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  • Old Guild Username: RyuHll
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Hello there. I was asked to introduce myself. I am Ryu, the co-GM to this game. While I have a great distaste of working with such mediocrity, I will swallow my pride for this occasion. (At least half of that was a joke, don't worry. We don't hate each other that much. xD) Anyway, I'll be on the team of three that gets assembled. So, if you like, take a look at my character when it's up and we can try to work out some kind of dynamic. Or we can just go into it blind. I'm good with that too. More work for the actual GM either way. xD

And, in utter defiance of our tyrannical rule, here is my character sheet without having been approved by him.

Name: Nevin Theros

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Weight: 140lb

Height: 5'8”

Appearance: Wears white gloves at all times, has medium height and build. Doesn't look to be the strongest, but he's fit. Wears glasses.

Personality: Calm and collected, he doesn't usually let his emotions get the better of him. He tries to make an informed decision at all times and weighs the pros and cons of every situation. Despite that, he has a kind heart, not particularly caring for violence if there is another way out of a situation.

Likes: Peace, community, teamwork

Dislikes: Chaos, conflict

Strengths: Intellect, strategy, can fight adequately without weapons, born leader

Weaknesses: Too trusting at first, takes too much onto himself at times

Weapons: His first line of offense are his fists, both imbued with a special glyph each over the gloves he wears. The one on his right is imbued with red dust, aptly named Inferno, while the left is imbued with yellow, named Flash. It creates an effect of fire and lightning. His primary weapon, though, is his two swords at his sides, Unes and Duo. Each has a slot to place a crystallized version of dust into, giving each a special effect.

Semblance: Synergy – It works as a battle aura, allowing others to work together much better than they would previously. It basically synchronizes each individual to work as a collective whole rather than separate people of a group. This can apply to weaponry as well, figuring out rather quickly what is the best way to use certain items in battle effectively when thrown together.

History: At a young age, Nevin was trained by his father. His father had high hopes for him, being the only son of the family, to become a powerful Hunter and help the rest of the world. So, he was trained in both swordplay and in hand-to-hand combat. He learned rather quickly, but his father wasn't the main drive he held. His sister also played a big part. She was a huntress. She was the reason he knew the real terrors of the world before even being enrolled in an academy. She had a talent for magic, but her specialty was in small glyphs she could use for traps or to boost equipment with special abilities.

That was his first introduction to magic. Unfortunately, he had no talent for it. He did, however, gain the knowledge of it, having a fair idea of how it works, in concept. He just failed to actually produce results. In the end, all he got out of his training was a good hand-to-hand combat potential and excellent sword skills. That wasn't his talent, though. It was discovered that, while he was good at fighting, he was better at strategy. He could plan a fight better than he could actually fight it.

This training went on for most of his life, until he came of age to enter one of the academies to be trained as a Hunter. Along with that, having a sister as a mage had its benefits. Before he left, he was gifted with two gloves, each with a glyph etched into it to help his fighting, as well as a small number of gems, made from dust, to be used alongside his swords. The swords were both given to him by his father, passed down in his family.

As he came of age and received these gifts, he enrolled into the academy, Flare.

Once there, he quickly rose up the ranks to the top of his class. This, however, wasn't to last as he was overtaken by a fellow student, Amalger. The boy rose just as quickly and had overtaken Nivan. Unfortunately, Nivan didn't really care. He figured second best was just as good and never put in any extra effort. He didn't seem to ever really try during the course of his time there. In the end, he never really got to have a bout with this other boy that had overtaken his position. He didn't entirely care, either. The only time his interest had been piqued was when Amalger had almost been expelled for creating his own weapon. While it didn't exactly bring out anything new from the boy, it had gotten his attention.

As the years passed, a day before his birthday, he had been slated to head off to the next step on becoming a hunter. Beacon Academy. As things turned out, he heard Amalger was heading there too. If nothing else, he was sure this next year was going to be interesting.
Lionel looked up from the papers. He had discovered a bit about her family. He had found her father and mother after sifting through the files related to Anne Cypher. It appeared she had a twin sister. One that was dead, apparently. That complicated things, but he had slowly been able to draw together what had happened. Anne must have attempted human transmutation to bring her sister back. There was no known case in which the deceased party survived, but...well, Edward and Alphonse Elric had made an exception to that rule. So there was one question left.

Was this Anne Cypher? Or the twin sister?

Well, he would have to figure that out as he investigated further. Setting aside the papers for the time being, he nodded at the girl. "It's alright. Private, help her to sit please." He gestured to the chair in front of his desk. "Then wait outside. I'll need you to escort her back to the medical wing once I'm done." He waited for the boy to obey and, once the two were alone, he leaned back in his chair, regarding her. "What did you need to talk to me about?"
Leon offered a grin to her, slinging his arm around her shoulders, momentarily ignoring his embarrassment. "Of course," he stated. "I'm sure even you could be interested in that type of place. Might still be old fossils, but I'm sure we can find some other Pokemon too. It'll be fun. I even read that some labs are researching bringing these fossils back to life. So, if we could find some..." He shrugged, stepping away as they continued on. "Maybe we can even catch our own ancient Pokemon. I think that'd be pretty cool. Do you think you'd be interested in that?"
Leon paused a moment as she mentioned the battle. It must have been Roy's sister. Frowning a bit, he decided not to mention his own battle. She had taken it kind of roughly when Yellow had praised him. He had full faith that all she needed was a little practice to be good and, truthfully, he had won through type advantages alone. Well, other than Spearow, but his Charmander was surprisingly well trained.

