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Sorry if I took liberties with the setting for the dark elves. Figured they would have adapted to near pitch black darkness. If you had something else in mind for them, I can change it.
Forest green eyes met orange hued in the darkness that surrounded them. The young man cocked his head to the side curiously. He hadn't expected to see another person in these cells. It was hard for his eyes to adjust to the surrounding darkness, but he could vaguely make out her shape from the other side of the bars. The faint torch light every so often was no where near proficient for seeing in this dim setting...but he supposed that living down here had helped the drow to evolve their eye sight. Elves had always had superior eye sight, seeing further into the distance than most other creatures, but the underground setting was always a weakness for them. It made sense, though, that the elves that deemed it appropriate to stay underground would eventually be able to see well enough down here.

It would prove to be an excellent defense mechanism too. Talid couldn't see for the life of him. He was lucky to make out these vague shapes. After a moment to register, he lifted his hand up slowly in a wave. "Oh...hi..." he said softly. "I didn't think I'd see anyone else down in these cells...what're you in for?" He wasn't sure what the rules were down here, but he figured he could learn something about them while he had someone to talk to.
A rough thud broke the silence of the tunnels as two dark skinned drow shoved a young elf into the rock wall. "We'll ask you again. What were you doing near the surface?" one of the drow asked. He was a large man, heavy set. Clearly one of the guards of this settlement. He was a guard. Luckily, he also picked up on these two being a bit...dimwitted, for lack of a better term. A little mud, some grime from the caverns, and they were mistaken their captive for one of them.

Talid wasn't going to complain. This made things simple. Easiest way in would be through disguise. "Ah...I was...uh...I just wanted to see the outside," he said meekly, scratching his head. Luckily for him, the grime had also messed up his hair. While it seemed that the lighter hair was the norm for drow, his two captive each having a head of icy white hair, his hair was a chestnut brown, common among the forest elves.

The second guard just sighed in frustration. "Let's just take him to a cell. A night out there should scare him right," the smaller man stated. While his form was just as stout as his companion, he was shorter. Two musclebound lugs. It made this whole infiltration business a lot easier.

He didn't say a word, bowing his head in defeat as the two hauled him to his feet. He wasn't given much of a choice as the direction they went in, the young elf being dragged with purpose. It took no time at all for the three to enter a small corridor where few others were held captive. It only seemed to contain one other prisoner, her hair much more vibrant than the others. Opening a cage across from the girl, Talid was thrown in, crashing to the ground roughly as they shut the door, the small drow locking him inside. The two departed soon after, leaving the elf to his fate. He expected not to see those two again until the following day, if their talk was anything to guess about.

Talid groaned as he rolled over. "Gah. Could have been a little gentler there..." he muttered to himself, sitting up and rubbing his head, checking for blood from his hard crash to the rocky floor.
Name: Talid Shysi

Age: 25+, unaging


Bio: Talid was born to the forest elves after the elves had split into forest and dark elves. His life was an uneventful one, taught the traditional history of the elves. The former king, and god, Inioch leads the dark elves away from their former queen, and goddess, Elwyn. He was taught to stay away from them, given their violent tendencies and dark habits. He never knew exactly what those were in his earlier years, but he accepted it without question. Why wouldn't he? Everyone else did.

That was, until he was about 14. He met an elder who didn't fully dislike the dark elves. On the contrary, he was saddened by their separation. They were enraged by the human cruelty and acted rashly. Under this elder's tutelage, he learned about how life was before the separation and broadened his thoughts on the subject. By the time he was 18, he was trying to do his own research on the subject, working closely with this elder to do so. He grew interested enough that he thought he could bring this up with their village leader. The one thing he lacked in all of his research was an actual drow to talk to. Yet, he was advised not to by the elder, urging him to keep his research secret.

That lasted until he was 22. The elder passed and Talid decided to forgo the warnings, bringing all of his research to light. None of the elves took kindly to this. He was branded a traitor and a threat to the forest's order. His name was branded as Talid Dhaerow, the Elven word for traitor. Talid would not have that and announced his name as Talid Shysi, branding himself with the forest elves' insult for the drow. Disgusted with the man, no one would speak with him. He was cast out from the forest elves' society.

