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  • Old Guild Username: RyuHll
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Okay, so I have two quick things to say regarding the latest post, Lugu.

First of all, I'm a little confused by your character. I thought you proclaimed him as the guardian of the group. So, I was just curious why he's the first to bolt when faced with the Grimm? I was just kinda curious because the post surprised me.

That being said, I'm pretty sure taking the short cut down the cliff is gonna cut you out of the battle. So you may want to rethink it. Just a suggestion. Killa will probably comment too if he feels it's necessary.
Nevin was surprised to see the deathstalker, but even more so at seeing the new behemoth that crashed into view. His eyes widened in shock. Could even both teams take something of this magnitude? For a moment, each of his teammates would feel the waver to his confidence at seeing this creature. His attention was directed to Randy, though, watching as the beast approached. He made his decision quickly and reached out, trying to connect the other group. He felt out all seven people around him, extending to the second team...

...and then there was an intense pain that rushed through his head. His vision narrowed. It was as if the wind was knocked out of him, gasping for breath as he collapsed to one knee, an overwhelming pressure coming over him. He felt Randy's fear in full blast. Felix's latent anxiety topping off Aurelia's. Enyo's annoyance with Felix. It all rushed into him and left him feeling powerless. He had to break off the connection with the other four quickly, letting out a ragged breath as he placed a hand over his face.

He stayed there, unable to move at first as his vision came back to him and he looked up at the scene before him. Felix had saved Randy. He listened to Randy's plan, but shook his head. “Agreed. I go last, though,” Nevin stated, looking to Randy. “I'll...I'll keep it busy. Then I'll follow after you guys. We need to find a place to make our stand. Right now, we're surrounded.” His eyes trailed to the lizard-like Grimm, pulling the gloves over his hands more securely. His confidence had returned in full swing as he stood straight up again. Calmness came over him as his plan settled in his mind. Despite that calmness, it wavered slightly every so often, shaken by the recent effects he felt from his Semblance. He would have to study that a bit more closely.

“Any complaints with that? I'd rather not let our teams fall here because of crappy luck like this.” A grin spread across his face, displaying his confidence here.
Mitsui cocked his head to the side, studying the play of emotions across her face. He was sure she missed her family. Seraphina Evans was well known, even among the lone mercenaries like himself. Her family was always seen as loving and caring, albeit a bit violent in her mother's case with certain situations. Yet, he had never heard of a negative thing from the two until recent events had transpired to set the witches against them, long time allies since the time of the second coming for the Kishin. It was an interesting turn of events. He would be lying if he said he wasn't interested in learning the truth of the matter...but that was separate from his goal.

At her comment, he offered a nod, turning away from her, though he hesitated when asked her age. "I wouldn't know. Early to mid teens? You look young enough," he replied with a small shrug. Though, thinking back on his previous comments, he could see where she might be getting annoyed. He offered a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "My apologies if my way of speaking offended you. You may not be much younger than me, but...well, you're still a child in the eyes of most. I don't like battling those younger and less trained."

He turned away again, deciding to address another problem as his smile faded away. "And, please, don't get me wrong. I did not choose you above my goals. If the chance comes, I will pursue them fully. In this specific situation, my goals were unfounded within Shibusen and, thus, did not clash with my ideals."
No problem, I just saw your PSA. To be perfectly honest, I've been starting a project of my own so it took me a while to even notice that it's been a few days. ^^; Take your time, no need to rush if you're busy.

An eye cracked open at hearing the sound in his head. He didn't jump. He didn't move from the position he had fallen asleep in. He had gotten used to the dreams. This had to be the third time this week. It was still only Monday. He had a long road ahead of him if this was how the week was deciding to go. It never got any easier to watch those scenes unfold. The blood that soaked the young woman...the gun held in the boy's hand...the deafening bang that resounded in his head...

The older man groaned as he felt the throb in his head, being brought back to reality. He reached out blindly, his palm finding the cold wood of the coffee table. His fingers found glass bottles, the slight movement being enough to roll them off the small table. He winced as one shattered upon the wooden floorboards. He'd have to clean that up before he cut himself. God damn it...

