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  • Old Guild Username: RyuHll
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Okay, so I had been thinking. For the next set of posts, I think we should have our teamwork start to crumble a bit. Talked to Killa about the fight and his characters are gonna start playing a more supportive role. I thought, going along with the fact that our characters don't really know each other and Nevin's Semblance is being stretched thin, we could have them start to screw up. Like, maybe Nevin and Abel get in each others' way. Or Aurelia's cannon hits too close to one of us.

What do you guys think?
Yeah, we unfortunately have a full roster right now. If you'd like, you can PM Killa or I. If we have need of another player, we can always keep you in mind to at least give you a running, should the need arise. As things stand, we're trying to keep it simple with this one team. As we proceed through the RP, though, there is a possibility that we'll open up the RP for more players. No definites, but there's a chance, at least.
The attacks went off beautifully.

The combination of Amphere's lightning surge and Rampion's cannon blast struck the beast's exposed maw, sending a shock into it. Here, it's armored plating couldn't really stop it the blow from hitting. It was, unfortunately, less effective than would have been ideal. It's jaw snapped shut in response, narrowly missing Amalger as the boy was hauled out of the way. The Basilisk pulled back, straining against the ice that encased its leg in the burst of violent rage. It roared in protest against the teams that currently battled against it.

This didn't stop it from trying to attack, though. It opened its mouth once more, it's tongue lashing out. It wasn't accepting the fact that this morsel had been snatched from its mouth and he wasn't going to let the frozen leg stop him. However, Nevin was on the move again, shooting past the two and closing the distance in an instant. The Basilisk saw this coming and hesitated in its attack, wary of its weak point now.

Instead of capitalizing on this, though, Nevin's right sword was jabbed into the ground, skewering the tongue in place. It roared in anger as the appendage was caught. The boy wasn't done with it, however. He vaulted up, using the bony plate on its face as leverage to launch himself into the air. Retrieving two small crystals, one yellow and the other red, he held them tightly, focusing on his powers. Both orbs shattered, flame and lightning engulfing his form momentarily. Like a meteor, he shot downward, his other sword crashing into the rocky bridge, straight threw the beast's tongue.

Another roar rocked the group as it reared back, its violent response to the pain finally being enough to shatter the ice that encased its leg. It backed up two steps before lowering its head and glaring down the group in question, wary after having one of its means of attacking taken away from it.

For his part, Nevin drew out his second sword again, flipping it in his hand as the flames and lightning shed away from his skin. There were a few light burns on his skin, nothing drastic but enough to question if the results warranted such an attack. He didn't seem to notice them, though, holding his swords ready. “We can't break through the bone,” he stated. “Enyo, Gwyn! Aim for its eyes!” He glanced towards the other melee focused members of their group. “We need to keep the thing focused on us. It'll shield the tender portions of its body if it realizes our intent. If we can blind it, though, we might be able to get it off this bridge entirely.”

He didn't voice the rest of his plan, but he knew the link would provide enough detail. Aurelia's attacks were bigger, more explosive. She would do better to capitalize on its exposed mouth if it roared again. He hoped that much would go through at least. He felt himself starting to push himself too far. The link was being maintained far longer than he was used to, not to mention with this many people involved. Other psyches were starting to weigh more heavily in his mind, making it harder for him to think clearly...to fight efficiently. The stupid lapse in control was enough proof of that, the fire trailing too close to his skin.

He needed to finish this, though. If they didn't stand together, they had no chance.
Okay, sorry for the delay. I did tell Killa that I was experiencing problems, but I guess he didn't see the message on Skype. I've had that post for like three days, but it kept screwing up when I'd submit it. I guess the problem is fixed now, though. >.>
The man offered a small smile at that, holding his hand out to the side for Gil. “That's good. You have to like games to get along with our lot,” Enrique said. He let the other man rise from his seat, reaching into his pocket as he did so.

He retrieved his wallet, opening it and taking out a few bills, placing it on the table. It was far more than what Gil's bill would be, a generous sum made up of a stack of $50 bills. He smiled kindly at the waitress as she returned, looking down at the table. “Unfortunately, we're leaving a bit early, but feel free to keep the change.” Her eyes drifted to the table she had been attending, eyes widening in shock as she noticed the money he had put down. She turned her head back up to the two, but they were already leaving the diner by the time she did, exiting into the sunlight once more.

