RPs need longhaul commitment. If you have that, don't sweat feeling lapped. It will all even out in time.
Because someone has to be the Lex Luthor to @Hound55's Super Tiger. The Joker to his Lawyer-Man.
...er, Lawyer-Tiger?C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A LB I R D M A NH A R V E Y B I R D M A N ♦ A T T O R N E Y A T L A W ♦ N E W Y O R K ♦ L A W O F F I C E S O F S E B B E N & SE B B E NC H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
<Snipped quote by Ruby>
Very happy to see the addition of Synch! Such a fun character who I'm glad is finally back in comics!
Very excited to see what you do with him!
Magik too! Another fave
<Snipped quote by Ultimate Spidey>
Yeah, recent Hickman run and it's widespread resurrections across the board.
I was a fan of Gen-X as well, it's been good seeing people have renewed interest in Everett.
Wow. Someone actually writing Synch! Another 90s callback. (I didn't know they brought him back in the comics.)
<Snipped quote by Bounce>
Too late! Your application for The Bookworm has been Accepted! We'll expect a post from you within the week!
On the topic of using legacy characters, and with the understanding that I'm actually playing a big-ticket character with an extensive portfolio, rather than a c-lister I can pretty much do what I want with, I have plans to involve Barbara Gordon as Batgirl and Dick Grayson as Nightwing in upcoming posts.
They will be effectively cameos, one-and-done guest spots of each character that won't have a lasting impact on the status of either, but if anyone was thinking about a sheet for them, or had other ideas or plans for where they were in their respective careers, do let me know so we can hash something out.
I don't have anything in the works for any other member of the bat-family, so they're free-reign (but please do consult).
<Snipped quote by Ruby>
I'm confused... Then how do you make your tigers and chimpanzees talk to one another then?
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>
Wait, the rest of you guys aren't already writing posts while high off something?