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Mitsui appeared not to notice her distress, but he had caught the play of emotions across her face once more. It made sense, he supposed. Knowing her heritage, she must have a lot to live up to. His comments must've struck a chord with her because of that, deciding she was weak right off the bat. Or maybe she was simply upset that he thought her younger, like many young girls might. Either way, it was none of his concern and he wouldn't rescind his comment. He had only spoken the truth. How could the daughter of a Death Scythe not even handle a witch's Familiar? Between his years of training and the teachings taught down to him by his father, he could already tell without a doubt that he could wield a sword better than she could control her powers.

After all, she hadn't even made an attempt to fight the Familiar besides throwing herself at it like he would have thrown a scythe. Hardly a way to for a Weapon to fight solo.

Frowning a little at her comment, he offered a shrug in response. "The one who hired me definitely is. She won't stand for the death of her Familiar. We made enemies with a very powerful witch." He started off, moving ahead of her as he stuck his hands in his pockets. "It'll take her some time to come after us, though. The witches are busy finishing their domination of Death City. She can't leave until that's done. Once they set off to finish the stragglers, she'll make her way towards us. We need to hide our trail by then."

With that said, he continued off towards the forest, knowing it'd be the best solution to hiding their trail.


The path was long and arduous, Mitsui trailing Sera along a winding path that seemed to have no real destination. At length, though, they reached a small village at the far edge of the forest. It was rather quaint, untouched by the beasts that had been attacking Death City. It seemed they had made straight for the conflict rather than bothering with the small fry. The swordsman looked around curiously as the entered.

"Alright...we should find some place to rest. I can map out our next destination from there..." he commented. "We're gonna want to hide our trail at some point. Our best option, in all honesty, is the sea. She'll be able to track our steps. Not even she could track our passage by boat, though."
I can do the time skip to the village, if it's all the same to you. Gonna work on my post now, if you'd rather do it just let me know and I'll take out that part.
Nevin continued his futile attempt to battle the large Grimm before him. He continued to shoot quickly in for small shots, but none really left much of an impact on it. He didn't have time to use harder hitting blows. Regardless, he found himself getting into a rhythm, able to spot the enemy's attack patterns and figure out how they could beat this should they not be able to find an escape route along that path.

Landing down again after another attack, he glanced back, watching Aurelia disappear down the path and grinned. "Alright. Can't keep playing around here then," he muttered. He shot forward once more, his fist connecting with the beast's face before he shot away, rebounding off a tree and slamming his other fist into it, an explosion erupting from the impact. He shot off again, launching himself into the air and landing in a crouch, left fist placed against the ground. A second explosion erupted, clouding the area in dust. Then he was off, running towards the path, almost not realizing how dangerous it was until his head had descended below the ridge.

At realizing this, he froze, taking a moment to gather himself before slowly starting again at a more careful pace.
Just letting everyone know, I'm gonna be the last one to post in this round since Nevin is the last to go down the path. So no need to wait for me. I think we're gonna do a full round of posts and then move on with the story in Killa's post.
She does not know him and will be approaching her, yeah.
Nevin glanced back towards the teams, watching the others move towards the cliffside. Except Aurelia. She looked like she was ready to battle with him. It made him frown in frustration, but he ignored it, looking back to the Grimm before them. It wasn't a fight they could win on their own. However, they could buy the other teams time to escape. He just had to hope Aurelia was planning to move before it was over. He wasn't budging until his entire team was out of here.

Clenching his right hand into a fist, he jabbed quickly, clearing the distance in an instant to punch the beast in the face. His form distorted immediately after as his lightning kicked in and he shot away again, dodging the swipe of his claw from striking him. He struck its side, but the tail lashed out this time, trying to catch him before he could move. Fortunately for Nevin, his gloves still made him quicker, shooting into the air quickly with his boosted speed and twisting.

He held out his left hand this time, flames sparking to life momentarily...right before he had to abort his attack, seeing the long tongue, as if from a chameleon, lashing out towards him. He swung away, his fist backhanding the appendage away with an explosion before his lightning shot him back to the ground, landing closer to the edge once more.

Glancing around, Nevin found that his team had cleared the cliffside, save for Aurelia, the last of the other team making its way to the path. He smiled a bit at that. “You get going too. I'll be right behind you,” he offered, cocking his fists up for one more exchange. If he could just keep it for a moment or two more, the groups would have a fair distance away from the monstrous Grimm.
It's no big deal, really. If it gets to be a problem, we'll talk. For now, I'm happy you're sticking to Abel's character, against what the given route is. We're just trying to guide you in the right direction so you aren't left out of the loop if it deviates too much, y'know? Shouldn't be an issue going forward and we'll try to be more descriptive of what we're doing in the future, like specifying where the path leads instead of just leaving it to assumptions. I figure the last bit was just because Killa wrote it in a way where you thought it descended downward in a zigzag pattern rather than down and to the side of the cliff like he meant for it.
Since our GM fails to actually show up when he says he's going to, I'll just explain what we talked about in his stead. >.> The path leads down to a sort of natural bridge made of stone. THAT is where we're fighting the Basilisk. Jumping downward is taking you somewhere entirely different as the path winds downward, but to the side of the cliff. Basically, Abel should just take the path or he'll be out of the loop for the battle.
The bell chimed once more, signalling a new customer, as a man entered the diner, black sunglasses framing his face and hiding his eyes. His form was covered in a black suit, dressed as finely as he could despite the heat of the day. In his right hand, a matching black briefcase was held tightly, a small slip of paper taking up his left hand as he gazed down at it. What could be seen, though, showed tanned skin from much time spent out in the sun.

A young woman came up to him, a drawl to her voice. She clearly didn't like being at the diner. Given the wages, the man couldn't blame her. “Hello, sir. Is it just you today?” she asked politely, reaching for a menu.

The man shook his head, a small smile appearing on his face. “I'm meeting someone,” he responded in a light hearted voice. Despite the seriousness of his dress, he seemed like he couldn't have been older than his early twenties. Walking past her, he made his way to a table where a lone boy sat.

Seeing his target, he placed down the slip of paper on the table, revealing it to the boy. It was a picture of the young boy in question. “You must be Gilbert Solberg,” he stated, no question in his voice. “My name is Enrique. I had need to speak to you if I could have but a moment of your time.”

~ ~ ~

A sigh escaped the lips of the young blond as he leaned against the hood of the black sedan, staring up at the apartments he had been instructed to. In his hand, a picture was held, studying the girl in the photo.

Teres Wratherton. It had been annoying to search the girl out, but orders were orders. He was sure this would be less eventful than his second stop.

He ran a hand through his sandy blond hair, grown out to his shoulders. Dark shades obscured his emerald green eyes, but it did wonders for framing him in an ominous light, pale against the black suit he was instructed to wear. It was such an annoying process. Why couldn't the boss have gotten someone else to do this? Well, whatever. At least she wasn't hard on the eyes. That was...something, he supposed. Not enough to appreciate this damn job, but something.

Slipping the photo into his breast pocket, he crossed his arms, staring up towards the room number that he had been told she remained at. With any luck, this wouldn't take too much convincing and he could be on his way.
That's understandable, I suppose. Sorry, was just honestly confused by it, given the way Abel was built up, in my head at least.

As for the fast retreat...we also don't know where the cliff path leads. Again, Killa has failed to give me all the details on what's going on, but that path could lead off to the side of the cliff or to another landing. Hell, it's a lizard. It might crawl down the damn cliff face to block off retreat. I'm just mentioning this because Killa specifically said that you basically bypassed where the fight would be. I don't know what he has planned for the confrontation with it.
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