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Well, I've got nothing unless Hero or Killa posts. I figured we were just waiting for everyone to gather.
I replied. xD I think after this next response, we'll need to wait for Abel and Gwyn to catch up anyway, though.
Nevin's fist cracked against the skull of another Beowolf, the lightning speeding his fist, and the strength of it, enough to throw it away from him. However, that was the last he had to deal with of the Beowolves. Under the cannon fire from Aurelia, not even the Alpha could keep its ground, shredding to pieces under her barrage.The three that had moved to strike at them next hesitated in the wake of their leader's defeat. A howl erupted from behind them and that was enough to send them on the retreat.

Soon enough, the two were left alone. The young boy let out a small breath before grinning. "I have a feeling I'm gonna like this team we're forming," he commented , turning slightly to pat her shoulder. "Let's get moving. We made a lot of noise. I want to make some distance before more Grim start sniffing around." Starting forward, he paused long enough to let her follow before setting off with her deeper into the woods.

All in all, it didn't take them terribly long to reach the edge of the forest. As they took their leave of the trees, they found themselves faced with a large structure, stone pillars lining around a few platforms that held...rocks? Were these the treasures that they were to pick up? His brow scrunched up in confusion, trying to figure out how valuable these rocks could be. However, that was put on hold as he noticed two others sitting around against one of the pillars. So they weren't the first ones to arrive. With a smile, he shrugged, turning to Aurelia. "Well, may as well take our pick of what's left, right?"

As the two grew closer, he gave the rocks further inspection. Two of each type. A pair makes a team, most likely. It was a very simplistic way of teaming up the students, but he couldn't fault it. His steps led him towards the pedestal holding the black rock. "Well...I don't think it really matters what we pick," he murmured, glancing over to his companion. "Are you okay with this one? The other two of our team will probably be the ones who choose the same rock we did."
Nah, no problem. I just didn't want to push our group ahead until you had a chance to post. ^^;
Alright. I'm gonna let Hero post before I move us on to the last area. If you wanna move us there, that's cool too. Just figured I'd wait since it's still your post. xD
Good character sheets so far. I'm sure this got lost in translation again, but I would like to point out that we did mention wanting sample posts. The latest one says his is pending, but I saw no indication that one was coming for any of the previous posts. So just a reminder that, to be considered, we would like to see some example of your writing style.
Ah, I should mention. Martyr and I were talking and the joining won't be a first come, first serve basis, considering that we're limiting the group of people available. So, we're gonna wait until we have a good number of people interested and choose from among them to fill our available slots. This way, we'll be able to both fill in our ranks with RPers and also have some back ups in case we lose some members during the duration of the RP.

That being said, it is going to be based off both the characters (seeing how well these characters would meld in the setting we have pictured with the characters we have available) as well as a sample post, if you guys don't mind. Just add it to the bottom of your interest check and treat it as the opening post for the RP itself to introduce your character and give us an idea for of his personality.
Hello all. I'm the co-GM. Just thought I'd introduce myself since Martyr posted the interest check. We'll be having equal say in what goes on so feel free to come to either one of us with concerns and such once we've got things going.
Mitsui was quiet as he regarded the familiar. This was quite the predicament he was in. He knew the man well and never felt any better about being associated with the bat-like creature. Karasuko was also powerful enough that he didn't want to anger her. She had been the one to approach him originally, knowing of his training and the desire he held for one of Shibusen's greatest allies. Here, though, he was presented with a choice. Continue his work for the witches to exact revenge on the murderer who killed both his father and his father's master before him...or save this girl, the greatest enemy to the witches after her notorious parents. On one hand, there was no coming back from a betrayal of that size. He couldn't escape the bat and Karasuko would come quickly enough if she heard of his betrayal...so the only choice would be to fight his way out. On the other hand...

The young swordsman shut his eyes, hand reaching for his sword slowly. When he opened them again, he drew his sword, the metal sliding against the sheath slowly. "...This goes against my teaching," he stated quietly. As his sword was drawn, he held it before him for a moment before bringing it down...right in front of the young Weapon. "I will not raise my blade to children. She is harmless to us. You will let her go..." He let out a small, almost imperceptible sigh. "...or you will have to go through me to get to her."

This was a stupid decision. The witches would kill him for this. He wouldn't be able to avenge his father if the witches hunted him down. However...he wouldn't throw away his honor. If revenge cost him that, even his father, the man who wanted that Meister's death above all else, would roll in his grave. He could not dishonor the masters before him in such a way. Their teachings would not draw the blood of children.
@Hero: Let me know if the way I'm handling the fight is too weird. I'm still trying to figure out how to go about fights, given his Semblance, since it works in a way that they both know what the other is going to do. Trying to give a decent amount in the post without taking away freedom from what Aurelia does during the fight. ^^; Also, was trying to wrap up the fight since Killa is getting ready to move us on to the next phase.
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