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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 12 days ago

In theory the fact that the Basilisk could glide should not have been that much of a surprise. Then again, knowing a theory and actually seeing said theory play through in reality had a tendency to surprise anyone. Aurelia found her jaw dropping as she watched it just fly on over to them. Glide, not fly, but the fact that it could do that was just...unsettling. Perhaps because now it resembled more of a giant bug than anything else? She wrinkled her nose in clear distaste, though eyed it rather wearily. There was not getting out of this without a fight, was there? As if to confirm her suspicions, Nevin would step forward. He would give them the battle plan, so to speak, and she was delegated to covering the melee group. That wouldn't be a problem at all. She tapped Rampion's head against her foot, listening for the powdered Dust shake inside. She hadn't used too much of it (preservation was her kind of thing) so in essence she was free to go wild. She swung it over her head and grasped it with both hands, taking her stance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 3 days ago

-The Bridge-

"OK, but our angles will be limited. We can't get behind it, it's completely blocking the bridge," Randy replied to Nevin. The ranged fighters could get a wide angle from the left or right of the rock shelf, but anyone who ventured toward the bridge to fight it up close would be forced to make a frontal assault. Other than that, his plan, as basic as it was at the moment, seemed sound enough. She was't sure of what his semblance was, but she recalled a moment before where it felt like some invisible force had been trying to crawl in her head before abruptly leaving. Well, she'd just have to trust him and assume it worked like he said it did.

Well, it was time to get dirty she supposed. She reached up and pressed a switch on the side of her helmet and suddenly with a series of clicks and whirs her armor plates began rearranging themselves and sliding into place until only her chin and lips were left exposed.

"I probably have the best defense, so I'll try and keep its attention on me I suppose. I'm not as slow as I look, so I'm not too worried about getting caught..." That's what she said, but her voice was a little shaky. It was hard to be brave in front of the basilisk, but she was doing her best.

"Eh, well, if it gets too handsy we'll just have to give it a good smacking," Amalger said, stepping forward to stand next to her. He too slid his blast mask down over his face. There was no room for holding back at this point. Felix just silently stepped forth to join them, his weapon extending into its pole-arm from, the front sight sliding on rails to the end of, taking its place on top of the bottom barrel that had become the front end of the weapon.

"Can we hurry up, I'd like to win or die as soon as possible. This isn't exactly fun," Enyo called from the rear of the group.

"Easy for you to say," Randy muttered to herself. Enyo didn't have to tackled the basilisk head-on. "Fine then, let's go!" She took a deep breath, and then just charged straight at it, hoping that the rest of the group would follow through and be right behind her. With her left gauntlet, she left it in auto-cannon mode and opened fire, the bullets mostly harmlessly bouncing off its skull-plate. It roared as the battle began and opened its mouth as she got close, but she suddenly fired a grappling hook from her under-barrel launcher and hooked the back of its head plate and took to the air above it.

Once above it she reeled herself it, aiming to strike straight down at its neck. Once she was falling in the right direction, she activated her semblance, making her armor as heavy as possible. She fell like a stone, and struck its neck, right behind the skull plate, with her right gauntlet. The beast staggered from the impact, but her blade barely cut it at all. Its scaly skin much have been nearly as hard as its bone armor. She grit her teeth and turned her semblance off, as she herself was nearly immobile when she made her armor that heavy.

The basilisk had then recovered from the impact an began to thrash violently to dislodge her. She was beginning to panic, not sure how she was to escape at this point.

"Hey, do that thing with the hook again!" she heard Amalger shout, his deep voice quite loud and audible even over the basilisks angry screeching. She looked and saw him extend his hammer-sword and hold it so it was pointing up. She quickly figured out what he was doing and, taking another deep breath, did her best to steady herself and jumped off the basilisk while aiming her grappling hook. It hit, wrapping around his weapon. She this time did the reverse, making her armor lighter as she pulled herself safely off the basilisk.

The beast took a step, aiming to retaliate, but suddenly and arrow hit, though failed to even chip, its head... before exploding into a shower of flames. It was unharmed, but momentarily blind.

Felix set his feet, ready to charge, and then looked to Nevin.

