lord examined the troopers before he took a step forward towards the squad leader. Before Vader could speak however, they were all alerted when a flare was shot into the sky from the top of a tall building in the vicinity.

This, in combination with what he could sense earlier, confirmed that were were indeed others here. Vader didn’t want to take any chances on what could very well be a threat so he kept his guard up.

”Prepare your squad, Commander. We are moving.” Vader ordered, beginning on his way towards the building that the flare was shot from.

The Commander gave the Sith Lord a nod of acknowledgement, turning around to the rest of the squad. ”You heard him. Let’s get a move on!”

The first thing that was noticed when they reached the outside of the building was the vehicle that had been left there. Weapons at the ready, the troopers moved to enter the building with Vader following closely behind them.

Once they entered, the troopers started on securing the first floor and making sure there were no sign of any immediate danger. After the first floor was clear and after looking around a bit, the troopers soon realized that the only way to reach the top of the building was to climb their way up the incredibly long flight of stairs.

”Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me!” one of the troopers exclaimed in annoyance upon seeing how far they would have to walk.

The trooper that had just complained was then whacked lightly on the arm by the one next to arm. ”What’s wrong? Are you scared of some stairs?” This little response garnered a few snickers from some of the other squad members.

”Both of you, be quiet. We’re moving out again so let’s go.” The commander ordered, prompting the others to quickly get back into formation and follow along. They had quite a long trip up these stairs to get through if they wanted to find who set off that flare.
I'll write up a Vader post in a bit and have him notice the flare that Chief sent out in the city
RPing Stormtroopers does seem fun. I am tempted to have Vader do something similar but I don't know if it's that good of an idea.
Bit of a short post but hey, can't be super creative all the time
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