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Very true. I feel exactly the same way. xD
The young drow listened to her words silently before shrugging. "Well...that's the problem, isn't it?" he asked. "My people are the same way if you approached our caves. Maybe I'm a bit foolish, but I think we can do better." He grinned stupidly at that, not seeming to recognize the danger he would face by continuing forward. It wasn't that he didn't recognize it. He just didn't care. If no one made the attempt to improve, they'd stay in the same position forever. That was something he didn't want, even if he had to walk into the capital of the people who hated him most. Above all else, he needed to know how people truly acted out here. Were they vicious monsters his brothers made them out to be? Judging from the beauty in front of him, he highly doubted that.

Scratching the back of his head with a free hand, he leaned back to watch her collect her herbs. "Besides...you saved me, didn't you?" he asked. "You could have left me here to die. Why didn't you?" The yellow eyes had an inquisitive look to them as he cocked his head to the side slightly.
Glad you're so understanding. I always feel that, because I say what I need to say concisely, I'm not writing enough to satisfy my other partner. xD
I hope my posts are long enough. I've always struggled with expanding what I'm trying to say and making it longer. ^^;
The drow glanced up at her, heeding her words as he stopped moving, content to lay still in the grass. He thought over his answer to her question for a few moments. Was it wise to tell one of the elves about his goal? About what had caused his wounds? He wasn't quite sure, but he figured no truths would harm this situation far worse than anything else he could hope to tell them. Besides, the fact that he still breathed was definitely a plus in this whole thing. She likely wouldn't kill him at least.

At length, a small exhale of breath came from his lips as he slowly reached up to pull his mask down, revealing the blackened skin of his people. Not like his outfit would hide his race any further. "Would you believe me if I said it was to talk to your people?" he asked. He moved to sit up, hissing in pain from the movement. However, he managed to sit up, his hand reaching to his side to hold his wound lightly. "I'm somewhat of a researcher. I was hoping to talk to your people before I went and injured myself." He winced again as a stinging pain pulsed from his wounds. He bowed his head lightly to her. "I do not wish to trouble you any further. If you could point me in the direction of your village, I would be most grateful."
Hey. Are you still having trouble with a post?
Hours passed. The man didn't stir until the sun was well up in the sky. Another groan escaped his lips as consciousness slowly returned. The searing pain was the first thing he registered. Well...that was good, he suppose. Pain meant feeling. He was still alive. For how long, though...he couldn't rightly guess. His wounds had been pretty bad.

Slowly, his eyes fluttered open, golden pupils staring out at the clearing again. This time, though, he was not alone. A rather beautiful blond sat before him, golden hair let down just past her shoulders. She wore green and brown attire that was unfamiliar to the young drow. Of course, anything other than his blackened leather would be new to him, given his heritage. The thin blade at her side proved that she knew how to defend herself, as did the bow slung over her back. At length, his golden eyes met her icy blue, his expression clearly pained as he felt another surge from the wound in his side.

A rough cough and his eyes averted, hand slowly trailing to his side. It had been packed and softened with herbs. The leather tunic had been pulled up to bandage his wound. “Seems I owe you for being among the living,” he commented. “I should probably thank you for not killing me on sight as well.” He let out a small chuckle that quickly turned into a groan as the light movement irritated his wound. “Agh...fuck, that hurts.”

He didn't know how the forest elves' mannerisms worked exactly, but he figured there was no sense in hiding his nature. If the woman hadn't slit his throat yet, it was unlikely she would.
Ok, cool. I'll have your post a little later. I'm still at work for another 3 hours.
Well, I was thinking less of S&M and more blood and gore. I'm inexperienced in that type of scene as well, personally. I just want to clear up any and all boundaries we need to tread around. XD
Mm...Unfortunately, I am unable to finish the post before I had to leave for work. I should probably take this time to ask you what your limits for RPing are, though. I planned on my drow being a bit more course and uncouth compared to the forest elves. Which means heavy cursing that he would eventually try to hold in as well as sexual implications towards the heroine, depending on how their interactions go. Wanted to set a firm line that I shouldn't cross before we continue anyway, so this works out. So, what are your limits? You can expand into more than I mentioned, since I'm sure stuff along the lines of darker torture or sexual scenes will come into play eventually, the former from how I'm imagining some of the more evil drow I have thought up and the latter due to the romance that's likely to happen with this plot. Just as examples of what I mean. xD
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