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"Wouldn't dream of doubting you," Nevin replied, his grin returning to him. A surge of excitement could be felt between the two of them as he heard more growls. Despite her previous worries, it was clear that he was happy to fight alongside her. Though, for what reason was still a mystery. There was little he could hide when connecting the two of them like he had, but it wouldn't reveal every little thought he had. His fists came back up, readying for the next assault but realizing his mistake too late. The Beowolf was coming in low. It was an awkward positioning for him to attack in...but he didn't need to worry about that.

Knowing she would get his meaning without the need of words, he started to shift his stance. Yet, he still felt the need to speak up, letting her ease into his fighting style. While it helped them understand each other better, even without speaking, it was odd to fight like this for the first time. He didn't want to overload her by forcing her to adapt to this style right away. "Switch!" He shifted around, twisting quickly to slam his heel into a second Beowolf that had jumped from the trees, stunning it briefly before his right fist flickered into its stomach, a burst of electricity tearing away part of its skin and slamming it into the tree behind it. This left the other Beowolf open for Aurelia to finish on her own.

Once it was done, though, he shifted his stance again, backhanding another Beowolf that had come out from the forest, fire bursting from the seal once more to blast it into a tree, the head embedding itself within it. "Alpha at 12 o'clock," he said as the two ended up back to back again, having spotted the glowing eyes of a slightly larger form during their maneuvers around each other. With the alpha out of the picture, the rest would falter. It was the best course of action to be rid of the large group of Beowolves.
Nevin chuckled lightly at Aurelia's reaction, seeing her nervousness ebb away. Of course, it was just misplaced within him now, but he was growing accustomed to shelving it away for later. With a grin, he picked up his pace, letting his partner drag him slightly, but keeping up with the girl. "Don't worry about it. I trust you," he commented. "One slight problem, though. The Beowolves I was running from are coming back." He glanced in the direction he had come from, certain he had heard a faint growl. Likewise, she would have almost...felt it in the same way, connected to the boy the way she was. "May need to pick up the pace. This forest is dangerous if we don't have a clear place to fight." It was an odd feeling, but she could sense a dull feeling that coincided with what Nevin himself was hearing or seeing. She knew how he was going to react before he even moved.

After a moment, he pulled ahead of her, tugging her along with him. Two Beowolves were behind them. He had caught their movement briefly. The best thing they could do now was to prevent them from surrounding the team they had formed. "It might take a moment to get used to fighting with me, but my Semblance should let us work together rather efficiently." His eyes spotted a small clearing, an easier area for her to make use of her staff as well as for him to use his swords, if need be. "Are you ready?" Even as they broke from cover, one of the Beowolves shot out from the forest, the boy letting go of Aurelia's hand to punch its outstretched claw before it could make contact. The gloved fist exploded into flame, tearing half its body away in the process. He had an idea of her fighting style after registering her weapon and her thought process. He moved close to her, though, giving less openings and making sure that, between the two of them, they had a clear view of everything around them. "Can you use your staff as a melee weapon? Or is it solely a magical, ranged type of weapon for you?"
Okay. Holding off on the next post so Killa and Martyr can work out the final details of her CS. Once we get her up and running, we should be able to continue at a more regular pace.
Hello all. She is almost finished with her character. We had been talking about the name she wanted and she offered some valid points that, after further research, actually could make a lot of sense. She had narrowed her name down to three, but none of them started with an M. So, our choices are that she can either keep her choices and we'll figure out a new team name or she'll have to change her name and we'll keep ANMA. Though, she raised a point with her explanation. The starting letter of the team name seems to be exclusively the leader. RWBY - Ruby. JNPR - Jaune. CRDL - Cardin. CRME - Cinder.

Anyway, the name we came up with for a potential team name was Team NAGA. After thinking about it, I think the name could be fitting for our team. Serpents represent a lot of things, including guardianship (I know Nevin is going to be protective of his team, I may be assuming that the others will be the same way but I figured it'd be fitting whenever we get to the plot, guardians over Beacon), cunning and deception (the way I see the team functioning, along with my character's Semblence, is a lot of cunning and strategy since everyone will be connected to each other), and rebirth (our characters seem to typically have baggage that weighs down on a group setting, such as Aurelia's nervousness, so it can be thought of as a symbolic rebirth of our characters as they grow to work together as a team).

Of course, since it is our team, I wanna leave it up to you guys. So what do you think? Good idea or am I thinking too far into this? xD
Nevin smiled a bit, returning her nod. Slowly, he shut his eyes. He reached into himself, dragging out his power as he focused on the girl before him. Slowly but surely, he felt himself reaching out to her, feeling bits and pieces of her own feelings and anxiety. It was...interesting. Thankfully, though, it wasn't strong enough to cripple him from talking to her. With a smile, he let his own feelings comes forth, letting her feel them. All in all, it was an overwhelming sense of calmness, not at all troubled by the position they were in. He had quite a bit of confidence in both of their abilities to survive this so he had no reason to be fearful of it.

As he connected the two of them fully, he let out a small breath. "It's nothing flashy, but my ability is...well, in simplest terms, it's synergy. I can connect us," he explained with a small smile, scratching the back of his head. "Do you feel any better?"
Okay, I guess I'll post to keep things going a little bit. our new player is almost ready, she's just finishing up her Semblence and picking a name. We should have something tonight, if not tomorrow."
Sounds good. I'll get to it tomorrow, if you post tonight. Gotta get some sleep for work tomorrow.
Mitsui watched the young girl head down the stairs. If he hadn't caught the stammer of his voice, he would have mistaken her for brave. As things turned out, he had to assume she was putting up a front after the way she hid behind him and continued to seem nervous. A moment passed before he found his steps following her's. His master would not want to see a young girl like her in danger. Neither would he. He would make it his mission for the time being to protect her. After all, a Meister without a Weapon was next to useless. Killing her would be like killing an unarmed man. It was dishonorable and distasteful, regardless of her age.

Besides, the witches were fleeing. I doubt they would care if one young student escaped like this.

Following his misunderstandings, he looked over towards the girl, taking in her form. The pale pink hair that fell about her shoulders had a certain charm to it, as did the rest of her form. Well, for a student anyway. He glanced away, staring ahead of him as he realized where his gaze had fallen and the thoughts crossing his mind. "So what is a Meister doing this far out with her Weapon?" he asked softly, deciding to get some information while he was stuck here with her. He was incorrect, of course, but he saw no reason why a Weapon would be alone. He had heard of such a thing happening, but Weapons were typically more versatile than an ordinary human, at least doing something to hold their own when by themselves. Thus, he assumed she must be a Meister to be so insecure about her own safety.
Hm...you want to have command of that one? I keep thinking between frogs and cats and mice, but it's unoriginal with the actual plotline...i just got back from work a half hour ago. My mind's still a little fried. xD
Hm...I don't really know. I figured they'd both be on the run. Witches are hunting Meisters/Weapons that side with Shibusen. Mitsui saved Sera. Then there's the madness creatures that are just roaming about. I was also thinking that they possibly run into a lesser witch that tries to fight them, or one of the witches pets. Basically solidifies the fact that Mitsui can't really rely on being part of the witches' sect.
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