Avatar of Royale Luna


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3 yrs ago
Current Im back! Kinda- and seriously craving some Kpop especially since my list has grown lmao Anyone interested?
6 yrs ago
No; I am simply really trying to find /someone/ that still roleplays Kpop; ive had a craving for a week now and have gotten onl lke 2 bites..x.x
1 like
6 yrs ago
Am I the only one out there that still roleplays and enjoys kpop? anybody? -has been dying for it-


Okay so admittedly I haven't done one of these in a very long time; but here goes nothing. I am a roleplayer that's been at this game for a fairly long time; a few eyars but don't let that intimidate you. I'm in no way shape or form picky about post length or any of that; so long as the roleplay is fun; for BOTH of us. I'm happy; haha! Anyway, so I do a number of fandoms; Animes, Movies, etc though I confess I do have a /few/ cravings I'd really love to find some help with! Especially a certain plot based loosely off a mix of the Dracula Games and the movie with Hugh Jackman *YAY remembered his name for once! xD*
Note: Bold is what Im craving like mad right now

Most Recent Posts

Okay so, I have some fun fantasy based AUs and some more simplistic concepts we could play around with- I am 100% open to poly and LGBTQ+ for your side
-Though please be forwarned I am not the most *versed* in playing spectrum-pairings..so to speak; nothing /against/ them at all I just have not had a ton of experience in the area.
Anyway; the four in this edit I just finished a few hours ago are the ones Im looking for-
Groups I am familiar with {Idols I am looking for} -Willing to try anyone-:
BTS {Jimin}
Shinee {Taemin}
Stray Kids {Hyunjin}
Vixx {Leo}
TXT {Beomgyu & huening Kai}
EXO {Kai}
Oneus {Xion, Hwangwoong or Keonhee}
Monsta X {Hyunwoon, I.M}
Enhypen {Jake}
Seventeen {....Most of the group we can discuss xD}
Ateez {Again; undecided on favorite; discussion open}
P1Harmony {Theo or Keeho}
NCT 127 {Fairly new do not know everyone yet; But Doyoung, Jaehyun or Yuta}

I am also willing to do research or hell just use a FC -which honestly with most of my plots would likely be the case anyway because there mostly vampire/fantasy aus based on plots I've had forever; yes this means you do not have to use a Kpop Idol it could be- *anyone* for your side.
Please message me if your interested
Okay so it's been a bit since I did this but I am on the hunt for some new friends and Partners. I have been at this infamous roleplaying game for a few years but I am not picky about post length; just give me more then a one liner to work off is all I ask really. I am open to doubling up and can play just about anyone for you- Hell I'll even dig out some of my old Male OCs for ya if your into that. But first; as much as they annoying sometimes; Rules are neccessary...

1. I am in my 20s; and prefer to play with someone at least over 17+...however if we really click or its a fandom that's difficult to find -Yugioh; Shadow and bone; etc- I may be willing to make an exception to this rule...

2. We will discuss triggers; I have a few small ones myself and want to make sure you are comfortable; same thing goes for Limits and such

3. I am open to any platform to rp; I prefer to discuss this in PM -unless you find the nickname; feel free to add me there-

4. Doubling is open and encouraged; I can give anyone from the fandoms listed below my best shot -and if we click I'll even research characters I am not as familiar with for you if you do the same for me <3-

5. This is less a rule more a statement; I am 150% All for LGBTQ+ For your end; Just...know I don't have a whole lot of *experience* In this arena; Ive only done it a handful of times...It will be a learning curve of sorts for me; so just- be patient kay? 99.9% of the time my end will be Good old M/F though; likely OC/Canon as that is my bread and butter babeh XD

Now we're onto the fun bit- FANDOMS!!! Characters in **s are the ones I am looking for you to play; I can and will try and double as anyone for you; I am also open to multi-ships; poly and even seperate RPS -Also SUGGEST SUGGEST SUGGEST!-

-I am always open to Fantasy AU's as well; Vampires; Lycans; Withces and wolfs gimme gimme gimme!!

Also; My Discord is Radio Demoness Alastor#3265
My Email is Krab.boo93@gmail.com [Yes I use Google Hangouts as well}
Or Telegram

Fairy Tale *Loke* -only seen the first few seasons; just started-

Sherlock *BBC* *Sherlock*

Yu-Gi-Oh! *Classic* *Atem *

Vocaloid *Gaku*

1/2 Prince *Guii*

Great Mouse Detective *Basil*

Labyrinth *Jareth*

The Originals *Elijah*

Celebrities *See Clone plot; Tom Hiddleston,Tom Ellis, David Tennant, Matt Bomer, Ben Barnes or Benedict Cumberbatch*

