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  • Old Guild Username: RyuHll
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Not a problem. Real life is always a priority, and all. Glad to hear the con was good. xD
Take your time. I'm not really too worried about it til capp comes back since we're at a standstill either way. xD
They'll get to it in their own time. Capp should be returning soon. I'm sure they'll both get to it in their own time.
Yo, you guys still accepting? I've been itching for a Fire Emblem RP since I've gotten into Awakening. I'd be interested if you're still letting people in.
Nevin was quiet as he listened to the speech beside Abel and Maggie, arms crossed with a curious expression on his face. At the end of the explanation, he felt the edges of his mouth move up in a small grin. No more handouts. No more stepping stones. That was what he wanted to hear. Flare had been renowned as a great school, but...it wasn't anything spectacular. It had its share of failures with rich families to push their son or daughter into the academy. This would be different. He had a reason to try. He had a reason to really compete with his fellow students. This time, he'd beat Amalger, he vowed to himself silently.

Despite himself, he felt himself getting excited at the thought. He would gain what he wanted from this school on his way to becoming a Hunter.

He was sure of it. Uncrossing his arms, he let his hands slip back into his pockets before regarding his two companions. "Interesting guy, it seems," he commented. "What do you guys think you're gonna head off to do? I think I'm gonna explore the school a bit more. You're free to join me, I'm just not really ready for rest just yet." He wanted to see what this place had to offer anyway. He was sure to find something interesting going on.
And Killa's lazy anyway, so, likely, he wouldn't post til then anyway. :D

But yeah, figuring the worst that'll happen is we reach that first night at Beacon for more character interaction. No test or anything until we've got the full group with us. lol
Ooh, right. I think you mentioned that. Well, we won't do too much until the 17th. Might get the speech up and initiate more conversations, but we won't move ahead with the plot or anything til Maggie can be a part of it.
I was leaving it up to the group. They can respond, just trying to herd the last group towards the plot. Lol
Well, I mean, I think Kuja's a cool villain on his own, but for different reasons. I just always picture Kefka as the "best" one since he actually achieved his goals in the end and became god. Kuja fell short a bit there, considering the fact that his whole purpose was to prove that he wasn't just another copy. Final Fantasy IX is actually probably my favorite out of the series. Kefka just always seemed to be more on top of things when it came to his plans compared to the other villains. lol
I kinda have to agree with the Kefka reasoning. Kuja was kind of a lost, depressed child while Kefka was just an utterly insane individual. Can't really argue against the guy who successfully became god. haha
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