So he kept quiet, taking her jibe with a small smile. "Oh, well, you know. I couldn't stand to be away from you for so long," he said, spreading his arms out in an overly dramatic fashion. "I was so lost and confused without you at my side." He put the back of his hand to his forehead in a feigning gesture before grinning at her. He was careful with his words. He had almost commented on her beauty, but he thought that a bit too far for a joke. Especially, considering his feelings for her. He didn't want to reveal those! That'd just be mortifying and awkward. A light tint came to his face as the thought, but he quickly moved, his back to her as he went towards the Pokemart. "It was all well and good, but there's only so much you can see. There are a few places I want to visit now, but I knew most of what was said about the fossils already from the internet and books." He laughed lightly.

That was normal for him at least. He had known all that nerdy stuff before going to the museum.
Hello there. I was actually interested in a number of your plots. Truthfully, still reading through them. However, I'd be interested in hearing the plots for Arkham City, Justice League, and Yu Yu Hakusho, if you don't mind. Those were the three fandoms I was most interested upon reading them.
Leon had wandered off after Roy had left, looking for Rasca again. The battle had been hard fought, but he was proud to say that his team did astoundingly well against the other trainer. He was sure these three would help him in the battles to come. It gave him some hope now. However, the one thing that he was unsettled with was hearing the rumors from other trainers. He had heard talk in Viridian City about this gang of trainers. They were more criminals than real Pokemon trainers. It was said that this team tried to steal other trainers' Pokemon. They were led by a mysterious man that no one is known to have actually seen.

Team Rocket

It seemed there were rumors even in this city. If they were operating here, it would become dangerous for the two to stay here long. He figured he could at least warn his friend. She would do well to be careful like he was planning to.

Speaking of which, he saw her as she was making her way out of the Pokemart. Smiling a bit, he waved. "Rasca!" he called out, jogging to catch up with her, his Pokemon not out of their Pokeballs for once. "What have you been up to? Get any good items?"
Leon watched as his opponent's Squirtle eyed his Charmander. This was an uneven match, but he wanted to prove himself here. If nothing else, it'd shut this bastard up for once.

"Charmander! Smoke Screen!" The little lizard opened its mouth, spewing out smoke that covered the area. It was thick, Leon not even able to see a thing.

He could hear his opponent, though. The harsh laughter came immediately after that. "You think that's gonna save you from a type disadvantage?" he asked tauntingly. "Water Gun!" A burst of water shot through the smoke, the pressure of it blowing it away. It was heading directly toward his Pokemon too.

However, it wasn't Charmander. The Pokemon had switched, Oddish standing there bravely before her new trainer. The water struck her, but she shook it off easily. The look on Roy's face was priceless, making the nerdy boy smile as he pushed the glasses up on his face a bit. "Razor Leaf." The leaves shot from the small weedy stub at the top of her blue head, shooting at the turtle Pokemon quickly. It dodged some of the leaves, but the majority strike it square in the face, throwing it back with a few cuts along it now. "Absorb." Before the Squirtle could gain its barings, it felt its energy drained. It got up on all four and...collapsed, completely spent.

Roy looked furious at that. "Squirtle, return!" he roared, bringing his Pokemon back. "Let's go, Spearow!"

"You can take this one, Blaze," Leon stated, grinning at the small fire type. Charmander gave a cry of agreement, stepping forward as Oddish scurried back, returning to its Pokeball. It came at Charmander quickly, trying to Peck at him, but the small lizard was fast, jumping out of the way and returning an Ember. The scorching heat was too much for the bird, taking it down as well. "So, what was that you were gonna show me, Roy? You're never gonna beat me when it comes to Pokemon."

He could almost laugh at the look he got from Roy. He was furious to be talked down on by the nerd of his class. "Th-This was just a practice run," he growled. "I obviously need a few better Pokemon. You just got lucky. We'll settle this at the Pokemon League, if you think you can get that far."
Lionel was still studying the scene before he shook his head and held his hand out. "Let me see them," he ordered, taking the pictures and looking through them for anything out of the ordinary. Once he was done, he slipped them into the pocket inside his jacket. "Gather the evidence here and carefully and take it to my office. Hopefully, something can actually jog her memory about." He shook his head, starting to walk back towards HQ. He needed to sort things out. Of course, first thing was first. He needed to start calling her family.

As he reached his office, he sat down at his desk, a file resting on his desk. All the information they had on her. It was pretty thin, making him frown a bit. He began rifling through the papers, trying to find what he could on her family.
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