Legend said
Yeah, but I don't know where they are.
*Kicks the ground awkwardly*
So, did you get all the sand out?
Legend said
Yeah, but I don't know where they are.
Heroic said
Almost any, really. Just gotta make it an especially good one. And why does babbie Techi look like Misty?
Legend said
You have shoved knives into my back before.
Legend said
*Takes it*If you shove that into my face, I promise you're going to die.
souleaterfan320 said
you really want me to fight you, dont you?*raise eyebrows*
Legend said
I don't know how to "fish out" sand in my pores.
Legend said
I didn't specify!
souleaterfan320 said
hmm... your interesting for sure.
Legend said
...You know, I'll leave your imagination to run to wherever it's going.
souleaterfan320 said
*smirks* i cant die. its physically impossible.