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I am soooooo sorry for the wait. Work got me bogged down earlier in the week. This RP must've slipped my mind. ^^;

Anyway, for my post, I figured our two characters would meet here. She could tend to his wounds or bring him back to the village while she was out with her own chores. Whichever you think would be appropriate. I would just imagine that the elves would not care for the drow being so near their home, so keep that in mind.
It was a quiet night, only disturbed by the light rustling of the leaves. Despite the silence, a lone man wandered the dark forest. He was draped in all black leather from head to toe, only a small tuft of white hair poking from the hooded cloak. Two yellow eyes stared out ahead of him. If it weren't for those two features, the man would have faded into the blackness of night. Well, if it wasn't for the red that was trailing him with every step.

A hand clutched his bleeding side tightly as he steadily moved forward. He had to be getting close to the village of the forest elves. He had barely made it this far from the caves that he once called home. He wouldn't last if it was much further. He was growing weaker, though, as the blood dripped from him. The two blades at his side, both sheathed in similar black leather, were weighing on him. It was becoming gradually harder for him to move on through the forest.

With a final gasp of pain, he felt his legs give. His knee crashed to the earth, the first sound the man had made during his journey. He had to be close. He could see the plant life was more diverse here. It would be an ample place to gather herbs, something the elder had told him the forest elves were prone to do.

Struggling to get to his feet, he only served to prove his own weakness with the wounds still plaguing him. He collapsed fully, falling face first into the ground. A groan escaped him as he looked up. The clearing was lightening ever so slowly. He had almost made it to morning. Not that it really mattered now. In his condition, he would be lucky to make it a few hours. His vision began to blur, the blood loss truly taking a toll on him just as the light began to steadily shine through the leaves above. He glanced up towards the light, marveling at the sunlight he had never seen before. If he was going to die, at least he had managed to make it to the surface. He wouldn't have wanted to let such a beautiful sight leave him.

Those were his last thoughts before everything went black, descending once more into darkness.
Very true. That's probably how we'll end up going about it. Pan between separate fights between crew, some of the tougher guys needing more than one crew member to fight. Like, I'm thinking the first time Ryu and Mitsuki fairly fight an Admiral will be teaming up rather than solo. Before they can handle them one-on-one and all. Other than that, we can cut from battle to battle just fine with the crew.

As for the rest of it...that's fair for the fight. So he'll fight the Captain to a standstill and the two Commanders will lose to Mitsuki before he goes to help Ryu. To get to the point of the marines, we could do various things. You could see them bullying citizens and get involved, earning the attention of the others. You could hear about another warrior being executed, like in the anime itself. He probably wouldn't approach the base without a reason, though. So the first point is probably the best, unless he hears rumors.
Talid looked curious at that comment. They were to be sacrificed? Why would the drow sacrifice their own people? What more, what did she mean by normal people? He didn't feel uncomfortable talking to her. He actually felt more comfortable than he expected to feel talking to a drow. Regardless, this meeting was proving very interesting. He wanted the drow culture. He was getting a lot more than he expected. They were so...different from the forest elves.

Slowly, he moved forward, crawling up to the metal bars that separated the two of them. "Well...I must not be normal then," he said with a shrug. "I don't feel uncomfortable talking to you at all." He smiled reassuringly at her before falling back onto his bottom, sitting cross legged in front of her, hands placed in his lap as he looked on at her. "Are you really okay with being sacrificed? That seems pretty drastic just because you were born different. It's...unique. It almost seems like a crime to rid the world of something like that." He scratched the back of his head as a sheepish grin came to his face again. "I guess I just don't really understand the point of it."
Mitsuki mentally scolded himself. If this Devil's Fruit was what he thought it was, he was overstepping his boundaries. He didn't need this kid to know his connection to the marines. The more that knew, the easier it would be for his father to track him down. He was hoping that the fact that he escaped the Grand Line was already enough to throw him off. That should be impossible. Then again, he did steal a Marine ship. Regardless, he didn't need people knowing his heritage. Much less, someone that is being searched by the military to begin with.

The question caught him off guard, but he simply raised an eyebrow calmly. "I'm going to have to decline," he said softly. "I hunt plan to hunt pirates. It may make us foes at some point." He offered a small smile, gesturing to the unconscious men around them. He started to walk forward, heading towards the direction Ryu had come from. "I have one more piece of advice for you. You got involved when he drew that gun, right?" He shouldn't have known that. Unless he was amazingly perceptive, it had been too hectic to see the small flintlock get drawn. "If that's all it takes for you to jump in, you'd do well to stay away from marines all together. There are only small fry here. When nothing is here to challenge you, you tend to abuse your power. You won't like what you see on this island." He had already been privvy to the marines' abuse of power. He knew that would be a sore spot for someone who had jumped in on a fight simply because it was unfair.

Ryu would not be able to last against them, but he was almost positive he'd force his involvement.
Very true. Yeah, I figured we would have some non-Devil's fruit users, but I've been thinking up abilities for other characters as well. Allies and villains. xD

As far as the number of crew, we can easily go with less. I don't mind splitting a larger cast either. So, really, whatever we feel works with the story. We can also have allies that aren't necessarily our crew. Like, for instance, the Kuja Pirates to the Straw Hats.

Also, for the RP itself right now, just reminding you, Mitsuki's just initially refusing. You can start things with the marines and he'll reunite with him. We can figure out how we want the fight to go once the two are together. Don't want to make Mitsuki steal the spotlight or anything, but I wasn't sure how you wanted us to include the fact that Ryu is largely unskilled in combat against a marine officer. xD
Talid scratched his cheek lightly with a sheepish grin. Seems his secret was out. Hopefully, she would not out him to the guards, though. He didn't need to see who this Tari person was. "Ah...do I? Well, let's keep that our little secret, okay?" he asked with a small grin. He had to squint to see her, though the glow of her hair was definitely helping. An odd addition to the Elven appearance before him. She also seemed much paler than he had thought the drow would be. One finger was placed lightly to his lips to make his point.

As he leaned back against the steel bars of his cell, he considered what he could talk to her about. Their way of life? Who this Tari was? These drow are much different than he had expected. That might be the best place to start. Then again, he decided to approach the most interesting topic he had heard so far. "I'm a little confused. I hit my head and can't really remember a lot of this stuff. What's a...Ssussun?" he asked, cocking his head to the side. "Why do you live in a jail cell?"
Okay, sounds good. Then I'll start us off and set the scene. Just give me a bit to get the first post written up.
Well, I suppose we have two simple options to it. I dunno how Mel feels about Drow, but...either the elf travels too close to drow territory or the drow wanders too close to elven forests. I feel the latter is probably the most likely option, given his backstory.
Ah, cool. I think the two will turn out well. How big are you thinking of wanting the crew to the ship being? Going based on what was dictated by Luffy was captain, first mate, cook, navigator, doctor, engineer, and musician. So we have the Captain, First Mate, and Doctor. I haven't really decided if my guy can second as anything in particular. Might just be a powerhouse to support the captain. xD Of course, we don't have to limit it to just those positions since we've seen pirate crews that have formed full armadas. xD

Also, apologies for the short post. I couldn't think of how to extend it with what we had.
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