"L-let's go!" Felix finally spoke, and then took off. He was much braver with his weapon in hand, but the basilisk made even that courage falter. However, it was disoriented from the flames. He hoped Nevin would figure out what he was doing. Felix needn't worry, because Randy did.

"Hey, Nevin, hit its right leg!" Randy called out, having unhooked herself from Amalger. "And you," she said to Amalger. "Get ready to pound that thing after they hit it. We can't let it pick a target!" His weapon looked much more capable of landing heavy blows without risky acrobatics like she'd resorted to.

"Against something that big, I'll need help. You ready big guy?" Amalger looked at Abel. If they both hit it at the same time, it would be sure to feel it... he hoped.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

As Randy shot, propelled by her grappling hook, toward the monstrous Grimm, Abel jolted. His first instinct was to join her attack and help her, even though they were on different teams, but his logic kicked in quickly enough. Without any sort of mobility except for his own legs, there was no hope of catching up to her. He marveled briefly at the strength of a grappling line that could hoist a girl in all that armor so quickly. Besides, he reasoned, she seemed confident that she could take the basilisk, even though she was a girl. Abel watched, Ampere at the ready, as she drove her weight upon it. As he had guessed, it didn't do much to the beast, and now she was in grave danger.

Luckily, it seemed that her teammate had it all figured out. With her retreat covered by a deluge of searing sparks, Randy got away wound-free. While that was good, Abel mentally bemoaned the fact that they'd need dozens such miracles to escape this kerfuffle unscathed.

The jackhammer-toting guy, after receiving orders from Randy, turned to Abel. He blinked confusedly; was it already time for everyone to start yelling and running at the basilisk? Over the growls of the Grimm, Abel listened to the other boy as best he could. “Yeah, sure. You lead, maybe punch a hole with your thingie there. I can drive my blade deep into whatever you open up.” He tensed himself to run.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Nevin gave a nod, the lightning cackling in his fist as he shot off. His blades struck the leg, an explosion erupting as it hit. While his blades barely cut the skin of the beast, he at least managed to push it a bit against the rock bridge. He didn't stay in one place for long, though, shooting back into the air and slamming down once more into its back, trying to shove it to its belly, hoping to give Abel and Amalger and easier target. Using his connection, he understood the plan the boy had been told. Also, using the connection, though, he related an adjustment to that plan.

Aurelia's cannon shot could be enough to stun it momentarily, if not weaken the plating on its face even more. “Enyo! Blind it again!” He twisted as he jumped, shooting into the air with lightning as he clear off its back and dropped again by the Basilisk's right foot.

This time, though, he pulled out a small gem from the pouch at his waist, the orb shimmering blue. He tossed it ahead of himself, swinging out with his blade to slice it open. The gem's Dust shot forth, ice striking the Basilisk's leg and freezing it solid. Unlike most results concerning Dust, his sword was untouched, another added benefit of his gifted weapons. Unes and Duo would be able to handle any side effects from Dust related magic due to the enchantments placed upon the blade. Not only that, they could use the Dust for their own attacks quite nicely in this state.

Before a retaliation could come, he shot back, leaving an opening for his allies to strike at it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasquedMartyr


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gwyn tried to take into account the attacks of the others while also reacting in a timely manner herself. She watched as the others prepared to attack themselves and aimed the blade at the tip of her weapon towards the Basilisk. She fired off the chakram-like boomerang, immediately latching her eyes onto the spinning object as it propelled it's way towards the serpentine creature's face. The boomerang appeared to divide in two and split itself into a pair of identical boomerangs. The chakram divided three more times, creating a total of five.

The boomerangs began to move towards the areas that Nevin had indicated the Basilisk used to attack. One continued spinning towards the face; more specifically, the mouth area. A second one targeted on the tail while the remaining three began moving towards the Basilisk's claws. There was a hope of injury sustained to the serpent on her part, but distracting it so at least one of the others could land a hit was something that she hoped for as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 3 days ago

-The Bridge-

The beast proved far too heavy to be moved, even under Nevin's relentless attacks. It was clearly quite upset though, and looked ready to tear his head off, not that it could reach the boy on its back. However, it found a new target. Ignoring Nevin as if he was little more than a fly, the basilisk found an easier pest. Felix, unable to travel like a lightning bolt, had arrived second despite departing first.

