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  • Old Guild Username: RyuHll
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Okay, we'll start up once you post your CS.
Not that I can think of. Would you like to just begin? Do you mind starting us off?
That was what I was thinking. If he does have a fully demonic form, it'd only come out then, in dire circumstances. In the human world, I'd only have him use the half form, probably, at most.
I've been leaning towards the Western style as well. Personally, for my demons and angels, I've always enjoyed the idea that their full potential can't be reached in the human world. It's connected to their true body, in Hell or in Heaven. So, a demon is born a monstrosity, but to fit in, he crafts a body to use in the human world. At the expense of his true strength, he blends in. So, really, the monstrous body won't come into play, most likely. Or, if it does, I can tone back how it looks a little bit. He'd mostly stay with the first two during the RP.

Hell, not even ssure if his back story is cemented in yet. He may not even have that form. xD
Sorry. Was just finishing up the character sheet, looking for pictures for him. I got held up with a few things with work and house projects. Should have said something, though. ^^; Have the character up now, though. Let me know what you think. I can adjust it if it isn't to your liking. Wasn't sure how you pictured demons to be, but I figured a human form would be illusionary or just part of their powers. Figured they would have a more natural form that gives them more powerful, more traditionally demonic. Also, for the age, I was also assuming he'd be around for a while if he had the Mark of Cain. Young for a demon, but still ancient.

Also, just as a side note, no need to tag me. It brings up the little notification thing, but I have my subscribed threads opened in another tab pretty much all the time so I don't miss posts.

Human Form

Half Demon Form

Demon Form

Age: 300+; appears to be 20

Powers: Superhuman strength; superhuman speed; transformation (either into a half-demonic state or a fully demonic form); can create illusions
Alright, that's fine. I'll get to work on my character sheet. Is there anything else we need to start?
Okay. I had an idea for his backstory and his motives. Would you like me to run them by you or just surprise you with the plot?

Btw, at work, on my phone. Nor ignoring the character sheet. Just waiting til I'm back on my laptop to do it. Lol
Okay, interesting. What are your thoughts on half demon? Human and demon mix? Wasn't sure how much flexibility I had it if you wanted him specifically as a full demon.
Okay. So the Mark of Cain is on my demon. So, new questions. Was it passed on or is he the first killer? Also, is the Mark passed on forcefully or need consent from the other party?
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