Black Butler *Grell and/or Sebastian*

Hetalia *France*

White Collar *Neal*

Once Upon a Time *Rumple*

Rocky Horror Picture Show *Frank*

Brother's Conflict *Hikaru*

Demon Detective Neuro Nougami *Neuro*

Marvel *Loki*

Kamisama Hajimemashita/Kiss *Tomoe*

Assassin's Creed *Ezio*

Magi *Sinbad*

Kpop; Vixx & BTS & SHinee *Leo/Taekwon, Park Jimin and Taemin*

Youtubers *Markiplier/Damien/Dark* -Also open to something WKM based with his characters-


Good Omens *Crowley*

Hazbin Hotel *Alastor

Yuri On Ice *Viktor*

LoveLink *Liam Park, Min-Jae lee, Sheng Zhao, Julien Alexandre*

Shadow and Bone *Aleksander*

Bonely Hearts Club *Nox or boss*

Undertale -AU or otherwise; Mettaton *original*-
Hey there, Hi there, Ho there~ Your as welcome as can be!
So, my name is Ohara/Luna/Ki whichever you prefer; I go by she/her; I've been at this roleplaying game for- quite a few years at this point. Though how many I have lost track ha~ Most of what I do is Fandoms; But I have a small handful of Original ideas and concepts I might be up for doing.
I am also open to multi-rps; I play one specific fandom for you and vice versa...I have done it many times- I am *very*go wit the flow find what works and roll with it. Heck, if it's a high enough craving I'll even research a fandom I'm not as familiar with -BHNA;Odd/obscure Kpop groups: Anime or TV- Especially if your willing to roll with something I am particuarly craving~

My rules are simple I promise:

None of the obvious stuff;
PP/Chatspeak in roleplay/No deaths of major characters unless discussed in length beforehand. For the love of all that is roleplaying; PLEASE dont ghost me or block me. If things aren't working out; or if I am being over the top pushy; TELL ME. Don't leave me hanging for a reply that will never come only to try and greet you to find I've been blocked...Seriously....

I also have a few slight limits -very few- and I honestly prefer to keep religion and politics out of it

Don't focus on your pairing and neglect mine; Equality. Simple as that.

I have *No* Qualms with your pairing being any setup; F/f, M/m, Trans, Non binary- ....Whatever else there is that I don't doubt im forgetting
Just- Please forgive me if I seem like a complete newbie and ask some weird questions; Because honestly I am. I have no issue with playing out other LGBTQ+ Pairings; I just don't have a ton of experience in this arena -M//a and F// included-

I personally will have Oc/Canon for my side as well, if you want OC/Canon as well or Canon/Canon; that's fine 100% Even if you want to do some genderbending, I am a-okay with it. Whatever works, just again -pokes last comment of how I am new to the LGBTQ+ side of roleplaying-

Polyamoury; I have no idea if I spelt this right but all I know is thanks to a dear friend of mine I am very much open to this idea; In anyscnario. Have two Kpop idols your in love with? Shoot them my way~ Want two of Jack's Ego or a Jack Ego + Jack himself? Let's do it~ I have plenty of trios+ I would love tot ry if your up for this~

Now- onto the fun stuff!!

I do have plots for a fair number of these; as well as basic concepts. I have plots for Vampires as well, though I am open to having other fantasy-based creatures involved of course~

So the fun time has begun; the search for new partners to spend my days roleplying and creating wonderful, intriguing and often strange storylines with new partners~ I am open minded in many ways and would love to try and have some fun with you~

Rules and such are the same as usual; Of course the classic no one liners, no Power playing, GMing, etc etc. I am as I said open to doubling, and even poly relationships. My limits are almost none in almost every way -we can discuss this over discord more-

And now onto the fun part; The Fandoms~

The Characters in **S are the ones Im looking for you to play- for a fair few of these I do have *Plots*

PM me or add me on Discord at Suitcliff_Ohara#6646

Hazbin Hotel *Alastor* -loved this pilot do death; also have seen helluva Boss and loved it-

Fairy Tale *Loke* -only seen the first season; just started- *HIGH CRAVING*

Sherlock *BBC* *Sherlock*

Yu-Gi-Oh! *Classic* *Atem *

Vocaloid *Gaku*

1/2 Prince *Guii*

Great Mouse Detective *Basil*

Labyrinth *Jareth*

The Originals *Elijah*

Celebrities *See Clone plot; Tom Hiddleston, David Tennant, Matt Bomer or Benedict Cumberbatch*

Black Butler *Grell and/or Sebastian*

Hetalia *France*

White Collar *Neal*

Once Upon a Time *Rumple*

Rocky Horror Picture Show *Frank*

Brother's Conflict *Hikaru*

Demon Detective Neuro Nougami *Neuro*

Marvel *Loki*

Kamisama Hajimemashita/Kiss *Tomoe*

Assassin's Creed *Ezio*

Magi *Sinbad*

Kpop; Vixx & BTS & SHinee *Leo/Taekwon, Park Jimin and Taemin*

Youtubers *Markiplier/Damien/Dark* -Also open to something WKM based with his characters-


Good Omens *Crowley
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