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Well, I believe we're going with Bleu Chess for this one. While both characters were interesting, the whole premonition thing was a little bit worrying for us as well as the way the sample post went. For one, it sounds like it'd be close to magic in the sense that he can just sense when something bad would happen. Magic is being given on a luck based system. Along with that, the idea that he knows when bad things will happen kind of defeats the purpose of what we want to happen. It's too easy to avoid everything. So we were a bit worried about that.

Along with that, the sample post was worrying for the sake that he just knew he had a past life. It was stated that you have odd dreams that you can't piece together easily. So, he wouldn't know that much about the situation. Overall, we were both kind of worried about letting someone like that into the RP. So we're gonna choose Theo for our last slot.

Tiger was one of the ones who were accepted privately and there's one more person that we're waiting on who has also already been approved. So once that last one comes in, we can set up a thread and start things.
Nevin laughed lightly at Aurelia's comment, patting her shoulder lightly. He liked the change he could bring in the girl. It was as if he was seeing her true colors that were hidden behind that wall of anxiety at first. "Well, of course," he stated. "Don't get too ahead of yourself, though. We were fighting Grim pretty low on the food chain..." He offered a shrug and she would feel through their link that there was no real worry to his words. Together, they could be unstoppable. Especially when joined with their last two companions...

At seeing the group gather, he greeted Abel warmly, glad to see the other boy had made it through. It was odd that they didn't find any of the others met during their journey. Booster. Maggie. None of them seemed to have arrived yet. His thoughts were distracted as he noticed Abel pick up one of the stones. A grin split his face. "Well, it seems the four of us will be a team." He showed the black stone to the other two before glancing over to Gwyn. "I don't believe we had the pleasure of meeting yet, though. My name is Nevin." He offered his hand to the girl, his other hand busy with the stone, his fingers moving toying around with it in an absentminded gesture. Though, in reality, he had started to feel the pressure of the anxiety as time built on. He could keep himself relaxed for the moment, but he was starting to wonder to the limits of his Semblance. This was the first time he had the opportunity to use it for long periods of time, after all.

Well, he could figure it out later. Better to experiment now than when they have real missions and his life is in immediate danger. For now, he'd settle with meeting his team fully.
Well, I like both character sheets. Just get the sample posts in at some point and I'll talk to Martyr about if we're continuing our search or leaving it at this. I think we're both getting anxious to start things.
Okay, well, it's been close to a week since we put this up and a few days since we asked for sample posts. I'm happy to say that Lord Pie is accepted. I really like the character concept you've already created and the sample post was great.

As for the rest of it, we are still open for one or two more people. While I do like some of the character concepts, we are still lacking sample posts. Thus, I cannot accept any that have already been given to us as that'd be unfair to the rest (Lord Pie) who did edit that in. So, we'll still be keeping this open for new character sheets.
It's not a problem. Our fault for not mentioning it sooner. I'm not sure to what extent it effects Killa's plot ideas as of yet. I know the general idea of what's going on, but he has the details ironed out. We'll try to be a bit more vocal about what we need for the plot in the future so we don't have misunderstandings with it.
I think the problem may be that we had plans for the other participants of the test outside of our own. That's why we didn't want other NPCs around. I'll let Killa comment on it, though, since he has the majority of the plan worked out on his own.
Nevin looked over the small black stone before he heard the group behind him. Turning around, he spotted Amalger with three others he didn't really recognize from any more than passing. He had seen them on the ship and during the ceremony, but...it wasn't very long or for any extended period of time. So he didn't really know any of them. He had caught the girl's name, though. Enyo seemed interesting enough.

It wouldn't really matter, though. If these stones were anything to go by, she wouldn't be on his team.

Slipping the stone into his back pocket, he smiled a bit at the grip. "My name is Nevin. Nevin Theros. It's nice to meet you guys," he introduced himself. His eyes drifted to Felix for a moment, looking a bit curious at his shy reaction. It as mostly like Aurelia's before he activated his Semblance. However, it wouldn't really be his place to offer connecting the boy if he wasn't part of his team, though. He'd have to see how things ended up as more people came.
So, two things I wanted to mention. First of all, didn't explain well in my post. When I was saying she'd find out his fate anyway, I was going under the assumption that she could see the details of his last few minutes with her magic or because he is her familiar. So his message was directed at her whenever she does look to him to figure out who killed her Familiar.

The second was basically a question of what we want to do next? A witch is above Mitsui's skill level. At least, what I'm assuming Karasuko would be at since she hired him. So it might be easier to send lower grade witches, creatures, or the Madness beasts at them in the next bit. Also thought of having random creatures/supernatural beings that they could run into. I've been considering having the two meet Kid's son in the next village they pass through. I think it might be too soon, though. I'm assuming Serephina will joined Kid's son if he's fighting the witches and searching for survivors. Mitsui's still only with her because he doesn't want her to be harmed. If he gets her to capable hands, he's still at a point where he would simply leave, satisfied that she can protect herself.
Mitsui was mildly surprised at the transformation. The daughter of Soul Eater Evans turning into a scythe made sense, though. The double ended scythe was interesting to see, though. It almost seemed a combination of what the Meister and Weapon had been. The legendary Anti-Madness wavelength and the corrupted Death Scythe. Following her along might be interesting, to say the least.

His boot came down on the bat's one remaining wing, a cold stare accompanying it. "I would tell you to relay a message for me...I assume she'll know of your fate either way, though," he spoke calmly. "So...I'll address her directly. Lady Karasuko. This is your one warning. You and the rest of the witches will leave Seraphina Evans be or I will strike you down like any other enemy that stands before me." With his small speech said, his blade was directed downward, stabbing swiftly to cut through the familiar's neck. A quick swipe tore the blade free from its hold, slicing the bat's throat and nearly decapitating it fully. If the slice didn't kill him, the severed spine from the first stab would have.

Looking at his blade with little interest, he flicked his wrist, swiping at the air to rid his blade of the blood that had stained the steel. "Seraphina Evans, huh?" he murmured, looking back to the girl. After a moment, he sighed. This would be interesting, but he could already tell this was more trouble than it would be worth.

He was committed, though. A fugitive just like any other Meister or Weapon. "Come along. We should be off," he called out to her. "I don't know how well my blade would hold up to Lady Karasuko herself. I don't really intend to find out so soon, though." Without waiting for her, he sheathed his blade and turned to head off, striding out towards one of the gates to Death City. They had to leave the city entirely if they wanted to find safety.
Alright, I'm gonna try to answer those questions without giving anything away. Fantasy is not a huge part of the roleplay. When we were thinking about magic, I figured it would be somewhat fascinating because the fact that you're reincarnating infinitely is fantastical in itself. As far as other humans go, that is going to be part of the luck factor. So, yes, you are normal humans starting out with no memory of past lives. At best, a hazy dream of something that may or may not have happened. There will be next to no combat unless we think of something that warrants it. You can always have a character who can fight, but there's no guarantee that you will get to use those skills. Of course, you're given free reign of your characters so you can always have them being more hot-headed or battle oriented when there is no actual battle being fought. Could cause conflict on its own. I would have to ask that no one has magic starting off, though.

The timeline, I would say, just think of our timeline. We're at about the same level, technologically. Cell phones, computers, cars, etc. It's a modern fantasy so everything is basically the same, plus some fantastical elements that we'll be throwing in.

Does that answer your guys' questions?
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