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Mitsuki offered a small shrug in response to that. “I'm a man of the world. I've researched Devil's Fruit to know that anything is possible,” he stated. “Given the fact that this isn't in any book, though...better I saw it than these pirates. Or worse, the marines.” He grimaced. His father would love to find the fruits he had lost. The government had been very proactive of potential powerful Devil Fruit users. That was how the Shichibukai was created afterall.

Unfortunately, this would not be an offered position. This Devil Fruit would be treated differently. “I don't want to be involved, but there is a pretty active marine base here. If you're worried about the wrong eyes seeing that, you should probably cast off soon.” His hand rested on the hilt of his sword, watching the other boy with a bored expression. He had trained himself to mask how he felt. Afterall, that was the only way he could keep his distaste from his father during training. “I take it you're a pirate? You're not a marine. And you're not a local. Very rare that anything else is seen on this island, from what I hear.”
Okay. I figured since Ryu never had a solid training as a warrior, Mitsuki might fill in the preliminary training so he isn't only relying on his fruit's power. I don't know how much you wanted your character to know when it came to fighting, but it sounded like, from your history, he through himself into research rather than training. Only reason I'm offering that thought.
Ah, it's up now. Sorry for the wait. ^^;
Oh, sorry. My thought there is that he knows the concept. He has no training there. He just might show signs of an unrefined version of it. The closest I ever planned him to have was an unrefined version of telling his opponents' movements. Though, that is more due to increased senses from his fruit than Haki itself. He mistakes it for Haki.
Apologies if I kinda streamlined the fight. Figured it would be a good time to end it since Mitsuki didn't want Ryu's secret outed as well.

I also figured, given our history, Mitsuki would be the stronger of the two starting out. He'd know and train towards things that might not be apparent to Ryu, like Haki, since he had a formal teacher for years. The gap will dwindle significantly, of course, but I didn't think this would be too farfetched to begin with. XD

Let me know if you have issues with it, though. I'm happy to work with you on that because I know how easily one can god mod in these types of stories. Don't want to overstep my boundaries.
Mitsuki was distracted as he heard the crash. These men weren't tough. The Marvolo Pirates were a joke. This new entrance, though...he was interesting. A Zoan type too, considering that claw. Possibly stronger than even his form.

Now wasn't the time to marvel, though. "Hey now. Don't forget why we're all here," he stated, sliding into a wife footed stance, sword held at an angle by his head. "Sentou-ryu: Senkou Houchi." What followed was a blinding blur of movement. His sword was out and swinging in an instant.

In a flash, the swordsman appeared outside of the circle of pirates, landing lightly on one foot before planting both down firmly. His sword flashed up, returning to its sheath.

As it fully hid itself away, the effects of his attack was felt. Almost in unison, an explosive force was seen hitting each man who had surrounded him. Yet, no blood was spilled. As they all collapsed in pain, leaving only two men still standing, it was clear what skill he possessed. He had in capacitated most of the pirates with the dull side of his sword, all in an instant.

Though, truth be told, mastery of such skills were only thanks to his increased speed from the Devil's Fruit.

Without waiting for the men to move, he walked over to the captain, reaching down to take his pouch of Beli. They would not need it now. He tossed it towards the door, a surprised woman catching it. "For their meal, and their rudeness, ma'am." He reached into his own pouch, offering a few coins of his own. "Extra as an apology for the blood."

"Th-thank you, sir!" Her reply was hesitant, still in shock over the fight and the man's strength.

Mitsuki turned away, ignoring them for now. "You two. I'd like you to inform the Marines of what transpired here. If you meet any pirates along the way, be sure to tell them the White Tiger will come for them soon. Failure to do so...I don't think I need to finish my threat." Both bowed, pale as sheets, before they ran off towards the marine base.

Arrest would be safer than challenging this swordsman.

With the pirates taken care of, his attention rested on Ryu. "You carry yourself well," he commended. "Sloppy, but that fruit is quite the powerhouse if it's trained right."
Don't know if it's the greatest first post, but there you go. Figured Ryu could enter here. There's still a good number of pirates left since Mitsuki only took out two.
"Who the hell do you think you are?"

A crash was heard in the busy street as a man was thrown through the door of the local bar. He scratched his head of blond hair, crimson eyes staring expectantly at the group of men exiting after him. He brushed off the dust from his white jacket, standing up fully as a bored expression came over his face. There was a rather large group of them, all large and brutish. It wasn't hard to tell they were pirates. Pirates were the only ones who didn't really care about the laws in place. Especially with a marine base so close. He had expected this scum when he set out to sea, but he had hoped to put it off until he found some people to join up with.

"So, what are you going to do about my partner's wrist?" the man in the lead asked. He was a large one, easily twice the size of the blond. A large sword was held in his right hand, placed against his shoulder. It was curved menacingly. It also happened to be twice the length of the sword at the blond's side.

Mitsuki placed a hand on the hilt of his sword lightly. "Well, a pair of handcuffs might look nice. I could say the same for your wrists too," he commented. "There's a nice little marine base nearby I could escort you to."

The pirate captain's eyes narrowed just before he swung his sword for the other man's throat. In a flash, his sword was up, blocking the swing with one arm. He let out a small sigh. "I hoped this would be a bit more challenging." He swung out, shoving the sword away before twisting around and slashing across the man's chest. Blood spewed as the other pirates began to surge towards him. He blocked the first that reached him with his blade again, his foot coming up to block the sword of a second. The sole of sandals he wore let out a clink as the blade was met with metal. With a quick twist, he flipped up into the air and slammed his foot into the man's face. This sent him crashing back into the bar they had just exited, even as Mitsuki landed back on his feet.

The pirates were more cautious now, edging away from the swordsman. They had expected easy prey. It was clear that wasn't what they were getting. "Come on, now. Don't be shy," he said with a small grin. "I want to finish my warm up."
Name: Getsuuga Mitsuki

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Human Appearance

Personality: He is very cool headed, rarely letting people see how he feels. The only time he has ever shown his emotions was when he trusted someone or when something did not align with his morality. He hated injustice, which led to his issues with both the marines and pirates alike.

Fruit: Tora Tora no Mi, Type: Byakko (Legendary Zoan Type)

Powers: Partial Transformation; he can transform parts of his body into that of a white tiger. He is unable to control this well and, thus, can only transform a single part of himself at the moment.

Increased senses; given the senses of a tiger, he is able to see, smell, and hear great distances

Increased physical capabilities; given the prowess and strength of a tiger

Berserk; given that this is a very powerful ability, Mitsuki cannot fully control it. As such, whenever his emotions get out of hand, he loses himself in his rage. A great increase to his strength and abilities are granted to him, but he loses all control of himself and cannot differentiate friend from foe.
Okay, here's the thread. We can post up our characters and add the rest of the crew mates/notable enemies as we progress.
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