Not that he cared. This gave him the opportunity to expand on his research. Packing what he could, he left the village in search of the dark elves.
Hello, all. I've recently been wanting to expand my load of roleplays, so thought I'd fix up an interest check and see what attention I can get. To start off, I'm a 23 year old male RPer. I tend to lean towards male characters as my main, but I am open to doubling up. Honestly, I typically double up anyway since most stories need NPCs somewhere in there. So, I'm not strictly looking for male or female partners. I don't do MxM romances, simply because I don't believe I portray it that well. I am opening to having two male leads, though, as a kind of brother relationship rather than a romantic one. Finally, I typically write at a casual to advanced level. I give what I get, but I want at least two paragraphs. So...yeah. Not too many limitations on what I want out of an RPer.

So, without further adieu, I'll get on with my plots. I've separated them into original and fandoms. So, whatever strikes your fancy, let me know. Hope to hear from you guys soon. Just shoot me a PM or leave a message here.




Yuki Kaguya, No.11 Houkatori, & No.88 Yajuu.

Yajuu offered a shrug. "You seem to like making a lot of assumptions of me, Yuki," he stated, slowly gettin to his feet of his own volition. "You should know that I don't particularly care for this work any more than you care for having surveilence placed on you. I'm just doing what I'm told."

Just doing what you're told...yeah, Yuki couldn't help echoing that sarcastically in her head. Dammit, forget about the potential of being her...'eye candy' - she now felt increasingly pissed at him the more he got on her nerves. (She simply refused to admit that he poked most of her weaknesses spot-on.)

After unlocking the door she held it open for him, somewhat fidgety as she tried to find the right words to voice out her little request. "Uh... It's not like I hate you or I'm trying to treat you badly or anything..." She trailed off and coughed awkwardly before continuing on, "Well, it would be great if you could help to grab something from the grocery nearby, so that I can make some dinner." She paused, then finished with a rush, "Don't worry, I will prepare your share too." Even if he was here under survillance orders, it's not like he had actually harmed them in any way - and she wasn't that horrible to starve someone who had technically done nothing wrong.

Yajuu walked to the door and offered a shrug in response to her request. He didn't expect her to really care about his orders. As far as they were concerned, he was still a government dog, regardless of the circumstances. He wasn't going to fight it. "Will do," he replied. "I'll be back in a little while then. Is there anything in particular you want me to pick up for you two?"

Yuki thought for a second before she grinned for the first time ever since she had arrived in this city. "How about curry rice then?"

Yajuu offered a nod. "Sounds good. I'll be back in a little while then," he stated with a small wave. He moved out from the doorway, shutting it behind him and letting out a small sigh. He hoped he didn't just become their errand boy during all of this. He understood their apprehension, but...it was just his job. He didn't have a choice in any of this.

With a defeated sigh, he began to walk down the hallway, towards the stairs to the street.

Inside, Houka let out a small breath. She had been barely containing her sharp retorts in response to everything going on. "We could leave. Without him knowing," she said quickly. "I don't trust them. They want something from us."

Yuki had took off her skirt and was beginning to unbutton her blouse. "...Do you actually think we can leave like this so easily?" As she slipped the white shirt off her shoulders, she turned around to face the brunette. "It's true that I know very very little about Project S2 other than the name itself and also people like you who are called Sekirei, but you can't expect the higher-ups to buy the truth without any suspicions at all, can you?

"Trust isn't something you can simply demand from others to hand it to you - you have to earn it yourself." With that, she gathered up her clothes and walked towards the bathroom. "Want to bathe together, Houka?"

As the woman began to undress, Houkatori found her face warming rapidly at the sight. Her eyes averted instantly, mentally berating herself for such a reaction. She had felt strange around Yuki for a while now and, while this wouldn't have been the first time, she had come to feel embarrassed over these slight incidents. "Why do we need their trust?" she asked quietly, still resenting the idea of being under watch by the government.

At her offer, Houka started to nod. She would, in fact, like that very much, as much as she would rather deny that fact than embarrass herself so. However, she froze before she could bring herself to voice her acceptance.

A gunshot - though suppressed with a silencer - rang out from the street. It was close.

"Wait here," Houka ordered without an explanation. She moved to and out the door swiftly, not even bothering to close the door behind her.