He reached its leg and speared his weapon straight forward, hoping a penetrating blow might pierce farther through its thick hide. If it did, it was hard to tell. The blade made it less than an inch into the creatures left leg. Felix's eyes went wide when he realized he was now stuck there, and hadn't even accomplished anything noteworthy.

"I get it!" Enyo shouted back, obeying Nevin's orders, though less than gracefully. That said, her aim was pretty much perfect, her arrow hitting it in what could have counted for a forehead. The flames spilled over its head, but it didn't slow it nearly as much as before. It just turned its head away, fixing its two lefts eyes on Felix while closing its right eyes. For a moment, it was effectively blind to everything but Felix... which initially seemed quite bad for Felix.

Felix fired his weapon, the recoil tearing it free from the basilisk's leg. He kept the momentum going and swung at its head, but the blade bounced off. The basilisk took a step back and parted its jaws, but suddenly it lost all balance and turned away from him quickly, opening all its eyes again. Its right leg was now encased in a block of ice. Felix took the chance and ran before it could try to eat him again, and Amalger replaced him.

The beast, unable to move much now, could only sort of duck low as Gwyn's blades struck at it, trying to limit what they hit. This also made the beast made an easy target for Amalger, even if the blade's themselves did little themselves. That said, it had four eyes and could still see him coming. It simply tilted its head just enough so that it only exposed the bony plate. It was now a terrible angle and Amalger's weapon struck only a glancing blow, most of the impact lost as the weapon slid across the bone. The basilisk then bucked its head and tossed Amalger from his feet. It didn't seem to care that its leg was frozen any more, it still had three.

It took a step back forward, and opened its mouth to scoop Amalger up and devour him. That said, its mouth was probably the least armored part of its body...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 12 days ago

For the moment, Aurelia would study the beast very carefully. Everyone's attacks seemed to have been working together wonderfully, though for one reason or another she had found herself somewhat hesitating. The initial concern of hers had been that since everyone was moving around, she was afraid that she may accidentally end up either lighting someone on fire, electrocuting them, freezing them in place...Her hesitance would show as she would aim to fire, only to stop and just stare. She couldn't just sit there and do nothing, though. An opening had to come up sooner or later, right?

Wait for it.

Aurelia let Rampion's cannon drop down to the ground, though she would then decide to amp up her attack. As soon as the decision was made the girl would concentrate and filter more Dust. The charge up may have been slightly longer than usual, but she knew that at any second now a chance would come. She just needed to be ready for it. Taking in a deep breath, she would keep her eyes solely on the enemy. Making sure that the Dust element had been an electrical one, she felt it course through the jewel as it charged. She would amp it up, sparks of electricity coming around her weapon.

Wait for it.

Rampion was pretty heavy with Dust at this point. She would struggle slightly just to lift it back up in the air, and even then her arms were shaking just to keep it up. Still, she knew that at any second that time would come so she would force herself to take aim. Any moment now...and the chance came at last.


Like the first star twinkling in the night, Aurelia spotted it. Perhaps not the best comparison, but that was the thought that went through her head and she was sticking to it. Aurelia fired off the shot and it zipped through the air like a shooting star (what was it with her and stars right now). The initial blast looked like a giant ball of light surrounded by several bolts of lightning, though it may have been hard to see because of its speed. It zipped through and would pretty much blast the creature head on, and this is where the phrase 'eat it' would come to mind. Aurelia herself had gone flying back from the recoil, landing flat on her back rather comically with only an "Eeep!" being heard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

After Amalger's first attack ended up as nothing more than an annoyance, Abel's morale dropped significantly, even though the creature was temporarily immobilized thanks to the ice coating one of its legs. How could they beat this monster if they couldn't even hit it? His hopes flared up again, however, when Amalger's fumble opened up a new opportunity. Having switched the Ampere to staff mode after Amalger demonstrated a physical attack would be near useless, he found himself in prime position when the basilisk opened its beaklike maw wide to feast on him. Aiming at its thick, glistening crimson tongue, Abel activated his semblance and let loose a lightening bolt into the Grimm's gullet. The brilliant azure arc narrowly avoiding grounding through Amalger instead; Abel thanked his lucky stars for that. More importantly, though, he hoped that the heavy voltage would at least inflict enough pain on the beast to make it vulnerable to further exploitation.

