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  • Old Guild Username: RyuHll
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    1. RyuHll 11 yrs ago
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Curious. Mark of Cain. What do you mean by that? I never clarified in PM, but I wasn't sure if that was meant to be special or not.

Also, character sheets? Or just jump in?
I know and that's really unfortunate. I've been trying to get him to put more time into it, but it's hard for me to even catch him on Skype, let alone this. Like I said, though, if this doesn't pick up and people still have interest in this, I may just end up commandeering parts of it to keep things moving. Of course, that's all dependent on if you guys still do want to keep going with the story.
I'm terribly sorry for this delay. I've been trying to get in touch with the GM, but he always seems to be "busy." In light of that, I don't want to prevent people from posting. I know how the Basilisk works. We're gonna continue the battle for another set of post. Hero can post and, if I still can't get in touch with him by the time that happens, I'll be commandeering his characters to move us towards the end of the battle. Not, technically, supposed to, but he told me where he wants it to go and two weeks of nothing is a little ridiculous.
The five that caught my eye was DBZ, Sword Art Online, Digimon, Pokemon, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Though, for Pokemon, I think that would depend on what version of Pokemon you'd want to follow. If you're still looking, shoot me a PM and we can discuss it in more depth.
Hey, no worries. Take your time to feel better and all. As you can see, our GM isn't exactly active either, regardless of what he says he'll do. xD
The car continued on, Enrique and Gil descending into silence at his last comment. Though, before that happened, a small smile appeared on the suited man's face. “No, of course not,” he responded. “Our thugs are responding to a different order.” He didn't elaborate, letting that comment hang in the air. His mannerisms made it hard to decipher if it was a jest or not.”

Ten minutes passed in silence before the car slid into a slow stop. They had entered thin alleyways that were almost too tight for the car to fit, navigating the inner city quickly. Now, the car was parked before a large warehouse. The metal doors that could be slid open were rusted, the paint of the walls were chipped...the place was in clear disrepair. It was questionable if such a lucrative businessman would sink to using such an area for his base of operations.

Of course, the comment about the thugs was not so distant a memory that Gil could easily disregard it. He was in the middle of the scummier part of town, far from any signs of law enforcement. It was unlikely he would receive help if things went south from here.

Enrique exited the car without a second thought, straightening his tie as he walked to the door. “Hurry now. The boss was eager to meet you,” he called back, quickly sliding the doors open. The rusted metal ground against each other as it slid, the sound making even the man at the door wince. It was opened easily enough, though, in a show of force. What awaited inside was...

Well, it was lavishly decorated. The floor was wooden, polished to a shine. There wasn't much in the way of furnishing, though it seemed the warehouse had been sectioned off as if it were a house or an office building. The room was much too small for this building. Six chairs were set up at the center of the room, facing two wide doors at the stop of a set of stairs.

Enrique smiled a bit at the boy. “Please, take a seat. The boss will be in to speak with you shortly. Though, explanations will have to wait until the rest of our guests arrive.”

~ ~ ~

Nico offered a small smile at her acceptance to his offer. He stepped back, opening the door to his back seat to allow her to sit. Once she was situated, he shut the door and moved to the front, taking his spot at the wheel. As one hand put the key in the ignition to start it up, his other reached over to the passenger's seat, grabbing a manila folder.

With the car started, he handed the folder back to his passenger. “As you can see, from reading those files, we know quite a bit about you, Miss. Wratherton...or do you prefer Wrath?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow from behind his sunglasses. “We know of your current employment and your employer. A scary man, from the sounds of it. Knight, was it? Well, you can see from the file that we have quite a bit on him as well. Information is power, after all, and if we're gonna take away his delivery girl, we need to have some precautions at least.” True to his words, the file had everything they needed to know on either of the two people. It had more detail than most would have on Teres, let alone Knight. Every past address, every job she had ever had, her family situation...they would have had to have some deep channels to dig up this information.

A shrug lifted his shoulder, easing the car out of its parked state. The two began to make the short drive to her instructed address. Nico didn't think he would need that much time to make her decide, though. “Now, I'm sure that seems creepy enough that my employer has so much information on you. He likes to make a point of what he's capable of, though,” the man explained. “He's also a man who enjoys games thoroughly. He would like the chance to invite you to play a set of games he is setting up along with a few other participants. The winner will receive treasures beyond their wildest dreams. Of course, you'll be allowed to keep any winnings you make on your own, regardless of if you win or lose.” He rolled his eyes at the spiel he had been instructed to give. “My employer has most of the information. He wanted me to present you the opportunity. If you accept, I will drive you to meet him and he will explain to you and the rest of the participants exactly what he is planning.”

A pause came at that before the man procured a phone from his pocket, tapping the power button to bring the screen up and quickly swiping through the password protection. “Of course, we know you have a job to complete. If you accept to hear him out, we have an associate preparing to...dissuade Knight from any vengeful action. If you still agree after hearing my employer's spiel, we'll properly ensure that he understands your change in employment.” The finality in his voice showed that he wasn't kidding. With the information they had on the man, information Teres wouldn't even be aware of, it was clear they could follow through with that course of action.
Okay, I like how the fight is going. I wanted to mention earlier, feel free to be a little creative in how our team is starting to screw up. Also, given the direction that Martyr took her post, I wanted to mention that you guys can feel free to ask me about Nevin's Semblance to get a better idea of how your specific character might react to it. I don't know how long Killa is letting us go with this yet before moving the plot, but we'll be able to at least wait through Hero's post at least, going in the order we have going currently.
I may be interested in the Dragon Rising plot. Send me a PM and we can work out some of the details
If you're still looking, I'd be interested in maybe starting up an RP with you. I was curious what group ideas you had along with whether or not there are any particular genres/fandoms/plots you're more inclined towards currently? From what you listed above, I'm more versed with eastern animations and video games, but depending on which western animation, I might be able to work something out with that as well. Same thing regarding ideas based off novels, movies, tv shows, etc.
Hey. It's alright on my end. Things have been hectic the past few weeks. Had midterms and now I have a load of papers coming up, but I think things are starting to calm down a bit for me. haha Also, sorry for the lack of responses as of yet. I actually have your post written up already. Hero and Tripping have had some complications lately, but we should be able to get a post out for you guys soon.

Anyway, how's it going for you?
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