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Mm...since Killa's not here to say it one way or the other, I'll say go for it. Nevin and Aurelia are alone so it won't effect the movement of things for Abel and the newcomer. I probably won't respond until we sort out this fourth teammate, though. Which should be tomorrow, in all honesty. Killa and I both have a candidate in mind, it's just a matter of comparing who fits the team dynamic better.
Well, good news. We found a replacement. We'll be sending out messages to some people who may be interested and have our fourth teammate by this weekend to replace Maggie. If all else fails, I have someone who is definitely interested, but we're making this fair by having each submit a character sheet. We'll keep you guys updated.

And...he went to bed so I don't know how he wants to proceed with posts, but I'm assuming we're to wait. Sorry for the delays, but we're gonna get it back up and running as quickly as possible.
Yeah...I've PMed capp twice with no response. So no idea what's going on either. We'll be figuring out a replacement if things go on much longer than this.

For the time being, Lugu and Hero can post, but we're gonna hold off on continuing the RP further past that until we figure out the fourth teammate, though we may throw something in so that the RP won't stagnate too much from the pause.
Mitsui was confused by her demeanor. He had almost been certain she would be up in arms against him. However...she just seemed frightened. His blade lowered ever so slightly at that. She was just a child. He shouldn't have to cut her down. It was not something Master Mifune would be pleased with. With a defeated sigh, he was about to let her by, but he paused at the roar.

Head snapping up, his sword came back up even as the girl hid behind him. The creature was monstrous, much bigger than the one he had fought. It charged ferociously, like a bear aiming for its prey. The swordsman wasn't going to lose to some wild beast, though. "Back away," he whispered softly to the girl before taking a step forward, watching as the beast reared up to strike. His arm was a blur as he returned the slash, ducking under its swipe. In one swift movement, the arm was lopped off, black blood spraying out from the wound. He twisted quickly and drew his blade in a downward swing, beheading the creature in short order.

The corpse was motionless for a brief moment before it collapsed down on itself in a pile, defeated. The flat end of the blade was dragged across its white flesh, wiping the blood from it. With this done, he sheathed the blade. One last look was given to the girl before he let out another sigh, turning away. "There's nothing left that way," he told her. "You'd do best to get to safety."
I did. I also posted in the IC. Was gonna say that's gonna be my last post until capp either posts or we figure out that situation. Last I had checked, capp had been MIA for the past few days.
Nevin paused a moment, a little surprised by her response. She did seem to be nervous, as was what he knew her by. However, she was trying to talk to him at least. Her question made him smile a bit. "No, actually," he said. "My gloves have been laced with dust. My sister gave them to me with these seals on the back that let me use them." He held his hand up so she could see the seal, marked in yellow for the lightning glove. "My Semblance is actually quite useless when I'm by myself. So, I'm kind of glad to have found you. I hope we can work well together." He gave an encouraging smile, trying to show her that he believe they could. It would just take some work for her to be able to treat him normally. He wasn't going to bring it up, though, figuring she might not want him to.

However, a small idea popped into his head. They didn't have enough time to really sit here and talk, but...he could at least give her a demonstration of his own Semblance. "Would you like to see my Semblance? I've noticed you're kind of nervous around me. Understandable, since I'm just a stranger. I figured it might help you be a bit more at ease with me," he offered. "We can't stay here long, though. There was a group of Beowolves near me when I ran this way. Dunno if they're following me or not."
Yeah, sorry, just posted it up. Hectic weekend, totally forgot to put it up. ^^;

Anyway, I'm good with whichever medium you'd rather do. As I said, I'm easier to get ahold of through Skype, but I have no problems with OOC chat. xD
This...wasn't exactly going as planned.

The teenage boy frowned at the sight before him. The buildings were in flames from the witches' magic. Many laid in ruin after the fierce strike across the city. Many more lay dead in the street, unable to counter the attack. Nothing had escaped their attack on Death City.

Likewise, nothing had escaped Mitsui, the young swordsman letting his blade slice through the lines of monsters and Meisters alike. His allegience wasn't something so honor-bound that he had to fight for the witches. However, for his goal, he would this time. After all, the witches were in the right here, being attacked by those who held a contract with the them. Thus, there was no moral dilemma in the boy's assistance of them.

What was unusual, though, were the strange beasts that had appeared. Ghostly white in appearance with a large red circle where their face should be, almost appearing like a bullseye. He had found one and cut it down swiftly, keeping it from clawing at him and otherwise impeding his journey forward. It seemed more would come, though...leftovers from those who had been plagued by Madness in years past. Having so many in one place, though, would be unusual...so what was the cause?

His sights had been set on Shibusen and he had managed to reach the academy easily, but had found neither his target nor an answer to his question. So he had begun to retreat as the witches had, unable to hold off the surge on his own. Most Meisters were aiding in evacuation. Regardless, he was an enemy. He would find no help if the witches were on the retreat.

As his steps led him to the gates, he found himself faced with one more. A young girl, it appeared, a little younger than him. Her pale pink hair stood out to him, as did the uniform she wore. She had to be a Meister...or a Weapon. He wouldn't think a Weapon would be out on her own, though.

Either way, he drew his sword quickly, slipping into his practiced stance, blade held in front of him. “I don't want trouble from you...” He had found enough while in Shibusen. Most picked him out to not be a student almost immediately. If he wasn't a student, he was probably an enemy, given his weaponry. Likewise, he would give them the suspicion he was given during his trek through the city.
Well, haven't heard from Maggie, but I posted at least. Dunno how long Killa will want us to wait to give capp a chance to catch up.
A flash of lightning was the only signal of Nevin's movement, shooting from the ground to the branches above. He let out a small breath of air, relieved at finding an escape for the moment. The three initial Beowolves had proven little trouble, his skills being more than enough to handle them. However, more had continued to come after him. He had eventually been faced with eight with an alpha leading the pack.

He could take them out, but he had no idea what else was lying in wait throughout the forest. He didn't want to overexert himself on the small fry, just to be spent against something bigger. With a quick movement, his right fist lighting up with sparks before he shot off again, shooting into the air and landing down on another branch. He paused here, glancing back in the direction he had come. He probably made enough distance to be safe for the moment at least. He had to say, though, it did seem like there were a lot in this forest. Even for Grim, this seemed very populous. It was unusual for him...but he supposed Ozpin might have stockpiled them just for these sorts of tests.

Shaking his head, Nevin looked down, readying himself to jump. However, a growl stopped him, causing him to turn his head. A beast lunged at him, another Beowolf reaching out at him with its claws, mouth agape to latch on to him. The boy bent back quickly, the seal on his right glove lighting up brilliant once more before he vanished in a burst of sparks, hitting the ground hard.

Unfortunately, he couldn't right himself up in time and took the fall to his back, rolling away from the landing before coming up into a crouch. Dazed for a moment, Nevin shook his head, looking up. The first thing he noticed was the Beowolf launching down to land in front of him, growling viciously before standing up on two legs once more. The second thing was the young blond girl he had met at the academy. Aurelia, he thought her name was.

“Shit,” he muttered out without thinking before using his power once more. He shot at the Beowolf, his right fist jamming into its stomach before it could react. His left fist slammed into its face, a jet of flame exploding out and tearing its head clear off the body. The headless corpse collapsed back to the ground with the exchange over with.

A small sigh escaped him once more before he turned to face the girl, eyes meeting before he thought better of it. Would she even want to be his teammate? She wasn't too social and, really, they were strangers. She would have probably been more comfortable with that Maggie girl finding her. “Sorry about that,” he offered sheepishly. “Seems to be a lot of these things in the forest...”
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