Avatar of Ruby


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
Current Sign me up.
1 yr ago
Thank you, Match Day gods.
1 yr ago
Like...CerealKiller Hackers?
1 yr ago
Thanks, Dad.
1 yr ago
Shit, that's every God damn day.


Former...lots of things on this site. Above all, former RPer/creator.

I'm retired, I'm gone. Keep creating, always.

Most Recent Posts

Bringing Eva back again!
In Site Mod Selection 5 yrs ago Forum: News
Banned for starting this conversation about Sonic.

Banned for mentioning that blue...thing.
Shadow Dragon quit, Viper Commando wins.

The match was unranked so no points will be awarded.
@Viper Commando

As I said in the help section: just need to know if it was ranked or not.

Edit: it was unranked so fight thread is updated and the matter is finished.
Ranked or unranked? Looks unranked when I scroll through the OOC.
Don't arbitrate, Shadow Dragon. No we havn't.
@Ruby here is our fight roleplayerguild.com/topics/176586-vam…

Since @Shadow Dragon has quit the fight you'll get awarded the win.
In Site Mod Selection 5 yrs ago Forum: News
2/17 so far.
Hello there!

I'm Lirriia, but you can call me Lirri for short, if you'd like (it's pronounced like "leery"). I'm not new to the site, but it has been a very long time since I've been here and now that I have some time apart from college and work, I really want to get back into roleplaying again. My level varies from Free to Advanced, but normally, I'm somewhere in the middle. My favorite genres are action/adventure, horror, sci-fi and fantasy, slice of life, and (clean!) romance (I prefer M/F pairings). I'm also a total sucker for roleplays that are set in urban fantasy, high fantasy, apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic, gritty modern (think Gotham City), or cyberpunk universes. I enjoy creating unique male and female characters. I'm also the type that prefers realistic face claims over art and anime, but I'm not totally opposed to them; it just depends on the roleplay. Lastly, my favorite part about roleplaying is character creation and designing attractive templates for them.

Aside from that, I'm a huge geek and lover of video games, music (I love almost everything), animals (I have two doggos of my own), and movies (love love love action, I've seen 'em all). I'm also a part of so many fandoms, but I will spare you all the never-ending list.

Anyways, I can't wait to get back into the swing of things and I hope you're all staying safe during these times!

Welcome back!
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