He had not, however, been aware that Aurelia had envisioned the same idea. As such, instead of a single burst of agonizing electricity, the basilisk's mouth was faced with two. Abel watched the other lightning blast sail over his head and join his own bolt in the basilisk's maw, then cast a brief glance back to determine its source. Lucky that. Guess she's pretty quick on the draw after all. Of course, the girl being sent ingloriously sprawling from the recoil of her own attack diminished this impression somewhat. Still, it served to partially convince Abel that maybe they had a chance after all. Not waiting to determine how effective the combined assault was on the Grimm, Abel leaned forward and low, extending the Ampere until the blade was just above Amalger's head, and its metal crossguard very visible. "Grab hold!" When the downed boy grabbed the weapon obligingly, Abel yanked mightily, pulling the Ampere back and dragging Amalger with it--out of immediate crushing and disembowling distance. Score two for Fulgurate!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 2 mos ago

The attacks went off beautifully.

The combination of Amphere's lightning surge and Rampion's cannon blast struck the beast's exposed maw, sending a shock into it. Here, it's armored plating couldn't really stop it the blow from hitting. It was, unfortunately, less effective than would have been ideal. It's jaw snapped shut in response, narrowly missing Amalger as the boy was hauled out of the way. The Basilisk pulled back, straining against the ice that encased its leg in the burst of violent rage. It roared in protest against the teams that currently battled against it.

This didn't stop it from trying to attack, though. It opened its mouth once more, it's tongue lashing out. It wasn't accepting the fact that this morsel had been snatched from its mouth and he wasn't going to let the frozen leg stop him. However, Nevin was on the move again, shooting past the two and closing the distance in an instant. The Basilisk saw this coming and hesitated in its attack, wary of its weak point now.

Instead of capitalizing on this, though, Nevin's right sword was jabbed into the ground, skewering the tongue in place. It roared in anger as the appendage was caught. The boy wasn't done with it, however. He vaulted up, using the bony plate on its face as leverage to launch himself into the air. Retrieving two small crystals, one yellow and the other red, he held them tightly, focusing on his powers. Both orbs shattered, flame and lightning engulfing his form momentarily. Like a meteor, he shot downward, his other sword crashing into the rocky bridge, straight threw the beast's tongue.

Another roar rocked the group as it reared back, its violent response to the pain finally being enough to shatter the ice that encased its leg. It backed up two steps before lowering its head and glaring down the group in question, wary after having one of its means of attacking taken away from it.

For his part, Nevin drew out his second sword again, flipping it in his hand as the flames and lightning shed away from his skin. There were a few light burns on his skin, nothing drastic but enough to question if the results warranted such an attack. He didn't seem to notice them, though, holding his swords ready. “We can't break through the bone,” he stated. “Enyo, Gwyn! Aim for its eyes!” He glanced towards the other melee focused members of their group. “We need to keep the thing focused on us. It'll shield the tender portions of its body if it realizes our intent. If we can blind it, though, we might be able to get it off this bridge entirely.”

He didn't voice the rest of his plan, but he knew the link would provide enough detail. Aurelia's attacks were bigger, more explosive. She would do better to capitalize on its exposed mouth if it roared again. He hoped that much would go through at least. He felt himself starting to push himself too far. The link was being maintained far longer than he was used to, not to mention with this many people involved. Other psyches were starting to weigh more heavily in his mind, making it harder for him to think clearly...to fight efficiently. The stupid lapse in control was enough proof of that, the fire trailing too close to his skin.