Shaking his head slightly, he reached over a bit further, finally finding what he sought. Bringing the small cell phone in front of him, he clicked on the power button, wincing once more as the screen brightened up the room. The throb seemed to worsen in the presence of this blinding light. Adjusting to the brightness, though, he read out the time. 8:03am. Oh, for Christ's sake. The dreams couldn't even wait until 10!? Another groan escaped him as he lowered his phone to the cushions of the couch he currently laid against, passed out from last night's escapades. Well, if you could call drinking the night away an escapade, anyway.

The one visible blue eyes shifted as he tried to make out what was on the floor before he moved to get up. Smiling a bit in appreciation at what he found, he reached down to grab a still half full bottle. Opening the cap quickly, he raised it to his lips, letting some of the harsh liquor rush down his throat, the warmth of the whiskey being enough to chase away the cold of his apartment.

Satisfied that he could move without cutting himself on broken glass, he lowered his foot off the couch, rolling slightly to pull himself off. He came out on his knees in front of the couch, still cradling the bottle in one hand with his phone in the other. Rising to his feet, though, he took a look around the room, reaching down to slip the phone into his right jean pocket, yawning lightly. He really would rather be back in bed...but he figured the sooner he was up, he could start pissing away the day once more. It was the only thing he could really look forward to.

His steps took him towards the kitchen, grabbing one of the white tshirts that was thrown haphazardly across the back of a chair. He placed the bottle of whiskey on the counter before pulling it on quickly and walking fully into the kitchen, his foot kicking away yet another empty bottle. He really should get around to cleaning this place up. Instead of bothering, though, he simply opened the fridge. His choices for breakfast were...dismal at best. Rum, beer, and more whiskey...well, at least he had bread. It was something. It would help if he had something to actually go with it, though.

Reaching inside, he took out a slice of bread, taking a bite of it as he shut the door behind it. He devoured the rather measly meal quickly, grabbing his bottle of whiskey once more for another swig. He didn't bother with socks as he found his sneakers, the right sneaker across the room from the left one. If only he could remember how he managed to take off his shoes so far apart from each other...

Once the ratty black sneakers were on, Lloyd made his way to the door, opening it as he finished the last of his whiskey and tossed the empty bottle back onto the couch he had awoken from. With the slight buzz back, he felt his headache lessening, though his mood wasn't any brighter. That dream had annoyed him and it was gonna take more than half a bottle of whiskey to forget that again. A light sight escaped his lips as his hand reached up the scratch the scraggly brown beard that adorned his face, not even bothering with shaving at this point. His feet started to move without really thinking of a destination, only pausing long enough to shut the door. He didn't lock it, though. Why bother? What were they gonna steal? His whiskey?

Well, on second thought, maybe he should have locked up. He was already too far gone, though, descending the steps of his apartment complex to start out for the day. Though, his goal was only going to be the same as any other day. He'd make his way to the bar until they kicked him out...in which case, he'd go to find another bar or possibly just some place to snack between drinks.

He'd figure it out when he got there. He just had to make his way out there first.

It didn't take him long to reach the bar, the bartender looking up in a bored manner as he heard the door open. It wasn't a surprise. Who else would come to this bar at 8am but this guy? Though he had never really been a stranger for the two years the man had worked there, he had become particularly frequent with the place as of late. The reason was lost on him, but hey. If he wanted to piss away his money with cheep booze, who was he to stop him? "The usual, Lloyd?"

"Mm..." the man offered as his own sign of consent, finding a bar stool at the end to sit on. The bartender rolled his eyes at the attitude of his customer. He's probably still drunk from the previous night. Regardless, the bartender set off to grab one of the beers Lloyd particularly enjoyed ordering. As the day went on, he would get into more liquor, but, for the time being, he would settle for a few morning beers.
Sorry for the delay in posting, I was busy today with classes and some work. I'm gonna try to get a post up before I go to bed, but, if I can't manage that, we'll at least have this continuing tomorrow night, once I get off work.

