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I'm gonna shoot her a PM in a sec and see if we can get a post. Either way, I'm gonna try getting a post in tomorrow night at least.

Name: Mitsui

Age: 17

Personality: He is normally very stoic and serious. His training left little room for enjoyment as hammered in the personality he wanted in an ideal warrior. Trained to be merciless, he has almost no pity for those he battles. Despite that, though, he has two "flaws" that he might see as a strength. He, like his father and his father's teacher before him, has a soft spot for children. He will fight a child, if need be, but he would prefer to avoid that type of battle if possible. Often times, he will go out of his way to make sure no harm comes to a child or just simply to make one happier. The other "flaw" is that he is strictly honor-bound. He refuses to take an advantage. He won't fight an outnumbered opponent or an unarmed opponent without cause. If he fights, it is to be a fair match on both ends. That being said, if someone tries to cheat in order to win, no mercy will be given in the least.

Background: The young boy was born to the son of a swordsman, taught by the legendary warrior, Mifune. The man had inherited his teacher's One Hundred Sword style and used the same type of style to a lesser degree, unable to keep up with that many weapons like his teacher could. Despite his best efforts, the man never lived up to his teacher's status and would fall just short every time. Despite that, when his son was born and word reached him that Mifune had been beaten by a young Meister named Black Star, he swore to avenge his teacher.. Granted, this was during a war against the witch Arachne and the man had been fighting for the cruel witch...but that was no excuse in the eyes of the student. He decided to dedicate his life to defeat of Black Star and the annihilation of any remaining members of the boy's clan.

Fast forwarding years later, Musashi was brought up by this man in the same manner that Mifune had brought up his own student. He had the same core ideals and, above all else, he had a strong desire to be the strongest. Even after his father found and fought Black Star, losing horribly to the much stronger opponent, the boy was determined to do what neither his father or his father's teacher before him could. He would defeat the man who was said to be able to beat god himself. He would find Black Star and beat him, surpassing all of them and proclaiming himself as the strongest warrior to live.

Thus, with his father and teacher gone, Musashi set out to make a name for himself, perfecting his art in any way he could and rising up to become a somewhat prominent mercenary, seeking where ever conflict may lay to further perfect his skills.

Status: Mercenary
Nevin raised an eyebrow at the explanation. First person to make eye contact is your partner? Wasn't that a bit...randomized? Did they really want to trust a random chance to the people you would have to fight alongside for the rest of your time here? It seemed a bit underwhelming. He expected a more...elaborate way of choosing teams. He supposed he couldn't rightly complain, though. The only person he truly knew here was Amalger and he'd be damned if he got stuck on that guy's team. A great duo they might make, combining their strengths, but that wasn't what he wanted out of this. He finally had a reason to compete with Flare's top student. This was where it counted. He didn't want to waste this opportunity in being on the same team. He knew the two of them would excel in their classes...it was just a matter of which one of them could come out on top.

So what were his other choices? Abel seemed like a strong fighter, though that simply may be his size talking. He never actually saw the man use that spear of his. What he could tell, though, from his form, was that the man should be strong. Perhaps not too quick...but definitely strong. Then there was that hyperactive girl. She had a lot of energy. If the rest of them needed a chance to gather their strength, she'd be a handful of an opponent. Other than that, he couldn't say a thing about her strength. Then there was Aurelia, the only other person he actually met here. That crippling anxiety almost made it seem like she'd be the worst option. He had no idea of what her strengths may be. Would that anxiety be an issue, even in battle? Especially considering they would be working as a team...he didn't know how that would play out. The other seven, he had no idea to their strengths or weaknesses or even their personalities. That girl who beat up the cocky kid from yesterday was part of his group, but that interaction was way too quick to get any sort of feel for who she was...

Nevin let out a small sigh, letting his body relax. There was nothing to do but leave it up to fate, he supposed. In a way, that made it more exciting. A grin split across his face just before the platform he stood upon erupted, hurling him out over the forest. He flipped himself upright so he could get a better view and cocked his left fist back. Punching the air quickly, a burst of flame shot out, flipping him backwards and stopping his momentum. As he began to fall, his right fist jabbed out and his form shot down like a bullet, landing in a crouch with electricity sparking around him, fist against the ground. This was his first test at Beacon. He was going to take it seriously.

First thing was first, though. He had to find his partner. Rising up to his feet, he glanced around at the trees around him. The question of where to start died before he even began to ponder it as he spotted two beady red eyes staring out at him. They were soon joined by a few more. It seemed he had his work cut out for him until he found a partner. He didn't think they would be onto him this quickly, but...well, there was no point in worrying about it.