He needed to finish this, though. If they didn't stand together, they had no chance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
Avatar of Lugubrious

Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Seeing the beast bellow in rage after taking the full combined force of his and Aurelia's lightning afforded Abel some degree of satisfaction, but he knew there would be no time to celebrate until the thing was dead. When the basilisk's tongue lolled out, Abel considered attacking it, but it was Nevin who took the initiative and showed him up. With equal parts flame and electricity, Nevin unleashed a brutal attack against the monster's tongue while Abel watched, increasingly worried that he wasn't doing enough. Wondering how best he could help, he weathered the basilisk's skull-rattling roars and waited for an opportunity.

He didn't pick up on Nevin's glance, but the other boy's words and semblance communicated what needed to be done fairly effectively. “Alright,” he muttered, sweeping over the Grimm with his eyes in search for points of attack. “Time to show what a guardian can do.” Abel took three running steps forward before springing off the ground, sending him into the air. Immediately the beast's eyes locked onto him, and while those four wrathful red orbs were his ultimate target, he knew that the basilisk wouldn't stand by and let that happen. Just as he anticipated, it raised a clawed arm and swung it him with near-terrifying speed and force. Abel twisted as best he could and brought the Ampere down in an overhead smash to try and bounce off the limb. Instead, his legs took most of the brunt, and the guardian was sent spinning to the earth.

Abel hacked violently. While the air had been knocked from his lungs by his sudden re-acquaintance with the ground, he was more angry than hurt. Activating his semblance, he released his hold on the Ampere, and the weapon floated in the air suspended by an electric link. Controlling his polearm remotely, Abel swung an arm, and the Ampere followed suit. It cut a wide swath through the air, raking across the creature's armpit, but the arc of its path also brought it close to Nevin. When Abel triggered his semblance to bring the Ampere back into his hand, Nevin unfortunately stood right in his path, and his legs were thrown out from under him by the Ampere's shaft.

The tug on the electric connection between Abel's hand and his weapon caused him to look his comrade's way. “Whoops,” he said, too focused on returning his weapon to apologize.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasquedMartyr


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It was unlike Gwyn to freeze up in battle. She usually reacted in a fluid manner, and did what felt natural to her. There were too many factors involved that distracted her and caused her to zone out. There were so many people before her. While it was true that her weapon and abilities made her more useful as a distanced fighter, she wasn't used to having seven allies. To make matters worst, the vast majority were in front of her. She couldn't charge in recklessly and use her weapon without possibly getting in someone's way, or worse. The chances that she would injure one of her comrades was too great a risk for her to take.

The Faunus stood like a deer caught in the headlights, or a sheep even. She didn't really process what was going on around her. The circular boomerangs clattered to the ground somewhere between her and the Basilisk as her concentration with her Semblance was broken. The copies of the original began to dissipate as she stared ahead, unfocused.

Moreover, Gwyn wasn't used to teamwork of any kind. Even a partnership between two people was a bit of a stretch for her. Taking direction from others wasn't something she was used to, and Nevin' Semblance only proved to distract her from what she should be doing. How was she supposed to deal with the not-so-subtle nudges that indicated to her what everyone else was doing? She didn't want to think about what the others were doing. His Semblance made her head ache, and started making her feel nauseous.

Gwyn's ears suddenly perked when she heard her name, and seemed enough to bring her out of her reverie as she focused on the verbal command.

Aim for the eyes.

She gripped Rhewlif more firmly and returned the boomerang to it's former location. She powered the boomerang up with the Dust inside of the weapon before using her Semblance to create a new set of copies. She duplicated the same number as before, creating a total of five in all. The original was the only one entwined with the ice-like Dust, however. The extra Chakrams hovered beside her weapon, two on each side.

When Gwyn fired off the boomerang of her weapon toward the Basilisk's face, she sent all five after it simultaneously. Each of the Chakrams were spaced apart at different intervals as she directed them forward. She hoped to distract the Basilisk at best, but also hoped one of them would catch the Grimm's face somehow.

The Basilisk managed to dodge her original, and swatted away three of her copies. He turned his face to avoid contact with his eyes in the process. It was almost as though it had managed to decipher Nevin's words. It was more likely that it naturally reacted in a way to avoid damage to the eyes. The final copy manage to strike the Basilisk's cheek, but there was no evidence of any damage inflicted by her.
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