Name:Roxie Fox

Age: 17
Race: Lycan
Appearance:she has Golden eyes and mid-night black long hair that is about down to her butt she is about 5f. 7in. and has a very dark skin complexion also very flexible

Skills/abilities/traits: Roxie can be any Dog, Wolf, or Fox or whatever Canidae she wanted she either has their ability or can transform into them she is still learning combat skills she mainly at least right now fights with instinct but she learns very fast
History/Backstory:Roxie was born into a small tribe which worshiped the Canidae any of them they thought all were very sacred then Roxie was born. when she was about 14 she started to get more connected with all sorts of Canidaes wolves, fox, dogs you name it when this happen they would follow her all through the grounds which caused trouble plus the others were afraid of her when they started to treat her differently she became distant and wanted to be alone which was looked down upon they had sent her to grab food for the tribe for a "sacred day" but they didn't want to follow such thing know what she had and looked at her as a monster since she had such connection bringing the food back nothing was there leaving her alone abandoned she then started to fend and live for herself while she lived by herself and her other animals she learned more about this power she had
Other:she is really good with healing using herbs and other things like that and is a tea and coffee addict
her personality is a unique one she is upbeat sweet but she also have a devilish side to her
she really wants to have friends who accept her for what she is and not looked down on her or think of her as a dog who is stupid and will come back to them wagging her tail she absolutely resents trying to be taken advantage of and will fight back.
she then learned modern ways and developed her own ways to fit in she has a habit of changing her style completely every day looking like a whole different person
// i hope this is good sorry with all the trouble still trying to figure out how it all work i'll get there soon enough though thanks!!//