As for how much planning we've done, hard to say. We have an idea of where it's going and the first few events planned out, but we're still working on some of the other stuff. I think Martyr and I still need to discuss some of the finer points with the luck based events, but no need to worry with it. We've got a good deal already planned out while we work out those details. :)
Nevin's eyes darted up, but he didn't ready his weapon, watching as the creature flew off. Wait...what was that? He tried to look closer at it, a small figure coming into view...but it was gone before he could manage it. "Don't panic, but I'm activating my Semblance for you two..." he spoke softly so only his team could hear. As he did, he extended his Semblance, the two new members feeling his overwhelming calm aura as he did so. He could feel their confusion at the turn of events and Gwyn's frustration as things began to look worse. Regardless, the two would suddenly feel not only his calm but what his plan was, knowing he would be moving after them in mere moments. Grimm were approaching from all directions, an even larger one appearing to be in the distance. He couldn't stand and fight alone, no matter the skill he thought he had in battle. He knew that as well as them and had a plan to go along with what came next.

As the first team fled, though, he stood his ground, surveying the surroundings and picking out where the loud roar had come from. They probably shouldn't be fighting it...but he could delay it for the moment. "All of you, go!" he shouted, an authoritative tone that he had heard all too often from his older sister coming into his voice. He reached up to his left hand, pulling the glove on tighter before cocking his fist back. With a quick twist, he punched the wall of the small shrine, an explosion erupting forth and blowing off chunks of stone. It was mostly intact...but only half of it remained standing after that. His other glove's seal glowed before he shot up, landing on one of the larger chunks of stone. With another explosive punch, the rock was sent careening into the King Taijitu's right head, jerking it back into a tree. Another quick movement and another punch had yet another stone fragment being thrown into the forest. He heard the pained cry of two Beowulves and the collapse of another tree. During the whole ordeal, nothing escaped Nevin's aura besides his usual calm, trying to keep the Grimm at bay so his team could make some headway.

With the piece of the stone temple crushing a few of the Grimm and the trees blocking off some of the smaller ones, he turned back in the direction they fled. Hopefully his team had taken his order. Seeing that the Grimm were starting to come out again, trying to encircle him, he punched the air with his right fist, lightning surging across his body as he shot forward like a bullet, piercing straight through their lines and darting off after his team.
He gets distracted a lot, for all he complains about people posting quickly. xD I'll see if I can get ahold of him sometime tonight.
Why did he save her?

That was a really good question, honestly. A moment of silence passed before he shook his head. He knew why he had saved her. It was stupid and illogical, but even he, bent on revenge as he was, had some sense of honor. That sense of honor told him that particular kill was to be avoided. "To put it simply...honor," he replied quietly, glancing over to her. "You would struggle to fight most witches, let alone me, in your current state, whether you be a Meister with no Weapon or a Weapon with no Meister. It was an unfair match. I don't fight those who do not have an even advantage. It would be like picking a fight with a sword. It cannot be wielded to its true potential without a capable swordsman behind it, but I am unimpeded." He shrugged. "Plus, you're young. It was a senseless fight. I have sworn an oath to never do harm to children as my masters before me had. You don't quite hold yourself as an adult would."

He glanced down at his sword for a moment before looking to Sera again. "I was never an ally to the witches. I have my own reasons for selling my services to them," he explained. "That reason was unfounded, though. So I took up a more noble cause. Until you find your allies at least."
That's a possibility. I think we might hold off on that, though. I'm going with the flow of my character. Right now, that flow is that he's upholding the same honor his masters had before him. He's a protector first, until he finds Black Star. However, he's still a mercenary. His protection only really comes to those he sees as younger, being kids in his eyes. So he would follow Sera until they find someone who can take care of her. Then he'd leave her to them and continue his search elsewhere.

As for the Madness beast, I think that might be a good idea. It provides a clash in our characters. Given their situation, he wants to run away, but the beasts are attacking the town. She might see him as cold-hearted for a while, but he'd go out of his way to save a group of children or people in need.
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