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I will be reading and reviewing Blink, The Alchemist, Fool's Dilemma, and Shadows of a Kind.

Name: Nathe Ranadil

Nickname: Ran

Gender: Male

Age: 2,532

Physical Description: Dark skin, as is normal amongst his people, as is the snow white hair from not having seen the sun for his entire life. He has more muscle than the typical elf, sacrificing agility for brute strength. Unlike most drow, his eyes aren't the deep red that has come from adapting to the darkness. His eyes were a light yellow, almost golden in color.


Personality: A quiet man of few words. He doesn't like to be the first one to speak, preferring to listen than initiate conversation. Despite that, he has been found to be very vocal when it comes to things that he finds unjust. When it comes to morality, he is very passionate. Other than that, though, he makes it incredibly hard to allow others close to him.

History: Nathe was born to two drow warriors, both training hard to be included in the dark elven army. At least, they did until his mother became pregnant. He was brought up as any drow was, trained in the art of war and taught the horrors of humans and the naivity of the forest elves. The difference between him and the other drow, though, was that the thought never sat right with him. He tried to research on his own, but any books available to him were written by the same prejudice drow that suggested these severe outlooks. So, he had no real luck studying up on the true history.

That was, until he met one of the elders of his sect of dark elves. The man claimed to have been alive during the first great war with the humans. He talked to Nathe about the way the drow used to live, as one of the elves, before they split into dark and forest elves. He explained the drow's concepts and why they chose to leave Elwyn's grace in favor of Inioch's. He also spoke of how he failed to change the drow as he wished to when he left as a brash youngling. It was all very radical, but it aligned with what Nathe had suspected for years.

He spent centuries under this elder's tutelage, learning everything he could about the old life and the forest elves and the humans. He continued to learn until the elder passed on. It was a sad day, the last of the knowledgeable drow having passed. This cemented Nathe's plan of action, though. He adopted a nickname, calling himself Ran and hiding himself from his drow bretheren. He left the cave systems, moving back to the surface. He had learned all he could from speaking with the elder. It was time for him to experience the above world for himself and his lost brothers and sisters that still hid away in the forest.

Weapons: Ran's primary weapon is a longsword and shield. He has a second sword at his side and a dagger tucked away as well, in case he loses one of the primary weapons. His true secondary weapon, though, is a longbow.
I promise I haven't abandoned this. I'm just about finished. I have, unfortunately, been bogged down with work recently and have only had nights to work on it. The problem is, I'm incredibly tired at this point and I want to be able to put my full attention to the RP. Hence, I've skimped on actually finishing the CS. I only have his history left, though. So I'll finish that up tomorrow night and have it in. I'm sorry again for the wait. I didn't expect work to pick up so quickly this week. ^^;
Ah, I see. We never discussed that part. I always pictured the drow as having white hair due to the fact that they haven't seen the sun. Normally, hair color is just how light reflects off the particles that make it up. So, being underground all their lives, they just lose that pigmentation. That's how I always wrote them. I wasn't sure how things were different in your setting with the drow.
Hey. Sorry for the delay. I was distracted with a few things I had to finish up before work tomorrow. I'm working on the CS now, but if I don't finish, I'll have it posted for tomorrow.
Alright. Here's the OOC. I'll get my character sheet up once I have it written out.
Yeah, sure. Go for it.
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