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The drow remained silent as the decision was made. He nodded to Mel, struggling back to his feet. He offered a half bow - as much as he could manage, at least - to the leader once more. "Thank you for your mercy, sir," he offered softly. This was going better than he had thought. He might be under watch, but they chose the one person who might actually relax with him. It was his best shot at getting an inside look at how the elves worked. Besides, the blond beauty was much better company than the distasteful soldier he had met.

As the two left the meeting room, he offered a small smile to his savior. "Thank you, for taking responsibility for me," he said softly. "I...don't know how your people work, but I was worried to the treatment I would receive from your soldiers..." Every now and then he would wince once more as a surge of pain hit him, following the woman to the infirmary. He was doing his best to ignore the pain, though. He had had worse. He wasn't going to let that stop him. "So...you're name is Meliya? It's a pretty name." Despite the hushed tones that the elves had used in discussing their prisoner, he had excellent hearing, just as all elves did. "My name is Nathe. I don't think I properly introduced myself back there."
Mitsuki had begun to make his way back towards the docks, but he couldn't help the nagging feeling in the back of his mind. The man who had tried to save him was heading deeper into the city. He wasn't sure what his intentions were, but...no, he couldn't just leave it be. He didn't want to involve himself with this guy's crew, especially if they did become pirates. However, he couldn't deny the fact that this was happening because of his family. His father.

With a small sigh, Mitsuki stopped in the streets, making his decision, as much as he knew he would regret it. He turned around to followed the dragon boy.

He followed the boy through the streets of the island, not really seeing anything of interest happening...until they reached the main square. The crowd surrounding the scene was enough to tell him what was going on.

The Marines were at it again.

The young swordsman stepped towards the crowd, not moving as forceful as the one he trailed was moving. He stayed with the crowd, blending in as he inched his way forward. His eyes widened a bit as he saw the cause of the scene. Of course it was a Marine commander. Two out of hundreds of soldiers on this island and the young dragon found one of the few people privvy to his special ability. And, to make matters worse, he had put his power on clear display. The man had brought up one of those snails...the den den mushi the government had taken to using for communications. Despite the distance and the voices around him, he was able to make out the report, his senses much greater than the typical humans due to his own abilities.

A frown creased his face. The boy was doomed if he didn't make short work of the commander before him. Despite that, he stood and waited. He wanted to see the boy's abilities. He steeled himself for what was to come, though.

He wouldn't let this boy die after the hell his father had put him through.
Working on a post now. If you can't answer before I finish, I'll gladly edit if it goes against what we wanted to do.

I just wanted to be clear on the situation. You're facing one of the two marine commanders now? He's waiting on the captain that Ryu is gonna fight? I was going to have Mitsuki hold off until it became three on one or if he was just having trouble with this one. Wasn't sure how you wanted me to write it, but I don't want to take control of your character or anything to lengthen my post or speed up Mitsuki's intervention. So just thought I'd clear this up so we knew where we were going with it.
Nathe hesitated before answering. What was the best option here? Honesty? There was a huge chance he just wouldn't believe him. Lying could dig him into a deeper hole, though. He honestly wasn't sure what he should do in this situation. Instead he bowed his head respectfully, deciding to test his luck. "I would ask that you not be so harsh on her. My people would have responded in kind, I'm sure," he stated evenly. "I'm honestly just satisfied that I was left alive. Traveling here had a very real chance of ending with an arrow through my head rather than a sword in my side." He didn't sound hurt by the thought. He was simply stating a fact.

With a small sigh, he offered a smile to the leader. "As to why I'm here...curiosity. I tire of our dark caves. I wanted to see what the forest elves had to offer," he explained. "That's the simple reason to it. I don't believe elves and drow have to be at each others' throat. I come alone for that belief. No armies or soldiers. I am fully and utterly at your mercy and I willingly put myself into that position."
Alright, that's fine. I shot you a message. So whenever you get around to getting it working, cool. xD
An armory? Now, that was interesting. The forest elves were rumored to be spineless cowards, hiding away in their forest. Most thought they had a few soldiers, but nothing to warrant a standing army. An armory would prove otherwise...the elves produce enough weapons to need a separate storage for them. Not that it was too surprising. By the look of Mel's swords, they had clearly figured out how to forge weaponry. The steel wasn't fine enough to be dwarven make and he doubted highly that they would do business with the humans. That left precious few others to provide them with weapons. He had always assumed these forests would discourage any sort of forge from being used, but it seemed he may have been wrong in that assumption.

As he was introduce, Nathe stepped forward, a wince coming as he felt his wound irritate again. Despite his earlier provocative comments, his knees bent and he all but collapsed to the ground, keeping himself upright on one knee, his other bent a bit too much to be a proper kneel. "Your..." He paused a moment. "My apologies. I don't know what you call yourself now. It is a pleasure to meet you, though, leader of the elves." It was said in a pained voice, clearly having trouble keeping this stance with the wound in his side.
Okay, so this is a little unrelated to the RP, so if you'd like to talk about it through PM we can, but I was going to ask if you'd be interested in talking more on Skype? I personally like becoming friends with my RP partners rather than just limiting talking to the RP itself. So...I thought I'd offer. I fully understand if you don't want to, since a lot of people use Skype for personal stuff, having their real name and state/city listed, but thought I'd see if you were interested. ^^;
I figured, eventually. I mean, the drow will have constant threat of dwarves around, living underground. Forest elves have their own worries with the humans constantly encroaching on their territory. Stuff along those lines. For now, I was just going to focus on the elf/drow conflict, though. xD
Nathe thought about that, but then smiled. "Ah, good then," he replied, acting as if he wasn't currently a prisoner. "I look forward to it. I do hope that your leader is more reasonable than your patrols." He knew it was an underhanded jab at the man currently taking him into custody, but he needed to see the restraint. Drow would typically not put up with this attitude from their prisoners. So far, despite being an unpleasant fellow, the leader hadn't laid a finger on him. Most prisoners presented to the drow leader was more than just incapacitated. He'd be bruised and beaten, needing to be nursed back to consciousness. "So, where is this leader of your's? Do you only hide yourselves up in the trees or do you have some buildings down here as well?"
Right, that's kinda what I thought. The dark elves mainly stick to their cave and the forest elves typically stay in their forests, so it rarely escalates into real battle. We'll assume it's that way then with all of this. Also assumed neither has had much contact with other races.
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