Hikari Mino, No.49 Nagisa, & No.88 Yajuu.

Hikari raised an eyebrow as she put the pudding away, opting for more of the ramen. She was very...compliant? Was that even the right word? She seemed to change her mind rather easily to his prompting. "Yeah...it should be," he replied, scratching the back of his head. "Well, I guess this is fine. Here." He grabbed the container of yaki pudding, adding it to the pile. "We'll take it for dessert, if you're still hungry."

Nagisa's face brightened up - even though it was just a little - when her master picked up the pudding from the freezer. She continued to eye the small cup as the pair turned around and walked back towards the front door area.

He took it all up to the counter, letting the employee ring it up and bag it. He ignored what he felt were judging eyes as the cash register saw him with this attractive woman, buying instant ramen for dinner. He hadn't known what other choices to go with. She didn't seem to have much of an opinion towards any of it. It was the only thing he could think of for something quick and easy with that in mind. Hopefully she'd like it. He felt his anxiety spike again at the thought.

Why am I worrying so much. I'm paying for all of it, Hikari thought to himself as he paid the employee. Being offered the bag back, he took it and thanked them before turning to leave with Nagisa.

"Alright. My place isn't too far from here. I can heat these up and we can eat there." He began walking again, heading towards the apartment complex coming into view.

Nagisa nodded, but she wasn't really listening to him - her mind was still on the weird expression on the cashier's face back at the store. "Hikari, are 'military-grade rifles' a rare sight among the people here?" She slipped off the gun from her shoulder, running a finger down the sleek, long barrel.

"By the way, this is an AR-30 Target Rifle," she said, then glanced around to see a schoolgirl in a sailor uniform scrambling off in fright when she met her eyes. "I guess Hikari does not like this gun also when I greeted you with it just now. What kind of rifles would you suggest instead?"

Hikari looked at her at the question, his own look becoming questioning. Did she really think it was okay to just walk around with a rifle? "Uh...no rifle is preferable," he replied slowly. "No one carries around weapons normally. You're going to get weird looks walking around like that. People think you're...dangerous." He had come to terms with the fact that she probably wouldn't turn that gun on him...but most people just saw a girl with a rifle. "It scares people."

Nagisa tilted her head slightly, a sign that she was somewhat confused at Hikari's stuttering. "...Is that so?" Her brows furrowed a little - She didn't say another word as they continued the walk to the young man's apartment...

...When she felt her Core contracting within her, sensing the presence of one - no, two - Sekirei nearby, though the reaction was faint. She shifted the rifle she had in her arms and took a cautious, defensive posture while rushing before Hikari, her eyes narrowed, wary. "Please stay close behind me," she ordered in a quiet but firm tone. She couldn't help feeling a slight anxiety rising in her chest.

Has the 'game' already began?

Hikari glanced towards her curiously. What was all of this about? She seemed on edge. Without thinking about it, he stepped back, letting her take the lead. "What...what's wrong?" he asked softly. They were standing at the foot of the stairs to his apartment. What could possibly be wrong here? She was acting like she was ready to make use of that gun now, but what could scare her that easily?

Just as that thought passed his mind, footsteps distracted him. A young blond man was descending the stairs. Other than his hair color, nothing really stood out about the man, wearing a black and red sweatshirt and black jeans. The hard look in his eye only served to worry the boy, though, as he glanced from him to his companion. Nagisa instinctively raised the rifle and pointed the barrel at the stranger, her finger poised readily on the trigger. This is the worst possible time and place to encounter an enemy.

"Interesting," Yajuu spoke up. "I didn't think I'd meet another one so soon. Small world." A grin came to his face, but Hikari felt the pit in his stomach deepen. It wasn't a playful grin that would be normal, but a predatory one. "You don't do a good job of hiding, do you, girl?"

Nagisa did not reply; she simply narrowed her eyes at him, preparing herself for any sudden attack from the blond man before them.

"What do you want?" Hikari asked, cutting off further inquiry. He spoke as if he knew what Nagisa was. If that was the case...he must be involved as well. The question still remained, though. Was he a Sekirei or an Ashikabi? The boy couldn't tell.

