Avatar of Rothurage


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"Wassup baby, take me out to dinner."
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The Status Bar is the new Persistent World RP
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7 yrs ago
I have officially given up my life for video games.


They gave me a box to write in, so I did just that.

Most Recent Posts

Vader’s Fist

Location: The City - Office Building

The troopers looked on at the pods when the hatches suddenly opened up and 5 soldiers stepped out, wearing armour that was just as unusual and weird looking as the one in green from before.

The stormtroopers watched in stunned silence as the soldiers that had just come out of the pods were conversing with each other before pointing weapons in their direction. The troopers readied themselves for a fight against these new combatants but immediately realised they no longer had the number advantage.

Once the fighting began, the stormtroopers quickly made their way behind different objects on the roof to use as makeshift cover. They didn’t know if these strange pod soldiers’ weapons could penetrate through their stormtrooper armor but they weren’t going to stand out in the open to find out.

”How the hell are we going to get out of this? Anyone got any ideas?” One of the troopers said, looking around at his squadmates.

”Just one, but I’m gonna need you to shut up for a second.” The more aggressive trooper than took off a fragmentation grenade from his belt and showed it to the others. ”Whaddya think, huh? This’ll send them running for sure!”

Without waiting for any sort of response or go ahead from any of his other squadmates, the trooper activated the grenade and threw it at the ODSTs all while shouting, ”Eat on this!”
Vader’s Fist

Location: The City - Office Building

The troopers continued firing at their target in the hopes of taking him down. However, they quickly realised that blaster shots didn’t seem to be effective, at least as far as they could tell. Before the stormtroopers could deal any real damage with their blasters, Chief had taken cover behind an air conditioning unit.

At this point, the commander had regained his previously shot away weapon and joined the others. Now, he and his men all slowly started moving towards the cover that their enemy had hid behind. As they creeped up on Chief’s cover, one of the troopers spotted something out of the corner of his eye and looked up to see five mysterious silhouettes dropping from the sky.

”Hey-hey! Look out!”

The rest of the squad’s attention was brought to the things falling from the sky. It looked like these objects were going to land directly on them and the troopers had to jump back out of the way.

Once the dust settled, the troopers would see the five objects were actually pods and it looked like there was a hatch that one could use to open them up. Did ithe pods have something within them?

”What the hell are those?”

Skulduggery Pleasant
Valkyrie Cain

Location - Snowy Forest

She hadn’t hit him but Valkyrie was still somewhat satisfied that she had at least managed to catch him off guard with her attack.

At that moment, Inosuke decided to initiate an attack of his own but Skulduggery saw this coming and held his hand out towards the masked man. The skull-faced detective flexed his fingers again and manipulated the air in order to push Inosuke away before he could land his attack.
Skulduggery Pleasant
Valkyrie Cain

Location - Snowy Forest

Skulduggery kept his gun aimed at the strange man, who he now knew as Inosuke Hasibira. He found the name a little strange but it wasn’t quite the weirdest he had heard in his time.

Valkyrie had picked herself up off the ground and stood beside Skulduggery. She was somewhat annoyed at being attacked for no reason, especially by some guy wearing a boar mask over his head.

”Are you going to shoot him?” Valkyrie quietly whispered to Skulduggery.

The Skeleton Detective turned to his partner upon hearing this question. ”Most likely not. Why, did you want to use that new power of yours?”

Valkyrie gave him a little nod and stepped forward towards Inosuke, white lighting beginning to crackle in her hands and without a second wasted, she shot the lighting out at their boar-masked attacker.

Toph Beifong

Location: Desert

Toph, as usual, was finding it rather difficult to move in this desert sand. She tried making it easier on herself by condensing the sand so he could walk on it without worrying about falling over.

Suddenly, she heard the noise of something landing in front of her followed by a voice. The voice did not sound like anyone she has heard before and her immediate reaction was to jump back and get into a fighting stance just in case things turned out bad. Though Toph knew that if things did turn into a fight, she would most certainly be at a disadvantage because of the current terrain.

”Who are you? Why do you sound like that?” Toph asked, confused on why whoever she was talking to squawked like a bird.

Vader’s Fist

Location: City - Office Building

Before the troopers could get close enough to Chief, the squad leader had his weapon shot out of his hands. The Commander noticed this hostile action and ordered his troops to open fire.

”Take him out!”

Blaster shots zoomed through the air as the stormtroopers tried to hit their enemy. They couldn’t quite get a clear shot on Chief by the way he was moving and soon enough, he had taken cover behind an air conditioning unit. The troopers recomposed themselves and slowly begun moving towards where they last saw their enemy.
Skulduggery Pleasant
Valkyrie Cain

Location - Snowy Forest

As they continued walking through the forest, Skulduggery and Valkyrie suddenly heard an ungodly monstrous roar rang out from the direction they had come from. Their first instinct was to hide again, and so they did.

Valkyrie dived behind a boulder that was luckily large enough to conceal her for the most part while the slender frame of Skulduggery hid behind a nearby tree. The two detectives waited carefully for a couple short minutes before coming out from cover.

”What the hell was that?!”

”I have no idea. Though, it doesn’t sound good, as you could probably tell.” Skulduggery looked back at the direction the roar came from, scanning the area with his vision. After not seeing anything that would pose a threat to either of them, Skulduggery turned his attention back to Valkyrie briefly. ”We should get away from here as soon as we can. I, for one, wouldn’t want to stick around in case that creature comes back.”

Just as the two detectives were about to set off again, Skulduggery stopped all of a sudden, which caused Valkyrie to stop as well. He was listening, as he thought he could hear the faint sound of footsteps. His suspicions were proven right when a man wearing a boar mask jumped out at them from the tree line. In response to this, Skulduggery flexed his fingers and both him and Valkyrie were pushed backwards by the air. Valkyrie hadn’t expected this and ended up falling over backwards onto her ass. Skulduggery, on the other hand, landed on his feet and quickly pulled out his revolver from inside his coat, pointing it at their attacker.

”Do you know it is quite rude to attack someone out of the blue like that. At least you had the common courtesy to shout out to us as you did. Now, do me a favour and tell me who you are.”

Vader’s Fist

Location: City - Office Building

The Commander was surprised at Chief’s insistence that THEY be the ones to drop their weapons. ”We have you outnumbered six to one. I’d suggest you surrender.”

The Commander motioned to the rest of his squad and the other stormtroopers moved to surround themselves around Chief. They kept their blasters steadily aimed at all times, watching for any sudden movements. ”This is your last warning. Drop the weapon or will we be forced to fire upon you.”

In Sentaku 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Is this still open for new people?
@kittyboy I wouldn't mind having Skulduggery and Valkyrie encountering Inosuke in the Forest
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