Enrique pulled out his sunglasses from his pocket, placing them on. He walked forward a few steps before stopping in front of a dark blue sedan, the car looking as impressive as the suit worn by the man. Opening the back seat door, he gestured for the Gil to enter.

Once he was seated, the stranger took his own seat in the front seat, starting the car up and beginning to pull out. “It won't be a long drive. We'll be heading to meet my employer while we wait for the other invitees to arrive,” he explained, glancing back through the rearview mirror.

~ ~ ~

Nico was quick, reaching out and grabbing her upper arm as she started to move past him. An apologetic look crossed his features briefly, but then he returned to his bored expression. “Unfortunately, I cannot. I will, however, offer to drive you as close to your destination as I can,” he replied. “You'll get there faster and, if you don't like the sound of my deal by the time we stop, you get out and leave. I believe, however, you will prefer what I have to offer you over your current...living situation.” He glanced up towards her apartment before returning his gaze to her.

“So, what do you think? Give me the chance to explain? I'm on a time limit too and you're not the only one I need to visit today.”
Martyr and I are both still interested as well. We're still talking about the plot and working out details, even while we're not posting immediately. I can't really speak for her, but I'm a college student with a part time job that basically eats away my weekends. Also, lately, I've been getting sick, hence not having a post up yet. I'm gonna try to get something up for you and Hero tonight, though. Just been hard for me to do with the meds making me a little hazy all weekend.
In response to Martyr's concerns, I kind of agree. I know we said you can't control the bigger Grimm, but I think we were talking more in terms of the way we dealt with Beowulves or Ursa. We didn't want flocks of Nevermore swooping in and getting demolished in an instant, for example. As it stands, our team wouldn't be that skilled and, either way, it's unlikely that hordes of big ones like that would be around at this stage. This is mainly miscommunication. For future reference, you can control the big ones to an extent. You can play out its attack to show that you dodge it or you can reference the effect your attack had on it. Just don't pose any huge blows, such as dismembering or killing it, unless you check with us.

Like, with the Basilisk. Its skin is rock hard and our blades can't pierce it. So it'd be too much to say you cleaved into it, for instance. In reference to Gwyn's last post, if you wanted to say something along the lines of it lashing out with its tongue to knock a few of the boomerangs away, that's perfectly acceptable. This battle is meant to be impossible because Killa wants to draw a line from where we are and what our ending goal is. His team is clearly stronger, but our team has more room to grow. We won't see clear results until end game, but he wanted to set that starting point for us.

That being said, Martyr's concern is a real one. Our posts more or less have no meaning in terms of a battle. Killa knows how the fight ends, regardless of what we do now. So, instead, I wanted to focus on posts on something else. I only came up with this reason a short while ago, hence not commenting on it immediately, but I figured it gave a little more credit to our responses than just posting for the sake of posting. As things stand, our team is a cell of four strangers, albeit connected through Nevin's Semblance. While this gives them better synergy, understanding what the others are going for, it doesn't mean that they'll all listen. Nevin is also going to grow through the RP and his Semblance hasn't reached its peak yet. So it's not too farfetched to say that the others might not trust his judgement quite yet. I think that should be the focus on our posts for the time being. Individual personalities outshining the effects of his Semblance. Our characters aren't really a team yet. We essentially have four sets of two strangers each that happen to be working together. As far as anyone else knows, the mention of the two similar types of stones is just guesswork rather than any legitimate claim that they're a full team. Plus, as I've stated, they're strangers. No need for them to immediately trust the judgement and battle prowess of seven people they've never met before.

Anyway, just a thought. I figured, if we don't have much say in the battle itself, we may as well gear our posts towards character development. It helps outline where our team needs to concentrate their effort on and work on improving those areas to have a better end result. Any other ideas, feel free to throw them out there. Was just trying to brainstorm a way to make it feel a bit more needed than the way Martyr described how she feels about her posts.
Nevin gave a nod, the lightning cackling in his fist as he shot off. His blades struck the leg, an explosion erupting as it hit. While his blades barely cut the skin of the beast, he at least managed to push it a bit against the rock bridge. He didn't stay in one place for long, though, shooting back into the air and slamming down once more into its back, trying to shove it to its belly, hoping to give Abel and Amalger and easier target. Using his connection, he understood the plan the boy had been told. Also, using the connection, though, he related an adjustment to that plan.