Readying his fists, his grin grew. "Come on then," he called out. The first beowolf shot forward, quickly followed by three more.
I'm gonna throw up a post in a few minutes. However, to build off what Killa was saying, just throw yourself into the forest for now. If you want the opportunity to show off your character's strength, go ahead and throw in some of the weaker creatures. I'll be adding a few extra things once we actually start into the forest with your partner until Killa brings out the overall plot that he wanted to focus on.

Anyway, after the next round of post, we'll probably meet up with one of the other characters and move on to the plot a few posts after that. We didn't really talk about it as a group, but I mentioned an idea to Hero with Aurelia. So I think Nevin and Aurelia are gonna meet up first, as partners. So, are you guys alright with having Maggie and Abel meet up? We'll all join together near the end, I'm sure.
Nevin shook her head, but noticed her unease instantly. That was curious. She was much more uneasy than even most introverts he had met at Flare. If she got that nervous over meeting someone, how did she hope to be on part of a team?

He pushed that out of his mind, though, slipping his hands into his pockets and letting an easy smile come to his lips, trying to be reassuring for the clearly nervous girl. “I'm sorry, I know it can be kind of stressful with all these unfamiliar faces around,” he offered. “I've just been trying to get to know some of the other new students coming into Beacon. Makes things easier, y'know? We'll have to have classes and such together eventually anyway.”

He offered a shrug, stepping to the side. “Well, I don't wanna intrude if you guys were talking. We were gonna take a look around the school before classes started...” He gestured to Abel, signalling that the 'we' entailed the two of them and Maggie. “...but I think it's getting kind of late for that. I'll probably see you sometime, whether it be in the ballroom or sometime during classes.” He offered another smile to her before starting to move away, heading towards the doorway if nothing else kept him there. He figured it wouldn't do to intrude and he could take the time to look over some of the other students while he got ready for bed.
Alright. I'll give it a little bit to give capp a chance to post if she wants to since Maggie's directly in the conversation still. I doubt Killa's gonna move us into the next thing until he returns in two days, but I can at least move us into night so we can move on as soon as he comes back.
Well, I'm waiting to see if other people want to put input before I respond to Aurelia. I'll probably post tonight if nothing else has happened just to move things along a little bit. Figured we could have this finished up by the time Killa comes back on Wednesday and move on to the test.

Btw, I think the test is the same as in the show. Might be mistaken, and Killa can correct me if I am, but figured we could talk about how we're meeting up now. Wasn't sure if anyone wanted their characters to meet up early or if we all just end up at the same spot eventually. Thought we could talk about that to prepare a bit for when we do get to that point, since it is coming up.
I'm actually really interested in the two non-romance ones. Strongly leaning towards the knight/rebel leader one. Are you particularly interested in either of those? If you're still looking, of course.
Nevin grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. “Lucky guess,” he offered in response to Maggie's comment. It wasn't a hard thing to guess, though. It was just an assumption that she might have friends from her previous school. At her outburst, he realized that what he had assumed proved to be correct as the girl ran over to her friend. The other girl seemed to be...uncomfortable? He wasn't sure if that was the right word, but he found it kind of strange. If they were friends, why would the other girl be so uncomfortable?

Ah, well. Maybe he was over thinking it. Though, he did realize that the girl never really answered his question, rushing off before she could. He decided to answer his other newfound companion's question after a moment. “To be honest, I've been here a few times. Figured I'd take a look around the classrooms to get an idea of where everything is since it's been a while. Though, it might be getting kind of late for that. No idea what they have in store for us tomorrow, but they're probably gonna be testing us soon. I didn't have to really do much to get into Beacon. Kind of seems too easy for how prestigious this school is supposed to be.”

He offered a shrug before gesturing towards the two girls. “Wanna join them? Doesn't hurt to know another person before things officially get started here.” Without waiting for an answer really, he started walking off towards them, thinking it would be a good idea just for that reason.

As he approached, he waved to the two girls. “I suppose this is the friend you were looking for before?” he asked with a small smile. He nodded his hand to the girl and extended his hand. “My name is Nevin. It's a pleasure to meet you.”
Nevin listened to the girl, raising an eyebrow in curiosity when her attention seemed to be off him. She was very hyper. He looked out to the crowd when she did, scanning the crowds of people. He spotted Amalger easily, his giant weapon not easy to conceal. There were others that he recognized from the ship and it even seemed like Booster had made it to the conference room after his small beating by that girl. All in all, the crowds seemed to be moving towards the ballroom. He still had other things he wanted to take a look at, though.

However, he also figured he could use the chance to get to know more of the students. He looked back at Maggie, smiling a bit at her. "Did you know someone else who's entering into Beacon?" he asked, glancing back towards the crowd. "If you can pick her out, you can always invite her too. The more, the merrier and all that. Might do us all well to know where some of the rooms are around this place anyway, before classes start officially."
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