Yajuu looked to the boy with a bored expression. "To meet my competition, clearly," he stated, stepping forward, towards Nagisa. On instinct, Hikari matched his step, but the man moved quickly immediately afterwards. A quick jab landed on the boy's stomach, doubling him over. This was followed by a downward swing, sending him crashing to the ground.

Hikari was left stunned as he hit the ground. The other man hit hard. Harder than he had thought possible from a human. Definitely a Sekirei...but, holy crap, that hurt. What the hell had he gotten himself into? "You shouldn't move so quickly around a potential enemy," Yajuu warned, holding his hands up and stepping away from Nagisa's threat of retaliation.

"Hikari!" Nagisa gasped, scolding herself inwardly for her incompetence - didn't she just swore to protect him at all cost? They were clearly at a disadvantage: her weapon wasn't made for close quarters combat, but she didn't have any other options right now. While the assaulter's attention was on her master (and she made sure Hikari was still behind her), she took a quick and careful aim at the stranger - and she pulled the trigger.

Yajuu stepped back, swaying away and letting the shot sail past him harmlessly. With one hand, he grabbed the barrel of the gun and pointed it away from himself before the petite girl could regain her stance. Nagisa tensed up but she did not attempt to tug the rifle out of the stranger's hand - she knew full well that she had no chance of winning against this man, not in this situation. Hikari's safety was way more important than killing the opponent before her at the moment. Certain that the stranger didn't appear to have any intention of harming them further she relaxed, but her emotionless eyes were still trained unblinkingly on him.

"Smarter than you look," Yajuu stated. "If I wanted to take you out, it'd be too easy. Especially with that weak Ashikabi." He stepped away, releasing her gun. He was confident that his reflexes would be enough to handle her. Nagisa slung the rifle behind her back once more, still standing before her fallen master, whom she gave a sideways glance at. "Hikari, are you alright?"

"I'm fine..." the Ashikabi stated softly. He pushed himself up into a sitting position, looking up at the two Sekirei. "Are we done here? I still don't get what you want."

Yajuu laughed. The little Ashikabi was trying to play tough. "A greeting. That's all," he replied with a mocking grin. "We'll be fighting soon enough. Though, I'm not sure I'll be participating quite yet...you have strong competition close to home."

"What do you think you're doing?" The raven haired girl had reached the top of the steps.

This was a lot to take in. He was talking to an alien? And this alien reacted to him? What made him so special to get this woman's attention? He had a lot more questions that just continued to flood him as he thought about it. It just seemed all too unrealistic for his tastes.

However, only one concern left his mouth as he responded to her. “Please. Just Hikari is fine,” he said softly. It was very informal, but...well, if they were fated to be together, who really needed formality? Looking up at the woman curiously, he had to admit. It wouldn't be such a bad thing if that was who he ended up with. She seemed like a nice enough person...well, besides the gun. She was definitely attractive. Would it be that bad to stick around someone like that?

He grimaced as he found himself aligning himself to her way of thinking. Instead of dwelling on it, though, he simple lowered his head, looking at the ground to hide the tinge of red that had entered his cheeks. He did find himself chuckle lightly at the grumble from her stomach, though. “Yes. That would be,” he replied. “Come on. We'll find you something to eat, alright? Is there anything you'd like in particular? I...don't really know what extraterrestrials like to eat.”

~ ~ ~

#11 – Houkatori

“Ah, Houka, is it?” the man asked with a small grin. “It's nice to make your aquaintence. You must be Yuki. I've heard a lot about you. One of the only researchers able to befriend a Sekirei? It's impressive.” His tone carried a playful edge to it, knowing that this conversation was infuriating the woman before him. Of course, he didn't care. In this situation, he held the power over her. “My name is Yajuu. I'll be working with you during this...vacation they sent you on.”

Houka, predictably, simply grew more angry. “You can leave us alone before I turn you into char,” she growled, a small spark of flames dancing at her fingertips. “I don't know who you think you are, but we don't need the government butting into our lives anymore.”

Yajuu wagged a finger in front of her, his grin fading for a moment. “No, I don't know who you think you are,” he stated. “In any other situation, you two would have been silenced. The higher ups found some use for you. Grow up.” A moment later, his grin returned. “Now, why don't you two come in and get aquainted with our new home.”