Aurelia's cannon shot could be enough to stun it momentarily, if not weaken the plating on its face even more. “Enyo! Blind it again!” He twisted as he jumped, shooting into the air with lightning as he clear off its back and dropped again by the Basilisk's right foot.

This time, though, he pulled out a small gem from the pouch at his waist, the orb shimmering blue. He tossed it ahead of himself, swinging out with his blade to slice it open. The gem's Dust shot forth, ice striking the Basilisk's leg and freezing it solid. Unlike most results concerning Dust, his sword was untouched, another added benefit of his gifted weapons. Unes and Duo would be able to handle any side effects from Dust related magic due to the enchantments placed upon the blade. Not only that, they could use the Dust for their own attacks quite nicely in this state.

Before a retaliation could come, he shot back, leaving an opening for his allies to strike at it.
Enrique offered a small frown. “Very...perceptive of you,” he commented just before his smile returned. “It's less a message and more a challenge.” The man reached into his suit jacket, pulling out a manila folder, a few papers neatly organized within. “It is true that you frequent the casinos, correct? It has come to our attention that you seem to like that sort of thing. We run a game of...higher stakes. My boss has sent me to fetch you as you are of interest to him. He would like the opportunity to explain the game and see if you might be interested.” His free hand reached into the folder, procuring a piece of paper and placing it down in front of him. It was a report on the boy, showing when he visited casinos and how much was spent or gained at each. “You seem to have a penchant for betting big. We appreciate that kind of confidence and thought it worth it to extend an invitation to you."

~ ~ ~

As he noticed the woman exiting her apartment, he straightened a bit, but frowned in response. Was that actually her? He had to do a double take to ensure that he had the right woman, pulling the photo out once more. Shaking his head, he let out a sigh.

Well, it wouldn't hurt to ask, he supposed.

As she hit the sidewalk, the man took a step forward, blocking her path forward. “Excuse me...Miss...Teres Wratherton?” he asked hesitantly before plastering on an all too fake smile. “My name is Nico. Nico Regale. May I have a moment of your time?” He sounded polite enough, though he was just hoping this would go over smoothly. He didn't need trouble on his first mission for the boss. That just wouldn't do. He needed things to go smoothly.
Nevin followed the group silently, keeping his eyes on the cliff above them. The Grimm had looked like a lizard. Many lizards were known to be able to crawl along the walls. It was a troubling prospect, but he didn't believe the group safe just because they had made for the path. It would most likely either be that or...

His thoughts were interrupted by the Nevermore's attack, stopping their advance just before a shadow overcame them, the beast gliding down from the cliff.

Gliding...right. That was the other thing some lizards could do. The boy let out a sigh, stepping ahead of the group as his hands went to his swords, drawing them for the first time during the test. They were an odd shape, a half circle bending near the base before straightening into a point, opposite matches of each other. He would need to take this seriously now. He couldn't afford to hold back against the Basilisk. Lightning crackled up from his fist and along the right blade, a small spark of flame erupting from the small half circle of the left blade.

Taking his position in front of the group of seven other students, he grinned a bit. “There's no real helping it at this point,” he stated, instantly taking charge without even truly realizing it. “I can't extend my Semblance any farther than I already have. It fights using its claws, teeth, tail, and tongue, but there's nothing really special about it besides that.” He let out a small sigh as he realized the flaw he had, despite starting this. “I don't really know your weapon types, but I can get the gist of most of them. Abel, Felix, Randy, Amalger, and I will take the front. We're all mainly close ranged fighters, from what I've seen. Aurelia, Gwyn, and Enyo, give us cover.” Despite Gwyn's halberd, his connection was feeding through what she was capable of. She had more use here at range than she did up close, with this many melee fighters.

“Our goal here should be to overwhelm it with pure numbers. None of us are weak. Together, we can take it. Abel, Aurelia, Gwyn, and I are connected by my Semblance. If one of us sees you the other team in trouble, the other three of us will know and can act accordingly. Try to get around it. If we can take it from various sides, it'll be torn on how to fight us with blows coming from every direction. Just be wary of where it attacks from, particularly the tongue and tail.” Glancing back towards Gwyn, Enyo, and Aurelia, he offered another grin. “Our support should help with the distractions. This thing won't be easy, but I doubt it can take all eight of us.”

With that said, he turned his attention back to the Basilisk, tightening his grip on his swords and waiting for the others to get ready. He couldn't take it alone, but after fighting it briefly, he was sure the eight of them could do it. He just needed an opening and he'd pierce through the bastard.
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