Hikari walked past the woman, hoping to put this behind him. Unfortunately, he picked up on the girl following after him. What did she want with him? Of all people, why him? She kept talking about an Ashikabi and her chosen one, but he had no idea what any of that meant. Ignoring the fact that she was walking around with a sniper rifle, none of this was normal and she was acting like this was just supposed to be how it is.

At her question, though, he only had more question. Number 49? She was numbered? More importantly, there were fourty eight more of this type of person? Were they going to come to him too? He hoped not. He was barely keeping his anxiety under control with just her. “I-I'm Hikari,” he said softly. “I still don't know what any of this means...” He let out a small sigh. “Are...are you hungry at all? If you're going to follow me anyway...we can find someplace to talk...I guess.” He scratched the back of his head nervously, unsure of what he should do. He didn't really want this girl with military grade equipment following him home.

Maybe he could set things straight after a real explanation? That's what he'd have to hope for at least.

~ ~ ~

#11 - Houkatori

Houkatori offered a nod. “It seems so. This should be our street coming up,” she replied softly. As the car made its turn down the next road, coming to a line of apartment complexes. While it had been a somewhat pleasant trip for her friend, the raven haired woman had been on edge for the entire ride. She had been unable to relax.

As she took in the sight of their soon-to-be apartment, she found her fears warranted.

The car slowed to a stop as it approached the large brick building, but Houka had quickly forgotten about that, her eyes set on something else. “They sent someone,” she muttered to her companion. “Yuki, stay in the car.” Without a word more, she opened the door and stepped out, slamming it shut behind her. While Yuki had desired to protect the young 'patient' the government had taken in, Houka had wished the same for her newfound friend. The government had a history of sticking their nose with something they should not be involved with. This was going to be just another example of that.

The fiery woman stepped up angrily towards the lone man sitting on the steps of their apartment complex. He wore a loose red jacket, the hood pulled up to obscure his golden blond hair. The material of the jacket looked like it couldn't be any more protective than a shirt, but it was all he wore, exposing his bare chest beneath the folds of it. In addition to that, he wore black sweatpants with sandals to complete the outfit. His dark onyx eyes looked at the clearly angry woman with a mischieviousness, clearly taking the hostility as a joke.

“Why are you here?” Houka demanded.

The man smiled a bit. “Come now, you didn't think your bosses were going to just let you go on this vacation without any supervision, did you?” he asked, a playful grin forming on his face. “Now, where are your manners? I think it's only proper that you introduce yourself before demanding questions of a stranger.”

That raised a lot more question. Protect him? Protect him from what? What the hell is a Sekirei? For that matter, what was an Ashikabi? Why did she think that he was one of these...Ashikabi? She had to be crazy. There was nothing special about him. Nothing that would make some random woman with a rifle want to protect him.

However, there was a much more pressing and horrifying question that he had in light of all this. "M-My home? Wh-wh-why?" he stammered out. "I can't. I don't need protecting. It's fine. I think you have the wrong guy." His eyes were wide now, fearful. He didn't like this situation. It was hard enough to talk to her. How was he supposed to deal with her being around his house?

"Ah...eh...I'm sorry you wasted your time, ma'am." He bowed awkwardly, starting to move around her to continue on his way home.

~ ~ ~

#11 - Houkatori

Unfortunately for the Sekirei at Yuki's side, she could not resign to exhaustion as easily. Sure, she was tired, but she had too many concerns to just rest. Yuki was her responsibility now. After hearing of her assignment out in this distant part of Japan, she had insisted on coming along. The government had been hesitant, but she was...persuasive. There was no way she was letting her one friend walk into a trap by those people. She would die before she let Yuki come to harm.

Crossing her arms, Houka leaned back in her seat, thinking of how they met. In a lone laboratory, the raven haired woman going through any and all experiments that those lab coat wearing pricks wanted to put her through. She was a toy to see how far she could be pushed. The only one who came to her aid was...Yuki. She had brought her lunch every day she could find the time to, easing her worries over the experiments. She gave her a reason to keep going with this treatment. Though, of course, she knew Yuki was loyal to the government, Houka couldn't find it in her to trust them. So, when this mission was offered, she insisted to be allowed to go as her Sekirei.

This brought them to their current predicament, the taxi moving along the roads towards the apartment complex that was meant to house the two for now.
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